# The install target will add this before all paths it writes to. PREFIX?= # Can be "stack" or "cabal", or "./Setup" to build and use Setup.hs BUILDER?=stack # Options to pass to the BUILDER. # Using -j1 may result in a reproducible build. BUILDEROPTIONS?= # Propigate flags through ghc to linker and compiler. ghc_options=$(shell \ for w in $(LDFLAGS); do \ printf -- "-optl%s\n" "$$w"; \ done; \ for w in $(CFLAGS); do \ printf -- "-optc%s\n" "$$w"; \ done; \ for w in $(CPPFLAGS); do \ printf -- "-optc-Wp,%s\n" "$$w"; \ done; \ ) build: rm -f keysafe $(MAKE) keysafe keysafe: if [ "$(BUILDER)" = ./Setup ]; then ghc --make Setup; fi if [ "$(BUILDER)" = stack ]; then \ $(BUILDER) build --ghc-options="$(ghc_options)" $(BUILDEROPTIONS); \ else \ $(BUILDER) configure --ghc-options="$(ghc_options)"; \ $(BUILDER) build $(BUILDEROPTIONS); \ fi if [ "$(BUILDER)" = stack ]; then \ ln -sf $$(find .stack-work/ -name keysafe -type f | grep build/keysafe/keysafe | tail -n 1) keysafe; \ else \ ln -sf dist/build/keysafe/keysafe keysafe; \ fi clean: if [ "$(BUILDER)" != ./Setup ] && [ "$(BUILDER)" != cabal ]; then $(BUILDER) clean; fi rm -rf keysafe dist .stack-work Setup Setup.hi Setup.o install: install-files useradd --system keysafe chmod 700 $(PREFIX)/var/lib/keysafe chown keysafe:keysafe $(PREFIX)/var/lib/keysafe install-files: keysafe install -d $(PREFIX)/var/lib/keysafe install -d $(PREFIX)/usr/bin install -s -m 0755 keysafe $(PREFIX)/usr/bin/keysafe install -d $(PREFIX)/usr/share/man/man1 install -m 0644 keysafe.1 $(PREFIX)/usr/share/man/man1/keysafe.1 install -d $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system install -m 0644 keysafe.service $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system/keysafe.service install -d $(PREFIX)/etc/init.d install -m 0755 keysafe.init $(PREFIX)/etc/init.d/keysafe install -d $(PREFIX)/etc/default install -m 0644 keysafe.default $(PREFIX)/etc/default/keysafe install -d $(PREFIX)/usr/share/applications/ install -m 0644 keysafe.desktop $(PREFIX)/usr/share/applications/keysafe.desktop install -d $(PREFIX)/etc/xdg/autostart/ install -m 0644 keysafe.autostart $(PREFIX)/etc/xdg/autostart/keysafe.desktop