jsaddle-dom- DOM library that uses jsaddle to support both GHCJS and GHC

Safe HaskellNone




syncPoint :: JSM () #

Forces execution of pending asyncronous code

syncAfter :: JSM a -> JSM a #

Forces execution of pending asyncronous code after performing f

waitForAnimationFrame :: JSM Double #

On GHCJS this is waitForAnimationFrame. On GHC it will delay the execution of the current batch of asynchronous command when they are sent to JavaScript. It will not delay the Haskell code execution. The time returned will be based on the Haskell clock (not the JavaScript clock).

nextAnimationFrame :: (Double -> JSM a) -> JSM a #

Tries to executes the given code in the next animation frame callback. Avoid synchronous opperations where possible.

catch :: Exception e => JSM b -> (e -> JSM b) -> JSM b #

Wrapped version of catch that runs in a MonadIO that works a bit better with JSM

bracket :: JSM a -> (a -> JSM b) -> (a -> JSM c) -> JSM c #

Wrapped version of bracket that runs in a MonadIO that works a bit better with JSM