{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Jukebox.Toolbox where

import Jukebox.Options
import Jukebox.Form
import Jukebox.Name
import Jukebox.TPTP.Print
import Control.Monad
import Jukebox.Clausify hiding (run)
import Jukebox.TPTP.Parse
import Jukebox.Monotonox.Monotonicity hiding (guards)
import Jukebox.Monotonox.ToFOF
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Jukebox.TPTP.FindFile
import Jukebox.GuessModel
import Jukebox.InferTypes
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

data GlobalFlags =
  GlobalFlags {
    quiet :: Bool }
  deriving Show

globalFlags :: OptionParser GlobalFlags
globalFlags =
  inGroup "Global options" $
  GlobalFlags <$>
    bool "quiet"
      ["Do not print any informational output.",
       "Default: (off)"]

(=>>=) :: (Monad m, Applicative f) => f (a -> m b) -> f (b -> m c) -> f (a -> m c)
f =>>= g = (>=>) <$> f <*> g
infixl 1 =>>= -- same as >=>

(=>>) :: (Monad m, Applicative f) => f (m a) -> f (m b) -> f (m b)
x =>> y = (>>) <$> x <*> y
infixl 1 =>> -- same as >>

greetingBox :: Tool -> OptionParser (IO ())
greetingBox t = greetingBoxIO t <$> globalFlags

greetingBoxIO :: Tool -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
greetingBoxIO t GlobalFlags{quiet = quiet} =
  unless quiet $ hPutStrLn stderr (greeting t)

allFilesBox :: OptionParser ((FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ())
allFilesBox = flip allFiles <$> filenames

allFiles :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
allFiles _ [] = do
  hPutStrLn stderr "No input files specified! Try --help."
  exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
allFiles f xs = mapM_ f xs

parseProblemBox :: OptionParser (FilePath -> IO (Problem Form))
parseProblemBox = parseProblemIO <$> findFileFlags

parseProblemIO :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Problem Form)
parseProblemIO dirs f = do
  r <- parseProblem dirs f
  case r of
    Left err -> do
      hPutStrLn stderr err
      exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    Right x -> return x

clausifyBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO CNF)
clausifyBox = clausifyIO <$> globalFlags <*> clausifyFlags

clausifyIO :: GlobalFlags -> ClausifyFlags -> Problem Form -> IO CNF
clausifyIO globals flags prob = do
  unless (quiet globals) $ hPutStrLn stderr "Clausifying problem..."
  return $! clausify flags prob

toFofBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO (Problem Form))
toFofBox = toFofIO <$> globalFlags <*> clausifyBox <*> schemeBox

oneConjectureBox :: OptionParser (CNF -> IO (Problem Clause))
oneConjectureBox = pure oneConjecture

oneConjecture :: CNF -> IO (Problem Clause)
oneConjecture cnf = run cnf f
  where f (CNF cs [cs'] _ _) = return (return (cs ++ cs'))
        f _ = return $ do
          hPutStrLn stderr "Error: more than one conjecture found in input problem"
          exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

toFofIO :: GlobalFlags -> (Problem Form -> IO CNF) -> Scheme -> Problem Form -> IO (Problem Form)
toFofIO globals clausify scheme f = do
  CNF{..} <- clausify f
  unless (quiet globals) $ hPutStrLn stderr "Monotonicity analysis..."
  -- In some cases we might get better results by considering each
  -- problem (axioms + conjecture) separately, but no big deal.
  m <- monotone (map what (axioms ++ concat conjectures))
  let isMonotone ty =
        case Map.lookup ty m of
          Just Nothing -> False
          Just (Just _) -> True
          Nothing  -> True -- can happen if clausifier removed all clauses about a type
  return (translate scheme isMonotone f)

schemeBox :: OptionParser Scheme
schemeBox =
  choose <$>
  flag "encoding"
    ["Which type encoding to use.",
     "Default: --encoding guards"]
    (argOption ["guards", "tags"])
  <*> tagsFlags
  where choose "guards" _flags = guards
        choose "tags" flags = tags flags

monotonicityBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO String)
monotonicityBox = monotonicity <$> globalFlags

monotonicity :: GlobalFlags -> Problem Clause -> IO String
monotonicity globals cs = do
  unless (quiet globals) $ hPutStrLn stderr "Monotonicity analysis..."
  m <- monotone (map what cs)
  let info (ty, Nothing) = [base ty ++ ": not monotone"]
      info (ty, Just m) =
        [prettyShow ty ++ ": monotone"] ++
        [ case ext of
             CopyExtend -> []
             TrueExtend -> ["  " ++ base p ++ " true-extended"]
             FalseExtend -> ["  " ++ base p ++ " false-extended"]
        | (p, ext) <- Map.toList m ]

  return (unlines (concat (map info (Map.toList m))))

annotateMonotonicityBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO (Problem Clause))
annotateMonotonicityBox = (\globals x -> do
  unless (quiet globals) $ putStrLn "Monotonicity analysis..."
  annotateMonotonicity x) <$> globalFlags

prettyPrintProblemBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO ())
prettyPrintProblemBox = prettyPrintIO showProblem <$> globalFlags <*> writeFileBox

prettyPrintClausesBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO ())
prettyPrintClausesBox = prettyPrintIO showClauses <$> globalFlags <*> writeFileBox

prettyPrintIO :: (a -> String) -> GlobalFlags -> (String -> IO ()) -> a -> IO ()
prettyPrintIO shw globals write prob = do
  unless (quiet globals) $ hPutStrLn stderr "Writing output..."
  write (shw prob ++ "\n")

writeFileBox :: OptionParser (String -> IO ())
writeFileBox =
  flag "output"
    ["Where to write the output.",
     "Default: stdout"]
    (fmap myWriteFile argFile)
  where myWriteFile "/dev/null" _ = return ()
        myWriteFile file contents = writeFile file contents

guessModelBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO (Problem Form))
guessModelBox = guessModelIO <$> expansive <*> universe
  where universe = choose <$>
                   flag "universe"
                   ["Which universe to find the model in.",
                    "Default: peano"]
                   (argOption ["peano", "trees"])
        choose "peano" = Peano
        choose "trees" = Trees
        expansive = manyFlags "expansive"
                    ["Allow a function to construct 'new' terms in its base base."]
                    (arg "<function>" "expected a function name" Just)

guessModelIO :: [String] -> Universe -> Problem Form -> IO (Problem Form)
guessModelIO expansive univ prob = return (guessModel expansive univ prob)

allObligsBox :: OptionParser ((Problem Clause -> IO Answer) -> CNF -> IO ())
allObligsBox = pure allObligsIO

allObligsIO solve CNF{..} = loop 1 conjectures
  where loop _ [] = result unsatisfiable
        loop i (c:cs) = do
          when multi $ putStrLn $ "Part " ++ part i
          answer <- solve (axioms ++ c)
          when multi $ putStrLn $ "+++ PARTIAL (" ++ part i ++ "): " ++ show answer
          case answer of
            Satisfiable -> result satisfiable
            Unsatisfiable -> loop (i+1) cs
            NoAnswer x -> result (show x)
        multi = length conjectures > 1
        part i = show i ++ "/" ++ show (length conjectures)
        result x = putStrLn ("+++ RESULT: " ++ x)

inferBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO (Problem Clause, Type -> Type))
inferBox = (\globals prob -> do
  unless (quiet globals) $ putStrLn "Inferring types..."
  return (run prob inferTypes)) <$> globalFlags

printInferredBox :: OptionParser ((Problem Clause, Type -> Type) -> IO (Problem Clause))
printInferredBox = pure $ \(prob, rep) -> do
  forM_ (types prob) $ \ty ->
    putStrLn $ show ty ++ " => " ++ show (rep ty)
  return prob