{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Knit where

import           Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import qualified Control.Monad.ST as ST

import           Data.Foldable (Foldable, toList)
import qualified Data.HashTable.Class as HC
import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Basic as H
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import           Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import           Data.Semigroup ((<>))

import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import           GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, TypeError, ErrorMessage(..), symbolVal)
import qualified Generics.Eot as Eot
import           Generics.Eot (Eot, HasEot, Named (Named), Void, Proxy (..), fromEot, toEot)

import           Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)


type family Fst a where
  Fst '(a, b) = a

type family Snd a where
  Snd '(a, b) = b


type TableName = String
type FieldName = String
type FieldValue = String

data Mode = Resolved | Unresolved | Done

data RecordId t = Id t | Remove t
  deriving (Int -> RecordId t -> ShowS
[RecordId t] -> ShowS
RecordId t -> TableName
(Int -> RecordId t -> ShowS)
-> (RecordId t -> TableName)
-> ([RecordId t] -> ShowS)
-> Show (RecordId t)
forall t. Show t => Int -> RecordId t -> ShowS
forall t. Show t => [RecordId t] -> ShowS
forall t. Show t => RecordId t -> TableName
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> TableName) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: forall t. Show t => Int -> RecordId t -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> RecordId t -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall t. Show t => RecordId t -> TableName
show :: RecordId t -> TableName
$cshowList :: forall t. Show t => [RecordId t] -> ShowS
showList :: [RecordId t] -> ShowS
Show, RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
(RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool)
-> (RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool) -> Eq (RecordId t)
forall t. Eq t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: forall t. Eq t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
== :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
$c/= :: forall t. Eq t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
/= :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
Eq, Eq (RecordId t)
Eq (RecordId t) =>
(RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Ordering)
-> (RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool)
-> (RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool)
-> (RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool)
-> (RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool)
-> (RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t)
-> (RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t)
-> Ord (RecordId t)
RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Ordering
RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall t. Ord t => Eq (RecordId t)
forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Ordering
forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t
$ccompare :: forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Ordering
compare :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Ordering
$c< :: forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
< :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
$c<= :: forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
<= :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
$c> :: forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
> :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
$c>= :: forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
>= :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> Bool
$cmax :: forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t
max :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t
$cmin :: forall t. Ord t => RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t
min :: RecordId t -> RecordId t -> RecordId t
Ord, (forall x. RecordId t -> Rep (RecordId t) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (RecordId t) x -> RecordId t)
-> Generic (RecordId t)
forall x. Rep (RecordId t) x -> RecordId t
forall x. RecordId t -> Rep (RecordId t) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall t x. Rep (RecordId t) x -> RecordId t
forall t x. RecordId t -> Rep (RecordId t) x
$cfrom :: forall t x. RecordId t -> Rep (RecordId t) x
from :: forall x. RecordId t -> Rep (RecordId t) x
$cto :: forall t x. Rep (RecordId t) x -> RecordId t
to :: forall x. Rep (RecordId t) x -> RecordId t

instance NFData t => NFData (RecordId t)

type family Id (tables :: Mode -> *) (recordMode :: Mode) t where
  Id tables 'Done t = RecordId t
  Id tables 'Resolved t = t
  Id tables 'Unresolved t = RecordId t

data Lazy tables a = Lazy
  { forall {k} (tables :: k) (a :: k -> Mode -> *).
Lazy tables a -> a tables 'Resolved
get :: a tables 'Resolved

instance Show (Lazy tables a) where
  show :: Lazy tables a -> TableName
show Lazy tables a
_ = TableName

newtype ForeignRecordId (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t = ForeignId t
  deriving (Int -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ShowS
[ForeignRecordId table field t] -> ShowS
ForeignRecordId table field t -> TableName
(Int -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ShowS)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t -> TableName)
-> ([ForeignRecordId table field t] -> ShowS)
-> Show (ForeignRecordId table field t)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> TableName) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Show t =>
Int -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ShowS
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Show t =>
[ForeignRecordId table field t] -> ShowS
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Show t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> TableName
$cshowsPrec :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Show t =>
Int -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Show t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> TableName
show :: ForeignRecordId table field t -> TableName
$cshowList :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Show t =>
[ForeignRecordId table field t] -> ShowS
showList :: [ForeignRecordId table field t] -> ShowS
Show, ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
(ForeignRecordId table field t
 -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool)
-> Eq (ForeignRecordId table field t)
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Eq t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
$c== :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Eq t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
== :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
$c/= :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Eq t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
/= :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
Eq, Eq (ForeignRecordId table field t)
Eq (ForeignRecordId table field t) =>
(ForeignRecordId table field t
 -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Ordering)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> Ord (ForeignRecordId table field t)
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Ordering
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
Eq (ForeignRecordId table field t)
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Ordering
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$ccompare :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Ordering
compare :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Ordering
$c< :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
< :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
$c<= :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
<= :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
$c> :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
> :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
$c>= :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
>= :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> Bool
$cmax :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
max :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$cmin :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Ord t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
min :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
Ord, Integer -> ForeignRecordId table field t
ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
(ForeignRecordId table field t
 -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> (Integer -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> Num (ForeignRecordId table field t)
forall a.
(a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a)
-> (a -> a)
-> (a -> a)
-> (Integer -> a)
-> Num a
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
Integer -> ForeignRecordId table field t
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$c+ :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
+ :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$c- :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
- :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$c* :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
* :: ForeignRecordId table field t
-> ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$cnegate :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
negate :: ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$cabs :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
abs :: ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$csignum :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
signum :: ForeignRecordId table field t -> ForeignRecordId table field t
$cfromInteger :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
Num t =>
Integer -> ForeignRecordId table field t
fromInteger :: Integer -> ForeignRecordId table field t
Num, (forall x.
 ForeignRecordId table field t
 -> Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
    -> ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> Generic (ForeignRecordId table field t)
forall x.
Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
-> ForeignRecordId table field t
forall x.
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t x.
Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
-> ForeignRecordId table field t
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t x.
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
$cfrom :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t x.
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
from :: forall x.
ForeignRecordId table field t
-> Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
$cto :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t x.
Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
-> ForeignRecordId table field t
to :: forall x.
Rep (ForeignRecordId table field t) x
-> ForeignRecordId table field t
Generic, ForeignRecordId table field t -> ()
(ForeignRecordId table field t -> ())
-> NFData (ForeignRecordId table field t)
forall a. (a -> ()) -> NFData a
forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
NFData t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> ()
$crnf :: forall (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) t.
NFData t =>
ForeignRecordId table field t -> ()
rnf :: ForeignRecordId table field t -> ()

type family ForeignId (tables :: Mode -> *) (recordMode :: Mode) (table :: Symbol) (field :: Symbol) where
  ForeignId tables 'Done table field = ()
  ForeignId tables 'Unresolved table field = ForeignRecordId
    (LookupFieldType field (Snd (LookupTableType table (Eot (tables 'Unresolved)))))
  ForeignId tables 'Resolved table field = Lazy
    (Fst (LookupTableType table (Eot (tables 'Resolved))))

-- GatherIds -------------------------------------------------------------------

data EId
  = forall t. Show t => EId TableName FieldName t Dynamic
  | forall t. Show t => ERemove TableName FieldName t Dynamic
  | forall t. Show t => EForeignId TableName FieldName t

deriving instance Show EId

newtype Dynamic = Dynamic ()

instance Show Dynamic where
  show :: Dynamic -> TableName
show Dynamic
_ = TableName

toDynamic :: a -> Dynamic
toDynamic :: forall a. a -> Dynamic
toDynamic = () -> Dynamic
Dynamic (() -> Dynamic) -> (a -> ()) -> a -> Dynamic
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> ()
forall a b. a -> b

fromDynamic :: Dynamic -> a
fromDynamic :: forall a. Dynamic -> a
fromDynamic (Dynamic ()
v) = () -> a
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce ()


class GGatherIds u where
  gGatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]

instance GGatherIds () where
  gGatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> () -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
_ Dynamic
_ () = []

instance GGatherIds Void where
  gGatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> Void -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
_ Dynamic
_ Void
_ = [EId]
forall a. HasCallStack => a

instance (GGatherIds u, GGatherIds v) => GGatherIds (Either u v) where
  gGatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> Either u v -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Left u
u) = TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record u
  gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Right v
v) = TableName -> Dynamic -> v -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record v

instance GGatherIds us => GGatherIds (Named field u, us) where
  gGatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> (Named field u, us) -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named field u
_, us
us) = TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
  ( Show t
  , GGatherIds us
  , KnownSymbol field
  ) =>
  GGatherIds (Named field (RecordId t), us) where
    gGatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> (Named field (RecordId t), us) -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named (Id t
k), us
      = TableName -> TableName -> t -> Dynamic -> EId
forall t. Show t => TableName -> TableName -> t -> Dynamic -> EId
EId TableName
table (Proxy field -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy field
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy field)) t
k Dynamic
recordEId -> [EId] -> [EId]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us
    gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named (Remove t
k), us
      = TableName -> TableName -> t -> Dynamic -> EId
forall t. Show t => TableName -> TableName -> t -> Dynamic -> EId
ERemove TableName
table (Proxy field -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy field
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy field)) t
k Dynamic
recordEId -> [EId] -> [EId]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
  ( Show t

  , GGatherIds us

  , KnownSymbol table
  , KnownSymbol field
  ) =>
  GGatherIds (Named field' (ForeignRecordId table field t), us) where
    gGatherIds :: TableName
-> Dynamic
-> (Named field' (ForeignRecordId table field t), us)
-> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named (ForeignId t
k), us
      = TableName -> TableName -> t -> EId
forall t. Show t => TableName -> TableName -> t -> EId
EForeignId (Proxy table -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy table
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy table)) (Proxy field -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy field
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy field)) t
kEId -> [EId] -> [EId]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
  ( Show t

  , GGatherIds us

  , Foldable f

  , KnownSymbol field
  ) =>
  GGatherIds (Named field (f (RecordId t)), us) where
    gGatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> (Named field (f (RecordId t)), us) -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named f (RecordId t)
f, us
us) = [EId]
eids [EId] -> [EId] -> [EId]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us
        eids :: [EId]
eids =
          [ TableName -> TableName -> t -> Dynamic -> EId
forall t. Show t => TableName -> TableName -> t -> Dynamic -> EId
EId TableName
table (Proxy field -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy field
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy field)) t
k Dynamic
          | Id t
k <- f (RecordId t) -> [RecordId t]
forall a. f a -> [a]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
toList f (RecordId t)

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
  ( Show t

  , GGatherIds us

  , Foldable f

  , KnownSymbol table
  , KnownSymbol field
  ) =>
  GGatherIds (Named field' (f (ForeignRecordId table field t)), us) where
    gGatherIds :: TableName
-> Dynamic
-> (Named field' (f (ForeignRecordId table field t)), us)
-> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named f (ForeignRecordId table field t)
f, us
us) = [EId]
eids [EId] -> [EId] -> [EId]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us
        eids :: [EId]
eids =
          [ TableName -> TableName -> t -> EId
forall t. Show t => TableName -> TableName -> t -> EId
EForeignId (Proxy table -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy table
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy table)) (Proxy field -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy field
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy field)) t
          | ForeignId t
k <- f (ForeignRecordId table field t)
-> [ForeignRecordId table field t]
forall a. f a -> [a]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
toList f (ForeignRecordId table field t)

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
  ( GGatherIds us
  , KnitRecord tables r
  ) =>
  GGatherIds (Named field (r tables 'Unresolved), us) where
    gGatherIds :: TableName
-> Dynamic -> (Named field (r tables 'Unresolved), us) -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named r tables 'Unresolved
r, us
      = [EId]
fids [EId] -> [EId] -> [EId]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us
        -- only gather foreign ids here, since nested records can't be referenced anyway
        fids :: [EId]
fids =
          [ EId
          | fid :: EId
fid@(EForeignId TableName
_ TableName
_ t
_) <- TableName -> Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved -> [EId]
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
TableName -> Dynamic -> u tables 'Unresolved -> [EId]
gatherIds TableName
table (r tables 'Unresolved -> Dynamic
forall a. a -> Dynamic
toDynamic r tables 'Unresolved
r) r tables 'Unresolved

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
  ( GGatherIds us
  , Foldable f
  , KnitRecord tables r
  ) =>
  GGatherIds (Named field (f (r tables 'Unresolved)), us) where
    gGatherIds :: TableName
-> Dynamic -> (Named field (f (r tables 'Unresolved)), us) -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (Named f (r tables 'Unresolved)
f, us
us) = [EId]
fids [EId] -> [EId] -> [EId]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TableName -> Dynamic -> us -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record us
        -- only gather foreign ids here, since nested records can't be referenced anyway
        fids :: [EId]
fids = [[EId]] -> [EId]
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
          [ [ EId
            | fid :: EId
fid@(EForeignId TableName
_ TableName
_ t
_) <- TableName -> Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved -> [EId]
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
TableName -> Dynamic -> u tables 'Unresolved -> [EId]
gatherIds TableName
table (r tables 'Unresolved -> Dynamic
forall a. a -> Dynamic
toDynamic r tables 'Unresolved
r) r tables 'Unresolved
          | r tables 'Unresolved
r <- f (r tables 'Unresolved) -> [r tables 'Unresolved]
forall a. f a -> [a]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
toList f (r tables 'Unresolved)

-- GatherTableIds --------------------------------------------------------------

class GGatherTableIds t where
  gGatherTableIds :: t -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]

instance GGatherTableIds () where
  gGatherTableIds :: () -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds () = []

instance GGatherTableIds Void where
  gGatherTableIds :: Void -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds Void
_ = [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall a. HasCallStack => a

instance (GGatherTableIds t, GGatherTableIds u) => GGatherTableIds (Either t u) where
  gGatherTableIds :: Either t u -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds (Left t
t) = t -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall t. GGatherTableIds t => t -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds t
  gGatherTableIds (Right u
u) = u -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall t. GGatherTableIds t => t -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds u

instance ( GGatherTableIds ts
         , KnownSymbol table
         ) => GGatherTableIds (Named table a, ts) where
  gGatherTableIds :: (Named table a, ts) -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds (Named table a
_, ts
ts) = ts -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall t. GGatherTableIds t => t -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds ts

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
  ( GGatherTableIds ts
  , KnitRecord tables r
  , KnownSymbol table
  ) => GGatherTableIds (Named table [r tables 'Unresolved], ts) where
  gGatherTableIds :: (Named table [r tables 'Unresolved], ts) -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds (Named [r tables 'Unresolved]
records, ts
ts) = (TableName
table, [[EId]]
eids)(TableName, [[EId]])
-> [(TableName, [[EId]])] -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:ts -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall t. GGatherTableIds t => t -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds ts
      table :: TableName
table = Proxy table -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy table
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy table)
      eids :: [[EId]]
eids =
        -- TODO: remove table here
        [ TableName -> Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved -> [EId]
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
TableName -> Dynamic -> u tables 'Unresolved -> [EId]
gatherIds TableName
table (r tables 'Unresolved -> Dynamic
forall a. a -> Dynamic
toDynamic r tables 'Unresolved
record) r tables 'Unresolved
        | r tables 'Unresolved
record <- [r tables 'Unresolved]

-- Resolve ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data ResolveError
  = MissingIds [(TableName, FieldName, FieldValue)]
  | RepeatingIds [(TableName, FieldName, FieldValue)]
  deriving (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
(ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool)
-> (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool) -> Eq ResolveError
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
== :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
$c/= :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
/= :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
Eq, Eq ResolveError
Eq ResolveError =>
(ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Ordering)
-> (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool)
-> (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool)
-> (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool)
-> (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool)
-> (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> ResolveError)
-> (ResolveError -> ResolveError -> ResolveError)
-> Ord ResolveError
ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Ordering
ResolveError -> ResolveError -> ResolveError
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Ordering
compare :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Ordering
$c< :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
< :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
$c<= :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
<= :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
$c> :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
> :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
$c>= :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
>= :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> Bool
$cmax :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> ResolveError
max :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> ResolveError
$cmin :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> ResolveError
min :: ResolveError -> ResolveError -> ResolveError
Ord, (forall x. ResolveError -> Rep ResolveError x)
-> (forall x. Rep ResolveError x -> ResolveError)
-> Generic ResolveError
forall x. Rep ResolveError x -> ResolveError
forall x. ResolveError -> Rep ResolveError x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. ResolveError -> Rep ResolveError x
from :: forall x. ResolveError -> Rep ResolveError x
$cto :: forall x. Rep ResolveError x -> ResolveError
to :: forall x. Rep ResolveError x -> ResolveError
Generic, Int -> ResolveError -> ShowS
[ResolveError] -> ShowS
ResolveError -> TableName
(Int -> ResolveError -> ShowS)
-> (ResolveError -> TableName)
-> ([ResolveError] -> ShowS)
-> Show ResolveError
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> TableName) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> ResolveError -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> ResolveError -> ShowS
$cshow :: ResolveError -> TableName
show :: ResolveError -> TableName
$cshowList :: [ResolveError] -> ShowS
showList :: [ResolveError] -> ShowS

instance NFData ResolveError

class GResolve u r where
    :: (TableName -> FieldName -> FieldValue -> Dynamic)
    -> u
    -> r

instance GResolve () () where
  gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> () -> ()
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
_ () = ()

instance GResolve Void Void where
  gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> Void -> Void
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
_ Void
_ = Void
forall a. HasCallStack => a

instance (GResolve u r, GResolve t s) => GResolve (Either u t) (Either r s) where
  gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> Either u t -> Either r s
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Left u
u) = r -> Either r s
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (r -> Either r s) -> r -> Either r s
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap u
  gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Right t
u) = s -> Either r s
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (s -> Either r s) -> s -> Either r s
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> t -> s
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap t

instance (GResolve us rs) => GResolve (Named x u, us) (Named x u, rs) where
  gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named x u, us) -> (Named x u, rs)
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named x u
u, us
us) = (Named x u
u, (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us

instance (GResolve us rs) => GResolve (Named x (RecordId u), us) (Named x u, rs) where
  gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named x (RecordId u), us) -> (Named x u, rs)
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named (Id u
u), us
us) = (u -> Named x u
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named u
u, (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us
  gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named (Remove u
_), us
us) = (u -> Named x u
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named (TableName -> u
forall a. HasCallStack => TableName -> a
error TableName
"gResolve: Remove: this is a bug"), (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us

instance (GResolve us rs, Functor f) => GResolve (Named x (f (RecordId u)), us) (Named x (f u), rs) where
  gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named x (f (RecordId u)), us) -> (Named x (f u), rs)
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named f (RecordId u)
u', us
us) = (f u -> Named x (f u)
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named (f u -> Named x (f u)) -> f u -> Named x (f u)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (RecordId u -> u) -> f (RecordId u) -> f u
forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\(Id u
u) -> u
u) f (RecordId u)
u', (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us

  ( Show u

  , KnitRecord tables r
  , GResolve us rs

  , KnownSymbol table
  , KnownSymbol field
  ) =>
  GResolve (Named x (ForeignRecordId table field u), us) (Named x (Lazy tables r), rs) where
    gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named x (ForeignRecordId table field u), us)
-> (Named x (Lazy tables r), rs)
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named (ForeignId u
k), us
      = ( Lazy tables r -> Named x (Lazy tables r)
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named (Lazy tables r -> Named x (Lazy tables r))
-> Lazy tables r -> Named x (Lazy tables r)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ r tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables r
forall {k} (tables :: k) (a :: k -> Mode -> *).
a tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables a
Lazy (r tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables r)
-> r tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> r tables 'Unresolved -> r tables 'Resolved
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> u tables 'Unresolved -> u tables 'Resolved
resolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved
forall a. Dynamic -> a
fromDynamic (Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved)
-> Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap TableName
table TableName
field (u -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show u
        , (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us
        table :: TableName
table = Proxy table -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy table
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy table)
        field :: TableName
field = Proxy field -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy field
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy field)

  ( Show u

  , KnitRecord tables r
  , GResolve us rs

  , Functor f

  , KnownSymbol table
  , KnownSymbol field
  ) =>
  GResolve (Named x (f (ForeignRecordId table field u)), us) (Named x (f (Lazy tables r)), rs) where
    gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named x (f (ForeignRecordId table field u)), us)
-> (Named x (f (Lazy tables r)), rs)
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named f (ForeignRecordId table field u)
f, us
      = ( f (Lazy tables r) -> Named x (f (Lazy tables r))
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named (f (Lazy tables r) -> Named x (f (Lazy tables r)))
-> f (Lazy tables r) -> Named x (f (Lazy tables r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((ForeignRecordId table field u -> Lazy tables r)
 -> f (ForeignRecordId table field u) -> f (Lazy tables r))
-> f (ForeignRecordId table field u)
-> (ForeignRecordId table field u -> Lazy tables r)
-> f (Lazy tables r)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip (ForeignRecordId table field u -> Lazy tables r)
-> f (ForeignRecordId table field u) -> f (Lazy tables r)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f (ForeignRecordId table field u)
f ((ForeignRecordId table field u -> Lazy tables r)
 -> f (Lazy tables r))
-> (ForeignRecordId table field u -> Lazy tables r)
-> f (Lazy tables r)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \(ForeignId u
k) -> r tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables r
forall {k} (tables :: k) (a :: k -> Mode -> *).
a tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables a
Lazy (r tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables r)
-> r tables 'Resolved -> Lazy tables r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> r tables 'Unresolved -> r tables 'Resolved
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> u tables 'Unresolved -> u tables 'Resolved
resolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved
forall a. Dynamic -> a
fromDynamic (Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved)
-> Dynamic -> r tables 'Unresolved
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap TableName
table TableName
field (u -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show u
        , (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us
        table :: TableName
table = Proxy table -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy table
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy table)
        field :: TableName
field = Proxy field -> TableName
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> TableName
symbolVal (Proxy field
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy field)

  ( KnitRecord tables r
  , GResolve us rs
  ) =>
  GResolve (Named x (r tables 'Unresolved), us) (Named x (r tables 'Resolved), rs) where
    gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named x (r tables 'Unresolved), us)
-> (Named x (r tables 'Resolved), rs)
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named r tables 'Unresolved
u, us
us) = (r tables 'Resolved -> Named x (r tables 'Resolved)
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named (r tables 'Resolved -> Named x (r tables 'Resolved))
-> r tables 'Resolved -> Named x (r tables 'Resolved)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> r tables 'Unresolved -> r tables 'Resolved
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> u tables 'Unresolved -> u tables 'Resolved
resolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap r tables 'Unresolved
u, (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us

  ( KnitRecord tables r
  , GResolve us rs
  , Functor f
  ) =>
  GResolve (Named x (f (r tables 'Unresolved)), us) (Named x (f (r tables 'Resolved)), rs) where
    gResolve :: (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named x (f (r tables 'Unresolved)), us)
-> (Named x (f (r tables 'Resolved)), rs)
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named f (r tables 'Unresolved)
u, us
us) = (f (r tables 'Resolved) -> Named x (f (r tables 'Resolved))
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named (f (r tables 'Resolved) -> Named x (f (r tables 'Resolved)))
-> f (r tables 'Resolved) -> Named x (f (r tables 'Resolved))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (r tables 'Unresolved -> r tables 'Resolved)
-> f (r tables 'Unresolved) -> f (r tables 'Resolved)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> r tables 'Unresolved -> r tables 'Resolved
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> u tables 'Unresolved -> u tables 'Resolved
resolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap) f (r tables 'Unresolved)
u, (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> rs
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us

-- ResolveTables ---------------------------------------------------------------

class GResolveTables u t where
  gResolveTables :: [[Bool]] -> (TableName -> FieldName -> FieldValue -> Dynamic) -> u -> t

instance GResolveTables () () where
  gResolveTables :: [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> () -> ()
gResolveTables [[Bool]]
_ TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
_ () = ()

instance GResolveTables u t => GResolveTables (Either u Void) (Either t Void) where
  gResolveTables :: [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> Either u Void
-> Either t Void
gResolveTables [[Bool]]
notRemoved TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Left u
u) = t -> Either t Void
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (t -> Either t Void) -> t -> Either t Void
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> t
forall u t.
GResolveTables u t =>
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> t
gResolveTables [[Bool]]
notRemoved TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap u
  gResolveTables [[Bool]]
_ TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
_ Either u Void
_ = Either t Void
forall a. HasCallStack => a

instance GResolveTables us ts => GResolveTables (Named table a, us) (Named table a, ts) where
  gResolveTables :: [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named table a, us)
-> (Named table a, ts)
gResolveTables [[Bool]]
nr TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named table a
a, us
us) = (Named table a
a, [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> ts
forall u t.
GResolveTables u t =>
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> t
gResolveTables [[Bool]]
nr TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us

  ( GResolveTables us ts
  , KnitRecord tables t 
  ) => GResolveTables (Named table [t tables 'Unresolved], us) (Named table [t tables 'Resolved], ts) where
    gResolveTables :: [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> (Named table [t tables 'Unresolved], us)
-> (Named table [t tables 'Resolved], ts)
gResolveTables ([Bool]
notRemoved') TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (Named [t tables 'Unresolved]
ts, us
      = ([t tables 'Resolved] -> Named table [t tables 'Resolved]
forall (a :: Symbol) field. field -> Named a field
Named [t tables 'Resolved]
resolved, [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> us -> ts
forall u t.
GResolveTables u t =>
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> t
gResolveTables [[Bool]]
notRemoved' TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap us
        resolved :: [t tables 'Resolved]
resolved =
          [ (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> t tables 'Unresolved -> t tables 'Resolved
forall (tables :: Mode -> *) (u :: (Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *).
KnitRecord tables u =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> u tables 'Unresolved -> u tables 'Resolved
resolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap t tables 'Unresolved
          | (Bool
nr, t tables 'Unresolved
t) <- [Bool] -> [t tables 'Unresolved] -> [(Bool, t tables 'Unresolved)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [Bool]
notRemoved [t tables 'Unresolved]
          , Bool
    gResolveTables [] TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
_ (Named table [t tables 'Unresolved], us)
_ = TableName -> (Named table [t tables 'Resolved], ts)
forall a. HasCallStack => TableName -> a
error TableName
"gResolveTables: [] (this is a bug)"

-- KnitRecord ------------------------------------------------------------------

class KnitRecord (tables :: Mode -> *) u where
    :: (TableName -> FieldName -> FieldValue -> Dynamic)
    -> u tables 'Unresolved
    -> u tables 'Resolved
  default resolve
    :: HasEot (u tables 'Unresolved)
    => HasEot (u tables 'Resolved)
    => GResolve (Eot (u tables 'Unresolved)) (Eot (u tables 'Resolved))

    => (TableName -> FieldName -> FieldValue -> Dynamic)
    -> u tables 'Unresolved
    -> u tables 'Resolved
  resolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap = EotG (Rep (u tables 'Resolved)) -> u tables 'Resolved
Eot (u tables 'Resolved) -> u tables 'Resolved
forall a. HasEot a => Eot a -> a
fromEot (EotG (Rep (u tables 'Resolved)) -> u tables 'Resolved)
-> (u tables 'Unresolved -> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Resolved)))
-> u tables 'Unresolved
-> u tables 'Resolved
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved))
-> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Resolved))
forall u r.
GResolve u r =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> r
gResolve TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsvMap (EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved))
 -> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Resolved)))
-> (u tables 'Unresolved -> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved)))
-> u tables 'Unresolved
-> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Resolved))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. u tables 'Unresolved -> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved))
u tables 'Unresolved -> Eot (u tables 'Unresolved)
forall a. HasEot a => a -> Eot a

  gatherIds :: TableName -> Dynamic -> u tables 'Unresolved -> [EId]
  default gatherIds
    :: HasEot (u tables 'Unresolved)
    => GGatherIds (Eot (u tables 'Unresolved))

    => TableName
    -> Dynamic
    -> u tables 'Unresolved
    -> [EId]
  gatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record = TableName -> Dynamic -> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved)) -> [EId]
forall u. GGatherIds u => TableName -> Dynamic -> u -> [EId]
gGatherIds TableName
table Dynamic
record (EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved)) -> [EId])
-> (u tables 'Unresolved -> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved)))
-> u tables 'Unresolved
-> [EId]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. u tables 'Unresolved -> EotG (Rep (u tables 'Unresolved))
u tables 'Unresolved -> Eot (u tables 'Unresolved)
forall a. HasEot a => a -> Eot a

-- KnitTables ------------------------------------------------------------------

class KnitTables t where
    :: (TableName -> FieldName -> FieldValue -> Dynamic)
    -> t 'Unresolved
    -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
  default resolveTables
    :: HasEot (t 'Unresolved)
    => HasEot (t 'Resolved)
    => GResolveTables (Eot (t 'Unresolved)) (Eot (t 'Resolved))
    => KnitTables t

    => (TableName -> FieldName -> FieldValue -> Dynamic)
    -> t 'Unresolved
    -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
  resolveTables TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
extRsvMap t 'Unresolved
    -- | trace dbgInfo False = undefined
    | Bool -> Bool
not ([(TableName, TableName, TableName)] -> Bool
forall a. [a] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
repeatingIds) = ResolveError -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (ResolveError -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved))
-> ResolveError -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(TableName, TableName, TableName)] -> ResolveError
RepeatingIds [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
    | [] <- [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
missingIds = t 'Resolved -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (t 'Resolved -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved))
-> t 'Resolved -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Eot (t 'Resolved) -> t 'Resolved
forall a. HasEot a => Eot a -> a
fromEot (Eot (t 'Resolved) -> t 'Resolved)
-> Eot (t 'Resolved) -> t 'Resolved
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [[Bool]]
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> EotG (Rep (t 'Unresolved))
-> EotG (Rep (t 'Resolved))
forall u t.
GResolveTables u t =>
-> (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic) -> u -> t
gResolveTables [[Bool]]
notRemovedIds TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsv (t 'Unresolved -> Eot (t 'Unresolved)
forall a. HasEot a => a -> Eot a
toEot t 'Unresolved
    | Bool
otherwise = ResolveError -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (ResolveError -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved))
-> ResolveError -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(TableName, TableName, TableName)] -> ResolveError
MissingIds [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
      -- dbgInfo = mconcat
      --   [ "Eids: ", show eids, "\n"
      --   , "Not removed ids: ", show notRemovedIds, "\n"
      --   , "Record map: ", show recordMap, "\n"
      --   , "Reverse map: ", show reverseMap, "\n"
      --   , "Removed records: ", show removedRecords, "\n"
      --   , "Repeating ids: ", show repeatingIds, "\n"
      --   , "Missing ids: ", show missingIds, "\n"
      --   ]

      eids :: [(TableName, [[EId]])]
eids = t 'Unresolved -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall (t :: Mode -> *).
KnitTables t =>
t 'Unresolved -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gatherTableIds t 'Unresolved

      notRemovedIds :: [[Bool]]
notRemovedIds =
        [ [ [Bool] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
              [ case EId
eid of
                  EId TableName
table TableName
field t
k Dynamic
_ -> Bool -> Bool
not ((TableName
table, TableName
field, t -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show t
k) (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName) -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool
`S.member` Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
                  ERemove TableName
_ TableName
_ t
_ Dynamic
_ -> Bool
_ -> Bool
              | EId
eid <- [EId]
          | [EId]
record <- [[EId]]
        | (TableName
_, [[EId]]
records) <- [(TableName, [[EId]])]

      recordMap :: Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
recordMap = ([(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
 -> [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])] -> [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
-> Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a
M.fromListWith [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
-> [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])] -> [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
(<>) ([((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
 -> Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
-> Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [[((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]]
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
        [ [[((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]]
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
            [ case EId
eid of
                EId TableName
table TableName
field t
k Dynamic
r -> [((TableName
table, TableName
field, t -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show t
k), [(Dynamic
r, Bool
True, [EId]
                ERemove TableName
table TableName
field t
k Dynamic
r -> [((TableName
table, TableName
field, t -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show t
k), [(Dynamic
r, Bool
False, [EId]
_ -> []
            | EId
eid <- [EId]
        | (TableName
_, [[EId]]
records) <- [(TableName, [[EId]])]
        , [EId]
record <- [[EId]]
        , let fids :: [EId]
fids =
                [ EId
                | fid :: EId
fid@(EForeignId TableName
_ TableName
_ t
_) <- [EId]

      reverseMap :: Map
  (TableName, TableName, TableName)
  (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
reverseMap = (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
 -> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
 -> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName),
     Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))]
-> Map
     (TableName, TableName, TableName)
     (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a
M.fromListWith Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
(<>) ([((TableName, TableName, TableName),
   Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))]
 -> Map
      (TableName, TableName, TableName)
      (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)))
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName),
     Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))]
-> Map
     (TableName, TableName, TableName)
     (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [[((TableName, TableName, TableName),
   Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))]]
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName),
     Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))]
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
        [ [ ((TableName
ftable, TableName
ffield, t -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show t
fk), (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a. a -> Set a
S.singleton (TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
          | EForeignId TableName
ftable TableName
ffield t
fk <- [EId]
        | ((TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
k), [(Dynamic
_, Bool
_, [EId]
fids)]) <- Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
M.toList Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]

      removedRecords :: Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
removedRecords = (forall s. ST s (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)))
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST ((forall s. ST s (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)))
 -> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
-> (forall s. ST s (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)))
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool
m <- ST s (HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool)
forall s k v. ST s (HashTable s k v)

        let markRemoved :: (TableName, TableName, TableName) -> ST s ()
markRemoved (TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
k) = do
              Maybe Bool
v <- HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool
-> (TableName, TableName, TableName) -> ST s (Maybe Bool)
forall k s v.
(Eq k, Hashable k) =>
HashTable s k v -> k -> ST s (Maybe v)
H.lookup HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool
m (TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName

              case Maybe Bool
v of
                Maybe Bool
Nothing -> do
                  HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool
-> (TableName, TableName, TableName) -> Bool -> ST s ()
forall k s v.
(Eq k, Hashable k) =>
HashTable s k v -> k -> v -> ST s ()
H.insert HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool
m (TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
k) Bool

                  [ST s ()] -> ST s ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m ()
                    [ (TableName, TableName, TableName) -> ST s ()
markRemoved (TableName
ftable, TableName
ffield, TableName
                    | Just Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
fids <- [ (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Map
     (TableName, TableName, TableName)
     (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
-> Maybe (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
M.lookup (TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
k) Map
  (TableName, TableName, TableName)
  (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
reverseMap ]
                    , (TableName
ftable, TableName
ffield, TableName
fk) <- Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
S.toList Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
                Just Bool
_ -> () -> ST s ()
forall a. a -> ST s a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

        [ST s ()] -> ST s ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m ()
          [ (TableName, TableName, TableName) -> ST s ()
markRemoved (TableName, TableName, TableName)
          | ((TableName, TableName, TableName)
k, [(Dynamic
_, Bool
False, [EId]
_)]) <- Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
M.toList Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]

        [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> Set a
S.fromList ([(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
 -> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
-> ([((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)]
    -> [(TableName, TableName, TableName)])
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)]
-> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)
 -> (TableName, TableName, TableName))
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)]
-> [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)
-> (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ([((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)]
 -> Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
-> ST s [((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)]
-> ST s (Set (TableName, TableName, TableName))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool
-> ST s [((TableName, TableName, TableName), Bool)]
forall (h :: * -> * -> * -> *) s k v.
HashTable h =>
h s k v -> ST s [(k, v)]
HC.toList HashTable s (TableName, TableName, TableName) Bool

      repeatingIds :: [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
repeatingIds = [[(TableName, TableName, TableName)]]
-> [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
        [ if [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])] -> Int
forall a. [a] -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
records Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
            then [(TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
            else []
        | ((TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
k), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
records) <- Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
-> [((TableName, TableName, TableName), [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])])]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
M.toList Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]

      missingIds :: [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
missingIds = [Maybe (TableName, TableName, TableName)]
-> [(TableName, TableName, TableName)]
forall a. [Maybe a] -> [a]
        [ case (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
-> Maybe [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
M.lookup (TableName
table, TableName
field, t -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show t
k) Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
recordMap of
            Maybe [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
Nothing -> (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Maybe (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (TableName
table, TableName
field, t -> TableName
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show t
            Just [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
_ -> Maybe (TableName, TableName, TableName)
forall a. Maybe a
        | (TableName
_, [[EId]]
records) <- [(TableName, [[EId]])]
        , [EId]
record <- [[EId]]
        , let fids :: [EId]
fids =
                [ EId
                | fid :: EId
fid@(EForeignId TableName
_ TableName
_ t
_) <- [EId]
        , EForeignId TableName
table TableName
field t
k <- [EId]

      rsvRecord :: TableName
-> TableName -> TableName -> Maybe [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
rsvRecord TableName
table TableName
field TableName
value = (TableName, TableName, TableName)
-> Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
-> Maybe [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
M.lookup (TableName
table, TableName
field, TableName
value) Map (TableName, TableName, TableName) [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]

      rsv :: TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
rsv TableName
table TableName
field TableName
value = case TableName
-> TableName -> TableName -> Maybe [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
rsvRecord TableName
table TableName
field TableName
value of
        Maybe [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
Nothing -> TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic
extRsvMap TableName
table TableName
field TableName
        Just [(Dynamic
record, Bool
_, [EId]
_)] -> Dynamic
        Maybe [(Dynamic, Bool, [EId])]
_ -> TableName -> Dynamic
forall a. HasCallStack => TableName -> a
error TableName
"resolveTables: repeating ids (this is a bug, the consistency check should have caught this)"

  gatherTableIds :: t 'Unresolved -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
  default gatherTableIds
    :: HasEot (t 'Unresolved)
    => GGatherTableIds (Eot (t 'Unresolved))
    => t 'Unresolved
    -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
  gatherTableIds = EotG (Rep (t 'Unresolved)) -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall t. GGatherTableIds t => t -> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
gGatherTableIds (EotG (Rep (t 'Unresolved)) -> [(TableName, [[EId]])])
-> (t 'Unresolved -> EotG (Rep (t 'Unresolved)))
-> t 'Unresolved
-> [(TableName, [[EId]])]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. t 'Unresolved -> EotG (Rep (t 'Unresolved))
t 'Unresolved -> Eot (t 'Unresolved)
forall a. HasEot a => a -> Eot a

-- Expand ----------------------------------------------------------------------

type family ExpandRecord (parent :: Symbol) (record :: *) where
  ExpandRecord parent () = ()
  ExpandRecord parent (Either fields Eot.Void) = ExpandRecord parent fields
  ExpandRecord parent (Eot.Named name (RecordId a), fields) = (Eot.Named name a, ExpandRecord parent fields)
  ExpandRecord parent (Eot.Named name (f (RecordId a)), fields) = (Eot.Named name (f a), ExpandRecord parent fields)
  ExpandRecord parent (a, fields) = ExpandRecord parent fields

type family LookupTableType (table :: Symbol) (eot :: *) :: (((Mode -> *) -> Mode -> *), *) where
  LookupTableType name (Either records Eot.Void) = LookupTableType name records
  LookupTableType name (Eot.Named name [record tables recordMode], records)
    = '(record, ExpandRecord name (Eot (record tables 'Done)))
  LookupTableType name (Eot.Named otherName a, records)
    = LookupTableType name records

  LookupTableType name eot = TypeError ('Text "Can't lookup table type")

type family LookupFieldType (field :: Symbol) (eot :: *) :: * where
  LookupFieldType name (Either records Eot.Void) = LookupFieldType name records
  LookupFieldType name (Eot.Named name (Maybe field), fields) = field
  LookupFieldType name (Eot.Named name field, fields) = field
  LookupFieldType name (Eot.Named otherName field, fields) = LookupFieldType name fields
  LookupFieldType name eot = TypeError ('Text "Can't lookup field type")

-- Table -----------------------------------------------------------------------

type family Table (tables :: Mode -> *) (c :: Mode) table where
  Table tables r table = [table tables r]


knit :: KnitTables t => t 'Unresolved -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
knit :: forall (t :: Mode -> *).
KnitTables t =>
t 'Unresolved -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
knit = (TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> t 'Unresolved -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
forall (t :: Mode -> *).
KnitTables t =>
(TableName -> TableName -> TableName -> Dynamic)
-> t 'Unresolved -> Either ResolveError (t 'Resolved)
tbl TableName
k TableName
v -> TableName -> Dynamic
forall a. HasCallStack => TableName -> a
error (TableName -> Dynamic) -> TableName -> Dynamic
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TableName
"knit: inconsistent record (this is a bug, the consistency check should have caught this: " TableName -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ShowS
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show TableName
tbl TableName -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TableName
", " TableName -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ShowS
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show TableName
k TableName -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TableName
", " TableName -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ShowS
forall a. Show a => a -> TableName
show TableName