{-# language StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, MagicHash, OverloadedStrings,PatternSynonyms, BlockArguments, ViewPatterns #-}
module Keyboard (module Keyboard, XenoException(..)) where
import Text.Printf
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Text.Pretty.Simple
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Data.Char (toLower)
import XML
import Data.String
newtype Id a = Id {unId :: ByteString}
instance IsString (Id a) where fromString = Id . BS.pack
newtype Ix a = Ix {unIx :: Word}
newtype Group = Group {unGroup :: Word}
parse :: ByteString -> Either XenoException Keyboard
parse = fmap fromXML . XML.parse
export :: Keyboard -> ByteString
export = BS.pack . toXML
data Keyboard = Keyboard {keyboard_group :: Group
,keyboard_id :: Word
,keyboard_name :: ByteString
,keyboard_maxout :: Maybe Word
,keyboard_layouts :: Layouts
,keyboard_modifierMap :: ModifierMap
,keyboard_keyMapSets :: NonEmpty KeyMapSet
,keyboard_actions :: [Action]
,keyboard_terminators :: [When_Terminator] }
instance XML Keyboard where
fromXML (XML "keyboard" as cs)
= Keyboard {keyboard_group = Map.findWithDefault (Group 126) "group" $ fmap (Group . readBS) as
,keyboard_id = Map.findWithDefault 1 "id" $ fmap (readBS) as
,keyboard_name = as ! "name"
,keyboard_maxout = (read . BS.unpack) <$> Map.lookup "maxount" as
,keyboard_layouts = find# "layouts" cs
,keyboard_modifierMap = find# "modifierMap" cs
,keyboard_keyMapSets = NE.fromList $ find' "keyMapSet" cs
,keyboard_actions = case cs & find \ a -> name a == "actions" of
Nothing -> []
Just (XML "actions" _ cs) -> fmap fromXML cs
,keyboard_terminators = case cs & find \ a -> name a == "terminators" of
Nothing -> []
Just (XML "terminators" _ cs) -> fmap fromXML cs}
toXML k = printf "\n%s\n%s\n%s%s%s\n"
(unGroup $ keyboard_group k)
(keyboard_id k)
(show $ keyboard_name k)
(case keyboard_maxout k of
Nothing -> ("" :: String)
Just i -> printf "maxout=\"%s\"" (show i) :: String)
(toXML $ keyboard_layouts k)
(toXML $ keyboard_modifierMap k)
(unlines . fmap toXML . NE.toList $ keyboard_keyMapSets k)
(case keyboard_actions k of
[] -> ("" :: String)
as -> printf "\n\t\n%s\t" (unlines . fmap toXML $ as) :: String)
(case keyboard_terminators k of
[] -> ("" :: String)
ts -> printf "\n\t\n%s\t" (unlines . fmap toXML $ ts) :: String)
newtype Layouts = Layouts {layouts_layouts :: NonEmpty Layout}
instance XML Layouts where
fromXML (XML "layouts" as cs) = Layouts . NE.fromList $ find' "layout" cs
toXML (Layouts ls) = printf "\t\n%s\t" . unlines . fmap toXML $ NE.toList ls
data Layout
= Layout {layout_first :: Word, layout_last :: Word
,layout_modifiers :: Id ModifierMap
,layout_mapSet :: KeyMapSet_Id}
instance XML Layout where
fromXML (XML "layout" as cs)
= Layout {layout_first = readBS $ as ! "first"
,layout_last = readBS $ as ! "last"
,layout_modifiers = Id $ as ! "modifiers"
,layout_mapSet = readBS $ as ! "mapSet"}
toXML l = printf "\t\t"
(layout_first l)
(layout_last l)
(BS.unpack . unId $ layout_modifiers l)
(show $ layout_mapSet l)
data ModifierMap
= ModifierMap {modifierMap_id :: Id ModifierMap
,modifierMap_defaultIndex :: Ix KeyMap
,modifierMap_keyMapSelects :: NonEmpty KeyMapSelect}
instance XML ModifierMap where
fromXML (XML "modifierMap" as cs)
= ModifierMap {modifierMap_id = Id $ as ! "id"
,modifierMap_defaultIndex = Ix . readBS $ as ! "defaultIndex"
,modifierMap_keyMapSelects = NE.fromList $ find' "keyMapSelect" cs}
toXML m = printf "\t\n%s\t"
(BS.unpack . unId $ modifierMap_id m)
(unIx $ modifierMap_defaultIndex m)
(unlines . fmap toXML . NE.toList $ modifierMap_keyMapSelects m)
data KeyMapSelect
= KeyMapSelect {keyMapSelect_mapIndex :: Ix KeyMap
,keyMapSelect_modifiers :: NonEmpty Modifier }
instance XML KeyMapSelect where
fromXML (XML "keyMapSelect" as cs)
= KeyMapSelect {keyMapSelect_mapIndex = Ix . readBS $ as ! "mapIndex"
,keyMapSelect_modifiers = NE.fromList $ find' "modifier" cs
toXML kms = printf "\t\t\n%s\t\t"
(unIx $ keyMapSelect_mapIndex kms)
(unlines . fmap toXML . NE.toList $ keyMapSelect_modifiers kms)
newtype Modifier = Modifier {modifier_keys :: ModifierChord}
instance XML Modifier where
fromXML (XML "modifier" as _) = Modifier $ parseChord $ as ! "keys" where
parseChord :: ByteString -> ModifierChord
parseChord (BS.words -> c) = ModifierChord $ Map.fromList $ fmap parseModifier c where
parseModifier :: ByteString -> (ModifierKey, ModifierStatus)
parseModifier = \case
(BS.stripPrefix "command" -> Just (status -> s)) -> (Command, s)
(BS.stripPrefix "caps" -> Just (status -> s)) -> (Caps, s)
(BS.stripPrefix "any" -> Just (modifier -> (m,s)) ) -> (Mod m Any, s)
(BS.stripPrefix "right" -> Just (modifier -> (m,s)) ) -> (Mod m R, s)
(modifier -> (m , s)) -> (Mod m L, s)
_ -> error "parseModifier"
status = \case {"" -> (:!); "?" -> (:?); _ -> error "status"}
modifier (BS.map toLower -> m) = case m of
(BS.stripPrefix "shift" -> Just (status -> s)) -> (Shift , s)
(BS.stripPrefix "option" -> Just (status -> s)) -> (Option , s)
(BS.stripPrefix "control" -> Just (status -> s)) -> (Option , s)
x -> error $ "modifier " ++ show x
toXML (Modifier ks) = printf "\t\t\t" $ printChord ks where
printChord :: ModifierChord -> String
printChord (ModifierChord (Map.toList -> m)) = unwords $ fmap (\(mk,s) -> printKey mk ++ printStatus s) m
printKey = \case
Caps -> "caps"
Command -> "command"
Mod (show -> md) s -> case s of {L -> uncap md; R -> "right" ++ md; Any -> "any" ++ md}
uncap (a:as) = toLower a : as
printStatus = \case {(:!) -> ""; (:?) -> "?"}
newtype ModifierChord = ModifierChord (Map ModifierKey ModifierStatus)
data Mod = Shift | Option | Control deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Side = L | R | Any deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Semigroup Side where L <> L = L; R <> R = R; _ <> _ = Any
data ModifierKey = Mod Mod Side | Command | Caps deriving (Eq,Ord)
data ModifierStatus = (:!) {- ^ Required -} | (:?) {- ^ Irrelevant -} deriving Eq
instance Semigroup ModifierChord where
ModifierChord m <> n = Map.foldrWithKey (\k v r -> include k v r) n m where
include :: ModifierKey -> ModifierStatus -> ModifierChord -> ModifierChord
include k v (ModifierChord m) = case k of
Mod mod Any -> ModifierChord $ Map.insert k v $ Map.delete (Mod mod L) $ Map.delete (Mod mod R) m
Mod mod s | Map.lookup (Mod mod $ swap s) m == Just v -> include (Mod mod Any) v (ModifierChord m)
_ -> ModifierChord $ Map.insert k v m
where swap L = R; swap R = L; swap Any = Any
instance Monoid ModifierChord where mempty = ModifierChord Map.empty
data KeyMapSet_Id = ANSI | JIS {- ^ Japan -} deriving (Eq, Read)
data KeyMapSet = KeyMapSet {keyMapSet_id :: KeyMapSet_Id, keyMapSet_keyMaps :: NonEmpty KeyMap}
instance XML KeyMapSet where
fromXML (XML "keyMapSet" (readBS . (! "id") -> i) cs)
= KeyMapSet {keyMapSet_id = i
,keyMapSet_keyMaps = NE.fromList $ find' "keyMap" cs}
toXML kms = printf "\t\n%s\t"
(show $ keyMapSet_id kms)
(unlines . fmap toXML . NE.toList $ keyMapSet_keyMaps kms)
data KeyMap
= KeyMap {keyMap_index :: Ix KeyMap
,keyMap_base :: Maybe (KeyMapSet_Id, Ix KeyMap)
,keyMap_keys :: NonEmpty Key }
instance XML KeyMap where
fromXML (XML "keyMap" as cs)
= KeyMap {keyMap_index = Ix . readBS $ as ! "index"
,keyMap_base = (,) <$> ( readBS <$> Map.lookup "baseMapSet" as)
<*> (Ix . readBS <$> Map.lookup "baseIndex" as)
,keyMap_keys = NE.fromList $ find' "key" cs}
toXML km = printf "\t\t\n%s\t\t"
(unIx $ keyMap_index km)
(case keyMap_base km of
Nothing -> "" :: String
Just (bms,Ix bi) -> printf " baseMapSet=\"%s\" baseIndex=\"%d\"" (show bms) bi)
(unlines $ fmap toXML $ NE.toList $ keyMap_keys km)
data KeyCode = Virtual ByteString
data Key = KeyOutput {key_code :: KeyCode , key_output :: ByteString}
| KeyNamedAction {key_code :: KeyCode, key_namedAction :: Id Action}
| KeyAction {key_code :: KeyCode, key_action :: NonEmpty When}
instance XML Key where
fromXML (XML "key" as cs) = let (Just (Virtual -> code), as') = Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) "code" as
in case (Map.toList as',cs) of
([("output",o)], []) -> KeyOutput code o
([("action",a)], []) -> KeyNamedAction code (Id a)
([], [a]) -> KeyAction code $ fromXML a
_ -> error "fromXML Key"
toXML = \case
KeyOutput (Virtual (BS.unpack -> c)) (BS.unpack -> o) -> printf "\t\t\t" c o
KeyNamedAction (Virtual (BS.unpack -> c)) (Id (BS.unpack -> a)) -> printf "\t\t\t" c a
KeyAction (Virtual (BS.unpack -> c)) ws -> printf "\t\t\t\n%s\t\t\t" c $ toXML ws
-- | Single Action within 'Key'
instance XML (NonEmpty When) where
fromXML (XML "action" _ (fmap fromXML -> ws)) = NE.fromList ws
toXML = printf "\n%s" . unlines . fmap toXML . NE.toList
data Action = Action {action_id :: Id Action, action_whens :: NonEmpty When}
instance XML Action where
fromXML (XML "action" ((Id . (! "id")) -> i) cs) = Action i . NE.fromList $ fmap fromXML cs
toXML a = printf "\t\t\n%s\t\t"
(BS.unpack . unId $ action_id a)
(unlines . fmap toXML . NE.toList $ action_whens a)
type StateNum = Word
data State = State ByteString | None
data When
= WhenRange {when_range :: (StateNum,StateNum)
,when_range_next :: Maybe StateNum
,when_range_output :: Maybe Char
,when_multiplier :: Maybe Word8 -- ^ The difference between the input state and the start of the range
-- is multiplied by this number, then added to the next state number
-- and/or the output UTF-16 value.
| When {when_state :: State
,when_next :: Maybe State
,when_output :: Maybe ByteString
instance XML When where
fromXML (XML "when" as cs) =
let state = as ! "state"
in case (Map.lookup "through" as, Map.lookup "next" as, Map.lookup "output" as, Map.lookup "multiplier" as) of
(Just t,n,o,m) -> WhenRange {when_range = (readBS state,readBS t)
,when_range_next = readBS <$> n
,when_range_output = (Text.head . Text.decodeUtf16LE) <$> o
,when_multiplier = readBS <$> m}
(Nothing,n,o,Nothing) -> When (parseState state) (parseState <$> n) o
_ -> error "fromXML When"
where parseState = \case "none" -> None; s -> State s
toXML = \case
WhenRange (a,b) n o m -> printf "\t\t\t" a b
(case n of
Nothing -> "" :: String
Just a -> printf " next=\"%d\"" a)
(case o of
Nothing -> "" :: String
Just a -> printf " output=\"%s\"" [a])
(case m of
Nothing -> "" :: String
Just a -> printf " multiplier=\"%d\"" a)
When s n o -> printf "\t\t\t"
(printState s)
(case n of
Nothing -> "" :: String
Just a -> printf " next=\"%s\"" $ printState a)
(case o of
Nothing -> "" :: String
Just a -> printf " output=\"%s\"" $ BS.unpack a)
where printState = \case {None -> "none"; State s -> BS.unpack s}
data When_Terminator = When_Terminator {when_terminator_state :: State, when_terminator_output :: ByteString}
instance XML When_Terminator where
fromXML (XML "when" as _) = When_Terminator (State $ as ! "state") (as ! "output")
toXML (When_Terminator s o) = printf "\t\t"
(case s of None -> "none"; State a -> BS.unpack a)
(BS.unpack o)
deriving instance Show Keyboard
deriving instance Show Group
deriving instance Show Layouts
deriving instance Show ModifierMap
deriving instance Show KeyMapSet
deriving instance Show Action
deriving instance Show When_Terminator
deriving instance Show Layout
deriving instance Show (Id a)
deriving instance Show (Ix a)
deriving instance Show KeyMapSelect
deriving instance Show KeyMapSet_Id
deriving instance Show KeyMap
deriving instance Show When
deriving instance Show State
deriving instance Show Modifier
deriving instance Show Key
deriving instance Show ModifierChord
deriving instance Show KeyCode
deriving instance Show ModifierKey
deriving instance Show ModifierStatus
deriving instance Show Mod
deriving instance Show Side