{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.State as State import Data.Maybe import System.Exit import System.IO (stdin, stderr, stdout, IOMode(..)) import System.FilePath (splitExtension, (<.>)) import System.Directory (removeFile) import System.Process (system) import Control.Monad (forM_, forM, when) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Aeson import Data.Function (on) import Data.List import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Scientific (scientific, Scientific) import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty (pretty) import Test.QuickCheck import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Pretty import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Type import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Extract import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Format import Data.Aeson.AutoType.CodeGen import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Util import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Test import Options.Applicative import CommonCLI -- * Command line flags --defineFlag "z:size" (10 :: Int) "Size of generated elements" --defineFlag "s:stem" ("Test" :: FilePath) "Test filename stem" --defineFlag "c:count" (100 :: Int) "Number of test cases to generate." --defineFlag "o:outputFilename" defaultOutputFilename "Write output to the given file" --flags_suggest = True --defineFlag "suggest" True "Suggest candidates for unification" --defineFlag "autounify" True "Automatically unify suggested candidates" --defineFlag "t:test" True "Try to run generated parser after" --defineFlag "d:debug" False "Set this flag to see more debugging info" --defineFlag "keep" False "Keep also the successful tests" --defineFlag "fakeFlag" True "Ignore this flag - it doesn't exist!!! It is workaround for a library problem." data Options = Options { tyOpts :: TypeOpts , keep :: Bool , stem :: FilePath , count :: Int , size :: Int } optParser :: Parser Options optParser = Options <$> tyOptParser <*> switch (long "keep" <> help "Also keep successful tests" ) <*> strOption (long "stem" <> value "Test" <> help "Output filename stem" ) <*> intOpt (long "count" <> value 100 <> help "Number of tests to perform" ) <*> intOpt (long "size" <> value 10 <> help "size of generated test cases") -- <*> some (argument str (metavar "FILES...")) where intOpt = option auto -- | Report an error to error output. report :: Text -> IO () report = Text.hPutStrLn stderr -- | Report an error and terminate the program. fatal :: Text -> IO () fatal msg = do report msg exitFailure -- | Read JSON and extract @Type@ information from it. extractTypeFromJSONFile :: (String -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Type) extractTypeFromJSONFile myTrace inputFilename = withFileOrHandle inputFilename ReadMode stdin $ \hIn -> -- First we decode JSON input into Aeson's Value type do bs <- BSL.hGetContents hIn Text.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Processing " `Text.append` Text.pack (show inputFilename) myTrace ("Decoded JSON: " ++ pretty (decode bs :: Maybe Value)) case decode bs of Nothing -> do report $ "Cannot decode JSON input from " `Text.append` Text.pack (show inputFilename) return Nothing Just v -> do -- If decoding JSON was successful... -- We extract type structure from the JSON value. let t = extractType v myTrace $ "Type: " ++ pretty t return $ Just t vectorWithoutDuplicates :: Ord b => Int -> Gen b -> Gen [b] vectorWithoutDuplicates i gen = take i . removeDuplicates <$> infiniteListOf gen removeDuplicates :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] removeDuplicates list = filterM checkDup list `evalState` Set.empty where checkDup x = do seen <- State.get if x `Set.member` seen then return False else do State.put $ x `Set.insert` seen return True -- TODO: check for generic Ord? instance Ord Value where Null `compare` Null = EQ Null `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` Null = GT (Bool a) `compare` (Bool b) = a `compare` b (Bool a) `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` (Bool b) = GT (Number a) `compare` (Number b) = a `compare` b (Number _) `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` (Number _) = GT (String a) `compare` (String b) = a `compare` b (String a) `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` (String b) = GT (Array a) `compare` (Array b) = a `compare` b (Array a) `compare` _ = LT _ `compare` (Array b) = GT (Object a) `compare` (Object b) = Map.toList a `compare` Map.toList b -- | Take a set of JSON input filenames, Haskell output filename, and generate module parsing these JSON files. generateTestJSONs :: Options -> IO () generateTestJSONs Options {tyOpts=TyOptions {..}, ..}= do testValues :: [Value] <- generate $ resize size $ vectorWithoutDuplicates 100 arbitraryTopValue results <- forM (zip3 inputFilenames outputFilenames testValues) $ \(inputFilename, outputFilename, jsonValue) -> do BSL.writeFile inputFilename $ encode jsonValue -- Read type from each file typeForEachFile <- catMaybes <$> mapM (extractTypeFromJSONFile myTrace) [inputFilename] -- Unify all input types when (null typeForEachFile) $ do report "No valid JSON input file..." exitFailure let finalType = foldr1 unifyTypes typeForEachFile -- We split different dictionary labels to become different type trees (and thus different declarations.) let splitted = splitTypeByLabel "TopLevel" finalType --myTrace $ "SPLITTED: " ++ pretty splitted assertM $ not $ any hasNonTopTObj $ Map.elems splitted -- We compute which type labels are candidates for unification let uCands = unificationCandidates splitted myTrace $ "CANDIDATES:\n" ++ pretty uCands when suggest $ forM_ uCands $ \cs -> do putStr "-- " Text.putStrLn $ "=" `Text.intercalate` cs -- We unify the all candidates or only those that have been given as command-line flags. let unified = if autounify then unifyCandidates uCands splitted else splitted myTrace $ "UNIFIED:\n" ++ pretty unified -- We start by writing module header writeHaskellModule outputFilename unified if test then do r <- (==ExitSuccess) <$> system (unwords ["runghc", "-package=aeson", outputFilename, inputFilename]) when r $ mapM_ removeFile [inputFilename, outputFilename] return r else return True putStrLn $ "Successfully generated " ++ show (length results) ++ " JSON files, out of planned " ++ show count ++ " cases." where makeInputFilename = (<.>".json") . (stem ++) . show makeOutputFilename = (<.>".hs") . (stem ++) . show inputFilenames = map makeInputFilename [1..count] outputFilenames = map makeOutputFilename [1..count] myTrace :: String -> IO () myTrace msg = debug `when` putStrLn msg main :: IO () main = do opts <- execParser optInfo generateTestJSONs opts where optInfo = info (optParser <**> helper) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "Generate a number of JSON test files, and generate type and parser for each." <> header "Self-test for json-autotype" )