# jvm-batching Provides batched marshalling of values between Java and Haskell. ## Using it as a dependency Add `jvm-batching` to the list of dependencies in your .cabal file. Then edit the `Setup.hs` file to add the `jvm-batching.jar` to the classpath. ```Haskell import Distribution.Simple import Language.Java.Inline.Cabal import qualified Language.Java.Batching.Jars main = do jars <- Language.Java.Batching.Jars.getJars defaultMainWithHooks (addJarsToClasspath jars simpleUserHooks) ``` Add a `custom-setup` stanza to your .cabal file. ``` custom-setup setup-depends: base, Cabal, inline-java, jvm-batching ``` ## Layout of source directories This is a multi-language package. We use Maven's [standard directory layout][maven-sdl] to organize source code in multiple languages side-by-side. [maven-sdl]: https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-standard-directory-layout.html