Portability | to be determined. |
Stability | highly unstable |
Maintainer | Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com> |
Printing with join-strings.
- data Doc
- empty :: Doc
- null :: Doc -> Bool
- length :: Doc -> Int
- (<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
- (<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
- (<%>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
- vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
- hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
- hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
- text :: String -> Doc
- char :: Char -> Doc
- int :: Int -> Doc
- integer :: Integer -> Doc
- integral :: Integral a => a -> Doc
- sglspace :: Doc
- dblspace :: Doc
- comma :: Doc
- semicolon :: Doc
- punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
- enclose :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
- squotes :: Doc -> Doc
- dquotes :: Doc -> Doc
- parens :: Doc -> Doc
- brackets :: Doc -> Doc
- braces :: Doc -> Doc
- angles :: Doc -> Doc
- lparen :: Doc
- rparen :: Doc
- lbracket :: Doc
- rbracket :: Doc
- lbrace :: Doc
- rbrace :: Doc
- langle :: Doc
- rangle :: Doc
- replicateChar :: Int -> Char -> Doc
- spacer :: Int -> Doc
- padl :: Int -> Char -> Doc -> Doc
- padr :: Int -> Char -> Doc -> Doc
- truncl :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
- truncr :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
- render :: Doc -> String
- renderIO :: Doc -> IO ()
- hex :: Integral a => a -> Doc
- hex2 :: Word8 -> Doc
- hex4 :: Word16 -> Doc
- hex8 :: Word32 -> Doc
- oxhex :: Integral a => Int -> a -> Doc
- oxhex2 :: Word8 -> Doc
- oxhex4 :: Word16 -> Doc
- oxhex8 :: Word32 -> Doc
- hexdump :: Int -> Int -> [Word8] -> Doc
replicateChar :: Int -> Char -> DocSource
hex :: Integral a => a -> DocSource
: i -> Doc
Print i
as hexadecimal, no zero padding.
Negative numbers are printed as a string of asterisks.