{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} import Data.Proxy import Data.Text import Lackey import Servant.API import Test.Hspec main :: IO () main = hspec . parallel . describe "Lackey" . describe "rubyForAPI" $ do it "supports delete requests" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Delete '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "delete" "" "delete" "" "" False it "supports get requests" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" "" "get" "" "" False it "supports patch requests" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Patch '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "patch" "" "patch" "" "" False it "supports post requests" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Post '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "post" "" "post" "" "" False it "supports put requests" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Put '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "put" "" "put" "" "" False it "supports alternatives" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Get '[JSON] () :<|> Delete '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` mconcat [ ruby "get" "" "get" "" "" False , singleton ';' , ruby "delete" "" "delete" "" "" False ] it "supports captures" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Capture "id" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get_by_id" ",id" "get" "#{id}" "" False it "supports query flags" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryFlag "flag" :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",flag: nil" "get" "?flag=#{flag}" "" False it "supports query params" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryParam "param" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",param: nil" "get" "?param=#{param}" "" False it "supports multiple query params" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryParams "params" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",params: nil" "get" "?params=#{params}" "" False it "supports request bodies" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (ReqBody '[JSON] () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",body" "get" "" "" True it "supports request headers" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Header "cookie" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",cookie: nil" "get" "" "\"cookie\"=>cookie" False it "supports response headers" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Get '[JSON] (Headers '[] ())) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" "" "get" "" "" False it "puts the body param after captures" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Capture "segment" () :> ReqBody '[JSON] () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get_by_segment" ",segment,body" "get" "#{segment}" "" True it "puts the body param after query params" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryFlag "flag" :> ReqBody '[JSON] () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",flag: nil,body" "get" "?flag=#{flag}" "" True it "sanitizes path segments" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy ("A!" :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get_A!" "" "get" "A!" "" False it "sanitizes captures" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Capture "A!" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get_by_A!" ",a_" "get" "#{a_}" "" False it "sanitizes query flags" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryFlag "A!" :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",a_: nil" "get" "?A!=#{a_}" "" False it "sanitizes query params" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryParam "A!" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",a_: nil" "get" "?A!=#{a_}" "" False it "sanitizes multiple query params" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryParams "A!" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",a_: nil" "get" "?A!=#{a_}" "" False it "sanitizes headers" $ do let api = Proxy :: Proxy (Header "A!" () :> Get '[JSON] ()) rubyForAPI api `shouldBe` ruby "get" ",a_: nil" "get" "" "\"A!\"=>a_" False -- Since every generated function has the same structure, it can be abstracted -- away behind this function. ruby :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Bool -> Text ruby name params method path headers body = pack (mconcat [ "def ", name, "(excon", params, ")" , "excon.request(" , ":method=>:", method, "," , ":path=>\"/", path, "\"," , ":headers=>{", headers, "}," , ":body=>", if body then "body" else "nil" , ")" , "end" ])