Changelog ========= Nov 2014 * To assure proper treatment of unions, I make them with Data.Aeson.AutoType.Alternative type instead of Either. Nov 2014 * Explicit JSON parser generation to avoid conflicts between Haskell keywords and field names. * Renaming of Haskell field names with a prefix of object name (data type.) Nov 2014 * GenerateJSONParser may now take multiple input samples to produce single parser. * Fixed automated testing for all example files. Oct 2014 * Added examples to the package distribution. Oct 2014 * Cleaned up package. * Changelog in markdown format. 0.2.1 Oct 2014 * Added option to use it as a filter ('-' is accepted input name.) 0.2.0 Oct 2014 * First release to Hackage. * Handling of proper unions, and most examples. * Automatically tested on a wide range of example documents (see tests/) * Initial documentation in 0.1.0 July 2014 * First experiments uploaded to GitHub, and discussed to HackerSpace.SG.