-- |
-- Module:     Network.SMTP
-- Copyright:  (c) 2011 Ertugrul Soeylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>
-- This package provides a monad transformer for fast, incremental ESMTP
-- sessions, with which you can, among other things, send emails.  Here
-- is an example session:
-- > import Network.Smtp
-- >
-- > mailSession ::
-- >     MonadIO m =>
-- >     ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> MailT r m ()
-- > mailSession srcDomain fromAddr toAddr content = do
-- >     waitForWelcome
-- >     hello srcDomain
-- >     mailFrom fromAddr
-- >     rcptTo toAddr
-- >     mailDataStr content
-- >     quit
-- The @r@ type parameter is related to contstuff's 'StateT' monad
-- transformer, which is used internally.  If you don't know what to do,
-- just leave it fully polymorphic like in the example above.  You only
-- need to care about @r@, if you want to make use of the CPS features
-- of 'StateT'.
-- The simplest interfaces to running SMTP sessions are 'withSmtpConn'
-- and 'withMxConn'.  The latter does a DNS lookup for the given domain
-- to discover the MX server and connect to it.  The former simply
-- connects to the given hostname and port.
-- If you need more control over the connection handles and other
-- parameters like timeout and flood protection, you may want to use
-- 'sendMail' or 'sendMail_' instead.  Those functions are also useful,
-- if you want to run an SMTP session using stdin and stdout for testing
-- and other purposes.
-- Finally you can use the low level interface for running sessions.
-- See the 'runMailT' function along with 'enumHandleTimeout'.  This way
-- you get the full power of iteratees.  For example you can run the
-- session through a custom enumeratee, which enables you to wrap the
-- session in another protocol (e.g. proxy servers or SSL).  This is not
-- possible with the higher level functions.

module Network.Smtp
    ( -- * Reexports
      module Network.Smtp.Connect,
      module Network.Smtp.Monad,
      module Network.Smtp.Session,
      module Network.Smtp.Simple,
      module Network.Smtp.Tools,
      module Network.Smtp.Types

import Network.Smtp.Connect
import Network.Smtp.Monad
import Network.Smtp.Session
import Network.Smtp.Simple
import Network.Smtp.Tools
import Network.Smtp.Types