{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main (main) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) #endif import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Monad ((>=>), forM_, unless) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List (sort, nub, partition) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, fromMaybe, listToMaybe) import Data.Version (showVersion) import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt import qualified System.Environment as Env import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.FilePath ((), makeValid) import Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes (text, vcat, left, render, hsep, top, (/+/)) import Sound.Jammit.Base import Sound.Jammit.Export import qualified Paths_jammittools as Paths printUsage :: IO () printUsage = do prog <- Env.getProgName putStrLn $ "jammittools v" ++ showVersion Paths.version putStrLn "" let header = "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " -t -r <artist> [options]" putStr $ Opt.usageInfo header argOpts putStrLn "" putStrLn "Instrument parts:" putStr showCharPartMap putStrLn "For sheet music, GRBA are tab instead of notation." putStrLn "For audio, GBDKV are the backing tracks for each instrument." putStrLn "" putStrLn "Example usage:" putStrLn " # Export all sheet music and audio to a new folder" putStrLn $ " mkdir export; " ++ prog ++ " -t title -r artist -x export" putStrLn " # Make a sheet music PDF with Guitar 1's notation and tab" putStrLn $ " " ++ prog ++ " -t title -r artist -y gG -s gtr1.pdf" putStrLn " # Make an audio track with no drums and no vocals" putStrLn $ " " ++ prog ++ " -t title -r artist -y D -n vx -a nodrumsvox.wav" main :: IO () main = do (opts, nonopts, errs) <- Opt.getOpt Opt.Permute argOpts <$> Env.getArgs unless (null $ nonopts ++ errs) $ do forM_ nonopts $ \nonopt -> putStrLn $ "unrecognized argument `" ++ nonopt ++ "'" forM_ errs putStr printUsage exitFailure let args = foldr ($) defaultArgs opts exportBoth matches dout = do let sheets = getSheetParts matches audios = getAudioParts matches backingOrder = [Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Bass, Vocal] isGuitar p = elem (partToInstrument p) [Guitar, Bass] (gtrs, nongtrs) = partition isGuitar [minBound .. maxBound] chosenBacking = listToMaybe $ flip mapMaybe backingOrder $ \i -> case getOneResult (Without i) audios of Left _ -> Nothing Right fp -> Just (i, fp) forM_ gtrs $ \p -> case (getOneResult (Notation p) sheets, getOneResult (Tab p) sheets) of (Right note, Right tab) -> let parts = [note, tab] systemHeight = sum $ map snd parts fout = dout </> drop 4 (map toLower (show p) ++ ".pdf") in do putStrLn $ "Exporting notation & tab for " ++ show p runSheet [note, tab] (getPageLines systemHeight args) fout _ -> return () forM_ nongtrs $ \p -> case getOneResult (Notation p) sheets of Left _ -> return () Right note -> let fout = dout </> drop 4 (map toLower (show p) ++ ".pdf") in do putStrLn $ "Exporting notation for " ++ show p runSheet [note] (getPageLines (snd note) args) fout forM_ [minBound .. maxBound] $ \p -> case getOneResult (Only p) audios of Left _ -> return () Right fp -> let fout = dout </> drop 4 (map toLower (show p) ++ ".wav") in do putStrLn $ "Exporting audio for " ++ show p runAudio [fp] [] fout case chosenBacking of Nothing -> return () Just (inst, fback) -> let others = [ fp | (Only p, fp) <- audios, partToInstrument p /= inst ] fout = dout </> "backing.wav" in do putStrLn "Exporting backing audio (could take a while)" runAudio [fback] others fout clickTracks <- mapM loadBeats $ map (\(fp, _, _) -> fp) matches case catMaybes clickTracks of [] -> return () beats : _ -> do putStrLn "Exporting metronome click track" writeMetronomeTrack (dout </> "click.wav") beats case function args of PrintUsage -> printUsage ShowDatabase -> do matches <- searchResults args putStr $ showLibrary matches ExportAudio fout -> do matches <- getAudioParts <$> searchResultsChecked args let f = mapM (`getOneResult` matches) . mapMaybe charToAudioPart case (f $ selectParts args, f $ rejectParts args) of (Left err , _ ) -> error err (_ , Left err ) -> error err (Right yaifcs, Right naifcs) -> runAudio yaifcs naifcs fout ExportClick fout -> do matches <- map (\(fp, _, _) -> fp) <$> searchResultsChecked args clickTracks <- mapM loadBeats matches case catMaybes clickTracks of [] -> do putStrLn $ "Couldn't load beats.plist from any of these folders: " ++ show matches exitFailure beats : _ -> writeMetronomeTrack fout beats CheckPresence -> do matches <- getAudioParts <$> searchResultsChecked args let f = mapM (`getOneResult` matches) . mapMaybe charToAudioPart case (f $ selectParts args, f $ rejectParts args) of (Left err , _ ) -> error err (_ , Left err ) -> error err (Right _ , Right _ ) -> return () ExportSheet fout -> do matches <- getSheetParts <$> searchResultsChecked args let f = mapM (`getOneResult` matches) . mapMaybe charToSheetPart case f $ selectParts args of Left err -> error err Right parts -> let systemHeight = sum $ map snd parts in runSheet parts (getPageLines systemHeight args) fout ExportAll dout -> do matches <- searchResultsChecked args exportBoth matches dout ExportLib dout -> do matches <- searchResults args let titleArtists = nub [ (title info, artist info) | (_, info, _) <- matches ] forM_ titleArtists $ \ta@(t, a) -> do putStrLn $ "# SONG: " ++ a ++ " - " ++ t let entries = filter (\(_, info, _) -> ta == (title info, artist info)) matches songDir = dout </> makeValid (removeSlashes $ a ++ " - " ++ t) removeSlashes = map $ \c -> case c of '/' -> '_'; '\\' -> '_'; _ -> c createDirectoryIfMissing False songDir exportBoth entries songDir getPageLines :: Integer -> Args -> Int getPageLines systemHeight args = let pageHeight = sheetWidth / 8.5 * 11 :: Double defaultLines = round $ pageHeight / fromIntegral systemHeight in max 1 $ fromMaybe defaultLines $ pageLines args -- | If there is exactly one pair with the given first element, returns its -- second element. Otherwise (for 0 or >1 elements) returns an error. getOneResult :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> Either String b getOneResult x xys = case [ b | (a, b) <- xys, a == x ] of [y] -> Right y [] -> Left $ "Couldn't find the part " ++ show x ys -> Left $ unwords [ "Found" , show $ length ys , "different parts for" , show x ++ ";" , "this is probably a bug?" ] -- | Displays a table of the library, possibly filtered by search terms. showLibrary :: Library -> String showLibrary lib = let titleArtists = sort $ nub [ (title info, artist info) | (_, info, _) <- lib ] partsFor ttl art = map partToChar $ sort $ concat [ mapMaybe (trackTitle >=> titleToPart) trks | (_, info, trks) <- lib , (ttl, art) == (title info, artist info) ] makeColumn h col = text h /+/ vcat left (map text col) titleColumn = makeColumn "Title" $ map fst titleArtists artistColumn = makeColumn "Artist" $ map snd titleArtists partsColumn = makeColumn "Parts" $ map (uncurry partsFor) titleArtists in render $ hsep 1 top [titleColumn, artistColumn, partsColumn] -- | Loads the Jammit library, and applies the search terms from the arguments -- to filter it. searchResults :: Args -> IO Library searchResults args = do jmt <- case jammitDir args of Just j -> return j Nothing -> Env.lookupEnv "JAMMIT" >>= \mv -> case mv of Just j -> return j Nothing -> let err = "Couldn't find Jammit directory. Try -j or the env var JAMMIT" in fromMaybe (error err) <$> findJammitDir db <- loadLibrary jmt return $ filterLibrary args db -- | Checks that the search actually narrowed down the library to a single song. searchResultsChecked :: Args -> IO Library searchResultsChecked args = do lib <- searchResults args case [ info | (_, info, _) <- lib ] of [] -> do putStrLn "No songs matched your search." exitFailure x : xs -> if all (\y -> title y == title x && artist y == artist x) xs then return lib else do putStrLn "Multiple songs matched your search:" putStr $ showLibrary lib exitFailure argOpts :: [Opt.OptDescr (Args -> Args)] argOpts = [ Opt.Option ['t'] ["title"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { filterLibrary = fuzzySearchBy title s . filterLibrary a }) "str") "search by song title (fuzzy)" , Opt.Option ['r'] ["artist"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { filterLibrary = fuzzySearchBy artist s . filterLibrary a }) "str") "search by song artist (fuzzy)" , Opt.Option ['T'] ["title-exact"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { filterLibrary = exactSearchBy title s . filterLibrary a }) "str") "search by song title (exact)" , Opt.Option ['R'] ["artist-exact"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { filterLibrary = exactSearchBy artist s . filterLibrary a }) "str") "search by song artist (exact)" , Opt.Option ['y'] ["yes-parts"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { selectParts = s }) "parts") "parts to appear in sheet music or audio" , Opt.Option ['n'] ["no-parts"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { rejectParts = s }) "parts") "parts to subtract (add inverted) from audio" , Opt.Option ['l'] ["lines"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { pageLines = Just $ read s }) "int") "number of systems per page" , Opt.Option ['j'] ["jammit"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { jammitDir = Just s }) "directory") "location of Jammit library" , Opt.Option ['?', 'h'] ["help"] (Opt.NoArg $ \a -> a { function = PrintUsage }) "function: print usage info" , Opt.Option ['d'] ["database"] (Opt.NoArg $ \a -> a { function = ShowDatabase }) "function: display all songs in db" , Opt.Option ['s'] ["sheet"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { function = ExportSheet s }) "file") "function: export sheet music" , Opt.Option ['a'] ["audio"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { function = ExportAudio s }) "file") "function: export audio" , Opt.Option ['m'] ["metronome"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { function = ExportClick s }) "file") "function: export metronome audio" , Opt.Option ['x'] ["export"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { function = ExportAll s }) "dir") "function: export song to dir" , Opt.Option ['b'] ["backup"] (Opt.ReqArg (\s a -> a { function = ExportLib s }) "dir") "function: export library to dir" , Opt.Option ['c'] ["check"] (Opt.NoArg $ \a -> a { function = CheckPresence }) "function: check presence of audio parts" ] data Args = Args { filterLibrary :: Library -> Library , selectParts :: String , rejectParts :: String , pageLines :: Maybe Int , jammitDir :: Maybe FilePath , function :: Function } data Function = PrintUsage | ShowDatabase | ExportSheet FilePath | ExportAudio FilePath | ExportClick FilePath | ExportAll FilePath | ExportLib FilePath | CheckPresence deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) defaultArgs :: Args defaultArgs = Args { filterLibrary = id , selectParts = "" , rejectParts = "" , pageLines = Nothing , jammitDir = Nothing , function = PrintUsage } partToChar :: Part -> Char partToChar p = case p of PartGuitar1 -> 'g' PartGuitar2 -> 'r' PartBass1 -> 'b' PartBass2 -> 'a' PartDrums1 -> 'd' PartDrums2 -> 'm' PartKeys1 -> 'k' PartKeys2 -> 'y' PartPiano -> 'p' PartSynth -> 's' PartOrgan -> 'o' PartVocal -> 'v' PartBVocals -> 'x' charPartMap :: [(Char, Part)] charPartMap = [ (partToChar p, p) | p <- [minBound .. maxBound] ] showCharPartMap :: String showCharPartMap = let len = ceiling (fromIntegral (length charPartMap) / 2 :: Double) (map1, map2) = splitAt len charPartMap col1 = vcat left [ text $ [c] ++ ": " ++ drop 4 (show p) | (c, p) <- map1 ] col2 = vcat left [ text $ [c] ++ ": " ++ drop 4 (show p) | (c, p) <- map2 ] in render $ hsep 2 top [text "", col1, col2] charToSheetPart :: Char -> Maybe SheetPart charToSheetPart c = let notation = Notation <$> lookup c charPartMap tab = Tab <$> lookup (toLower c) charPartMap in notation <|> tab charToAudioPart :: Char -> Maybe AudioPart charToAudioPart c = let only = Only <$> lookup c charPartMap without = Without . partToInstrument <$> lookup (toLower c) charPartMap in only <|> without