-- Copyright (c) Gree, Inc. 2013
-- License: MIT-style

module Network.JobQueue.Action (
  , buildActionState
  , runActionState
  , runAction
  , getEnv
  , param
  , result
  , next
  , fin
  , none
  , fork
  , forkInTime
  , forkOnTime
  , abort
  , logMsg
  , commitIO
  , Alert(..)
  ) where

import System.Log.Logger

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Exception.Base (PatternMatchFail(..))

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Default (Default, def)

import Network.JobQueue.Class
import Network.JobQueue.Types

buildActionState :: (Env e, Unit a) => JobM e a () -> IO (JobActionState e a)
buildActionState jobs = execStateT (runS jobs) (JobActionState [])

runActionState :: (Env e, Unit a) => JobActionState e a -> e -> a -> IO (Maybe (JobResult a))
runActionState (JobActionState { jobActions = actions } ) env ju = do
  mjr <- runActionState' actions
  return (mjr)
    runActionState' actions' = case actions' of
      [] -> return (Nothing)
      (act:acts) -> do
        r <- act env ju `catch` handleFail
        case r of
          Nothing -> runActionState' acts
          Just _ -> return (r)

    handleFail :: PatternMatchFail -> IO (Maybe (JobResult a))
    handleFail (PatternMatchFail _msg) = do
      return (Nothing)

runAction :: (Env e, Unit a) => e -> a -> ActionM e a () -> IO (Maybe (JobResult a))
runAction env ju action = do
    (e,r) <- flip runStateT Nothing
           $ flip runReaderT (ActionEnv env ju)
           $ runErrorT
           $ runAM
           $ action `catchError` defaultHandler
    return $ either (const Nothing) (const $ r) e

defaultHandler :: (Env e, Unit a) => ActionError -> ActionM e a ()
defaultHandler (ActionError al msg) = result (Just $ Left $ Failure al msg)


{- | Get environment in action.
getEnv :: (Env e, Unit a) => ActionM e a (e)
getEnv = getJobEnv <$> ask

{- | Get a parameter value with a key from the environment in action.
     This is a special function for ParamEnv.
param :: (ParamEnv e, Unit a, Read b) => (String, String) -> ActionM e a (b)
param (key, defaultValue) = do
  env <- getEnv
  case maybeRead defaultValue of
    Nothing -> abort Critical $ "internal error. no parse: " ++ show (key, defaultValue)
    Just defaultValue' -> case lookup key (envParameters env) of
      Just value -> return (fromMaybe defaultValue' (maybeRead value))
      Nothing -> return (defaultValue')
    maybeRead = fmap fst . listToMaybe . reads

{- | Do a dirty I/O action to the external system.
     If it doesn't change the state of the external system, you can use liftIO instead.
commitIO :: (Env e, Unit a) => IO (b) -> ActionM e a (b)
commitIO action = liftIO action


{- | Set the result of the action. (for internal use)
result :: (Env e, Unit a) => Maybe (JobResult a) -> ActionM e a ()
result = modify . setResult

{- | Create a job with a unit and schedule it.
fork :: (Env e, Unit a)
        => a -- ^ a unit
        -> ActionM e a ()
fork ju = forkWith ju Nothing

{- | Create a job with a unit and schedule it at a specific time.
forkOnTime :: (Env e, Unit a)
              => UTCTime        -- ^ absolute time in UTC
              -> a              -- ^ a unit
              -> ActionM e a ()
forkOnTime t ju = forkWith ju (Just t)

{- | Create a job with a unit and schedule it after a few micro seconds.
forkInTime :: (Env e, Unit a) => NominalDiffTime -> a -> ActionM e a ()
forkInTime tDiff ju = do
  currentTime <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
  forkWith ju (Just (addUTCTime tDiff currentTime))

{- | Move to the next state immediately.
     After the execution of the action the job being processed will be
     moved to the given state. The next action will be invoked immediately
     and can continue to work without being interrupted by another job.
next :: (Env e, Unit a)
        => a              -- ^ the next state
        -> ActionM e a ()
next ju = modify $ \s -> Just $ setNextJob ju $ fromMaybe def s

{- | Finish a job.
fin :: (Env e, Unit a) => ActionM e a ()
fin = result def

{- | If the unit passed by the job queue system cannot be processed by the
     action function, the function should call this.
none :: (Env e, Unit a) => ActionM e a ()
none = result Nothing

{- | Abort the execution of a state machine.
     If a critical problem is found and there is a need to switch to the failure state,
     call this function with a human readable meassage.
abort :: (Env e, Unit a) => Alert -> String -> ActionM e a b
abort level msg = do
  result $ Just $ Left $ Failure level msg
  throwError $ ActionError level msg

{- | Put a message to syslog daemon.
logMsg :: (Env e, Unit a) => Alert -> String -> ActionM e a ()
logMsg level msg = liftIO $ case level of
  Critical -> criticalM "control" msg
  Error -> errorM "control" msg
  Warning -> warningM "control" msg
  Notice -> noticeM "control" msg
  Info -> infoM "control" msg
  -- _ -> infoM "control" msg

---------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE

forkWith :: (Env e, Unit a) => a -> Maybe UTCTime -> ActionM e a ()
forkWith ju mt = modify $ \s -> Just $ addForkJob (ju, mt) $ fromMaybe def s