module Data.Geo.Jord.LengthSpec ( spec ) where import Data.Geo.Jord import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Reading valid lengths" $ do it "reads -15.2m" $ readLength "-15.2m" `shouldBe` metres (-15.2) it "reads 154km" $ readLength "154km" `shouldBe` kilometres 154 it "reads 1000Nm" $ readLength "1000Nm" `shouldBe` nauticalMiles 1000 describe "Reading invalid lengths" $ do it "fails to read 5" $ readLengthE "5" `shouldBe` Left "couldn't read length 5" it "fails to read 5nmi" $ readLengthE "5nmi" `shouldBe` Left "couldn't read length 5nmi" describe "Showing lengths" $ do it "shows length in metres when <= 10000 m" $ show (metres 5) `shouldBe` "5.0m" it "shows length in kilometres when > 10000 m" $ show (kilometres 1000) `shouldBe` "1000.0km" describe "Converting lengths" $ do it "converts metres to kilometres" $ toKilometres (metres 1000) `shouldBe` 1.0 it "converts metres to nautical miles" $ toNauticalMiles (metres 1000) `shouldBe` 0.5399568034557235 it "converts kilometres to nautical miles" $ toNauticalMiles (kilometres 1000) `shouldBe` 539.9568034557235 it "converts nautical miles to metres" $ toMetres (nauticalMiles 10.5) `shouldBe` 19446 it "converts nautical miles to kilometres" $ toKilometres (nauticalMiles 10.5) `shouldBe` 19.446 describe "Adding/Subtracting lengths" $ do it "adds lengths" $ add (kilometres 1000) (metres 1000) `shouldBe` metres 1001000 it "subtracts lengths" $ sub (metres 1000) (nauticalMiles 10.5) `shouldBe` metres (-18446)