{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}

{- |
Module      :  Language.Javascript.JMacro.Rpc
Copyright   :  (c) Gershom Bazerman, 2010
License     :  BSD 3 Clause
Maintainer  :  gershomb@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental

Allows for the creation of rpc server/client pairs from monomorphic functions.
The server portion
is a function from a json-encoded list of parameters to a json
response. A list of server functions are expected to be wrapped by a
dispatch function in the server framework of your choice.

The client
portion generated from a function of arity n is a function from a
string identifying a server or a subdirectory on a server to an arity
n function from javascript expressions (of type
'Language.Javascript.JMacro.Base.JExpr') to a single javascript
expression. This expression, when evaluated on the client side, will
call back to the provided server with json-serialized arguments and yield
the result (deserialized from json). This client function is expected to be embedded
via antiquotation into a larger block of jmacro code.

Client portions must unfortunately be given explicit type signatures.

The following example is a server/client pair providing an ajax call to add integers.

> testRPCCall :: String -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
> (testRPC, testRPCCall) = mkWebRPC "test" $ \x y -> asIO $ return (x + (y::Int))


module Language.Javascript.JMacro.Rpc (
   mkWebRPC, asIO, Request, Response(..)
) where

import Prelude hiding (tail, init, head, last, minimum, maximum, foldr1, foldl1, (!!), read)

import Language.Javascript.JMacro.Base
import Language.Javascript.JMacro.QQ

import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.String

type WebRPCDesc = (String, Request -> IO Response)

-- | A String containing a json representation of function arguments encoded as a list of parameters. Generally would be passed as part of an HTTP request.
type Request = String

-- | Either a success or failure (with code). Generally would be turned back into a propre HTTP response.
data Response = GoodResponse String
              | BadResponse Int String

returnResp :: JSON a => a -> IO Response
returnResp r = return $ GoodResponse (encode r)
respCode c e = BadResponse c e
badData e = return $ respCode 400 ("Bad Data format: " ++ e)

class ToWebRPC_ a where
    toWebRPC_ :: a -> ([JSValue] -> IO Response)

instance (JSON b) => ToWebRPC_ (IO b) where
    toWebRPC_ f _ =  returnResp =<< f

instance (JSON a, ToWebRPC_ b) => ToWebRPC_ (a -> b) where
    toWebRPC_ f (x:xs) = case readJSON x of
                           Ok v -> toWebRPC_ (f v) xs
                           Error s -> badData s
    toWebRPC_ _ _ = badData "missing parameter"

toWebRPC :: ToWebRPC_ a => a -> Request -> IO Response
toWebRPC f = \req -> case runGetJSON readJSArray req of
                       (Right (JSArray xs)) ->f' xs
                       (Left e) -> badData e
                       _ -> badData "toWebRPC error"
    where f' = toWebRPC_ f

class CallWebRPC_ a b | a -> b where
    callWebRPC_ :: [JExpr] -> String -> a -> b

instance CallWebRPC_ (IO b) JExpr where
    callWebRPC_ xs serverLoc _ =
         (\() { var res;
//                $.post(`(serverLoc)`, { args : JSON.stringify `(reverse xs)` }, \(d) {res = d}, "json");
                $.ajax({type    : "POST",
                        url     : `(serverLoc)`,
                        data    : { args : JSON.stringify `(reverse xs)` },
                        success : \d {res = d},
                        dataType: "json",
                        async   : false
                return res;

instance (CallWebRPC_ b c, ToJExpr d) => CallWebRPC_ (a -> b) (d -> c) where
    callWebRPC_ xs serverLoc f = \x -> callWebRPC_ (toJExpr x : xs) serverLoc (f undefined)

callWebRPC :: (CallWebRPC_ a b) => String -> a -> b
callWebRPC s f = callWebRPC_ [] s f

-- | Produce a pair of (ServerFunction, ClientFunction) from a function in IO
mkWebRPC :: (ToWebRPC_ a, CallWebRPC_ a b) => String -> a -> (WebRPCDesc, String -> b)
mkWebRPC name rpcFun = ((name,toWebRPC rpcFun), \server -> callWebRPC (server ++ "/" ++ name) rpcFun)

testRPCCall :: String -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
(testRPC, testRPCCall) = mkWebRPC "test" $ \x y -> asIO $ return (x + (y::Int))

-- | id with a helpful type.
asIO :: IO a -> IO a
asIO = id