{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | Base data types and function for escape JSON string
--   and renders `Json` to `String`.

module Data.JSON2.Types
    ( Json (..)
    , Jsons (..)
    , toString
    , escJString

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (toList)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Ratio

data Json = JString String
	  | JNumber !Rational
	  | JBool !Bool
	  | JNull
	  | JArray [Json]
	  | JObject (Map String Json)
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Show, Read)

type Jsons = [Json]

---------------- Renders JSON to String -------------------------

-- | Renders `Json` to String.
toString :: Json -> String
toString (JNumber x)
    | denominator x == 1 = show (numerator x)
    | otherwise          = show (fromRational x :: Double)
toString (JBool True) = "true"
toString (JBool False) = "false"
toString JNull = "null"
toString (JString x) = jStr x
toString (JArray []) = "[]"
toString (JArray (x:xs)) = concat [ "[", toString x, go, "]" ]
    go = concat $ map (\x -> "," ++ toString x) xs
toString (JObject m) = concat ["{", go (Map.toList m),  "}"]
    go []     = ""
    go (x:xs) = go' x ++ concat [go'' v | v <- xs]
    go' (k, v)  = concat [jStr k, ":", toString v]
    go'' (k, v) = concat [",", jStr k, ":", toString v]

jStr x = "\"" ++ escJString x ++ "\""

-- | Escape JSON string.
escJString :: String -> String
escJString = concat . map (escJChar)

escJChar c = case c of
    '\n' -> "\\n"
    '\b' -> "\\b"
    '\f' -> "\\f"
    '\t' -> "\\t"
    '\r' -> "\\r"
    '\\' -> "\\\\"
    '\"' -> "\\\""
    _    -> [c]