{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

-- These extensions are only for MTL stuff where it is required
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | This module contains various helper functions and instances for
-- using 'Iter's of different 'Monad's together in the same pipeline.
-- For example, as-is the following code is illegal:
-- @
--iter1 :: 'Iter' String IO Bool
--iter1 = ...
--iter2 :: 'Iter' String ('StateT' MyState IO) ()
--iter2 = do ...
--           s <- iter1 -- ILLEGAL: iter1 is in wrong monad
--           ...
-- @
-- You can't invoke @iter1@ from within @iter2@ because the 'Iter'
-- type is wrapped around a different 'Monad' in each case.  However,
-- the function 'liftI' exactly solves this problem:
-- @
--           s <- liftI iter1
-- @
-- Conversely, you may be in a 'Monad' like @'Iter' String IO@ and
-- need to invoke a computation that requires some other monad
-- functionality, such as a reader.  There are a number of
-- iteratee-specific runner functions that help you run other
-- 'MonadTrans' transformers inside the 'Iter' monad.  These typically
-- use the names of the runner functions in the mtl library, but with
-- an @I@ appended--for instance 'runReaderTI', 'runStateTI',
-- 'runWriterTI'.  Here's a fuller example of adapting the inner
-- 'Iter' 'Monad'.  The example also illustrates that @'Iter' t m@ is
-- member any mtl classes (such as 'MonadReader' and 'MonadState')
-- that @m@ is.
-- @
--iter1 :: Iter String ('ReaderT' MyState IO) Bool
--iter1 = do
--  s <- 'ask'
--  liftIO $ ('putStrLn' ('show' s) >> return True)
--        ``catch`` \('SomeException' _) -> return False
--iter2 :: Iter String ('StateT' MyState IO) ()
--iter2 = do
--  s <- 'get'
--  ok <- 'liftI' $ 'runReaderTI' iter1 s
--  if ok then return () else fail \"iter1 failed\"
-- @
module Data.IterIO.Trans (-- * Adapters for Iters of mtl transformers
                          liftI, liftIterIO
                         , runContTI, runErrorTI, runListTI, runReaderTI
                         , runRWSI, runRWSLI, runStateTI, runStateTLI
                         , runWriterTI, runWriterTLI
                         -- * Functions for building new monad adapters
                         , adaptIter, adaptIterM
                         -- * Iter-specific state monad transformer
                         , IterStateT(..), runIterStateT
                         , iget, igets, iput, imodify
                         ) where

import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as Lazy
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans

import Data.IterIO.Iter

-- IterStateT monad

-- | @IterStateT@ is a variant of the 'StateT' monad transformer
-- specifically designed for use inside 'Iter's.  The 'IterStateT'
-- Monad itself is the same as 'StateT'.  However, the 'runIterStateT'
-- function works differently from 'runStateT'--it returns an 'IterR'
-- and the result state separately.  The advantage of this approach is
-- that you can still recover the state at the point of the excaption
-- even after an 'IterFail' or 'InumFail' condition.
newtype IterStateT s m a = IterStateT (s -> m (a, s))

instance (Monad m) => Monad (IterStateT s m) where
    return a = IterStateT $ \s -> return (a, s)
    (IterStateT mf) >>= k = IterStateT $ \s -> do (a, s') <- mf s
                                                  let (IterStateT kf) = k a
                                                  kf $! s'
    fail = IterStateT . const . fail

instance MonadTrans (IterStateT s) where
    lift m = IterStateT $ \s -> m >>= \a -> return (a, s)

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (IterStateT s m) where
    liftIO = lift . liftIO

-- | Runs an @'IterStateT' s m@ computation on some state @s@.
-- Returns the result ('IterR') of the 'Iter' and the state of @s@ as
-- a pair.  Pulls residual input up to the enclosing 'Iter' monad (as
-- with @'pullupResid'@ in "Data.IterIO.Inum").
runIterStateT :: (ChunkData t, Monad m) => 
                 Iter t (IterStateT s m) a -> s -> Iter t m (IterR t m a, s)
runIterStateT i0 s0 = Iter $ adapt s0 . runIter i0
    where adapt s (IterM (IterStateT f)) =
              IterM $ liftM (uncurry $ flip adapt) (f s)
          adapt s r =
              stepR' r (adapt s) $ Done (setResid r mempty, s) (getResid r)
-- | Returns the state in an @'Iter' t ('IterStateT' s m)@ monad.
-- Analogous to @'get'@ for a @'StateT' s m@ monad.
iget :: (Monad m) => Iter t (IterStateT s m) s
iget = lift $ IterStateT $ \s -> return (s, s)

-- | Returns a particular field of the 'IterStateT' state, analogous
-- to @'gets'@ for @'StateT'@.
igets :: (Monad m) => (s -> a) -> Iter t (IterStateT s m) a
igets f = liftM f iget

-- | Sets the 'IterStateT' state.  Analogous to @'put'@ for
-- @'StateT'@.
iput :: (Monad m) => s -> Iter t (IterStateT s m) ()
iput s = lift $ IterStateT $ \_ -> return ((), s)

-- | Modifies the 'IterStateT' state.  Analogous to @'modify'@ for
-- @'StateT'@.
imodify :: (Monad m) => (s -> s) -> Iter t (IterStateT s m) ()
imodify f = lift $ IterStateT $ \s -> return ((), f s)

-- Adapter utility functions

-- | Adapt an 'Iter' from one monad to another.  This function is the
-- lowest-level monad adapter function, upon which all of the other
-- adapters are built.  @adaptIter@ requires two functions as
-- arguments.  One adapts the result to a new type (if required).  The
-- second adapts monadic computations from one monad to the other.
-- For example, 'liftI' could be implemented as:
-- @
--  liftI :: ('MonadTrans' t, Monad m, Monad (t m), 'ChunkData' s) =>
--           'Iter' s m a -> 'Iter' s (t m) a
--  liftI = adaptIter 'id' (\\m -> 'lift' ('lift' m) >>= liftI)
-- @
-- Here @'lift' ('lift' m)@ executes a computation @m@ of type @m
-- ('Iter' s m a)@ from within the @'Iter' s (t m)@ monad.  The
-- result, of type @'Iter' s m a@, can then be fed back into
-- @liftI@ recursively.
-- Note that in general a computation adapters must invoke the outer
-- adapter function recursively.  @adaptIter@ is designed this way
-- because the result adapter function may need to change.  An example
-- is 'runStateTI', which could be implemented as follows:
-- > runStateTI :: (ChunkData t, Monad m) =>
-- >               Iter t (StateT s m) a -> s -> Iter t m (a, s)
-- > runStateTI iter s = adaptIter adaptResult adaptComputation iter
-- >     where adaptResult a = (a, s)
-- >           adaptComputation m = do (r', s') <- lift (runStateT m s)
-- >                                   runStateTI r' s'
-- Here, after executing 'runStateT', the state may be modified.
-- Thus, @adaptComputation@ invokes @runStateTI@ recursively with the
-- modified state, @s'@, to ensure that subsequent 'IterM'
-- computations will be run on the latest state, and that eventually
-- @adaptResult@ will pair the result @a@ with the newest state.
adaptIter :: (ChunkData t, Monad m1) =>
             (a -> b)                          -- ^ How to adapt result values
          -> (m1 (Iter t m1 a) -> Iter t m2 b) -- ^ How to adapt computations
          -> Iter t m1 a                       -- ^ Input computation
          -> Iter t m2 b                       -- ^ Output computation
adaptIter f mf i = Iter $ check . runIter i
    where check (IterM m) = runIter (mf $ liftM (Iter . runIterR) m) mempty
          check r = stepR' r check $ fmapR f r

-- | Simplified adapter function to translate 'Iter' computations from
-- one monad to another.  This only works on monads @m@ for which
-- running @m a@ returns a result of type @a@.  For more complex
-- scenarios (such as 'ListT' or 'StateT'), you need to use the more
-- general 'adaptIter'.
-- As an example, the 'liftIterIO' function is implemented as follows:
-- @
-- liftIterIO :: (ChunkData t, 'MonadIO' m) => Iter t IO a -> Iter t m a
-- liftIterIO = adaptIterM 'liftIO'
-- @
adaptIterM :: (ChunkData t, Monad m1, Monad m2) =>
              (m1 (Iter t m1 a) -> m2 (Iter t m1 a)) -- ^ Conversion function
           -> Iter t m1 a       -- ^ 'Iter' of input monad
           -> Iter t m2 a       -- ^ Returns 'Iter' of output monad
adaptIterM f = adapt
    where adapt = adaptIter id $ lift . f >=> adapt

-- | Run an @'Iter' s m@ computation from witin the @'Iter' s (t m)@
-- monad, where @t@ is a 'MonadTrans'.
liftI :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m), ChunkData s) =>
         Iter s m a -> Iter s (t m) a
liftI = adaptIterM lift

-- | Run an @'Iter' t IO@ computation from within an @'Iter' t m@
-- monad where @m@ is in class 'MonadIO'.
liftIterIO :: (ChunkData t, MonadIO m) =>
              Iter t IO a -> Iter t m a
liftIterIO = adaptIterM liftIO

-- mtl runner functions

-- | The type signature says it all.  Just a slightly optimized
-- version of @joinlift = join . lift@.
joinlift :: (Monad m) => m (Iter t m a) -> Iter t m a
joinlift m = Iter $ \c -> IterM $ m >>= \i -> return $ runIter i c

-- | Turn a computation of type @'Iter' t ('ContT' ('Iter' t m a) m)
-- a@ into one of type @'Iter' t m a@.  Note the continuation has to
-- return type @'Iter' t m a@ and not @a@ so that runContTI can call
-- itself recursively.
runContTI :: (ChunkData t, Monad m) =>
             Iter t (ContT (Iter t m a) m) a -> Iter t m a
runContTI = adaptIter id adapt
    where adapt m = joinlift $ runContT m $ return . runContTI
--        adapt :: ContT (Iter t m a) m (Iter t (ContT (Iter t m a) m) a)
--              -> Iter t m a

-- | Run a computation of type @'Iter' t ('ErrorT' e m)@ from within
-- the @'Iter' t m@ monad.  This function is here for completeness,
-- but please consider using 'throwI' instead, since the 'Iter' monad
-- already has built-in exception handling and it's best to have a
-- single, uniform approach to error reporting.
runErrorTI :: (Monad m, ChunkData t, Error e) =>
              Iter t (ErrorT e m) a -> Iter t m (Either e a)
runErrorTI = adaptIter Right $ lift . runErrorT >=> next
    where next (Left e)     = return $ Left e
          next (Right iter) = runErrorTI iter

-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('ListT' m)@ computation from within the @'Iter'
-- t m@ monad.
runListTI :: (Monad m, ChunkData t) =>
             Iter t (ListT m) a -> Iter t m [a]
runListTI = adaptIter (: []) $
            lift . runListT >=> liftM concat . runListTI . sequence

-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('ReaderT' r m)@ computation from within the
-- @'Iter' t m@ monad.
runReaderTI :: (ChunkData t, Monad m) =>
               Iter t (ReaderT r m) a -> r -> Iter t m a
runReaderTI m r = adaptIterM (flip runReaderT r) m

-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('RWST' r w s m)@ computation from within the
-- @'Iter' t m@ monad.
runRWSI :: (ChunkData t, Monoid w, Monad m) =>
           Iter t (RWST r w s m) a -- ^ Computation to transform
        -> r                       -- ^ Reader State
        -> s                       -- ^ Mutable State
        -> Iter t m (a, s, w)      -- ^ Returns result, mutable state, writer
runRWSI iter0 r s0 = doRWS mempty s0 iter0
    where doRWS w s = adaptIter (\a -> (a, s, w)) $ \m -> do
                        (iter, s', w') <- lift $ runRWST m r s
                        doRWS (mappend w w') s' iter
-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('Lazy.RWST' r w s m)@ computation from within
-- the @'Iter' t m@ monad.  Just like 'runRWSI', execpt this function
-- is for /Lazy/ 'Lazy.RWST' rather than strict 'RWST'.
runRWSLI :: (ChunkData t, Monoid w, Monad m) =>
           Iter t (Lazy.RWST r w s m) a
         -- ^ Computation to transform
        -> r                       -- ^ Reader State
        -> s                       -- ^ Mutable State
        -> Iter t m (a, s, w)      -- ^ Returns result, mutable state, writer
runRWSLI iter0 r s0 = doRWS mempty s0 iter0
    where doRWS w s = adaptIter (\a -> (a, s, w)) $ \m -> do
                        (iter, s', w') <- lift $ Lazy.runRWST m r s
                        doRWS (mappend w w') s' iter

-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('StateT' m)@ computation from within the
-- @'Iter' t m@ monad.
runStateTI :: (ChunkData t, Monad m) =>
              Iter t (StateT s m) a -> s -> Iter t m (a, s)
runStateTI iter0 s0 = adaptIter (\a -> (a, s0)) adapt iter0
    where adapt m = lift (runStateT m s0) >>= uncurry runStateTI

-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('Lazy.StateT' m)@ computation from within the
-- @'Iter' t m@ monad.  Just like 'runStateTI', except this function
-- works on /Lazy/ 'Lazy.StateT' rather than strict 'StateT'.
runStateTLI :: (ChunkData t, Monad m) =>
              Iter t (Lazy.StateT s m) a -> s -> Iter t m (a, s)
runStateTLI iter0 s0 = adaptIter (\a -> (a, s0)) adapt iter0
    where adapt m = lift (Lazy.runStateT m s0) >>= uncurry runStateTLI

-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('WriterT' w m)@ computation from within the
-- @'Iter' t m@ monad.
runWriterTI :: (ChunkData t, Monoid w, Monad m) =>
               Iter t (WriterT w m) a -> Iter t m (a, w)
runWriterTI = doW mempty
    where doW w = adaptIter (\a -> (a, w)) $
                  lift . runWriterT >=> \(iter, w') -> doW (mappend w w') iter

-- | Run an @'Iter' t ('Lazy.WriterT' w m)@ computation from within
-- the @'Iter' t m@ monad.  This is the same as 'runWriterT' but for
-- the /Lazy/ 'Lazy.WriterT', rather than the strict one.
runWriterTLI :: (ChunkData t, Monoid w, Monad m) =>
                Iter t (Lazy.WriterT w m) a -> Iter t m (a, w)
runWriterTLI = doW mempty
    where doW w = adaptIter (\a -> (a, w)) $
                  lift . Lazy.runWriterT >=> \(iter, w') ->
                  doW (mappend w w') iter

-- Below this line, we use FlexibleInstances and UndecidableInstances,
-- but only because this is required by mtl.

instance (ChunkData t, MonadCont m) => MonadCont (Iter t m) where
    callCC f = joinlift $ (callCC $ \cc -> return $ f (icont cc))
        where icont cc a = Iter $ \c -> IterM $ cc (Iter $ \_ -> Done a c)

instance (Error e, MonadError e m, ChunkData t) =>
    MonadError e (Iter t m) where
        throwError = lift . throwError
        catchError m0 h = adaptIter id (joinlift . runm) m0
            where runm m = do
                    r <- catchError (liftM Right m) (return . Left . h)
                    case r of
                      Right iter -> return $ catchError iter h
                      Left iter  -> return iter

instance (MonadReader r m, ChunkData t) => MonadReader r (Iter t m) where
    ask = lift ask
    local f = adaptIterM $ local f

instance (MonadState s m, ChunkData t) => MonadState s (Iter t m) where
    get = lift get
    put = lift . put

instance (Monoid w, MonadWriter w m, ChunkData t) =>
    MonadWriter w (Iter t m) where
        tell = lift . tell
        listen = adapt mempty
            where adapt w = adaptIter (\a -> (a, w)) $
                            lift . listen >=> \(iter, w') ->
                            adapt (mappend w w') iter
        pass m = do
          ((a, f), w) <- adapt mempty m
          tell (f w)
          return a
              adapt w = adaptIter (\af -> (af, w)) $
                        lift . censor (const mempty) . listen >=> \(i, w') ->
                        adapt (mappend w w') i

-- and instances for IterStateT (which are identical to StateT)

unIterStateT :: IterStateT s m a -> (s -> m (a, s))
unIterStateT (IterStateT f) = f

instance (MonadCont m) => MonadCont (IterStateT s m) where
    callCC f = IterStateT $ \s -> callCC $ \c ->
               unIterStateT (f (\a -> IterStateT $ \s' -> c (a, s'))) s

instance (MonadError e m) => MonadError e (IterStateT s m) where
    throwError = lift . throwError
    catchError m h = IterStateT $ \s ->
                     unIterStateT m s `catchError` \e ->
                     unIterStateT (h e) s

instance (MonadReader r m) => MonadReader r (IterStateT s m) where
    ask = lift ask
    local f m = IterStateT $ \s -> local f (unIterStateT m s)

instance (MonadWriter w m) => MonadWriter w (IterStateT s m) where
    tell = lift . tell
    listen m = IterStateT $ \s -> do
                 ((a, s'), w) <- listen (unIterStateT m s)
                 return ((a, w), s')
    pass   m = IterStateT $ \s -> pass $ do
                 ((a, f), s') <- unIterStateT m s
                 return ((a, s'), f)