-- -- | Lambdabot base module. Controls message send and receive -- module Plugin.Base (theModule) where import Plugin import IRCBase (IrcMessage, timeReply, errShowMsg) -- import Message (getTopic, nick, joinChannel, body, fullName, channels) import Message (getTopic, nick, server, body, Nick(..), lambdabotName, showNick, readNick) import qualified Data.Map as M (insert, delete) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..), when, gets) import GHC.IOBase (Exception(NoMethodError)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as P import qualified Text.Regex as R -- valid command prefixes commands :: [String] commands = commandPrefixes config PLUGIN Base type BaseState = GlobalPrivate () () type Base a = ModuleT BaseState LB a instance Module BaseModule BaseState where moduleDefState _ = return $ mkGlobalPrivate 20 () moduleInit _ = do ircSignalConnect "PING" doPING bindModule1 doNOTICE >>= ircSignalConnect "NOTICE" ircSignalConnect "PART" doPART ircSignalConnect "JOIN" doJOIN ircSignalConnect "NICK" doNICK ircSignalConnect "MODE" doMODE ircSignalConnect "TOPIC" doTOPIC ircSignalConnect "QUIT" doQUIT bindModule1 doPRIVMSG >>= ircSignalConnect "PRIVMSG" ircSignalConnect "001" doRPL_WELCOME {- ircSignalConnect "002" doRPL_YOURHOST ircSignalConnect "003" doRPL_CREATED ircSignalConnect "004" doRPL_MYINFO -} ircSignalConnect "005" doRPL_BOUNCE {- ircSignalConnect "250" doRPL_STATSCONN ircSignalConnect "251" doRPL_LUSERCLIENT ircSignalConnect "252" doRPL_LUSEROP ircSignalConnect "253" doRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN ircSignalConnect "254" doRPL_LUSERCHANNELS ircSignalConnect "255" doRPL_LUSERME ircSignalConnect "265" doRPL_LOCALUSERS ircSignalConnect "266" doRPL_GLOBALUSERS -} ircSignalConnect "332" doRPL_TOPIC {- ircSignalConnect "353" doRPL_NAMRELY ircSignalConnect "366" doRPL_ENDOFNAMES ircSignalConnect "372" doRPL_MOTD ircSignalConnect "375" doRPL_MOTDSTART ircSignalConnect "376" doRPL_ENDOFMOTD -} doIGNORE :: Callback doIGNORE msg = debugStrLn $ show msg -- = debugStrLn $ "IGNORING> <" ++ msgPrefix msg ++ -- "> [" ++ msgCommand msg ++ "] " ++ show (body msg) doPING :: Callback doPING msg = debugStrLn $ errShowMsg msg -- If this is a "TIME" then we need to pass it over to the localtime plugin -- otherwise, dump it to stdout doNOTICE :: IrcMessage -> Base () doNOTICE msg = if isCTCPTimeReply then do -- bind implicit params to Localtime module. boo on implict params :/ -- withModule ircModules -- "Localtime" -- (error "Plugin/Base: no Localtime plugin? So I can't handle CTCP time messges") -- (\_ -> doPRIVMSG (timeReply msg)) -- need to say which module to run the privmsg in doPRIVMSG (timeReply msg) else debugStrLn $ "NOTICE: " ++ show (body msg) where isCTCPTimeReply = ":\SOHTIME" `isPrefixOf` (last (body msg)) doJOIN :: Callback doJOIN msg | lambdabotName msg /= nick msg = doIGNORE msg | otherwise = do s <- get put (s { ircChannels = M.insert (mkCN loc) "[currently unknown]" (ircChannels s)}) -- the empty topic causes problems send $ getTopic loc -- initialize topic where (_, aloc) = breakOnGlue ":" (head (body msg)) loc = case aloc of [] -> Nick "freenode" "weird#" _ -> Nick (server msg) (tail aloc) doPART :: Callback doPART msg = when (lambdabotName msg == nick msg) $ do let loc = Nick (server msg) (head (body msg)) s <- get put (s { ircChannels = M.delete (mkCN loc) (ircChannels s) }) doNICK :: Callback doNICK msg = doIGNORE msg doMODE :: Callback doMODE msg = doIGNORE msg doTOPIC :: Callback doTOPIC msg = do let loc = Nick (server msg) ((head (body msg))) s <- get put (s { ircChannels = M.insert (mkCN loc) (tail $ head $ tail $ body msg) (ircChannels s)}) doRPL_WELCOME :: Callback doRPL_WELCOME = doIGNORE doQUIT :: Callback doQUIT msg = doIGNORE msg doRPL_BOUNCE :: Callback doRPL_BOUNCE _msg = debugStrLn "BOUNCE!" doRPL_TOPIC :: Callback doRPL_TOPIC msg -- nearly the same as doTOPIC but has our nick on the front of body = do let loc = Nick (server msg) ((body msg) !! 1) s <- get put (s { ircChannels = M.insert (mkCN loc) (tail $ last $ body msg) (ircChannels s) }) doPRIVMSG :: IrcMessage -> Base () doPRIVMSG msg = do -- now <- io getClockTime -- io $ appendFile "State/log" $ ppr now ignored <- lift $ checkIgnore msg if ignored then lift $ doIGNORE msg else mapM_ (doPRIVMSG' (lambdabotName msg) msg) targets where alltargets = head (body msg) targets = map (readNick msg) $ split "," alltargets -- where -- ppr now = concat [ timeStamp now, " ", "<", (nick msg), " ", (fullName msg), " #" -- , (concat . intersperse "," $ channels msg) , "> " -- , (tail . concat . intersperse " " . tail) (body msg), "\n"] -- -- | What does the bot respond to? -- doPRIVMSG' :: Nick -> IrcMessage -> Nick -> Base () doPRIVMSG' myname msg target | myname == target = let (cmd, params) = breakOnGlue " " text in doPersonalMsg cmd (dropWhile (== ' ') params) | flip any ":," $ \c -> (showNick msg myname ++ [c]) `isPrefixOf` text = let Just wholeCmd = maybeCommand (showNick msg myname) text (cmd, params) = breakOnGlue " " wholeCmd in doPublicMsg cmd (dropWhile (==' ') params) | (commands `arePrefixesOf` text) && length text > 1 && (text !! 1 /= ' ') -- elem of prefixes && (not (commands `arePrefixesOf` [text !! 1]) || (length text > 2 && text !! 2 == ' ')) -- ignore @@ prefix, but not the @@ command itself = let (cmd, params) = breakOnGlue " " (dropWhile (==' ') text) in doPublicMsg cmd (dropWhile (==' ') params) | otherwise = doContextualMsg text where text = tail (head (tail (body msg))) who = nick msg doPersonalMsg s r | commands `arePrefixesOf` s = doMsg (tail s) r who | s `elem` (evalPrefixes config) = doMsg "run" r who | otherwise = (lift $ doIGNORE msg) doPublicMsg s r | commands `arePrefixesOf` s = doMsg (tail s) r target | (evalPrefixes config) `arePrefixesWithSpaceOf` s = doMsg "run" r target -- TODO | otherwise = (lift $ doIGNORE msg) -- -- normal commands. -- -- check privledges, do any spell correction, dispatch, handling -- possible timeouts. -- -- todo, refactor -- doMsg cmd rest towhere = do let ircmsg = ircPrivmsg towhere allcmds <- getDictKeys ircCommands let ms = filter (isPrefixOf cmd) allcmds case ms of [s] -> docmd s -- a unique prefix _ | cmd `elem` ms -> docmd cmd -- correct command (usual case) _ | otherwise -> case closests cmd allcmds of (n,[s]) | n < e , ms == [] -> docmd s -- unique edit match (n,ss) | n < e || ms /= [] -- some possibilities -> lift . ircmsg $ "Maybe you meant: "++showClean(nub(ms++ss)) _ -> docmd cmd -- no prefix, edit distance too far where e = 3 -- edit distance cut off. Seems reasonable for small words fcmd = P.pack cmd -- TODO frest = P.pack rest docmd cmd' = do act <- bindModule0 . withPS towhere $ \_ _ -> do withModule ircCommands cmd' -- Important. (ircPrivmsg towhere "Unknown command, try @list") (\m -> do name' <- getName privs <- gets ircPrivCommands let illegal = disabledCommands config ok <- liftM2 (||) (return $ cmd' `notElem` (privs ++ illegal)) (lift $ checkPrivs msg) if not ok then lift $ ircPrivmsg towhere "Not enough privileges" else catchIrc (do mstrs <- catchError (Right `fmap` fprocess_ m fcmd frest) (\ex -> case (ex :: IRCError) of -- dispatch (IRCRaised (NoMethodError _)) -> catchError (Left `fmap` process m msg towhere cmd' rest) (\ey -> case (ey :: IRCError) of -- dispatch (IRCRaised (NoMethodError _)) -> Left `fmap` process_ m cmd' rest _ -> throwError ey) _ -> throwError ex) -- send off our strings/bytestrings case mstrs of Right ps -> lift $ mapM_ (ircPrivmsgF towhere) ps Left ms -> lift $ mapM_ (ircPrivmsg towhere) ms) (lift . ircPrivmsg towhere . (("Plugin `" ++ name' ++ "' failed with: ") ++) . show)) lift $ act -- -- contextual messages are all input that isn't an explicit command. -- they're passed to all modules (todo, sounds inefficient) for -- scanning, and any that implement 'contextual' will reply. -- -- we try to run the contextual functions from all modules, on every -- non-command. better hope this is efficient. -- -- Note how we catch any plugin errors here, rather than letting -- them bubble back up to the mainloop -- doContextualMsg r = lift $ do withAllModules ( \m -> do act <- bindModule0 ( do ms <- contextual m msg target r lift $ mapM_ (ircPrivmsg target) ms ) name' <- getName lift $ catchIrc act (debugStrLn . (name' ++) . (" module failed in contextual handler: " ++) . show) ) return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------ maybeCommand :: String -> String -> Maybe String maybeCommand nm text = case R.matchRegexAll re text of Nothing -> Nothing Just (_, _, cmd, _) -> Just cmd where re = regex' (nm ++ "[.:,]*[[:space:]]*") -- -- And stuff we don't care about -- {- doRPL_YOURHOST :: Callback doRPL_YOURHOST _msg = return () doRPL_CREATED :: Callback doRPL_CREATED _msg = return () doRPL_MYINFO :: Callback doRPL_MYINFO _msg = return () doRPL_STATSCONN :: Callback doRPL_STATSCONN _msg = return () doRPL_LUSERCLIENT :: Callback doRPL_LUSERCLIENT _msg = return () doRPL_LUSEROP :: Callback doRPL_LUSEROP _msg = return () doRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN :: Callback doRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN _msg = return () doRPL_LUSERCHANNELS :: Callback doRPL_LUSERCHANNELS _msg = return () doRPL_LUSERME :: Callback doRPL_LUSERME _msg = return () doRPL_LOCALUSERS :: Callback doRPL_LOCALUSERS _msg = return () doRPL_GLOBALUSERS :: Callback doRPL_GLOBALUSERS _msg = return () doUNKNOWN :: Callback doUNKNOWN msg = debugStrLn $ "UNKNOWN> <" ++ msgPrefix msg ++ "> [" ++ msgCommand msg ++ "] " ++ show (body msg) doRPL_NAMREPLY :: Callback doRPL_NAMREPLY _msg = return () doRPL_ENDOFNAMES :: Callback doRPL_ENDOFNAMES _msg = return () doRPL_MOTD :: Callback doRPL_MOTD _msg = return () doRPL_MOTDSTART :: Callback doRPL_MOTDSTART _msg = return () doRPL_ENDOFMOTD :: Callback doRPL_ENDOFMOTD _msg = return () -}