AUTHORS ======== The following people have made contributions to the Lambdabot project. There are probably others as well. * Andrew J. Bromage aka Pseudonym on #haskell - the 'bot itself - @free * Shae M. Erisson aka shapr on #haskell - FactModule - FortuneModule - StateModule - SystemModule * Taylor Campbell aka Riastradh on #haskell - KarmaModule * Derek Elkins aka Darius on #haskell - EvalModule * Sven M. Hallberg aka pesco on #haskell - TopicModule * Tom Moertel aka tmoertel on #haskell - DictModule * Mats-Ola Persson aka polli on #haskell - rewrite of the plugin system * Ganesh Sittampalam aka Heffalump on #haskell - Various restructuring to improve bot robustness - Dynamic module loading * Don Stewart aka dons on #haskell - New build system, 6.4 port - dynamic module loading with hs-plugins - Simplfied module interface - @babel, @plugs, @version, @code, @spell, @djinn, @unlambda, @hylo, @freshname, @ft, @src - Offline mode - General hacking - Cabalised build system - GHCi build system * Jesper Louis Andersen aka jlouis on #haskell - Code/Documentation cleanups * Thomas Jäger aka TheHunter on #haskell - PlModule - General hacking/refactoring. * Stefan Wehr aka stefanw on #haskell - DarcsPatchWatch module * Simon Winwood - Babel module - Log module * Mark Wotton (blackdog) - Vixen * Paolo Martini (xerox) - @hoogle, @botsnack, work on @karma * Vaclav Haisman - Tweaks to textual interface * Joel Koerwer - google calculator * Josef Svenningsson - @elite * Ketil Malde - Improved @seen * Echo Nolan - grammar * Samuel Bronson - Improved search code. @google * Peter Davis - @moos ++ * - line breaks, topics, * Kenneth Hoste - @vote * - @pretty * - actions / slapping * rizzix - Minor fixed and workarounds - @gsite * David House - Instances, Tell. * Pete Kazmier - Url page title chaser - Contextual messages * Stefan O'Rear aka sorear on #haskell - @nazi-on, @nazi-off, @activity - Non-flat nick namespace - Separation of servers out of base * Spencer Janssen aka sjanssen on #haskell - @undo, @redo * Gwern Branwen aka gwern on #haskell - Packaging of unlambda and brainfuck * James Cook aka mokus on #haskell - Stuff. I dedicate all my contributions to the public domain. * Jan Stolarek aka killy9999 on #haskell - More stuff, mostly code cleanup.