module SpecHelper ( module Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty , module Test.Hspec.QuickCheck , module Test.QuickCheck , module Generic.Random , decode , encode , blReadFile , isoBinary , isoRoundtrip , isoByteCodeRoundtrip , byteCodeRoundtrip , testAllFiles , hexStringS , hexString , withTestClass , Spec , SpecWith , it , xit , describe , xdescribe , fdescribe ) where import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty import Test.Hspec hiding (shouldBe) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Bifunctor import System.FilePath import System.Directory import Generic.Random import Control.Monad import Data.Binary import Data.Bits import qualified Data.List as List import Language.JVM.ByteCode import Language.JVM.ClassFile import Language.JVM.Utils import Language.JVM.Staged import Language.JVM.ClassFileReader import Language.JVM.ConstantPool blReadFile :: FilePath -> IO BL.ByteString blReadFile = BL.readFile toHex :: Word8 -> String toHex x = [ alpha !! fromIntegral (x `shift` (-4)) , alpha !! fromIntegral (x `mod` 16) ] where alpha = "0123456789abcdef" testAllFiles :: (BL.ByteString -> Spec) -> Spec testAllFiles spec = do files <- runIO $ filter isClass <$> recursiveContents "test/data" forM_ files $ \file -> do bs <- runIO $ blReadFile file describe file $ spec bs where isClass p = takeExtension p == ".class" && p /= "test/data/SQLite.class" withTestClass :: String -> IO (ClassFile High) withTestClass str = do Right rf <- readClassFile <$> (blReadFile $ "test/data/" ++ str ++ ".class") return rf -- testSomeFiles :: SpecWith BL.ByteString -> IO [TestTree] -- testSomeFiles spec = -- forM files $ \file -> testSpec file (beforeAll (blReadFile file) spec) -- where -- files = -- [ "test/data/java/util/zip/ZipOutputStream.class" -- , "test/data/project/Main.class" -- , "test/data/com/sun/istack/internal/localization/Localizable.class" -- , "test/data/SQLite.class" -- , "test/data/Emitter.class" -- , "test/data/EventExecutorGroup.class" -- , "test/data/NioEventLoopGroup.class" -- ] hexStringS :: BS.ByteString -> String hexStringS = hexString . BL.fromStrict hexString :: BL.ByteString -> String hexString = List.intercalate " " . group 8 . concat . map toHex . BL.unpack isoBinary :: (Binary a, Eq a, Show a) => a -> P.Property isoBinary a = let bs = encode a in P.counterexample (hexString bs) $ decode bs P.=== a -- | Test that a value can go from the Highest state to binary and back again -- without losing data. isoRoundtrip :: (Staged a, Eq (a High), Show (a High), Binary (a Low), Show (a Low)) => (a High) -> P.Property isoRoundtrip a = case roundtrip a of Right (_, a') -> $ a' `shouldBe` a Left msg -> $ P.failed { P.reason = msg } where roundtrip a1 = do let (a', cpb) = runConstantPoolBuilder (devolve a1) cpbEmpty cp = constantPoolFromBuilder cpb let bs = encode a' a'' <- bimap trd trd $ decodeOrFail bs cp' <- first show $ bootstrapConstantPool cp a3 <- first show $ runEvolve (EvolveConfig [] cp' (const True)) (evolve a'') return (bs, a3) -- | Test that a value can go from the Highest state to binary and back again -- without losing data. isoByteCodeRoundtrip :: (ByteCodeStaged a, Eq (a High), Show (a Low), Show (a High), Binary (a Low)) => (a High) -> P.Property isoByteCodeRoundtrip a = case byteCodeRoundtrip a of Right ((_, b, cp), a') -> P.counterexample (show cp ++ "\n" ++ show b) $ a' `shouldBe` a Left msg -> $ P.failed { P.reason = msg } byteCodeRoundtrip :: (ByteCodeStaged s, Binary (s Low)) => s High -> Either String ((BL.ByteString, s Low, ConstantPool High), s High) byteCodeRoundtrip a1 = do let (a', cbp) = runConstantPoolBuilder (devolveBC (return . fromIntegral) a1) cpbEmpty cp = constantPoolFromBuilder cbp let bs = encode a' a'' <- bimap trd trd $ decodeOrFail bs cp' <- first show $ bootstrapConstantPool cp a3 <- first show $ runEvolve (EvolveConfig [] cp' (const True)) (evolveBC (return . fromIntegral) a'') return ((bs, a', cp'), a3) folderContents :: FilePath -> IO [ FilePath ] folderContents fp = map (fp ) <$> listDirectory fp recursiveContents :: FilePath -> IO [ FilePath ] recursiveContents fp = do test <- doesDirectoryExist fp (fp:) <$> if test then do content <- folderContents fp concat <$> mapM recursiveContents content else return [] group :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] group _ [] = [] group n l | n > 0 = (take n l) : (group n (drop n l)) | otherwise = error "Negative n"