{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications           #-}
-- | This is a log scribe that writes logs to logz.io's bulk
-- <https://app.logz.io/#/dashboard/data-sources/Bulk-HTTPS HTTPS
-- API>.
module Katip.Scribes.LogzIO.HTTPS
    ( -- * Scribe construction
      -- * Types
    , BulkAPIError(..)
    , LogzIOScribeConfiguration(..)
    , Scheme(..)
    , APIToken(..)
    , LoggingError(..)
    -- ** Presets for configuration
    , usRegionHost
    , euRegionHost
    , httpsPort
    , httpPort
    , defaultRetryPolicy
    , defaultLogzIOScribeConfiguration
    -- * Internal API exported for testing
    , renderLineTruncated
    , renderLineTruncated'
    , maxPayloadBytes
    , maxLogLineLength
    , BulkBuffer (..)
    , LogAction (..)
    , bufferItem
    , bufferItem'
    , forceFlush
    , Bytes (..)
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async        as Async
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM          as STM
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue as STM
import qualified Control.Error                   as E
import qualified Control.Exception.Safe          as EX
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Retry                   as Retry
import qualified Data.Aeson                      as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder         as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy            as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8      as LBS8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict             as HM
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Scientific                 as Scientific
import           Data.Semigroup                  as Semigroup
import           Data.String                     (IsString)
import qualified Data.Text                       as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding              as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                  as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder          as TB
import qualified Data.Time                       as Time
import qualified Katip                           as K
import           Katip.Core                      (LocJs (..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client             as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS         as HTTPS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types              as HTypes
import qualified System.Posix.Types              as POSIX
import qualified URI.ByteString                  as URIBS

-- | This is returned when the bulk import was a partial success
data BulkAPIError = BulkAPIError
  { bulkAPIError_malformedLines  :: Int
  -- ^ The number of log lines which are not well-formed JSON. This
  -- indicates a __library bug__. Please file an issue on GitHub.
  , bulkAPIError_successfulLines :: Int
  -- ^ The number of log lines received successfully.
  , bulkAPIError_oversizedLines  :: Int
  -- ^ The number of log lines which exceed the line length
  -- limit. katip-logzio makes a best effort to truncate logs that
  -- exceed the size limit. This probably indicates a __library bug__
  -- and should be reported as an issue on GitHub.
  , bulkAPIError_emptyLogLines   :: Int
  -- ^ The number of log lines which were empty. There isnt' really a
  -- concept of a truly empty log line in katip, so this most likely
  -- indicates a __library bug__ and should be reported as an issue on
  -- GitHub.
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance A.FromJSON BulkAPIError where
  parseJSON = A.withObject "BulkAPIError" $ \o -> do
    malformedLines  <- o A..: "malformedLines"
    successfulLines <- o A..: "successfulLines"
    oversizedLines  <- o A..: "oversizedLines"
    emptyLogLines   <- o A..: "emptyLogLines"
    pure $ BulkAPIError
      { bulkAPIError_malformedLines  = malformedLines
      , bulkAPIError_successfulLines = successfulLines
      , bulkAPIError_oversizedLines  = oversizedLines
      , bulkAPIError_emptyLogLines   = emptyLogLines

data LogzIOScribeConfiguration = LogzIOScribeConfiguration
  { logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferItems   :: Int
  -- ^ Will flush the log buffer if this many items is in the buffer
  -- __or__ 'logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferTimeout' is reached,
  -- whichever is first
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferTimeout :: Time.NominalDiffTime
  -- ^ Will flush the buffer if it has been this long since the last
  -- flush __or__ 'logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferItems' items are
  -- accumulated, whichever is first. NominalDiffTime has a Num
  -- instance, so you can use a literal to specify seconds, e.g. 30 =
  -- 30s.
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_scheme        :: Scheme
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_host          :: URIBS.Host
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_port          :: URIBS.Port
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_token         :: APIToken
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_retry         :: Retry.RetryPolicyM IO
  -- ^ How should exceptions during writes be retried?
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_onError       :: LoggingError -> IO ()

-- | A default configuration:
--    * 100 item buffering
--    * 30 second buffer timeout
--    * US, HTTPS logging endpoint (listener.logz.io:8071)
--    * 'defaultRetryPolicy' of 25ms exponential backoff, 5 retries
--    * Ignore logging errors
defaultLogzIOScribeConfiguration :: APIToken -> LogzIOScribeConfiguration
defaultLogzIOScribeConfiguration token = LogzIOScribeConfiguration
  { logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferItems   = 100
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferTimeout = 30
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_scheme        = HTTPS
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_host          = usRegionHost
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_port          = httpsPort
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_token         = token
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_retry         = defaultRetryPolicy
  , logzIOScribeConfiguration_onError       = const (pure ())

-- | You can retrieve your account or sub-account's API token on the
-- <https://app.logz.io/#/dashboard/settings/manage-accounts manage
-- accounts page>. Note that APIToken has an IsString instance,
-- meaning that you can use a string literal with OverloadedStrings
-- enabled.
newtype APIToken = APIToken
  { apiToken :: T.Text
  } deriving (Show, Eq, IsString)

-- | This particular bulk API only supports HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS is
-- strongly recommended for security reasons.
data Scheme
  -- ^ HTTPs should always be used except for local testing.
  | HTTP
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | See
-- <https://support.logz.io/hc/en-us/articles/210206365-What-IP-addresses-should-I-open-in-my-firewall-to-ship-logs-to-Logz-io-
-- this> for a list of listeners. This is the US region host,
-- listener.logz.io
usRegionHost :: URIBS.Host
usRegionHost = URIBS.Host "listener.logz.io"

-- | See
-- <https://support.logz.io/hc/en-us/articles/210206365-What-IP-addresses-should-I-open-in-my-firewall-to-ship-logs-to-Logz-io-
-- this> for a list of listeners. This is the EU region host,
-- listener.logz.io
euRegionHost :: URIBS.Host
euRegionHost = URIBS.Host "listener-eu.logz.io"

-- | Logz.io uses port 8071 for HTTPS
httpsPort :: URIBS.Port
httpsPort = URIBS.Port 8071

-- | Logz.io uses port 8070 for HTTP
httpPort :: URIBS.Port
httpPort = URIBS.Port 8070

-- | A reasonable retry policy: exponential backoff with 25ms base
-- delay up to 5 retries, for a total cumulative delay of 775ms.
defaultRetryPolicy :: (Monad m) => Retry.RetryPolicyM m
defaultRetryPolicy = Retry.exponentialBackoff 25000 `mappend` Retry.limitRetries 5

  :: LogzIOScribeConfiguration
  -> K.PermitFunc
  -> K.Verbosity
  -> IO K.Scribe
mkLogzIOScribe config permitItem verbosity = do
  -- This size is actually somewhat arbitrary. We're just making sure
  -- it isn't infinite so we don't consume the whole backlog right
  -- away and take up lots of memory.. Katip above us does bounded
  -- buffering and load-shedding when there's too much of a
  -- backlog. Our writes are blocking to apply backpressure up to
  -- katip. This value just holds onto values temporarily while we
  -- concatenate them into a buffer.
  ingestionQueue <- STM.newTBMQueueIO (itemBufferSize * 10)

  let newTimer = STM.registerDelay itemBufferTimeoutMicros
  timerRef <- STM.newTVarIO =<< newTimer

  -- Set up a connection manager for requests
  mgr <- case scheme of
    HTTPS -> HTTPS.newTlsManager
    HTTP  -> HTTP.newManager HTTP.defaultManagerSettings

  -- An STM transaction that will return true when writes are stopped
  -- and backlog is emptied.
  let workExhausted :: STM.STM Bool
      workExhausted = (&&)
        <$> STM.isClosedTBMQueue ingestionQueue
        <*> STM.isEmptyTBMQueue ingestionQueue
  -- Block until there's no more work
  let waitWorkExhausted :: STM.STM ()
      waitWorkExhausted = STM.check =<< workExhausted
  let pop :: STM.STM (Tick AnyLogItem)
      pop = maybe WorkExhausted NewItem <$> STM.readTBMQueue ingestionQueue

  let timeExpired :: STM.STM (Tick a)
      timeExpired = do
        isExpired <- STM.readTVar =<< STM.readTVar timerRef
        STM.check isExpired
        pure TimeExpired

  -- Circular transaction that checks for completion of work, time
  -- expiration, or new events.
  let nextTick :: STM.STM (Tick AnyLogItem)
      nextTick =
        timeExpired <|>
        pop <|>
        (WorkExhausted <$ waitWorkExhausted)

  -- Blocking push. This applies backpressure upstream to katip, which does its own buffering
  let push :: AnyLogItem -> STM.STM ()
      push = void . STM.writeTBMQueue ingestionQueue

  let sealQueue = STM.atomically (STM.closeTBMQueue ingestionQueue)

  -- Replace the timer with a new one
  let resetTimer = STM.atomically . STM.writeTVar timerRef =<< newTimer

  -- Send the buffer and then reset the timer
  let flush curBuffer = do
        res <- flushBuffer config mgr curBuffer
        case res of
          Left e   -> onErrorSafe e
          Right () -> pure ()

  let flushLoop :: BulkBuffer -> IO ()
      flushLoop curBuffer = do
        tick <- STM.atomically nextTick
        case tick of
          WorkExhausted -> do
            flush curBuffer -- flush what you've got
            pure () -- stop looping
          TimeExpired -> do
            flush curBuffer
            flushLoop mempty
          NewItem (AnyLogItem item) -> do
            case bufferItem (logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferItems config) verbosity item curBuffer of
              Buffered newBuffer -> flushLoop newBuffer
              FlushNow flushThis newBuffer -> do
                flush flushThis
                flushLoop newBuffer

  flushThread <- Async.async (flushLoop mempty)

  let close = do
        _ <- Async.waitCatch flushThread
        pure ()

  pure $ K.Scribe
    { K.liPush = STM.atomically . push . AnyLogItem
    , K.scribeFinalizer = close
    , K.scribePermitItem = permitItem
    itemBufferSize = logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferItems config
    itemBufferTimeoutMicros = ndtToMicros (logzIOScribeConfiguration_bufferTimeout config)
    scheme = logzIOScribeConfiguration_scheme config
    onErrorSafe ex = do
      _ <- EX.tryAny (logzIOScribeConfiguration_onError config ex)
      pure ()

data AnyLogItem where
  AnyLogItem :: K.LogItem a => K.Item a -> AnyLogItem

data Tick a =
  | NewItem !a
  | WorkExhausted

-- Match the native resolution of NominalDiffTime, which is excessive
-- for our needs
ndtPicos :: Time.NominalDiffTime -> Int64
ndtPicos = round . (* picos)
    picos :: Time.NominalDiffTime
    picos = 10 ^ (9 :: Int)

ndtToMicros :: Time.NominalDiffTime -> Int
ndtToMicros t = round (((fromIntegral (ndtPicos t)) :: Double) / picosInMicro)
    picosInMicro = 10 ^ (3 :: Int)

data LoggingError =
    URIError HTTP.HttpException
  -- ^ The URI generated was invalid. Check your configuration
  | RequestError HTTP.HttpException
  -- ^ We encountered an exception while sending the batch request
  | PartialFailure BulkAPIError
  -- ^ Some or all of the request was rejected. Check the logz.io UI
  -- for indexing errors.
  | BadToken
  -- ^ Your API token was rejected.
  | UnknownFailureResponse HTypes.Status LBS.ByteString
  -- ^ An error returned, but it could not be decoded into a
  -- 'BulkAPIError'. This may indicate a __library bug__, which should
  -- be reported to the issue tracker.
  deriving (Show)

  :: LogzIOScribeConfiguration
  -> HTTP.Manager
  -> BulkBuffer
  -> IO (Either LoggingError ())
flushBuffer config mgr bulkBuffer
  | bulkBuffer_itemCount bulkBuffer <= 0 = pure (Right ())
  | otherwise = do
      E.runExceptT $ do
        req <- E.fmapLT URIError (E.ExceptT (EX.try (configureRequest <$> HTTP.parseRequest uriStr)))
        resp <- E.fmapLT RequestError $ E.ExceptT  $ EX.try $
          Retry.recovering retryPolicy [\_stat -> EX.Handler handleHttpException] $ \_stat ->
            HTTP.httpLbs req mgr
        let respLBS = HTTP.responseBody resp
        let respStatus = HTTP.responseStatus resp
        if HTypes.statusIsSuccessful respStatus
          then pure ()
          else case A.decode @BulkAPIError respLBS of
              | HTypes.statusCode respStatus == 401 -> E.throwE BadToken
              | otherwise -> E.throwE (UnknownFailureResponse respStatus respLBS)
            Just bulkError -> E.throwE (PartialFailure bulkError)
    configureRequest req = req
      { HTTP.method = HTypes.methodPost
      , HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS (BB.toLazyByteString (bulkBuffer_payload bulkBuffer))

    retryPolicy = logzIOScribeConfiguration_retry config
    apiTokenBS = TE.encodeUtf8 (apiToken (logzIOScribeConfiguration_token config))

    handleHttpException :: (Applicative m) => HTTP.HttpException -> m Bool
    handleHttpException _ = pure True

    uriStr = LBS8.unpack (BB.toLazyByteString (URIBS.serializeURIRef uri))

    authority = URIBS.Authority
      { URIBS.authorityUserInfo = Nothing
      , URIBS.authorityHost = logzIOScribeConfiguration_host config
      , URIBS.authorityPort = Just (logzIOScribeConfiguration_port config)

    uri = URIBS.URI
      { URIBS.uriScheme = case logzIOScribeConfiguration_scheme config of
          HTTPS -> URIBS.Scheme "https"
          HTTP  -> URIBS.Scheme "http"
      , URIBS.uriAuthority = Just authority
      , URIBS.uriPath = "/"
      , URIBS.uriQuery = URIBS.Query
          [ ("token", apiTokenBS)
      , URIBS.uriFragment = Nothing

newtype Bytes = Bytes
  { bytes :: Int64
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Ord, Bounded)

-- | How big of a body can we send? The limit is defined
-- <https://app.logz.io/#/dashboard/data-sources/Bulk-HTTPS here>.
maxPayloadBytes :: Bytes
maxPayloadBytes = 10485760

-- | How long can each serialized payload be (let's assume including
-- the trailing newline). The limit is defined
-- <https://app.logz.io/#/dashboard/data-sources/Bulk-HTTPS here>.
maxLogLineLength :: Bytes
maxLogLineLength = 500000

measureJSONLine :: A.ToJSON a => a -> (BB.Builder, Bytes)
measureJSONLine a = (BB.lazyByteString lbs, Bytes (LBS.length lbs))
    lbs = A.encode a <> "\n"

-- | Fully-rendered JSON object for an item
fullItemObject :: K.LogItem a => K.Verbosity -> K.Item a -> A.Object
fullItemObject verbosity item = HM.fromList
  [ "app" A..= K._itemApp item
  , "env" A..= K._itemEnv item
  , "sev" A..= K._itemSeverity item
  , "thread" A..= K.getThreadIdText (K._itemThread item)
  , "host" A..= K._itemHost item
  , "pid" A..= pidInt
  , "data" A..= annotateKeys (K.payloadObject verbosity (K._itemPayload item))
  -- Slight deviation, logz.io uses "message" instead of "msg"
  , "message" A..= TB.toLazyText (K.unLogStr (K._itemMessage item))
  -- Another slight deviation, logz.io uses "@timestamp" instead of
  -- "at". Note, your logs should be sent roughly close to when they
  -- are created. They are assigned to indexes based on index date, so
  -- time searches act strange if you backfill too far from the
  -- past. They seem to support 3 decimal places of
  -- precision. Formatting like this requires time, which is
  -- reflected in the cabal file.
  , "@timestamp" A..= A.String (T.pack (Time.formatTime Time.defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%03QZ" (K._itemTime item)))
  , "ns" A..= K._itemNamespace item
  , "loc" A..= (LocJs <$> K._itemLoc item)
    POSIX.CPid pidInt = K._itemProcess item

-- | A version of 'renderLine' which renders a line and stays under
-- the maximum line size of 500,000 bytes. If the default rendering is
-- too large, the log will be reduced to a timestamp and a potentially
-- truncated message.
renderLineTruncated :: K.LogItem a => K.Verbosity -> K.Item a -> (BB.Builder, Bytes)
renderLineTruncated = renderLineTruncated' maxLogLineLength

-- | A generalized renderLineTruncated that takes a custom line length
-- limit. This is exclusively for testing.
  :: K.LogItem a
  => Bytes
  -- ^ Custom max log line length. Be careful, too low and no amount
  -- of shrinking can get under the size, breaking the invariant. For
  -- the production limit, we are guraanteed always able to come in
  -- under the limit.
  -> K.Verbosity
  -> K.Item a
  -> (BB.Builder, Bytes)
renderLineTruncated' customMaxLogLineLength verbosity item =
  if fullSize <= customMaxLogLineLength
    then (fullLine, fullSize)
    else (fallbackLine, fallbackSize)
    fullObject = fullItemObject verbosity item
    (fullLine, fullSize) = measureJSONLine fullObject
    -- only the absolutely necessary keys, with message stripped out
    -- to help us calculate how much of the message we can keep. these
    -- are lazily evaluated and as such won't be computed unless the
    -- item is too big
    blankObject :: A.Object
    blankObject = HM.fromList
      [ "message" A..= A.String "" -- we'll start with a blank message
      , "@timestamp" A..= K._itemTime item
    (_, blankObjectSize) = measureJSONLine blankObject
    messageBytesAllowed = maxLogLineLength - blankObjectSize
    (fallbackLine, fallbackSize) = measureJSONLine fallbackObject
    fallbackObject :: A.Object
    fallbackObject = HM.fromList
      [ "message" A..= A.toJSON (TL.take (bytes messageBytesAllowed) (TB.toLazyText (K.unLogStr (K._itemMessage item))))
      , "@timestamp" A..= A.toJSON (K._itemTime item)

data BulkBuffer = BulkBuffer
  { bulkBuffer_bytesUsed :: !Bytes
  , bulkBuffer_payload   :: !BB.Builder
  , bulkBuffer_itemCount :: !Int

instance Semigroup.Semigroup BulkBuffer where
  (BulkBuffer bytesUsedA bufferA itemCountA) <>
    (BulkBuffer bytesUsedB bufferB itemCountB) = BulkBuffer
      (bytesUsedA + bytesUsedB)
      (bufferA <> bufferB)
      (itemCountA + itemCountB)

instance Monoid BulkBuffer where
  mempty = BulkBuffer 0 mempty 0
  mappend = (<>)

data LogAction buf =
      -- ^ New buffer
  | FlushNow
      -- ^ Buffer to flush
      -- ^ New buffer

  :: K.LogItem a
  => Int
  -- ^ Maximum items before flushing
  -> K.Verbosity
  -> K.Item a
  -> BulkBuffer
  -> LogAction BulkBuffer
bufferItem = bufferItem' maxPayloadBytes maxLogLineLength

-- | An internal version with a configurable max item size and max
-- message size for testing. Be careful with this: if you set the
-- values too low, some of the guarantees about reducability of
-- messages break down.
  :: (K.LogItem a)
  => Bytes
  -- ^ Max payload size
  -> Bytes
  -- ^ Max item size
  -> Int
  -- ^ Maximum items before flushing
  -> K.Verbosity
  -> K.Item a
  -> BulkBuffer
  -> LogAction BulkBuffer
bufferItem' customMaxPayload customMaxItem maxItems verb item bulkBuffer =
  let (encodedLine, spaceNeeded) = renderLineTruncated' customMaxItem verb item
      newBytesUsed = bulkBuffer_bytesUsed bulkBuffer + spaceNeeded
      newItemCount = bulkBuffer_itemCount bulkBuffer + 1
  in if newItemCount >= maxItems || newBytesUsed >= customMaxPayload
       then FlushNow
                { bulkBuffer_bytesUsed = spaceNeeded
                , bulkBuffer_payload = encodedLine
                , bulkBuffer_itemCount = 1
       else Buffered $
           { bulkBuffer_bytesUsed = newBytesUsed
           , bulkBuffer_payload = bulkBuffer_payload bulkBuffer <> encodedLine
           , bulkBuffer_itemCount = newItemCount

-- | When time has run out on a flush, splits the buffer. n.b. this
-- will always return 'FlushNow' with an empty new buffer.
forceFlush :: (Monoid buf) => buf -> LogAction buf
forceFlush buf = FlushNow buf mempty

-- Annotation borrowed from katip-elasticsearch. There are fixed
-- fields in katip logs which should stay the same type forever and
-- thus won't need annotation. However, any code in userland may
-- choose to add akey to their log's metadata with a type that's
-- incompatible with the mapping. If the first value that's picked up
-- restrictive (e.g. a long), subsequent values will be rejected. By
-- differentiating types by their name, this is guaranteed not to
-- happen.

annotateValue :: A.Value -> A.Value
annotateValue (A.Object o) = A.Object (annotateKeys o)
annotateValue (A.Array a)  = A.Array (annotateValue <$> a)
annotateValue x            = x

annotateKeys :: A.Object -> A.Object
annotateKeys = HM.fromList . map go . HM.toList
    go (k, A.Object o) = (k, A.Object (annotateKeys o))
    go (k, A.Array a)  = (k, A.Array (annotateValue <$> a))
    go (k, s@(A.String _)) = (k <> stringAnn, s)
    go (k, n@(A.Number sci)) = if Scientific.isFloating sci
                               then (k <> doubleAnn, n)
                               else (k <> longAnn, n)
    go (k, b@(A.Bool _)) = (k <> booleanAnn, b)
    go (k, A.Null) = (k <> nullAnn, A.Null)

-- Annotation Constants

stringAnn :: T.Text
stringAnn = "::s"

doubleAnn :: T.Text
doubleAnn = "::d"

longAnn :: T.Text
longAnn = "::l"

booleanAnn :: T.Text
booleanAnn = "::b"

nullAnn :: T.Text
nullAnn = "::n"