{-# LINE 1 "Data/Judy.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LINE 2 "Data/Judy.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                #-}

-- | Very fast, mutable associative data types based on Judy arrays.
-- A good imperative, mutable replacement for IntMap.
-- Judy arrays are both speed- and memory-efficient, with no tuning or
-- configuration required, across a wide range of index set types (sequential,
-- periodic, clustered, random). Judy\'s speed and memory usage are typically
-- better than other data storage models such as skiplists, linked lists,
-- binary, ternary, b-trees, or even hashing, and improves with very large
-- data sets.
-- The memory used by a Judy array is nearly proportional to the
-- population (number of elements).
-- For further references to the implementation, see:
-- * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_array>
-- Building a simple word-index table. About 4x faster than using an 'IntMap'
-- >
-- > import Control.Monad
-- > import qualified Data.Judy as J
-- >
-- > main = do
-- >    j <- J.new :: IO (J.JudyL Int)
-- >    forM_ [1..10000000] $ \n -> J.insert n (fromIntegral n :: Int) j
-- >    v <- J.lookup 100 j
-- >    print v
-- >
-- Running this:
-- > $ ghc -O2 --make A.hs
-- > [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( A.hs, A.o )
-- > Linking A ...
-- > $ time ./A
-- > Just 100
-- > ./A  1.95s user 0.08s system 99% cpu 2.028 total

module Data.Judy (

    -- * Basic types
    JudyL, Key,

    -- * Operations
    -- singleton
    -- size
    -- insertWith
    -- member
    -- adjust
    -- update

--    memoryUsed

    -- * Judy-storable types

  ) where

import Foreign hiding (new)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.ForeignPtr

import GHC.Ptr
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Prim


{-# LINE 84 "Data/Judy.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 86 "Data/Judy.hsc" #-}

-- Type mappings

-- | The type of keys in the JudyL arrays. A word-sized type (64 or 32 bits)
type Key  = Word

-- type Key1 = Word
-- type Key2 = Word
-- type JNth = Word

-- Implementation notes:
-- One of the difficulties in using the JudyL function calls lies in
-- determining whether to pass a pointer or the address of a pointer. Since the
-- functions that modify the JudyL array must also modify the pointer to the
-- JudyL array, you must pass the address of the pointer rather than the
-- pointer itself. This often leads to hard-to-debug programmatic errors.
-- In practice, the macros allow the compiler to catch programming
-- errors when pointers instead of addresses of pointers are passed.
-- The JudyL function calls have an additional parameter beyond those
-- specified in the macro calls. This parameter is either a pointer to an
-- error structure, or NULL (in which case the detailed error information
-- is not returned).
-- JudyL functions: Index is a Word_t and Value is a Word_t. This makes
-- JudyL a pure word-to-word\/pointer mapper. JudySL and JudyHL are
-- based on this property of JudyL.

-- JudyL Arrays

-- | A JudyL array is a finite map from Word to Word values. A value
-- is addressed by a key (Key). The array may be sparse, and the key may
-- be any word-sized value. There are no duplicate keys.
newtype JudyL a = JudyL { unJudyL :: ForeignPtr JudyL_ }
    deriving Show

type JudyL_ = Ptr JudyLArray

data JudyLArray

-- | Allocate a new empty JudyL array. A finalizer is associated with
-- the JudyL array, that will free it automatically once the last
-- reference has been dropped.
new :: JA a => IO (JudyL a)
new = do
    -- we allocate the structure on the Haskell heap (just a pointer)
    fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (sizeOf (undefined :: Ptr Word))
    addForeignPtrFinalizer c_judyl_free_ptr fp
    withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> poke p (castPtr nullPtr)
    return $! JudyL fp


-- | Given a pointer to a JudyL array quickly.
-- > Word_t   JudyLFreeArray( PPvoid_t PPJLArray, PJError_t PJError);
-- >    JudyLFreeArray(&PJLArray, &JError)
-- which is
-- >                  #define JLFA(Rc_word, PJLArray) \
-- >                     Rc_word = JudyLFreeArray(&PJLArray, PJE0)
foreign import ccall "&hs_judyl_free"
    c_judyl_free_ptr :: FunPtr (Ptr JudyL_ -> IO ())

-- | JudyLMemUsed
-- > JudyLMemUsed(PJLArray)
-- > #define JLMU(Rc_word, PJLArray) \
-- >   Rc_word = JudyLMemUsed(PJLArray)
-- foreign import ccall "JudyLMemUsed"
--     c_judyl_mem_used :: Ptr JudyL_ -> IO Word

-- | Return the number of bytes of memory used by the JudyL array.
-- memoryUsed :: JudyL -> IO Word
-- memoryUsed j = withForeignPtr (unJudyL j) c_judyl_mem_used


-- |
-- JLI(PValue, PJLArray, Index) // JudyLIns()
-- JudyLIns : insert an index into a 'JudyL' array, returning a pointer
-- to the value to store in the association table (which may be a
-- pointer) 
-- > JudyLIns(&PJLArray, Index, &JError)
-- used as:
-- > #define JLI(PValue, PJLArray, Index)  \
-- >   PValue = JudyLIns(&PJLArray, Index, PJE0)
-- Insert an Index and Value into the JudyL array PJLArray. If the Index is
-- successfully inserted, the Value is initialized to 0. If the Index was
-- already present, the Value is not modified.
foreign import ccall unsafe "JudyLIns"
    c_judy_lins :: Ptr JudyL_ -> Key -> JError -> IO (Ptr Word)

-- | Insert a key and value pair into the JudyL array.
-- *If the key is already present in the map, the value is not modified*
insert :: JA a => Key -> a -> JudyL a -> IO ()
insert k v j = do
    withForeignPtr (unJudyL j) $ \p -> do
        v_ptr <- c_judy_lins p (fromIntegral k) nullError
        if v_ptr == judyErrorPtr
            then error "Data.Judy.insert: memory error with JudyL"
            else poke v_ptr =<< toWord v
{-# INLINE insert #-}

-- TODO: fuse construction with uvectors.


-- |
-- JudyLGet: read a value from a JudyL array
-- > JudyLGet(PJLArray, Index, &JError)
-- used as:
-- > #define JLG(PValue, PJLArray, Index)  \
-- >   PValue = JudyLGet(PJLArray, Index, PJE0)
-- Get the pointer PValue associated with Index in the PJLArray Judy array.
-- Return PValue pointing to Value. Return PValue set to NULL if the Index was
-- not present. Return PValue set to PJERR if a malloc() fail occured.
foreign import ccall unsafe "JudyLGet"
    c_judy_lget :: JudyL_ -> Key -> JError -> IO (Ptr Word)

-- | Lookup a value associated with a key in the JudyL array.
lookup :: JA a => Key -> JudyL a -> IO (Maybe a)
lookup k j = do
    withForeignPtr (unJudyL j) $ \p -> do
        q     <- peek p -- get the actual judy array
        v_ptr <- c_judy_lget q (fromIntegral k) nullError
        if v_ptr == judyErrorPtr
            then error "Data.Judy.lookup: JudyL memory error"
            else if v_ptr == nullPtr
                    then return Nothing
                    else do
                        v_word <- peek v_ptr
                        return . Just =<< fromWord v_word
{-# INLINE lookup #-}

-- > JudyLDel(&PJLArray, Index, &JError)
-- as:
-- > #define JLD(Rc_int, PJLArray, Index)  \
-- >    Rc_int = JudyLDel(&PJLArray, Index, PJE0)
-- Return Rc_int set to 1 if successful. Return Rc_int set to 0 if Index was
-- not present. Return Rc_int set to JERR if a malloc() fail occured.
foreign import ccall unsafe "JudyLDel"
    c_judy_ldel :: Ptr JudyL_ -> Key -> JError -> IO CInt

-- | Delete the Index\/Value pair from the JudyL array.
delete :: Key -> JudyL a -> IO ()
delete k j = do
    withForeignPtr (unJudyL j) $ \p -> do
        i <- c_judy_ldel p (fromIntegral k) nullError
        if i == judyError then error "Data.Judy.delete: JudyL memory error"
                          else return ()
{-# INLINE delete #-}

-- |
-- Count the number of indexes present in the JudyL array
-- > JLC(Rc_word, PJLArray, Index1, Index2) // JudyLCount()
-- Return Rc_word set to the count. A return value of 0 can be valid as a
-- count. To count all indexes present in a JudyL array, use:
-- > JLC(Rc_word, PJLArray, 0, -1);

-- TODO: fromList
-- TODO: toList
-- TODO: update

-- Judy errors

-- | Judy error responses.
type JudyErrorCode = CInt

 #{enum JudyErrorCode,
    , judy_error_none           = JU_ERRNO_NONE
    , judy_error_full           = JU_ERRNO_FULL
    , judy_error_nfmax          = JU_ERRNO_NFMAX
    , judy_error_nomem          = JU_ERRNO_NOMEM
    , judy_error_nullparray     = JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY
    , judy_error_nonnullparray  = JU_ERRNO_NONNULLPARRAY
    , judy_error_nullpindex     = JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX
    , judy_error_nullpvalue     = JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE
    , judy_error_notjudy1       = JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDY1
    , judy_error_notjudyl       = JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYL
    , judy_error_notjudysl      = JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYSL
    , judy_error_unsorted       = JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED
    , judy_error_overrun        = JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN
    , judy_error_corrupt        = JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT

newtype JError = JError (Ptr JError_)

data JError_

-- | The null error value.
nullError :: JError
nullError = JError nullPtr

-- | For checking return values from various Judy functions
-- A scalar error.
judyError :: CInt
judyError = (-1)
{-# LINE 319 "Data/Judy.hsc" #-}

-- | For checking return values from various Judy functions
-- Pointer to a JError
foreign import ccall unsafe "haskell-judy.h hs_judy_pointer_error"
     c_judy_error_ptr :: Ptr Word

judyErrorPtr :: Ptr Word
judyErrorPtr = c_judy_error_ptr
{-# INLINE judyErrorPtr #-}

-- judyErrorPtr :: Ptr Word
-- judyErrorPtr = Ptr (int2Addr## (word2Int## (not## (int2Word## 0##))))
-- {-# INLINE judyErrorPtr #-}

-- | The error pointer. maxBound :: Word. We try hard to get this to inline.
-- Empirically determined to yield the fastest code.
judyErrorPtr :: Ptr Word
judyErrorPtr = Ptr (case (4294967295) of I# i# -> int2Addr# i#)
{-# LINE 339 "Data/Judy.hsc" #-}
{-# INLINE judyErrorPtr #-}

-- The JA element class.

-- | Class of things that can be stored in the JudyL array.
-- You need to be able to convert the structure to a Word value,
-- or a word-sized pointer.
class JA a where
    toWord   :: a -> IO Word
    fromWord :: Word -> IO a


instance JA () where
    toWord   () = return 0
    fromWord _  = return ()
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Bool where
    toWord   b = return (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
    fromWord n = return (toEnum (fromIntegral n))
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}


instance JA Word where
    toWord   w = return w
    fromWord w = return w
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Int where
    toWord   w = return (fromIntegral w)
    fromWord w = return (fromIntegral w)
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Int8 where
    toWord   w = return (fromIntegral w)
    fromWord w = return (fromIntegral w)
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Int16 where
    toWord   w = return (fromIntegral w)
    fromWord w = return (fromIntegral w)
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Int32 where
    toWord   w = return (fromIntegral w)
    fromWord w = return (fromIntegral w)
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Word8 where
    toWord   w = return (fromIntegral w)
    fromWord w = return (fromIntegral w)
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Word16 where
    toWord   w = return (fromIntegral w)
    fromWord w = return (fromIntegral w)
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

instance JA Word32 where
    toWord   w = return (fromIntegral w)
    fromWord w = return (fromIntegral w)
    {-# INLINE toWord   #-}
    {-# INLINE fromWord #-}

-- * Could be any Storable
-- * Could be any Haskell value thanks to StablePtr
-- * ST-based interface
-- * Freeze/Pure interface.
-- TODO: make it thread safe.
-- TODO: hash interface based on the document (cache hash, C function).
-- IntMap interface.
-- Split out basic interface.
-- Binary instance?
-- Fast bytestrings.
-- Performance benchmarks.
-- Type families to pick different underlying representations.