# jsontsv Transforms JSON objects into delimiter-separated line-oriented output, which is more convenient for downstream processing with Unix tools like `grep`, `awk`, `diff`, etc. Also useful for converting JSON data into spreadsheet data: CSV-style output is supported. ## Synopsis input: ```json { "title": "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", "year": 1991, "stars": [ { "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "name": "Linda Hamilton" } ], "ratings": { "imdb": 8.5 } } { "title": "Interstellar", "year": 2014, "stars": [ { "name": "Matthew McConaughey" }, { "name": "Anne Hathaway" } ], "ratings": { "imdb": 8.9 } } ``` Note that this input is not actually JSON at the top-level. It is a stream of JSON objects. It can be fed into `jsontsv`: jsontsv 'title year stars.name ratings.imdb' < input outputs this tab-separated text: ```tsv Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991 Arnold Schwarzenegger,Linda Hamilton 8.5 Interstellar 2014 Matthew McConaughey,Anne Hathaway 8.9 ``` You can pick off array elements using `[i]` syntax: jsontsv 'title year stars[0].name' < input outputs ```tsv Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991 Arnold Schwarzenegger Interstellar 2014 Matthew McConaughey ``` Use the `-H` flag to output the headers and the Unix tool `column` to align the columns for prettier output: cat input | jsontsv -H 'title year stars.name ratings.imdb' | column -s $'\t' -t outputs ``` title year stars.name ratings.imdb Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991 Arnold Schwarzenegger,Linda Hamilton 8.5 Interstellar 2014 Matthew McConaughey,Anne Hathaway 8.9 ``` ## Installation Assuming you have a recent version of the [Haskell platform](https://www.haskell.org/platform/) on your system, cabal update cabal install jsontsv Alternatively, git clone git@github.com:danchoi/jsontsv.git cd jsontsv cabal sandbox init cabal install # Now copy .cabal-sandbox/bin/jsontsv to your PATH ## Usage ``` jsontsv Usage: jsontsv FIELDS [-a DELIM] ([-c|--csv] | [-d DELIM]) [-H] [--debug] Transform JSON objects to TSV. On STDIN provide an input stream of whitespace-separated JSON objects. Available options: -h,--help Show this help text -a DELIM Concatentated array elem delimiter. Defaults to comma. -c,--csv Output CSV -d DELIM Output field delimiter. Defaults to tab. -H Include headers --debug Debug keypaths See https://github.com/danchoi/jsontsv for more information. ``` Input should be a stream of JSON objects of the same or mostly similar shape, separated by whitespace such as newlines. If the objects are wrapped in a JSON array at the top level or nested inside a top-level object, use the [jq][jq] tool by Stephan Dolan to extract an object stream, e.g.: [jq]:http://stedolan.github.io/jq/ curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/rails/rails/issues" | jq -M '.[]' | jsontsv -H 'number title user.login state repository.name labels.name' outputs ``` number title user.login state repository.name labels.name 17894 Add default value for `create_table_definition` kamipo open null 17893 Vendor/assets/images not being precompiled runephilosof open null 17891 Removed use of mocha in the info_controller tests prathamesh-sonpatki open null 17887 Wrong instance object passed to lambda on has_many :through haruska open null 17885 Update postgresql_database_tasks.rb starbelly open null 17884 Routes with {trailing_slash: true} do not match if referenced as non-named routes dreyks open null 17880 Fix humanize for already upcased acronyms mintuhouse open null activesupport 17879 humanize doesn't respect Infector acronyms mintuhouse open null activesupport 17864 eager loading a has_many through association ignores order of through association jturkel open null 17859 Includes HABTM returns correct size now scambra open null 17858 test preloading a HABTM association with hash conditions scambra open null 17854 Bug when using find_in_batches and reverse_order robertjlooby open null activerecord 17853 Remove deprecated `reset_changes` and `reset_attribute!` methods. kaspth open null 17851 Support for any type primary key kamipo open null 17845 Don't leak Object constants in core_ext/module/qualified_const gsamokovarov open null 17825 Fix Sidekiq ActiveJob integration setup aripollak open null activejob 17824 AR::RecordNotSaved & RecordNotDestroyed from save!/destroy! should include an error message yuki24 open null 17822 Refactor `visit_ChangeColumnDefinition` kamipo open null 17820 Clear query cache on rollback fw42 open null 17819 handle_positional_args does not work properly in route with format: false option vevisystems open null actionpack 17817 Hide potentially sensitive ActiveJob params from logs aripollak open null activejob 17815 Remove custom errors page section from the guides yuki24 open null 17813 Changed welcome#index page overall look and feel wazery open null railties 17804 Null values will still be passed to custom serializers. xaviershay open null activerecord 17797 Don't remove mailer layouts files y-yagi open null 17795 ActiveRecord joins/includes bug dgobaud open null activerecord,regression 17793 Fix undesirable RangeError by Type::Integer. Add Type::UnsignedInteger. kamipo open null activerecord 17792 allow 'all' for :domain option in addition to :all rockrep open null 17788 Issue#17703 Test case for tempfile attribute sivagollapalli open null 17787 rails runner does not respect subdirectory / how to specify subdirectory? doits open null railties ``` JSON leaf values are printed as follows: * Strings and numbers are copied to output. * Boolean values are output as `t` or `f`. * null is printed as `null` * If the leaf value is an array, it is concatenated into a single comma-separated string. This delimiter can be changed with the `-a` option. ## Column header aliases If the default column headers using `-H` are too long, you can designate aliases with the pattern `[keypath]:[alias]`. E.g., curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/rails/rails/issues" | jq -M '.[]' | jsontsv -H 'number title user.login:login state repository.name:repo labels.name:lables' ## Known alternatives * [jsawk](https://github.com/micha/jsawk) Jsawk is like awk, but for JSON. (nodejs) * [json2csv](https://github.com/jehiah/json2csv) made with Go * [jq][jq] a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor * [jsoncsv](https://github.com/gradus/jsoncsv) a json to csv library in javascript/coffeescript * [json](https://github.com/konklone/json) A free, in-browser JSON to CSV converter * [tsvutils](https://github.com/brendano/tsvutils) utilities for processing tab-separated files ## Related * [Seven command line tools for data science](http://jeroenjanssens.com/2013/09/19/seven-command-line-tools-for-data-science.html) by Jeroen Janssens. A blog post surveying tools like this. * [Data Science at the Command Line: Facing the Future with Time-Tested Tools](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032823.do) by Jeroen Janssens. A book published in September 2014 by O'Reilly. * [jsontsv versus json2csv](https://github.com/jeroenjanssens/data-science-at-the-command-line/issues/26)