Module      : Language.JVM.Attribute.Code
Copyright   : (c) Christian Gram Kalhauge, 2017
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : kalhuage@cs.ucla.edu

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Language.JVM.Attribute.Code
  ( Code (..)

  , ByteCode (..)
  , ExceptionTable (..)

  , ByteCodeInst (..)
  , ByteCodeOpr (..)

  , Constant (..)
  , WordSize
  , OneOrTwo (..)
  , ArithmeticType (..)
  , SmallArithmeticType (..)
  , BinOpr (..)
  , LocalType (..)
  , ArrayType (..)
  , CmpOpr (..)
  , LongOffset
  , Offset

  , LocalAddress (..)
  , IncrementAmount (..)
  , BitOpr (..)
  , FieldAccess (..)
  , Invokation (..)
  ) where

import           GHC.Generics          (Generic)

import           Prelude               hiding (fail)
import qualified Prelude               as P

import           Numeric               (showHex)

import           Control.Monad         hiding (fail)
import           Control.Monad.Fail    (fail)

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Binary.Get       hiding (Get)
import           Data.Binary.Put       hiding (Put)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as BL
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Vector           as V

import           Language.JVM.Constant (ConstantRef (..))
import           Language.JVM.Utils

data Code a = Code
  { maxStack       :: Int16
  , maxLocals      :: Int16
  , bytecode       :: ByteCode
  , exceptionTable :: SizedList16 ExceptionTable
  , attributes     :: SizedList16 a
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance (Binary a) => Binary (Code a) where
  -- Auto implemented by generic

newtype ByteCode = ByteCode
  { unByteCode :: [ByteCodeInst]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Binary ByteCode where
  get = do
    x <- getWord32be
    bs <- getLazyByteString (fromIntegral x)
    case runGetOrFail go bs of
      Right (_,_,bcs) -> return $ ByteCode bcs
      Left (_,_,msg)  -> fail msg
      go = isEmpty >>= \t ->
        if t
          then return []
          else do
            x <- get
            (x:) <$> go

  put (ByteCode lst)= do
    let bs = runPut (mapM_ put lst)
    putWord32be (fromIntegral $ BL.length bs)
    putLazyByteString bs

data ExceptionTable = ExceptionTable
  { start     :: ! Word16
  -- ^ Inclusive program counter into 'code'
  , end       :: ! Word16
  -- ^ Exclusive program counter into 'code'
  , handler   :: ! Word16
  -- ^ A program counter into 'code' indicating the handler.
  , catchType :: ! ConstantRef
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Binary ExceptionTable where

data ByteCodeInst = ByteCodeInst
  { offset :: LongOffset
  , opcode :: ByteCodeOpr
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Binary ByteCodeInst where
  get =
    ByteCodeInst <$> (fromIntegral <$> bytesRead) <*> get
  put x =
    put $ opcode x

data ArithmeticType = MInt | MLong | MFloat | MDouble
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

data SmallArithmeticType = MByte | MChar | MShort
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

data LocalType = LInt | LLong | LFloat | LDouble | LRef
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

data ArrayType a
  = ABoolean | AByte | AChar | AShort | AInt | ALong
  | AFloat | ADouble | ARef a
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Invokation
  = InvkSpecial
  | InvkVirtual
  | InvkStatic
  | InvkInterface Word8
  | InvkDynamic
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data FieldAccess
  = FldStatic
  | FldField
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data OneOrTwo = One | Two
  deriving (Show, Ord, Bounded, Eq, Enum)

type WordSize = OneOrTwo

data Constant
  = CNull

  | CIntM1
  | CInt0
  | CInt1
  | CInt2
  | CInt3
  | CInt4
  | CInt5

  | CLong0
  | CLong1

  | CFloat0
  | CFloat1
  | CFloat2

  | CDouble0
  | CDouble1

  | CByte Int8
  | CShort Int16

  | CHalfRef ConstantRef
  | CRef WordSize ConstantRef
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data BinOpr
  = Add
  | Sub
  | Mul
  | Div
  | Rem
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data BitOpr
  = ShL
  | ShR
  | UShR
  | And
  | Or
  | XOr
  deriving (Show, Eq)

type Offset = Int16
type LongOffset = Int32

data LocalAddress
  = LWide Word16
  | LSingle Word8
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data IncrementAmount
  = IWide Int16
  | ISingle Int8
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data CmpOpr
  = CEq | CNe | CLt | CGe | CGt | CLe
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data ByteCodeOpr
  = ArrayLoad (ArrayType ())
  -- ^ aaload baload ...
  | ArrayStore (ArrayType ())
  -- ^ aastore bastore ...

  | Push Constant

  | Load LocalType LocalAddress
  -- ^ aload_0, bload_2, iload 5 ...
  | Store LocalType LocalAddress
  -- ^ aload, bload ...

  | BinaryOpr BinOpr ArithmeticType
  -- ^ iadd ...
  | Neg ArithmeticType
  -- ^ ineg ...

  | BitOpr BitOpr WordSize
  -- ^ Exclusively on int and long, identified by the word-size

  | IncrLocal !LocalAddress !IncrementAmount
  -- ^ Only works on ints, increment local #1, with #2

  | Cast ArithmeticType ArithmeticType
  -- ^ Only valid on different types

  | CastDown SmallArithmeticType
  -- ^ Only valid on different types

  | CompareLongs

  | CompareFloating Bool WordSize
  -- ^ Compare two floating values, #1 indicates if greater-than, #2
  -- is if float or double should be used.

  | If CmpOpr OneOrTwo Offset
  -- ^ compare with 0 if #2 is False, and two ints from the stack if
  -- True. the last value is the offset

  | IfRef Bool OneOrTwo Offset
  -- ^ check if two objects are equal, or not equal. If #2 is True, compare
  -- with null.

  | Goto LongOffset
  | Jsr LongOffset
  | Ret LocalAddress

  | TableSwitch Int32 Int32 Int32 (V.Vector Int32)
  -- ^ a table switch has 3 values `default` `low` `high` and a list of
  -- offets.
  | LookupSwitch Int32 (V.Vector (Int32, Int32))
  -- ^ a lookup switch has a `default` value and a list of pairs.

  | Get FieldAccess ConstantRef
  | Put FieldAccess ConstantRef

  | Invoke Invokation ConstantRef

  | New ConstantRef
  | NewArray (ArrayType ConstantRef)

  | ArrayLength

  | Throw

  | CheckCast ConstantRef
  | InstanceOf ConstantRef

  | Monitor Bool
  -- ^ True => Enter, False => Exit

  | MultiNewArray ConstantRef Word8
  -- ^ Create a new multi array of #1 and with #2 dimensions

  | Return (Maybe LocalType)

  | Nop

  | Pop WordSize

  | Dup WordSize
  | DupX1 WordSize
  | DupX2 WordSize

  | Swap

  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Binary ByteCodeOpr where
  get = do
    cmd <- getWord8
    case cmd of
      0x00 -> return Nop
      0x01 -> return $ Push CNull

      0x02 -> return $ Push CIntM1
      0x03 -> return $ Push CInt0
      0x04 -> return $ Push CInt1
      0x05 -> return $ Push CInt2
      0x06 -> return $ Push CInt3
      0x07 -> return $ Push CInt4
      0x08 -> return $ Push CInt5

      0x09 -> return $ Push CLong0
      0x0a -> return $ Push CLong1

      0x0b -> return $ Push CFloat0
      0x0c -> return $ Push CFloat1
      0x0d -> return $ Push CFloat2

      0x0e -> return $ Push CDouble0
      0x0f -> return $ Push CDouble1

      0x10 -> Push . CByte <$> get
      0x11 -> Push . CShort <$> get

      0x12 -> Push . CHalfRef . ConstantRef . fromIntegral <$> getWord8
      0x13 -> Push . CRef One <$> get
      0x14 -> Push . CRef Two <$> get

      0x15 -> Load LInt . LSingle <$> get
      0x16 -> Load LLong . LSingle <$> get
      0x17 -> Load LFloat . LSingle <$> get
      0x18 -> Load LDouble . LSingle <$> get
      0x19 -> Load LRef . LSingle <$> get

      0x1a -> return $ Load LInt (LSingle 0)
      0x1b -> return $ Load LInt (LSingle 1)
      0x1c -> return $ Load LInt (LSingle 2)
      0x1d -> return $ Load LInt (LSingle 3)

      0x1e -> return $ Load LLong (LSingle 0)
      0x1f -> return $ Load LLong (LSingle 1)
      0x20 -> return $ Load LLong (LSingle 2)
      0x21 -> return $ Load LLong (LSingle 3)

      0x22 -> return $ Load LFloat (LSingle 0)
      0x23 -> return $ Load LFloat (LSingle 1)
      0x24 -> return $ Load LFloat (LSingle 2)
      0x25 -> return $ Load LFloat (LSingle 3)

      0x26 -> return $ Load LDouble (LSingle 0)
      0x27 -> return $ Load LDouble (LSingle 1)
      0x28 -> return $ Load LDouble (LSingle 2)
      0x29 -> return $ Load LDouble (LSingle 3)

      0x2a -> return $ Load LRef (LSingle 0)
      0x2b -> return $ Load LRef (LSingle 1)
      0x2c -> return $ Load LRef (LSingle 2)
      0x2d -> return $ Load LRef (LSingle 3)

      0x2e -> return $ ArrayLoad AInt
      0x2f -> return $ ArrayLoad ALong
      0x30 -> return $ ArrayLoad AFloat
      0x31 -> return $ ArrayLoad ADouble
      0x32 -> return $ ArrayLoad (ARef ())
      0x33 -> return $ ArrayLoad AByte
      0x34 -> return $ ArrayLoad AChar
      0x35 -> return $ ArrayLoad AShort

      0x36 -> Store LInt . LSingle <$> get
      0x37 -> Store LLong . LSingle <$> get
      0x38 -> Store LFloat . LSingle <$> get
      0x39 -> Store LDouble . LSingle <$> get
      0x3a -> Store LRef . LSingle <$> get

      0x3b -> return $ Store LInt (LSingle 0)
      0x3c -> return $ Store LInt (LSingle 1)
      0x3d -> return $ Store LInt (LSingle 2)
      0x3e -> return $ Store LInt (LSingle 3)

      0x3f -> return $ Store LLong (LSingle 0)
      0x40 -> return $ Store LLong (LSingle 1)
      0x41 -> return $ Store LLong (LSingle 2)
      0x42 -> return $ Store LLong (LSingle 3)

      0x43 -> return $ Store LFloat (LSingle 0)
      0x44 -> return $ Store LFloat (LSingle 1)
      0x45 -> return $ Store LFloat (LSingle 2)
      0x46 -> return $ Store LFloat (LSingle 3)

      0x47 -> return $ Store LDouble (LSingle 0)
      0x48 -> return $ Store LDouble (LSingle 1)
      0x49 -> return $ Store LDouble (LSingle 2)
      0x4a -> return $ Store LDouble (LSingle 3)

      0x4b -> return $ Store LRef (LSingle 0)
      0x4c -> return $ Store LRef (LSingle 1)
      0x4d -> return $ Store LRef (LSingle 2)
      0x4e -> return $ Store LRef (LSingle 3)

      0x4f -> return $ ArrayStore AInt
      0x50 -> return $ ArrayStore ALong
      0x51 -> return $ ArrayStore AFloat
      0x52 -> return $ ArrayStore ADouble
      0x53 -> return $ ArrayStore (ARef ())
      0x54 -> return $ ArrayStore AByte
      0x55 -> return $ ArrayStore AChar
      0x56 -> return $ ArrayStore AShort

      0x57 -> return $ Pop One
      0x58 -> return $ Pop Two

      0x59 -> return $ Dup One
      0x5a -> return $ DupX1 One
      0x5b -> return $ DupX2 One

      0x5c -> return $ Dup Two
      0x5d -> return $ DupX1 Two
      0x5e -> return $ DupX2 Two

      0x5f -> return $ Swap

      0x60 -> return $ BinaryOpr Add MInt
      0x61 -> return $ BinaryOpr Add MLong
      0x62 -> return $ BinaryOpr Add MFloat
      0x63 -> return $ BinaryOpr Add MDouble

      0x64 -> return $ BinaryOpr Sub MInt
      0x65 -> return $ BinaryOpr Sub MLong
      0x66 -> return $ BinaryOpr Sub MFloat
      0x67 -> return $ BinaryOpr Sub MDouble

      0x68 -> return $ BinaryOpr Mul MInt
      0x69 -> return $ BinaryOpr Mul MLong
      0x6a -> return $ BinaryOpr Mul MFloat
      0x6b -> return $ BinaryOpr Mul MDouble

      0x6c -> return $ BinaryOpr Div MInt
      0x6d -> return $ BinaryOpr Div MLong
      0x6e -> return $ BinaryOpr Div MFloat
      0x6f -> return $ BinaryOpr Div MDouble

      0x70 -> return $ BinaryOpr Rem MInt
      0x71 -> return $ BinaryOpr Rem MLong
      0x72 -> return $ BinaryOpr Rem MFloat
      0x73 -> return $ BinaryOpr Rem MDouble

      0x74 -> return $ Neg MInt
      0x75 -> return $ Neg MLong
      0x76 -> return $ Neg MFloat
      0x77 -> return $ Neg MDouble

      0x78 -> return $ BitOpr ShL One
      0x79 -> return $ BitOpr ShL Two
      0x7a -> return $ BitOpr ShR One
      0x7b -> return $ BitOpr ShR Two

      0x7c -> return $ BitOpr UShR One
      0x7d -> return $ BitOpr UShR Two

      0x7e -> return $ BitOpr And One
      0x7f -> return $ BitOpr And Two
      0x80 -> return $ BitOpr Or One
      0x81 -> return $ BitOpr Or Two
      0x82 -> return $ BitOpr XOr One
      0x83 -> return $ BitOpr XOr Two

      0x84 -> IncrLocal <$> (LSingle <$> get) <*> (ISingle <$> get)

      0x85 -> return $ Cast MInt MLong
      0x86 -> return $ Cast MInt MFloat
      0x87 -> return $ Cast MInt MDouble

      0x88 -> return $ Cast MLong MInt
      0x89 -> return $ Cast MLong MFloat
      0x8a -> return $ Cast MLong MDouble

      0x8b -> return $ Cast MFloat MInt
      0x8c -> return $ Cast MFloat MLong
      0x8d -> return $ Cast MFloat MDouble

      0x8e -> return $ Cast MDouble MInt
      0x8f -> return $ Cast MDouble MLong
      0x90 -> return $ Cast MDouble MFloat

      0x91 -> return $ CastDown MByte
      0x92 -> return $ CastDown MChar
      0x93 -> return $ CastDown MShort

      0x94 -> return $ CompareLongs

      0x95 -> return $ CompareFloating True One
      0x96 -> return $ CompareFloating False Two

      0x97 -> return $ CompareFloating True One
      0x98 -> return $ CompareFloating False Two

      0x99 -> If CEq One <$> get
      0x9a -> If CNe One <$> get
      0x9b -> If CLt One <$> get
      0x9c -> If CGe One <$> get
      0x9d -> If CGt One <$> get
      0x9e -> If CLe One <$> get

      0x9f -> If CEq Two <$> get
      0xa0 -> If CNe Two <$> get
      0xa1 -> If CLt Two <$> get
      0xa2 -> If CGe Two <$> get
      0xa3 -> If CGt Two <$> get
      0xa4 -> If CLe Two <$> get

      0xa5 -> IfRef True Two <$> get
      0xa6 -> IfRef False Two <$> get

      0xa7 -> Goto . fromIntegral <$> getInt16be
      0xa8 -> Jsr . fromIntegral <$> getInt16be
      0xa9 -> Ret . LSingle <$> get

      0xaa -> do
        offset' <- bytesRead
        let skipAmount = (4 - offset' `mod` 4) `mod` 4
        if skipAmount > 0 then skip $ fromIntegral skipAmount else return ()
        dft <- getInt32be
        low <- getInt32be
        high <- getInt32be
        table <- V.replicateM (fromIntegral $ high - low + 1) getInt32be
        return $ TableSwitch dft low high table

      0xab -> do
        offset' <- bytesRead
        let skipAmount = (4 - offset' `mod` 4) `mod` 4
        if skipAmount > 0 then skip $ fromIntegral skipAmount else return ()
        dft <- getInt32be
        npairs <- getInt32be
        pairs <- V.replicateM (fromIntegral npairs) get
        return $ LookupSwitch dft pairs

      0xac -> return . Return . Just $ LInt
      0xad -> return . Return . Just $ LLong
      0xae -> return . Return . Just $ LFloat
      0xaf -> return . Return . Just $ LDouble
      0xb0 -> return . Return . Just $ LRef
      0xb1 -> return . Return $ Nothing

      0xb2 -> Get FldStatic <$> get
      0xb3 -> Put FldStatic <$> get

      0xb4 -> Get FldField <$> get
      0xb5 -> Put FldField <$> get

      0xb6 -> Invoke InvkVirtual <$> get
      0xb7 -> Invoke InvkSpecial <$> get
      0xb8 -> Invoke InvkStatic <$> get
      0xb9 -> do
        ref <- get
        count <- get
        when (count == 0) $ fail "Should be not zero"
        zero <- getWord8
        when (zero /= 0) $ fail "Should be zero"
        return $ Invoke (InvkInterface count) ref
      0xba -> do
        ref <- get
        count <- getWord8
        when (count /= 0) $ fail "Should be zero"
        zero <- getWord8
        when (zero /= 0) $ fail "Should be zero"
        return $ Invoke InvkDynamic ref
      0xbb -> New <$> get

      0xbc -> do
        x <- getWord8
        NewArray <$> case x of
          4  -> return ABoolean
          5  -> return AChar
          6  -> return AFloat
          7  -> return ADouble
          8  -> return AByte
          9  -> return AShort
          10 -> return AInt
          11 -> return ALong
          _  -> fail $ "Unknown type '0x" ++ showHex x "'."

      0xbd -> NewArray . ARef <$> get

      0xbe -> return ArrayLength

      0xbf -> return Throw

      0xc0 -> CheckCast <$> get
      0xc1 -> InstanceOf <$> get

      0xc2 -> return $ Monitor True
      0xc3 -> return $ Monitor False

      0xc4 -> do
        subopcode <- getWord8
        case subopcode of
          0x15 -> Load LInt . LWide <$> get
          0x16 -> Load LLong . LWide <$> get
          0x17 -> Load LFloat . LWide <$> get
          0x18 -> Load LDouble . LWide <$> get
          0x19 -> Load LRef . LWide <$> get

          0x36 -> Store LInt . LWide <$> get
          0x37 -> Store LLong . LWide <$> get
          0x38 -> Store LFloat . LWide <$> get
          0x39 -> Store LDouble . LWide <$> get
          0x3a -> Store LRef . LWide <$> get

          0x84 -> IncrLocal <$> (LWide <$> get)
                            <*> (IWide <$> get)

          0xa9 -> Ret . LWide <$> get

          _ -> fail $ "Wide does not work for opcode 'Ox"
                ++ showHex subopcode "'"

      0xc5 -> MultiNewArray <$> get <*> get

      0xc6 -> IfRef False One <$> get
      0xc7 -> IfRef True One <$> get

      0xc8 -> Goto <$> getInt32be
      0xc9 -> Jsr <$> getInt32be

      _ -> fail $ "I do not know this bytecode '0x" ++ showHex cmd "'."

  put bc =
    case bc of
      Nop -> putInt8 0x00
      Push CNull -> putInt8 0x01

      Push CIntM1 -> putInt8 0x02
      Push CInt0 -> putInt8 0x03
      Push CInt1 -> putInt8 0x04
      Push CInt2 -> putInt8 0x05
      Push CInt3 -> putInt8 0x06
      Push CInt4 -> putInt8 0x07
      Push CInt5 -> putInt8 0x08

      Push CLong0 -> putInt8 0x09
      Push CLong1 -> putInt8 0x0a

      Push CFloat0 -> putInt8 0x0b
      Push CFloat1 -> putInt8 0x0c
      Push CFloat2 -> putInt8 0x0d

      Push CDouble0 -> putInt8 0x0e
      Push CDouble1 -> putInt8 0x0f

      Push (CByte x) -> putInt8 0x10 >> put x
      Push (CShort x) -> putInt8 0x11 >> put x

      Push (CHalfRef (ConstantRef r)) -> putInt8 0x12 >> putWord8 (fromIntegral r)
      Push (CRef One (ConstantRef r)) -> putInt8 0x13 >> put r
      Push (CRef Two (ConstantRef r)) -> putInt8 0x14 >> put r
      _ -> P.fail $ "Is not able to print '" ++ show bc ++ "' yet."