####################################### Rpoku Spoken Word Programming Language ####################################### Note that kbq-gu is the rpoku word for rpoku demonstration jxq-ki.kb is "Hello, world!" test file dist/build/rpokuToLanguage/rpokuToLanguage jxq-ki.kb English/EnglishToRpoku English/EnglishNumbers dist/build/rpokuToAssembler/rpokuToAssembler jxq-ki.kb ##### ######## Rpoku Compiling To Machine Assembly Programming ################ #################### note the rpokuToAssembler generates Nasm assembly code so to run jxq-ki.kb on linux dist/build/rpokuToAssembler/rpokuToAssembler jxq-ki.kb > jxq-ki.asm nasm -f elf jxq-ki.asm ld jxq-ki.o -o jxq-ki ./jxq-ki though please note that the rpokuToAssembler compiler output is documented assembly ####### Rpoku To English ####### add absolute path in rpokuToEnglish script (uses rpokuToLanguage) for portable use note there is a English/build script and the main file is actually comprised of several components for easier changes for a full listing of implemented assembly asm commands: English/RpokuAssemblerToEnglish