module Language.Javascript.JSaddle.WKWebView ( jsaddleMain , jsaddleMainHTMLWithBaseURL , jsaddleMainFile , WKWebView(..) , run , run' , runWithAppConfig , runHTMLWithBaseURL , runFile , mainBundleResourcePath , ApplicationState (..) , AppDelegateConfig (..) , AppDelegateNotificationConfig (..) , AuthorizationOption (..) ) where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Default (Default, def) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Word import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (fromBool) import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.WKWebView.Internal (jsaddleMain, jsaddleMainHTMLWithBaseURL, jsaddleMainFile, WKWebView(..), mainBundleResourcePath) import System.Environment (getProgName) import Foreign.C.String (CString, withCString) import Foreign.C.Types (CBool, CInt) import Foreign.StablePtr (StablePtr, newStablePtr) import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (JSM) foreign import ccall runInWKWebView :: StablePtr (WKWebView -> IO ()) -> CString -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- willFinishLaunchingWithOptions -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- didFinishLaunchingWithOptions -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- applicationDidBecomeActive -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- applicationWillResignActive -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- applicationDidEnterBackground -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- applicationWillEnterForeground -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- applicationWillTerminate -> StablePtr (IO ()) -- applicationSignificantTimeChange -> StablePtr (CString -> IO ()) -- applicationUniversalLink -> StablePtr (CInt -> CString -> IO ()) -- applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification -> Word64 -- whether to run requestAuthorizationWithOptions -> Word64 -- Ask for Badge authorization -> Word64 -- Ask for Sound authorization -> Word64 -- Ask for Alert authorization -> Word64 -- Ask for CarPlay authorization -> Word64 -- registerForRemoteNotifications -> StablePtr (CString -> IO ()) -- didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken -> StablePtr (CString -> IO ()) -- didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError -> Word64 -- developerExtrasEnabled -> StablePtr (CString -> IO CBool) -- applicationOpenFile -> IO () data AppDelegateConfig = AppDelegateConfig { _appDelegateConfig_willFinishLaunchingWithOptions :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_didFinishLaunchingWithOptions :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidBecomeActive :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillResignActive :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidEnterBackground :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillEnterForeground :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillTerminate :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationSignificantTimeChange :: IO () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationUniversalLink :: CString -> IO () -- ^ Called when the app is launched from a URL. 'CString' contains the URL. -- -- The Core Foundation plist key CFBundleURLTypes controls which URL schemes -- the app should respond to. , _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification :: ApplicationState -> CString -> IO () -- ^ Called when the application receives a remote notification. -- 'ApplicationState' is the current state of the app. -- The 'CString' JSON-encoded user info contained in the notification. -- For more information see , _appDelegateConfig_appDelegateNotificationConfig :: AppDelegateNotificationConfig , _appDelegateConfig_developerExtrasEnabled :: Bool -- ^ Allow devtools in the app. Defaults to 'True' , _appDelegateConfig_applicationOpenFile :: CString -> IO Bool -- ^ Called when the app is launched by opening a file. 'CString' contains -- the file path. Return value is 'True' if the file was successfully -- opened. Defaults to ignoring the file and returning 'False'. -- -- The Core Foundation plist key CFBundleDocumentTypes controls which file -- types should be associated with the app. } instance Default AppDelegateConfig where def = AppDelegateConfig { _appDelegateConfig_willFinishLaunchingWithOptions = return () , _appDelegateConfig_didFinishLaunchingWithOptions = return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidBecomeActive = return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillResignActive = return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidEnterBackground = return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillEnterForeground = return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillTerminate = return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationSignificantTimeChange = return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationUniversalLink = \_ -> return () , _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification = \_ _ -> return () , _appDelegateConfig_appDelegateNotificationConfig = def , _appDelegateConfig_developerExtrasEnabled = True , _appDelegateConfig_applicationOpenFile = \_ -> return False } data AuthorizationOption = AuthorizationOption_Badge | AuthorizationOption_Sound | AuthorizationOption_Alert | AuthorizationOption_CarPlay deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) data ApplicationState = ApplicationState_Active | ApplicationState_Inactive | ApplicationState_Background | ApplicationState_Unknown CInt deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) data AppDelegateNotificationConfig = AppDelegateNotificationConfig { _appDelegateNotificationConfig_requestAuthorizationWithOptions :: Maybe (Set AuthorizationOption) , _appDelegateNotificationConfig_registerForRemoteNotifications :: Bool , _appDelegateNotificationConfig_didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken :: CString -> IO () , _appDelegateNotificationConfig_didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError :: CString -> IO () } instance Default AppDelegateNotificationConfig where def = AppDelegateNotificationConfig { _appDelegateNotificationConfig_requestAuthorizationWithOptions = Nothing , _appDelegateNotificationConfig_registerForRemoteNotifications = False , _appDelegateNotificationConfig_didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken = \_ -> return () , _appDelegateNotificationConfig_didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError = \_ -> return () } -- | Run JSaddle in a WKWebView run :: JSM () -> IO () run f = run' def (jsaddleMain f) -- | Run JSaddle in a WKWebView runWithAppConfig :: AppDelegateConfig -> JSM () -> IO () runWithAppConfig cfg = run' cfg . jsaddleMain -- | Run JSaddle in a WKWebView first loading the specified file -- from the mainBundle (relative to the resourcePath). runFile :: ByteString -- ^ The file to navigate to. -> ByteString -- ^ The path to allow read access to. -> AppDelegateConfig -> JSM () -> IO () runFile url allowing cfg = run' cfg . jsaddleMainFile url allowing -- | Run JSaddle in a WKWebView first loading the specified html -- as though it came from the specified URL -- (calls WKWebKit function loadHTMLString). runHTMLWithBaseURL :: ByteString -- ^ HTML to load. -> ByteString -- ^ pretend it came from this URL. -> AppDelegateConfig -> JSM () -> IO () runHTMLWithBaseURL url allowing cfg = run' cfg . jsaddleMainHTMLWithBaseURL url allowing run' :: AppDelegateConfig -> (WKWebView -> IO ()) -> IO () run' cfg main = do handler <- newStablePtr main progName <- getProgName -- AppDelegate callbacks willFinishLaunchingWithOptions <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_willFinishLaunchingWithOptions cfg didFinishLaunchingWithOptions <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_didFinishLaunchingWithOptions cfg applicationDidBecomeActive <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidBecomeActive cfg applicationWillResignActive <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillResignActive cfg applicationDidEnterBackground <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidEnterBackground cfg applicationWillEnterForeground <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillEnterForeground cfg applicationWillTerminate <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_applicationWillTerminate cfg applicationSignificantTimeChange <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_applicationSignificantTimeChange cfg applicationUniversalLink <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateConfig_applicationUniversalLink cfg applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification <- newStablePtr $ \n s -> do let appState = case n of 0 -> ApplicationState_Active 1 -> ApplicationState_Inactive 2 -> ApplicationState_Background _ -> ApplicationState_Unknown n _appDelegateConfig_applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification cfg appState s applicationOpenFile <- newStablePtr $ fmap fromBool . _appDelegateConfig_applicationOpenFile cfg -- AppDelegate notification configuration let ncfg = _appDelegateConfig_appDelegateNotificationConfig cfg (requestAuthorizationWithOptions, authorizationOptions) = case _appDelegateNotificationConfig_requestAuthorizationWithOptions ncfg of Nothing -> (False, Set.empty) Just opts -> (True, opts) registerForRemoteNotifications = _appDelegateNotificationConfig_registerForRemoteNotifications ncfg didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateNotificationConfig_didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken ncfg didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError <- newStablePtr $ _appDelegateNotificationConfig_didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError ncfg withCString progName $ \pn -> runInWKWebView handler pn willFinishLaunchingWithOptions didFinishLaunchingWithOptions applicationDidBecomeActive applicationWillResignActive applicationDidEnterBackground applicationWillEnterForeground applicationWillTerminate applicationSignificantTimeChange applicationUniversalLink applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification (fromBool requestAuthorizationWithOptions) (fromBool $ Set.member AuthorizationOption_Badge authorizationOptions) (fromBool $ Set.member AuthorizationOption_Sound authorizationOptions) (fromBool $ Set.member AuthorizationOption_Alert authorizationOptions) (fromBool $ Set.member AuthorizationOption_CarPlay authorizationOptions) (fromBool registerForRemoteNotifications) didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError (fromBool $ _appDelegateConfig_developerExtrasEnabled cfg) applicationOpenFile