{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
module Hardware.KansasLava.Boards.Papilio
       ( Model(..)
         -- * Class for the methods of the Papilio
       , Papilio(..)
         -- * Initialization, and global settings.
       , clockRate
       ) where

import Language.KansasLava as KL
import Hardware.KansasLava.Rate

import Data.Sized.Ix hiding (all)
import Control.Monad.Fix

data Model = PapilioOne
           | PapilioPro

-- | The clock rate on the Papilio (32MHz), in hertz.
clockRate :: Integer
clockRate = 32 * 1000 * 1000

class MonadFix fabric => Papilio fabric where
    -- | 'board_init' sets up the use of default clock,
    -- which is the native 32MHz on-board clock.
    board_init :: fabric ()

    -- | 'tickTock' generates 'n' pulses per second,
    -- based on the expected simulation, or clockrate on the board.
    -- The purpose is for controlling real-time sampling, or for animations.
    tickTock :: (Size w) => Witness w -> Integer -> fabric (Seq Bool)

instance Papilio Fabric where
  board_init = do
      -- we need to name and pull in the clock
      theClk "CLK_32MHZ"

  tickTock wit hz = return $ rate wit tickTime
      clockHz = fromIntegral clockRate / fromIntegral hz
      tickTime = 1 / clockHz