{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

-- Random and Binary IO with IterateeM

-- A general-purpose TIFF library

-- The library gives the user the TIFF dictionary, which the user
-- can search for specific tags and obtain the values associated with
-- the tags, including the pixel matrix.
-- The overarching theme is incremental processing: initially,
-- only the TIFF dictionary is read. The value associated with a tag
-- is read only when that tag is looked up (unless the value was short
-- and was packed in the TIFF dictionary entry). The pixel matrix
-- (let alone the whole TIFF file) is not loaded in memory --
-- the pixel matrix is not even located before it is needed.
-- The matrix is processed incrementally, by a user-supplied
-- iteratee.
-- The incremental processing is accomplished by iteratees and enumerators.
-- The enumerators are indeed first-class, they are stored
-- in the interned TIFF dictionary data structure. These enumerators
-- represent the values associated with tags; the values will be read
-- on demand, when the enumerator is applied to a user-given iteratee.
-- The library extensively uses nested streams, tacitly converting the
-- stream of raw bytes from the file into streams of integers,
-- rationals and other user-friendly items. The pixel matrix is
-- presented as a contiguous stream, regardless of its segmentation
-- into strips and physical arrangement.
-- The library exhibits random IO and binary parsing, reading
-- of multi-byte numeric data in big- or little-endian formats.
-- The library can be easily adopted for AIFF, RIFF and other
-- IFF formats.
-- We show a representative application of the library: reading a sample
-- TIFF file, printing selected values from the TIFF dictionary,
-- verifying the values of selected pixels and computing the histogram
-- of pixel values. The pixel verification procedure stops reading the
-- pixel matrix as soon as all specified pixel values are verified.
-- The histogram accumulation does read the entire matrix, but
-- incrementally. Neither pixel matrix processing procedure loads
-- the whole matrix in memory. In fact, we never read and retain
-- more than the IO-buffer-full of raw data.

-- This TIFF library is to be contrasted with the corresponding Scheme
-- code:
--     http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/binary-io.html#tiff
-- The main distinction is using iteratees for on-demand processing.

module Data.Iteratee.Codecs.Tiff {-# DEPRECATED "This will be moved to a separate package in the future" #-} where

import Data.Iteratee
import qualified Data.Iteratee as Iter
import qualified Data.Iteratee.Base.StreamChunk as SC
import Data.Iteratee.Binary
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

-- ========================================================================
-- Sample TIFF user code
-- The following is sample code using the TIFF library (whose implementation
-- is in the second part of this file).
-- Our sample code prints interesting information from the TIFF
-- dictionary (such as the dimensions, the resolution and the name
-- of the image)

-- The main user function. tiff_reader is the library function,
-- which builds the TIFF dictionary.
-- process_tiff is the user function, to extract useful data
-- from the dictionary
-- test_tiff :: IO (Maybe String)
-- test_tiff = test_driver_random (tiff_reader >>= process_tiff) "filename.tiff"

-- Sample TIFF processing function
process_tiff :: MonadIO m => Maybe (IM.IntMap TIFFDE) ->
  IterateeG [] Word8 m ()
process_tiff Nothing = return ()
process_tiff (Just dict) = do
  note ["dict size: ", show $ IM.size dict]
  -- Check tag values against the known values for the sample image
  check_tag TG_IMAGEWIDTH  (flip dict_read_int dict) 129
  check_tag TG_IMAGELENGTH (flip dict_read_int dict) 122
  check_tag TG_BITSPERSAMPLE (flip dict_read_int dict) 8
  check_tag TG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION (flip dict_read_string dict)
                "JPEG:gnu-head-sm.jpg 129x122"
  check_tag TG_COMPRESSION (flip dict_read_int dict) 1
  check_tag TG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL (flip dict_read_int dict) 1
  check_tag TG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS (flip dict_read_int dict) 15738 -- nrows*ncols
  check_tag TG_XRESOLUTION (flip dict_read_rat dict) (72%1)
  check_tag TG_YRESOLUTION (flip dict_read_rat dict) (72%1)

  (n,hist) <- compute_hist dict
  note ["computed histogram over ", show n, " values\n", show hist]
  --iterReportError >>= maybe (return ()) error
  note ["Verifying values of sample pixels"]
  verify_pixel_vals dict [(0,255), (17,248)]
  --err <- iterReportError
  --maybe (return ()) error err
  --return err
 where check_tag tag action v = do
           vc <- action tag
           case vc of
             Just v' | v' == v -> note ["Tag ",show tag, " value ", show v]
             _ -> error $ unwords ["Tag", show tag, "unexpected:", show vc]

-- process_tiff Nothing = return Nothing

-- sample processing of the pixel matrix: computing the histogram
compute_hist :: MonadIO m =>
                TIFFDict ->
                IterateeG [] Word8 m (Int,IM.IntMap Int)
compute_hist dict = Iter.joinI $ pixel_matrix_enum dict $ compute_hist' 0 IM.empty
 --compute_hist' count = liftI . Cont . step count
 compute_hist' count hist = IterateeG (step count hist)
 step count hist (Chunk ch)
   | SC.null ch  = return $ Cont (compute_hist' count hist) Nothing
   | otherwise = return $ Cont
                 (compute_hist' (count + SC.length ch) (foldr accum hist ch))
 step count hist s        = return $ Done (count,hist) s
 accum e = IM.insertWith (+) (fromIntegral e) 1

-- Another sample processor of the pixel matrix: verifying values of
-- some pixels
-- This processor does not read the whole matrix; it stops as soon
-- as everything is verified or the error is detected
verify_pixel_vals :: MonadIO m =>
                     TIFFDict -> [(IM.Key, Word8)] -> IterateeG [] Word8 m ()
verify_pixel_vals dict pixels = Iter.joinI $ pixel_matrix_enum dict $
                                verify 0 (IM.fromList pixels)
 verify _ m | IM.null m = return ()
 verify n m = IterateeG (step n m)
 step n m (Chunk xs)
   | SC.null xs = return $ Cont (verify n m) Nothing
   | otherwise = let (h, t) = (SC.head xs, SC.tail xs) in
   case IM.updateLookupWithKey (\_k _e -> Nothing) n m of
    (Just v,m') -> if v == h
                     then step (succ n) m' (Chunk t)
                     else let er = (unwords ["Pixel #",show n,
                                             "expected:",show v,
                                             "found", show h])
                          in return $ Cont (throwErr . Err $ er) (Just $ Err er)
    (Nothing,m')->    step (succ n) m' (Chunk t)
 step _n _m s = return $ Done () s

-- ========================================================================
-- TIFF library code

-- A TIFF directory is a finite map associating a TIFF tag with
-- a record TIFFDE
type TIFFDict = IM.IntMap TIFFDE

data TIFFDE = TIFFDE{tiffde_count :: Int,        -- number of items
                     tiffde_enum  :: TIFFDE_ENUM -- enumerator to get values

  TEN_CHAR (forall a m. Monad m => EnumeratorGMM [] Word8 [] Char m a)
  | TEN_BYTE (forall a m. Monad m => EnumeratorGMM [] Word8 [] Word8 m a)
  | TEN_INT  (forall a m. Monad m => EnumeratorGMM [] Word8 [] Int m a)
  | TEN_RAT  (forall a m. Monad m => EnumeratorGMM [] Word8 [] (Ratio Int) m a)

-- Standard TIFF data types
data TIFF_TYPE = TT_NONE  -- 0
  | TT_byte      -- 1   8-bit unsigned integer
  | TT_ascii     -- 2   8-bit bytes with last byte null
  | TT_short     -- 3   16-bit unsigned integer
  | TT_long      -- 4   32-bit unsigned integer
  | TT_rational  -- 5   64-bit fractional (numer+denominator)
                                -- The following was added in TIFF 6.0
  | TT_sbyte     -- 6   8-bit signed (2s-complement) integer
  | TT_undefined -- 7   An 8-bit byte, "8-bit chunk"
  | TT_sshort    -- 8   16-bit signed (2s-complement) integer
  | TT_slong     -- 9   32-bit signed (2s-complement) integer
  | TT_srational -- 10  "signed rational",  two SLONGs (num+denominator)
  | TT_float     -- 11  "IEEE 32-bit float", single precision (4-byte)
  | TT_double    -- 12  "IEEE 64-bit double", double precision (8-byte)
 deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord, Bounded, Show)

-- Standard TIFF tags
data TIFF_TAG = TG_other Int            -- other than below
  | TG_SUBFILETYPE              -- subfile data descriptor
  | TG_OSUBFILETYPE             -- +kind of data in subfile
  | TG_IMAGEWIDTH               -- image width in pixels
  | TG_IMAGELENGTH              -- image height in pixels
  | TG_BITSPERSAMPLE            -- bits per channel (sample)
  | TG_COMPRESSION              -- data compression technique
  | TG_PHOTOMETRIC              -- photometric interpretation
  | TG_THRESHOLDING             -- +thresholding used on data
  | TG_CELLWIDTH                -- +dithering matrix width
  | TG_CELLLENGTH               -- +dithering matrix height
  | TG_FILLORDER                -- +data order within a byte
  | TG_DOCUMENTNAME             -- name of doc. image is from
  | TG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION         -- info about image
  | TG_MAKE                     -- scanner manufacturer name
  | TG_MODEL                    -- scanner model name/number
  | TG_STRIPOFFSETS             -- offsets to data strips
  | TG_ORIENTATION              -- +image orientation
  | TG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL          -- samples per pixel
  | TG_ROWSPERSTRIP             -- rows per strip of data
  | TG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS          -- bytes counts for strips
  | TG_MINSAMPLEVALUE           -- +minimum sample value
  | TG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE           -- maximum sample value
  | TG_XRESOLUTION              -- pixels/resolution in x
  | TG_YRESOLUTION              -- pixels/resolution in y
  | TG_PLANARCONFIG             -- storage organization
  | TG_PAGENAME                 -- page name image is from
  | TG_XPOSITION                -- x page offset of image lhs
  | TG_YPOSITION                -- y page offset of image lhs
  | TG_FREEOFFSETS              -- +byte offset to free block
  | TG_FREEBYTECOUNTS           -- +sizes of free blocks
  | TG_GRAYRESPONSEUNIT         -- gray scale curve accuracy
  | TG_GRAYRESPONSECURVE        -- gray scale response curve
  | TG_GROUP3OPTIONS            -- 32 flag bits
  | TG_GROUP4OPTIONS            -- 32 flag bits
  | TG_RESOLUTIONUNIT           -- units of resolutions
  | TG_PAGENUMBER               -- page numbers of multi-page
  | TG_COLORRESPONSEUNIT        -- color scale curve accuracy
  | TG_COLORRESPONSECURVE       -- RGB response curve
  | TG_SOFTWARE                 -- name & release
  | TG_DATETIME                 -- creation date and time
  | TG_ARTIST                   -- creator of image
  | TG_HOSTCOMPUTER             -- machine where created
  | TG_PREDICTOR                -- prediction scheme w/ LZW
  | TG_WHITEPOINT               -- image white point
  | TG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES    -- primary chromaticities
  | TG_COLORMAP                 -- RGB map for pallette image
  | TG_BADFAXLINES              -- lines w/ wrong pixel count
  | TG_CLEANFAXDATA             -- regenerated line info
  | TG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES   -- max consecutive bad lines
  | TG_MATTEING                 -- alpha channel is present
 deriving (Eq, Show)

tag_map :: Num t => [(TIFF_TAG, t)]
tag_map = [

tag_map' :: IM.IntMap TIFF_TAG
tag_map' = IM.fromList $ map (\(tag,v) -> (v,tag)) tag_map

tag_to_int :: TIFF_TAG -> Int
tag_to_int (TG_other x) = x
tag_to_int x = fromMaybe (error $ "not found tag: " ++ show x) $ lookup x tag_map

int_to_tag :: Int -> TIFF_TAG
int_to_tag x = fromMaybe (TG_other x) $ IM.lookup x tag_map'

-- The library function to read the TIFF dictionary
tiff_reader :: IterateeG [] Word8 IO (Maybe TIFFDict)
tiff_reader = do
  endian <- read_magic
  case endian of
    Just e -> do
              endianRead4 e >>= Iter.seek . fromIntegral
              load_dict e
    Nothing -> return Nothing
   -- Read the magic and set the endianness
   read_magic = do
     c1 <- Iter.head
     c2 <- Iter.head
     case (c1,c2) of
      (0x4d, 0x4d) -> return $ Just MSB
      (0x49, 0x49) -> return $ Just LSB
      _ -> (throwErr .Err $ "Bad TIFF magic word: " ++ show [c1,c2])
           >> return Nothing

   -- Check the version in the header. It is always ...
   tiff_version = 42
   check_version = do
     v <- endianRead2 MSB
     if v == tiff_version
       then return ()
       else throwErr (Err $ "Bad TIFF version: " ++ show v)

-- A few conversion procedures
u32_to_float :: Word32 -> Double
u32_to_float _x =               -- unsigned 32-bit int -> IEEE float
  error "u32->float is not yet implemented"

u32_to_s32 :: Word32 -> Int32   -- unsigned 32-bit int -> signed 32 bit
u32_to_s32 = fromIntegral
-- u32_to_s32 0x7fffffff == 0x7fffffff
-- u32_to_s32 0xffffffff == -1

u16_to_s16 :: Word16 -> Int16   -- unsigned 16-bit int -> signed 16 bit
u16_to_s16 = fromIntegral
-- u16_to_s16 32767 == 32767
-- u16_to_s16 32768 == -32768
-- u16_to_s16 65535 == -1

u8_to_s8 :: Word8 -> Int8   -- unsigned 8-bit int -> signed 8 bit
u8_to_s8 = fromIntegral
-- u8_to_s8 127 == 127
-- u8_to_s8 128 == -128
-- u8_to_s8 255 == -1

note :: (MonadIO m) => [String] -> IterateeG [] el m ()
note = liftIO . putStrLn . concat

-- An internal function to load the dictionary. It assumes that the stream
-- is positioned to read the dictionary
load_dict :: MonadIO m => Endian -> IterateeG [] Word8 m (Maybe TIFFDict)
load_dict e = do
  nentries <- endianRead2 e
  dict <- foldr (const read_entry) (return (Just IM.empty)) [1..nentries]
  next_dict <- endianRead4 e
  when (next_dict > 0) $
      note ["The TIFF file contains several images, ",
            "only the first one will be considered"]
  return dict
  read_entry dictM = dictM >>=
     maybe (return Nothing) (\dict -> do
     tag <- endianRead2 e
     typ' <- endianRead2 e
     typ <- convert_type (fromIntegral typ')
     count <- endianRead4 e
      -- we read the val-offset later. We need to check the size and the type
      -- of the datum, because val-offset may contain the value itself,
      -- in its lower-numbered bytes, regardless of the big/little endian
      -- order!

     note ["TIFFEntry: tag ",show . int_to_tag . fromIntegral $ tag,
           " type ", show typ, " count ", show count]
     enum_m <- maybe (return Nothing)
                     (\t -> read_value t e (fromIntegral count)) typ
     case enum_m of
      Just enum ->
       return . Just $ IM.insert (fromIntegral tag)
                                 (TIFFDE (fromIntegral count) enum) dict
      _ -> return (Just dict)

  convert_type :: (Monad m) => Int -> IterateeG [] el m (Maybe TIFF_TYPE)
  convert_type typ | typ > 0 && typ <= fromEnum (maxBound::TIFF_TYPE)
      = return . Just . toEnum $ typ
  convert_type typ = do
      throwErr . Err $ "Bad type of entry: " ++ show typ
      return Nothing

  read_value :: MonadIO m => TIFF_TYPE -> Endian -> Int ->
                IterateeG [] Word8 m (Maybe TIFFDE_ENUM)

  read_value typ e' 0 = do
    endianRead4 e'
    throwErr . Err $ "Zero count in the entry of type: " ++ show typ
    return Nothing

  -- Read an ascii string from the offset in the
  -- dictionary. The last byte of
  -- an ascii string is always zero, which is
  -- included in 'count' but we don't need to read it
  read_value TT_ascii e' count | count > 4 = do -- val-offset is offset
      offset <- endianRead4 e'
      return . Just . TEN_CHAR $ \iter_char -> return $ do
            Iter.seek (fromIntegral offset)
            let iter = convStream
                         (liftM (either (const Nothing) (Just . (:[]) . chr . fromIntegral)) (checkErr Iter.head))
            Iter.joinI $ Iter.joinI $ Iter.takeR (pred count) iter

  -- Read the string of 0 to 3 characters long
  -- The zero terminator is included in count, but
  -- we don't need to read it
  read_value TT_ascii _e count = do     -- count is within 1..4
    let len = pred count                -- string length
    let loop acc 0 = return . Just . reverse $ acc
        loop acc n = Iter.head >>= (\v -> loop ((chr . fromIntegral $ v):acc)
                                             (pred n))
    str <- loop [] len
    Iter.drop (4-len)
    case str of
      Just str' -> return . Just . TEN_CHAR $ immed_value str'
      Nothing   -> return Nothing

  -- Read the array of signed or unsigned bytes
  read_value typ e' count | count > 4 && typ == TT_byte || typ == TT_sbyte = do
      offset <- endianRead4 e'
      return . Just . TEN_INT $ \iter_int -> return $ do
            Iter.seek (fromIntegral offset)
            let iter = convStream
                         (liftM (either (const Nothing) (Just . (:[]) . conv_byte typ)) (checkErr Iter.head))
            Iter.joinI $ Iter.joinI $ Iter.takeR count iter

  -- Read the array of 1 to 4 bytes
  read_value typ _e count | typ == TT_byte || typ == TT_sbyte = do
    let loop acc 0 = return . Just . reverse $ acc
        loop acc n = Iter.head >>= (\v -> loop (conv_byte typ v:acc)
                                             (pred n))
    str <- (loop [] count)
    Iter.drop (4-count)
    case str of
      Just str' -> return . Just . TEN_INT $ immed_value str'
      Nothing   -> return Nothing

  -- Read the array of Word8
  read_value TT_undefined e' count | count > 4 = do
    offset <- endianRead4 e'
    return . Just . TEN_BYTE $ \iter -> return $ do
          Iter.seek (fromIntegral offset)
          Iter.joinI $ Iter.takeR count iter

  -- Read the array of Word8 of 1..4 elements,
  -- packed in the offset field
  read_value TT_undefined _e count = do
    let loop acc 0 = return . Just . reverse $ acc
        loop acc n = Iter.head >>= (\v -> loop (v:acc) (pred n))
    str <- loop [] count
    Iter.drop (4-count)
    case str of
      Just str' -> return . Just . TEN_BYTE $ immed_value str'
      Nothing   -> return Nothing
    --return . Just . TEN_BYTE $ immed_value str

  -- Read the array of short integers

  -- of 1 element: the offset field contains the value
  read_value typ e' 1 | typ == TT_short || typ == TT_sshort = do
    item <- endianRead2 e'
    Iter.drop 2                         -- skip the padding
    return . Just . TEN_INT $ immed_value [conv_short typ item]

  -- of 2 elements: the offset field contains the value
  read_value typ e' 2 | typ == TT_short || typ == TT_sshort = do
    i1 <- endianRead2 e'
    i2 <- endianRead2 e'
    return . Just . TEN_INT $
             immed_value [conv_short typ i1, conv_short typ i2]

  -- of n elements
  read_value typ e' count | typ == TT_short || typ == TT_sshort = do
    offset <- endianRead4 e'
    return . Just . TEN_INT $ \iter_int -> return $ do
          Iter.seek (fromIntegral offset)
          let iter = convStream
                         (liftM (either (const Nothing) (Just . (:[]) . conv_short typ)) (checkErr (endianRead2 e')))
          Iter.joinI $ Iter.joinI $ Iter.takeR (2*count) iter

  -- Read the array of long integers
  -- of 1 element: the offset field contains the value
  read_value typ e' 1 | typ == TT_long || typ == TT_slong = do
    item <-  endianRead4 e'
    return . Just . TEN_INT $ immed_value [conv_long typ item]

  -- of n elements
  read_value typ e' count | typ == TT_long || typ == TT_slong = do
      offset <- endianRead4 e'
      return . Just . TEN_INT $ \iter_int -> return $ do
            Iter.seek (fromIntegral offset)
            let iter = convStream
                         (liftM (either (const Nothing) (Just . (:[]) . conv_long typ)) (checkErr (endianRead4 e')))
            Iter.joinI $ Iter.joinI $ Iter.takeR (4*count) iter

  read_value typ e' count = do -- stub
     _offset <- endianRead4 e'
     note ["unhandled type: ", show typ, " with count ", show count]
     return Nothing

  immed_value :: (Monad m) => [el] -> EnumeratorGMM [] Word8 [] el m a
  immed_value item iter =
     --(Iter.enumPure1Chunk item >. enumEof) iter >>== Iter.joinI . return
     return . joinI . return . joinIM $ (enumPure1Chunk item >. enumEof) iter

  conv_byte :: TIFF_TYPE -> Word8 -> Int
  conv_byte TT_byte  = fromIntegral
  conv_byte TT_sbyte = fromIntegral . u8_to_s8
  conv_byte _ = error "conv_byte called with non-byte type"

  conv_short :: TIFF_TYPE -> Word16 -> Int
  conv_short TT_short  = fromIntegral
  conv_short TT_sshort = fromIntegral . u16_to_s16
  conv_short _ = error "conv_short called with non-short type"

  conv_long :: TIFF_TYPE -> Word32 -> Int
  conv_long TT_long  = fromIntegral
  conv_long TT_slong = fromIntegral . u32_to_s32
  conv_long _ = error "conv_long called with non-long type"

-- Reading the pixel matrix
-- For simplicity, we assume no compression and 8-bit pixels
pixel_matrix_enum :: MonadIO m => TIFFDict -> EnumeratorN [] Word8 [] Word8 m a
pixel_matrix_enum dict iter = validate_dict >>= proceed
   -- Make sure we can handle this particular TIFF image
   validate_dict = do
      dict_assert TG_COMPRESSION 1
      dict_assert TG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL 1
      dict_assert TG_BITSPERSAMPLE 8
      ncols <- liftM (fromMaybe 0) $ dict_read_int TG_IMAGEWIDTH dict
      nrows <- liftM (fromMaybe 0) $ dict_read_int TG_IMAGELENGTH dict
      strip_offsets <- liftM (fromMaybe [0]) $
                       dict_read_ints TG_STRIPOFFSETS dict
      rps <- liftM (fromMaybe nrows) (dict_read_int TG_ROWSPERSTRIP dict)
      if ncols > 0 && nrows > 0 && rps > 0
        then return $ Just (ncols,nrows,rps,strip_offsets)
        else return Nothing

   dict_assert tag v = do
      vfound <- dict_read_int tag dict
      case vfound of
        Just v' | v' == v -> return $ Just ()
        _ -> throwErr (Err (unwords ["dict_assert: tag:", show tag,
                                     "expected:", show v, "found:", show vfound])) >>
             return Nothing

   proceed Nothing = throwErr $ Err "Can't handle this TIFF"

   proceed (Just (ncols,nrows,rows_per_strip,strip_offsets)) = do
     let strip_size = rows_per_strip * ncols
         image_size = nrows * ncols
     note ["Processing the pixel matrix, ", show image_size, " bytes"]
     let loop _pos [] iter'          = return iter'
         loop pos (strip:strips) iter' = do
             Iter.seek (fromIntegral strip)
             let len = min strip_size (image_size - pos)
             iter'' <- Iter.takeR (fromIntegral len) iter'
             loop (pos+len) strips iter''
     loop 0 strip_offsets iter

-- A few helpers for getting data from TIFF dictionary

dict_read_int :: Monad m => TIFF_TAG -> TIFFDict ->
                 IterateeG [] Word8 m (Maybe Int)
dict_read_int tag dict = do
  els <- dict_read_ints tag dict
  case els of
   Just (e:_) -> return $ Just e
   _          -> return Nothing

dict_read_ints :: Monad m => TIFF_TAG -> TIFFDict ->
                  IterateeG [] Word8 m (Maybe [Int])
dict_read_ints tag dict =
  case IM.lookup (tag_to_int tag) dict of
      Just (TIFFDE _ (TEN_INT enum)) -> do
          e <- joinIM $ enum stream2list
          return (Just e)
      _ -> return Nothing

dict_read_rat :: Monad m => TIFF_TAG -> TIFFDict ->
                 IterateeG [] Word8 m (Maybe (Ratio Int))
dict_read_rat tag dict =
  case IM.lookup (tag_to_int tag) dict of
      Just (TIFFDE 1 (TEN_RAT enum)) -> do
          [e] <- joinIM $ enum stream2list
          return (Just e)
      _ -> return Nothing

dict_read_string :: Monad m => TIFF_TAG -> TIFFDict ->
                    IterateeG [] Word8 m (Maybe String)
dict_read_string tag dict =
  case IM.lookup (tag_to_int tag) dict of
      Just (TIFFDE _ (TEN_CHAR enum)) -> do
          e <- joinIM $ enum stream2list
          return (Just e)
      _ -> return Nothing