{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010
    , DeriveDataTypeable
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module       : Foreign.Java.Bindings.JavaTypes
-- Copyright    : (c) Julian Fleischer 2013
-- License      : MIT (See LICENSE file in cabal package)
-- Maintainer   : julian.fleischer@fu-berlin.de
-- Stability    : provisional
-- Portability  : non-portable (DeriveDataTypeable)
-- Data structures that describe the interface of
-- Java structures such as classes, generic types,
-- their methods, etc.
-- All types are instances of 'Data' and 'Typeable' and
-- can therefor be used with /Scrap Your Boilerplate/
-- combinators (see "Data.Generics").
module Language.Java.Reflect.Types where

import Data.Int
import Data.Data

import Data.List (nub)

-- type JavaClassCache = Map (String, [JavaType]) JavaClass

-- | A JavaType is either a Primitive Type, an Array, or an Object.
data JavaType
    = JBoolean
    | JChar
    | JByte
    | JShort
    | JInt
    | JLong
    | JFloat
    | JDouble
    | JObj {
        typeName :: String
    | JArr {
        componentType :: JavaType
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

printJavaType :: JavaType -> String
printJavaType t = case t of
    JBoolean -> "boolean"
    JChar -> "char"
    JByte -> "byte"
    JShort -> "short"
    JInt -> "int"
    JLong -> "long"
    JFloat -> "float"
    JDouble -> "double"
    JObj n -> n
    JArr c -> printJavaType c ++ "[]"

-- | The interface of a Java class.
data JavaClass = JavaClass {
    className :: String,
    classParents :: [String],
    classIfaces :: [String],
    classConstructors :: [JavaConstructor],
    classMethods :: [JavaMethod],
    classFields :: [JavaField],
    classTypeParams :: [JavaTypeParam],
    classEnum :: Bool,
    classEnumConstants :: [(Int32, String)],
    classIface :: Bool,
    classAnnotation :: Bool,
    classAbstract :: Bool,
    classFinal :: Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

data JavaClassType = Annotation | Interface | Enum | Class | Exception | Error
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

classType :: JavaClass -> JavaClassType
-- ^ Determines the 'JavaClassType' of a 'JavaClass'.
classType clazz
    | "java.lang.Error"     `elem` classParents clazz = Error
    | "java.lang.Exception" `elem` classParents clazz = Exception
    | classAnnotation clazz = Annotation
    | classIface clazz      = Interface
    | classEnum clazz       = Enum
    | otherwise             = Class

classDependencies :: JavaClass -> [String]
-- ^ Calculate all classes that are referenced in any way by this class.
classDependencies clazz = concat [
    classParents clazz,
    classIfaces clazz,
    concatMap (fieldDependencies typeParams) (classFields clazz),
    concatMap (methodDependencies typeParams) (classMethods clazz),
    concatMap (constructorDependencies typeParams) (classConstructors clazz) ]
  where typeParams = classTypeParams clazz

-- | A Type variable declaration.
data JavaTypeParam = JavaTypeParam {
    paramName :: TyVar,
    paramBounds :: [JavaGenericType]
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

-- | A Type variable. This is merely a name.
newtype TyVar = TyVar { tyVarName :: String }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

data JavaGenericType
    = -- | @<? super X>@, @<? extends X>@
      Wildcard {
        jgtBounds :: [JavaGenericType],
        jgtLowerBounds :: [JavaGenericType]
    | -- | @java.util.List<X>@
      Parameterized {
        -- | The full name of the base type, e.g. @java.lang.Class@.
        jgtBasetype :: String,
        -- | The parameters.
        jgtParameters :: [JavaGenericType]
    | -- | @X[]@
      GenericArray {
        -- | The base type of the generic array, e.g. @java.lang.Number@.
        jgtComponentType :: JavaGenericType
    | -- | @<X>@
      TypeVarReference {
        -- | The name of the type variable, e.g. @E@ or @X@.
        jgtName :: TyVar
    | NotSoGeneric
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

-- | The type of a generic type.
data JavaGenericTypeType = WildcardT
                         | ParameterizedT
                         | GenericArrayT
                         | TypeVarReferenceT
                         | NotSoGenericT

jgtType :: JavaGenericType -> JavaGenericTypeType
-- ^ Get the type of a generic type.
jgtType t = case t of
    (Wildcard _ _)       -> WildcardT
    (Parameterized _ _)  -> ParameterizedT
    (GenericArray _)     -> GenericArrayT
    (TypeVarReference _) -> TypeVarReferenceT
    NotSoGeneric         -> NotSoGenericT

-- | The interface to a field in the Java language.
data JavaField = JavaField {
    fieldName :: String,
    fieldType :: (JavaType, JavaGenericType),
    fieldFinal :: Bool,
    fieldStatic :: Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

fieldDependencies :: [JavaTypeParam] -> JavaField -> [String]
fieldDependencies tvars field = dependencies tvars [fieldType field]

-- | The interface to a method in the Java language.
data JavaMethod = JavaMethod {
    methodName :: String,
    methodName' :: String,
    methodParams :: [(JavaType, JavaGenericType)],
    methodReturnType :: (Maybe JavaType, JavaGenericType),
    methodExceptions :: [String],
    methodTypeParams :: [JavaTypeParam],
    methodStatic :: Bool,
    methodAbstract :: Bool,
    methodFinal :: Bool,
    methodNative :: Bool,
    methodSynchronized :: Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

methodDependencies :: [JavaTypeParam] -> JavaMethod -> [String]
-- ^ Return the full names of all classes that this method
-- references in its definition.
methodDependencies tvars method = returnDependency ++ dependencies tvars' (methodParams method)
  where returnDependency = case methodReturnType method of
            (Nothing, _) -> []
            (Just t, gt) -> dependencies tvars' [(t, gt)]
        tvars' = methodTypeParams method ++ tvars
                 -- it is important that the type params are appended
                 -- up front, since lookup will return the first
                 -- (the first is the more appropriate one, since it is
                 -- the one in scope).

-- | A Constructor in the Java language.
data JavaConstructor = JavaConstructor {
    constructorParams :: [(JavaType, JavaGenericType)],
    constructorExceptions :: [String],
    constructorTypeParams :: [JavaTypeParam]
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

constructorDependencies :: [JavaTypeParam] -> JavaConstructor -> [String]
-- ^ Retrieve all classes that this constructor definition
-- references in its parameters or generic declaration.
constructorDependencies tvars constr = dependencies tvars' (constructorParams constr)
  where tvars' = constructorTypeParams constr ++ tvars
                 -- it is important that the type params are appended
                 -- up front, since lookup will return the first
                 -- (the first is the more appropriate one, since it is
                 -- the one in scope).

dependencies :: [JavaTypeParam] -> [(JavaType, JavaGenericType)] -> [String]
-- ^ Discovers all types which are mentioned in a list of type declarations,
-- using the type variables that are in scope.
dependencies tyvars = nub . foldr (\(t, gt) ds -> deps t ++ gdeps tyvars gt ++ ds) []
    -- | Find the dependencies of an ordinary type (if any)
    deps t = case t of
        JObj c -> [c]
        JArr c -> deps c -- in case of an array, the dependency
                         -- is on the component type
        _ -> [] -- in all other cases, it is only a primitive type
    -- | Find the dependencies of the generic declaration of that type
    -- (bounds, parameters, etc.)
    gdeps :: [JavaTypeParam] -> JavaGenericType -> [String]
    gdeps tv t = case jgtType t of
            -> concatMap (gdeps tv) (jgtBounds t ++ jgtLowerBounds t)
            -> jgtBasetype t : concatMap (gdeps tv) (jgtParameters t)
            -> (gdeps tv) (jgtComponentType t)
            -> maybe [] (concatMap (gdeps tv') . paramBounds)
                (lookup tvName (zip (map paramName tv) tyvars))
        NotSoGenericT -> []
      where tvName = jgtName t
            tv' = filter ((/= tvName) . paramName) tv
                  -- remove the current type variable so
                  -- that we do not end up lookin it up in
                  -- an infinite loop (*very* important)