{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, PatternGuards #-}
module Jukebox.Monotonox.ToFOF where

import Jukebox.Clausify(split, removeEquiv, run, withName)
import Jukebox.Name
import qualified Jukebox.NameMap as NameMap
import Jukebox.Form
import Jukebox.Options
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Monad hiding (guard)
import Data.Monoid

data Scheme = Scheme {
  makeFunction :: Type -> NameM Function,
  scheme1 :: (Type -> Bool) -> (Type -> Function) -> Scheme1

data Scheme1 = Scheme1 {
  forAll :: Bind Form -> Form,
  exists :: Bind Form -> Form,
  equals :: Term -> Term -> Form,
  funcAxiom :: Function -> NameM Form,
  typeAxiom :: Type -> NameM Form

guard :: Scheme1 -> (Type -> Bool) -> Input Form -> Input Form
guard scheme mono (Input t k f) = Input t k (aux (pos k) f)
  where aux pos (ForAll (Bind vs f))
          | pos = forAll scheme (Bind vs (aux pos f))
          | otherwise = Not (exists scheme (Bind vs (Not (aux pos f))))
        aux pos (Exists (Bind vs f))
          | pos = exists scheme (Bind vs (aux pos f))
          | otherwise = Not (forAll scheme (Bind vs (Not (aux pos f))))
        aux pos (Literal (Pos (t :=: u)))
          | not (mono (typ t)) = equals scheme t u
        aux pos (Literal (Neg (t :=: u)))
          | not (mono (typ t)) = Not (equals scheme t u)
        aux pos l@Literal{} = l
        aux pos (Not f) = Not (aux (not pos) f)
        aux pos (And fs) = And (fmap (aux pos) fs)
        aux pos (Or fs) = Or (fmap (aux pos) fs)
        aux pos (Equiv _ _) = error "ToFOF.guard: equiv should have been eliminated"
        aux pos (Connective _ _ _) = error "ToFOF.guard: connective should have been eliminated"
        pos Axiom = True
        pos Conjecture = False

translate, translate1 :: Scheme -> (Type -> Bool) -> Problem Form -> Problem Form
translate1 scheme mono f = close f $ \inps -> do
  let tys = types inps
      funcs = functions inps
      -- Hardly any use adding guards if there's only one type.
      mono' | length tys == 1 = const True
            | otherwise = mono
  typeFuncs <- mapM (makeFunction scheme) tys
  let typeMap = NameMap.fromList (zipWith (:::) tys typeFuncs)
      lookupType ty =
        case NameMap.lookup (name ty) typeMap of
          Just (_ ::: f) -> f
          Nothing -> error "ToFOF.translate: type not found"
      scheme1' = scheme1 scheme mono' lookupType
  funcAxioms <- mapM (funcAxiom scheme1') funcs
  typeAxioms <- mapM (typeAxiom scheme1') tys
  let axioms =
        map (simplify . ForAll . bind) . split . simplify . foldr (/\) true $
          funcAxioms ++ typeAxioms
  return $
    [ Input (BS.pack ("types" ++ show i)) Axiom axiom | (axiom, i) <- zip axioms [1..] ] ++
    map (guard scheme1' mono') inps

translate scheme mono f =
  let f' =
        close f $ \inps -> do
          forM inps $ \(Input tag kind f) -> do
            let prepare f = fmap (foldr (/\) true) (run (withName tag (removeEquiv (simplify f))))
            fmap (Input tag kind) $
              case kind of
                Axiom -> prepare f
                Conjecture -> fmap notInwards (prepare (nt f))
      typeI = Type nameI (Finite 0) Infinite
  in close (translate1 scheme mono f') (return . mapType (const typeI))

-- Typing functions.

tagsFlags :: OptionParser Bool
tagsFlags =
  bool "more-axioms"
    ["Add extra typing axioms for function arguments,",
     "when using typing tags.",
     "These are unnecessary for completeness but may help (or hinder!) the prover."]

tags :: Bool -> Scheme
tags moreAxioms = Scheme
  { makeFunction = \ty ->
      newFunction (BS.append (BS.pack "to_") (baseName ty)) [ty] ty,
    scheme1 = tags1 moreAxioms }

tags1 :: Bool -> (Type -> Bool) -> (Type -> Function) -> Scheme1
tags1 moreAxioms mono fs = Scheme1
  { forAll = ForAll,
    exists = \(Bind vs f) ->
       let bound = foldr (/\) true (map guard (NameMap.toList vs))
           guard v | mono (typ v) = true
                   | otherwise = Literal (Pos (fs (typ v) :@: [Var v] :=: Var v))
       in Exists (Bind vs (simplify bound /\ f)),
    equals =
      \t u ->
        let protect t@Var{} = fs (typ t) :@: [t]
            protect t = t
        in Literal (Pos (protect t :=: protect u)),
    funcAxiom = tagsAxiom moreAxioms mono fs,
    typeAxiom = \ty -> if moreAxioms then tagsAxiom False mono fs (fs ty) else tagsExists mono ty (fs ty) }

tagsAxiom :: Bool -> (Type -> Bool) -> (Type -> Function) -> Function -> NameM Form
tagsAxiom moreAxioms mono fs f@(_ ::: FunType args res) = do
  vs <- forM args $ \ty ->
    fmap Var (newSymbol "X" ty)
  let t = f :@: vs
      at n f xs = take n xs ++ [f (xs !! n)] ++ drop (n+1) xs
      tag t = fs (typ t) :@: [t]
      equate (ty, t') | mono ty = true
                      | otherwise = t `eq` t'
      t `eq` u | typ t == O = Literal (Pos (Tru t)) `Equiv` Literal (Pos (Tru u))
               | otherwise = Literal (Pos (t :=: u))
      ts = (typ t, tag t):
           [ (typ (vs !! n), f :@: at n tag vs)
           | moreAxioms,
             n <- [0..length vs-1] ]
  return (foldr (/\) true (map equate ts))

tagsExists :: (Type -> Bool) -> Type -> Function -> NameM Form
tagsExists mono ty f
  | mono ty = return true
  | otherwise = do
      v <- fmap Var (newSymbol "X" ty)
      return (Exists (bind (Literal (Pos (f :@: [v] :=: v)))))

-- Typing predicates.

guards :: Scheme
guards = Scheme
  { makeFunction = \ty ->
      newFunction (BS.append (BS.pack "is_") (baseName ty)) [ty] O,
    scheme1 = guards1 }

guards1 :: (Type -> Bool) -> (Type -> Function) -> Scheme1
guards1 mono ps = Scheme1
  { forAll = \(Bind vs f) ->
       let bound = foldr (/\) true (map guard (NameMap.toList vs))
           guard v | mono (typ v) = true
                   | not (naked True v f) = true
                   | otherwise = Literal (Pos (Tru (ps (typ v) :@: [Var v])))
       in ForAll (Bind vs (simplify (Not bound) \/ f)),
    exists = \(Bind vs f) ->
       let bound = foldr (/\) true (map guard (NameMap.toList vs))
           guard v | mono (typ v) = true
                   | not (naked True v f) = true
                   | otherwise = Literal (Pos (Tru (ps (typ v) :@: [Var v])))
       in Exists (Bind vs (simplify bound /\ f)),
    equals = \t u -> Literal (Pos (t :=: u)),
    funcAxiom = guardsAxiom mono ps,
    typeAxiom = guardsTypeAxiom mono ps }

naked :: Symbolic a => Bool -> Variable -> a -> Bool
naked pos v f
  | Form <- typeOf f,
    Not f' <- f = naked (not pos) v f'
  | Signed <- typeOf f,
    Pos f' <- f = naked pos v f'
  | Signed <- typeOf f,
    Neg f' <- f = naked (not pos) v f'
  | Atomic <- typeOf f,
    t :=: u <- f,
    pos = t == Var v || u == Var v
  | Bind_ <- typeOf f,
    Bind vs f' <- f = not (NameMap.member v vs) && naked pos v f'
  | otherwise = getAny (collect (Any . naked pos v) f)

guardsAxiom :: (Type -> Bool) -> (Type -> Function) -> Function -> NameM Form
guardsAxiom mono ps f@(_ ::: FunType args res)
  | mono res = return true
  | otherwise = do
    vs <- forM args $ \ty ->
      fmap Var (newSymbol "X" ty)
    return (Literal (Pos (Tru (ps res :@: [f :@: vs]))))

guardsTypeAxiom :: (Type -> Bool) -> (Type -> Function) -> Type -> NameM Form
guardsTypeAxiom mono ps ty
  | mono ty = return true
  | otherwise = do
    v <- fmap Var (newSymbol "X" ty)
    return (Exists (bind (Literal (Pos (Tru (ps ty :@: [v]))))))