{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Interface for JSON-RPC.
module Network.JsonRpc.Interface
( -- * Establish JSON-RPC context
, runJsonRpcT

  -- * Conduits for encoding/decoding
, decodeConduit
, encodeConduit

  -- * Communicate with remote party
, receiveRequest
, receiveBatchRequest
, sendResponse
, sendBatchResponse
, sendRequest
, sendBatchRequest

  -- * Transports
  -- ** Client
, jsonRpcTcpClient
  -- ** Server
, jsonRpcTcpServer

  -- * Internal data and functions
, SentRequests
, Session(..)
, initSession
, processIncoming
, sendMessage
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import Data.Either
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Conduit.Network
import Data.Conduit.TMChan
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Network.JsonRpc.Data

type SentRequests = HashMap Id (TMVar (Maybe Response))

data Session = Session { inCh     :: TBMChan (Either Response Value)
                       , outCh    :: TBMChan Message
                       , reqCh    :: Maybe (TBMChan BatchRequest)
                       , lastId   :: TVar Id
                       , sentReqs :: TVar SentRequests
                       , rpcVer   :: Ver
                       , dead     :: TVar Bool

-- Context for JSON-RPC connection.  Connection will remain active as long
-- as context is maintaned.
type JsonRpcT = ReaderT Session

initSession :: Ver -> Bool -> STM Session
initSession v ignore =
    Session <$> newTBMChan 128
            <*> newTBMChan 128
            <*> (if ignore then return Nothing else Just <$> newTBMChan 128)
            <*> newTVar (IdInt 0)
            <*> newTVar M.empty
            <*> return v
            <*> newTVar False

-- Conduit to encode JSON to ByteString.
encodeConduit :: (ToJSON j, MonadLogger m) => Conduit j m ByteString
encodeConduit = CL.mapM $ \m -> return . L8.toStrict $ encode m

-- | Conduit to decode incoming messages.  Left Response indicates
-- a response to send back to sender if parsing JSON fails.
decodeConduit :: MonadLogger m
              => Ver -> Conduit ByteString m (Either Response Value)
decodeConduit ver = evalStateT loop Nothing where
    loop = lift await >>= maybe flush (process False)
    flush = get >>= maybe (return ()) (handle True . ($ B8.empty))
    process b = runParser >=> handle b
    runParser ck = maybe (parse json ck) ($ ck) <$> get <* put Nothing

    handle True (Fail "" _ _) =
        $(logDebug) "ignoring null string at end of incoming data"
    handle b (Fail i _ _) = do
        $(logError) "error parsing incoming message"
        lift . yield . Left $ OrphanError ver (errorParse i)
        unless b loop
    handle _ (Partial k) = put (Just k) >> loop
    handle b (Done rest v) = do
        lift $ yield $ Right v
        if B8.null rest
           then unless b loop
           else process b rest

-- | Process incoming messages. Do not use this directly unless you know
-- what you are doing. This is an internal function.
processIncoming :: (Functor m, MonadLoggerIO m) => JsonRpcT m ()
processIncoming = ask >>= \qs -> join . liftIO . atomically $ do
    vEM <- readTBMChan $ inCh qs
    case vEM of
        Nothing -> flush qs
        Just vE ->
            case vE of
                Right v@Object{} -> do
                    single qs v
                    return $ do
                        $(logDebug) "received message"
                Right v@(Array a) -> do
                    if V.null a
                        then do
                            let e = OrphanError (rpcVer qs) (errorInvalid v)
                            writeTBMChan (outCh qs) $ MsgResponse e
                        else batch qs (V.toList a)
                    return $ do
                        $(logDebug) "received batch"
                Right v -> do
                    let e = OrphanError (rpcVer qs) (errorInvalid v)
                    writeTBMChan (outCh qs) $ MsgResponse e
                    return $ do
                        $(logWarn) "got invalid message"
                Left e -> do
                    writeTBMChan (outCh qs) $ MsgResponse e
                    return $ do
                        $(logWarn) "error parsing JSON"
    flush qs = do
        m <- readTVar $ sentReqs qs
        F.forM_ (reqCh qs) closeTBMChan
        closeTBMChan $ outCh qs
        writeTVar (dead qs) True
        mapM_ ((`putTMVar` Nothing) . snd) $ M.toList m
        return $ do
            $(logDebug) "session is now dead"
            unless (M.null m) $ $(logError) "requests remained unfulfilled"
    batch qs vs = do
        ts <- catMaybes <$> forM vs (process qs)
        unless (null ts) $
            if any isRight ts
                then do
                    let ch = fromJust $ reqCh qs
                    writeTBMChan ch $ BatchRequest $ rights ts
                else writeTBMChan (outCh qs) $ MsgBatch $ lefts ts
    single qs v = do
        tM <- process qs v
        case tM of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just (Right t) -> do
                let ch = fromJust $ reqCh qs
                writeTBMChan ch $ SingleRequest t
            Just (Left e) -> writeTBMChan (outCh qs) e
    process qs v = do
        let qM = parseMaybe parseJSON v
        case qM of
            Just q -> request qs q
            Nothing -> do
                let rM = parseMaybe parseJSON v
                case rM of
                    Just r -> response qs r >> return Nothing
                    Nothing -> do
                        let e = OrphanError (rpcVer qs) (errorInvalid v)
                            m = MsgResponse e
                        return $ Just $ Left m
    request qs t =
        case reqCh qs of
            Just _ -> return $ Just $ Right t
            Nothing ->
                case t of
                    Notif{} -> return Nothing
                    Request{} -> do
                        let e = errorMethod (getReqMethod t)
                            v = getReqVer t
                            i = getReqId t
                            m = MsgResponse $ ResponseError v e i
                        return $ Just $ Left m
    response qs r = do
        let hasid = case r of
                        Response{}      -> True
                        ResponseError{} -> True
                        OrphanError{}   -> False -- Ignore orphan errors
        when hasid $ do
            let x = getResId r
            m <- readTVar (sentReqs qs)
            case x `M.lookup` m of
                Nothing -> return () -- Ignore orphan responses
                Just p -> do
                    writeTVar (sentReqs qs) $ M.delete x m
                    putTMVar p $ Just r

-- | Returns Nothing if did not receive response, could not parse it, or
-- request is a notification. Just Left contains the error object returned
-- by server if any. Just Right means response was received just right.
sendRequest :: (MonadLoggerIO m , ToJSON q, ToRequest q, FromResponse r)
            => q -> JsonRpcT m (Maybe (Either ErrorObj r))
sendRequest q = head `liftM` sendBatchRequest [q]

-- | Send multiple requests in a batch. If only a single request, do not
-- put it in a batch.
sendBatchRequest :: (MonadLoggerIO m, ToJSON q, ToRequest q, FromResponse r)
                 => [q] -> JsonRpcT m [Maybe (Either ErrorObj r)]
sendBatchRequest qs = do
    v <- reader rpcVer
    l <- reader lastId
    s <- reader sentReqs
    o <- reader outCh
    k <- reader dead
    aps <- liftIO . atomically $ do
        d <- readTVar k
        aps <- forM qs $ \q ->
            if requestIsNotif q
                then return (buildRequest v q undefined, Nothing)
                else do
                    p <- newEmptyTMVar 
                    i <- succ <$> readTVar l
                    m <- readTVar s
                    unless d $ writeTVar s $ M.insert i p m
                    unless d $ writeTVar l i
                    if d
                        then return (buildRequest v q i, Nothing)
                        else return (buildRequest v q i, Just p)
        case map fst aps of
            []  -> return ()
            [a] -> unless d $ writeTBMChan o $ MsgRequest a
            as  -> unless d $ writeTBMChan o $ MsgBatch $ map MsgRequest as
        return aps
    if null aps
        then $(logDebug) "no responses pending"
        else $(logDebug) "listening for responses if pending"
    liftIO . atomically $ forM aps $ \(a, pM) ->
        case pM of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just  p -> do
                rM <- takeTMVar p
                case rM of
                    Nothing -> return Nothing
                    Just r@Response{} ->
                        case fromResponse (getReqMethod a) r of
                            Nothing -> return Nothing
                            Just  x -> return $ Just $ Right x
                    Just e -> return $ Just $ Left $ getError e

-- | Receive requests from remote endpoint. Returns Nothing if incoming
-- channel is closed or has never been opened. Will reject incoming request
-- if sent in a batch.
receiveRequest :: MonadLoggerIO m => JsonRpcT m (Maybe Request)
receiveRequest = do
    bt <- receiveBatchRequest
    case bt of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just (SingleRequest q) -> return $ Just q
        Just BatchRequest{} -> do
            v <- reader rpcVer
            let e = errorInvalid $ String "not accepting batches"
                m = OrphanError v e
            sendResponse m
            return Nothing

-- | Receive batch of requests. Will also accept single requests.
receiveBatchRequest :: MonadLoggerIO m => JsonRpcT m (Maybe BatchRequest)
receiveBatchRequest = do
    chM <- reader reqCh
    case chM of
        Just ch -> do
            $(logDebug) "listening for a new request"
            liftIO . atomically $ readTBMChan ch
        Nothing -> do
            $(logError) "ignoring requests from remote endpoint"
            return Nothing

-- | Send response message. Do not use to respond to a batch of requests.
sendResponse :: MonadLoggerIO m => Response -> JsonRpcT m ()
sendResponse r = do
    o <- reader outCh
    liftIO . atomically . writeTBMChan o $ MsgResponse r

-- | Send batch of responses. Use to respond to a batch of requests.
sendBatchResponse :: MonadLoggerIO m => BatchResponse -> JsonRpcT m ()
sendBatchResponse (BatchResponse rs) = do
    o <- reader outCh
    liftIO . atomically . writeTBMChan o $ MsgBatch $ map MsgResponse rs
sendBatchResponse (SingleResponse r) = do
    o <- reader outCh
    liftIO . atomically . writeTBMChan o $ MsgResponse r

-- | Send any message. Do not use this. Use the other high-level functions
-- instead. Will not track request ids. Incoming responses to requests sent
-- using this method will be ignored.
sendMessage :: MonadLoggerIO m => Message -> JsonRpcT m ()
sendMessage msg = reader outCh >>= liftIO . atomically . (`writeTBMChan` msg)

-- | Create JSON-RPC session around conduits from transport layer.  When
-- context exits session disappears.
runJsonRpcT :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
            => Ver                  -- ^ JSON-RPC version
            -> Bool                 -- ^ Ignore incoming requests/notifs
            -> Sink ByteString m () -- ^ Sink to send messages
            -> Source m ByteString  -- ^ Source to receive messages from
            -> JsonRpcT m a         -- ^ JSON-RPC action
            -> m a                  -- ^ Output of action
runJsonRpcT ver ignore snk src f = do
    qs <- liftIO . atomically $ initSession ver ignore
    let inSnk  = sinkTBMChan (inCh qs) True
        outSrc = sourceTBMChan (outCh qs)
    withAsync (src $$ decodeConduit ver $= inSnk) $ const $
        withAsync (outSrc =$ encodeConduit $$ snk) $ \o ->
            withAsync (runReaderT processIncoming qs) $ const $ do
                a <- runReaderT f qs
                liftIO $ do
                    atomically . closeTBMChan $ outCh qs
                    _ <- wait o
                    return a

cr :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
cr = CL.map (`B8.snoc` '\n')

-- Transports

-- | TCP client transport for JSON-RPC.
    :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
    => Ver            -- ^ JSON-RPC version
    -> Bool           -- ^ Ignore incoming requests or notifications
    -> ClientSettings -- ^ Connection settings
    -> JsonRpcT m a   -- ^ JSON-RPC action
    -> m a            -- ^ Output of action
jsonRpcTcpClient ver ignore cs f = runGeneralTCPClient cs $ \ad ->
    runJsonRpcT ver ignore (cr =$ appSink ad) (appSource ad) f

-- | TCP server transport for JSON-RPC.
    :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
    => Ver             -- ^ JSON-RPC version
    -> Bool            -- ^ Ignore incoming requests or notifications
    -> ServerSettings  -- ^ Connection settings
    -> JsonRpcT m ()   -- ^ Action to perform on connecting client thread
    -> m a
jsonRpcTcpServer ver ignore ss f = runGeneralTCPServer ss $ \cl ->
    runJsonRpcT ver ignore (cr =$ appSink cl) (appSource cl) f