{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Text.PrettyPrint.JoinPrint.HexDump
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2009-2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  to be determined.
-- Hex dumps

module Text.PrettyPrint.JoinPrint.HexDump
  , hex2
  , hex4
  , hex8
  , oxhex
  , oxhex2
  , oxhex4
  , oxhex8

  , hexdump

  ) where

import Text.PrettyPrint.JoinPrint.Core

import Data.Char
import Data.List ( unfoldr )
import Data.Word
import Numeric

import Prelude hiding ( length )
import qualified Prelude as Pre

asterix :: String -> Doc
asterix = text . map (const '*')

-- | 'hex' : @i -> Doc@
-- Print @i@ as hexadecimal, no zero padding. 
-- Negative numbers are printed as a string of asterisks.
hex :: Integral a => a -> Doc
hex i | i >= 0    = text $ showHex i []
      | otherwise = asterix $ showHex (abs i) []

hex2 :: Word8 -> Doc
hex2 = padl 2 '0' . text . ($ []) . showHex

hex4 :: Word16 -> Doc
hex4 = padl 4 '0' . text . ($ []) . showHex

hex8 :: Word32 -> Doc
hex8 = padl 8 '0' . text . ($ []) . showHex

-- | 'oxhex' : @pad-length * i -> Doc@
-- Print @i@ in hexadecimal, padding with \'0\' to the supplied 
-- @pad-length@ and prefixing with \"0x\".
-- Negative numbers are printed as a string of asterisks.
oxhex  :: Integral a => Int -> a -> Doc
oxhex plen i 
    | i >= 0    = text "0x" <> padl plen '0' (text $ showHex i [])
    | otherwise = text "0x" <> padl plen '*' (asterix $ showHex (abs i) [])

oxhex2 :: Word8 -> Doc
oxhex2 = (text "0x" <>) . hex2

oxhex4 :: Word16 -> Doc
oxhex4 = (text "0x" <>) . hex4

oxhex8 :: Word32 -> Doc
oxhex8 = (text "0x" <>) . hex8


-- This would be better if it didn't need a list in the first 
-- place (i.e. it could use an array directly)...

hexdump :: Int -> Int -> [Word8] -> Doc
hexdump start end bs = 
    vcat $ aZipWith (hexLine True c1_width, hexLine False c1_width) 
    segs       = segment16 (16 - (start `mod` 16)) bs
    c1_width   = 2 +  (Pre.length $ showHex end "")
    index_nums = lineNumbers start end

aZipWith :: (a -> b -> c, a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
aZipWith (f,g) (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWith g xs ys
aZipWith _     _      _      = []


type Width   = Int
type LineNum = Int 

hexLine :: Bool -> Width -> LineNum -> [Word8] -> Doc 
hexLine is_initial c1_max n xs = c1 <+> empty <+> c2 <+> c3
    c1  = padl c1_max ' ' (hex n)
    c2  = columnPad is_initial (16*3)   $ hsep $ map hex2 xs
    c3  = columnPad is_initial 16       $ text $ map printable xs

-- Default is to pad to the right...
columnPad :: Bool -> Width -> Doc -> Doc
columnPad pad_left w d = step $ length d where
    step l | l < w = if pad_left then padl w ' ' d else padr w ' ' d
    step _         = d       

lineNumbers :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
lineNumbers s e = unfoldr phi $ s `div` 16 where
   phi n | n > e     = Nothing
         | otherwise = Just (n,n+16) 

-- Show 16 bytes per line...
segment16 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
segment16 initial ls = let (top,rest) = splitAt initial ls
                       in top : unfoldr phi rest
    phi [] = Nothing
    phi cs = let (xs,rest) = splitAt 16 cs in Just (xs,rest)

printable :: Word8 -> Char
printable = fn . chr . fromIntegral where 
  fn c | isPrint c = c
       | otherwise = '.'