-- Undo pointfree transformations. Plugin code derived from Pl.hs.
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Haskell.Pointful (pointfulPlugin) where

import Lambdabot.Module as Lmb (Module)
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util.Parser (withParsed)

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Generics
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.Exts as Hs

pointfulPlugin :: Lmb.Module ()
pointfulPlugin = newModule
    { moduleCmds = return
        [ (command "pointful")
            { aliases = ["pointy","repoint","unpointless","unpl","unpf"]
            , help = say "pointful <expr>. Make code pointier."
            , process = mapM_ say . lines . pointful

---- Utilities ----

extT' :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> a) -> (b -> b) -> a -> a
extT' = extT
infixl `extT'`

unkLoc :: SrcLoc
unkLoc = SrcLoc "<new>" 1 1

stabilize :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
stabilize f x = let x' = f x in if x' == x then x else stabilize f x'

namesIn :: Data a => a -> [Name]
namesIn h = everything (++) (mkQ [] (\x -> case x of UnQual name' -> [name']; _ -> [])) h

pVarsIn :: Data a => a -> [Name]
pVarsIn h = everything (++) (mkQ [] (\x -> case x of PVar name' -> [name']; _ -> [])) h

succName :: Name -> Name
succName (Ident s) = Ident . reverse . succAlpha . reverse $ s
succName (Symbol _ ) = error "Pointful plugin error: cannot determine successor for a Symbol"

succAlpha :: String -> String
succAlpha ('z':xs) = 'a' : succAlpha xs
succAlpha (x  :xs) = succ x : xs
succAlpha []       = "a"

---- Optimization (removing explicit lambdas) and restoration of infix ops ----

-- move lambda patterns into LHS
optimizeD :: Decl -> Decl
optimizeD (PatBind locat (PVar fname) (UnGuardedRhs (Lambda _ pats rhs)) (BDecls []))
        =  FunBind [Match locat fname pats Nothing (UnGuardedRhs rhs) (BDecls [])]
---- combine function binding and lambda
optimizeD (FunBind [Match locat fname pats1 Nothing (UnGuardedRhs (Lambda _ pats2 rhs)) (BDecls [])])
        =  FunBind [Match locat fname (pats1 ++ pats2) Nothing (UnGuardedRhs rhs) (BDecls [])]
optimizeD x = x

-- remove parens
optimizeRhs :: Rhs -> Rhs
optimizeRhs (UnGuardedRhs (Paren x))
          =  UnGuardedRhs x
optimizeRhs x = x

optimizeE :: Exp -> Exp
-- apply ((\x z -> ...x...) y) yielding (\z -> ...y...) if there is only one x or y is simple
  -- TODO: avoid captures while substituting
optimizeE (App (Paren (Lambda locat (PVar ident : pats) body)) arg) | single || simple arg
        = Paren (Lambda locat pats (everywhere (mkT (\x -> if x == (Var (UnQual ident)) then arg else x)) body))
  where single = gcount (mkQ False (== ident)) body <= 1
        simple e = case e of Var _ -> True; Lit _ -> True; Paren e' -> simple e'; _ -> False
-- apply ((\_ z -> ...) y) yielding (\z -> ...)
optimizeE (App (Paren (Lambda locat (PWildCard : pats) body)) _)
        = Paren (Lambda locat pats body)
-- remove 0-arg lambdas resulting from application rules
optimizeE (Lambda _ [] b)
        = b
-- replace (\x -> \y -> z) with (\x y -> z)
optimizeE (Lambda locat p1 (Lambda _ p2 body))
        = Lambda locat (p1 ++ p2) body
-- remove double parens
optimizeE (Paren (Paren x))
        = Paren x
-- remove lambda body parens
optimizeE (Lambda l p (Paren x))
        = Lambda l p x
-- remove var, lit parens
optimizeE (Paren x@(Var _))
        = x
optimizeE (Paren x@(Lit _))
        = x
-- remove infix+lambda parens
optimizeE (InfixApp a o (Paren l@(Lambda _ _ _)))
        = InfixApp a o l
-- remove left-assoc application parens
optimizeE (App (Paren (App a b)) c)
        = App (App a b) c
-- restore infix
optimizeE (App (App (Var name'@(UnQual (Symbol _))) l) r)
        = (InfixApp l (QVarOp name') r)
-- eta reduce
optimizeE (Lambda l ps@(_:_) (App e (Var (UnQual v))))
  | free && last ps == PVar v
        = Lambda l (init ps) e
  where free = gcount (mkQ False (== v)) e == 0
-- fail
optimizeE x = x

---- Decombinatorization ----

-- fresh name generation. TODO: prettify this
fresh :: StateT (Name, [Name]) Identity Name
fresh = do (_,    used) <- get
           modify (\(v,u) -> (until (not . (`elem` used)) succName (succName v), u))
           (name', _) <- get
           return name'

-- rename all lambda-bound variables. TODO: rewrite lets as well
rename :: Exp -> StateT (Name, [Name]) Identity  Exp
rename = do everywhereM (mkM (\e -> case e of
              (Lambda _ ps _) -> do
                let pVars = concatMap pVarsIn ps
                newVars <- mapM (const fresh) pVars
                let replacements = zip pVars newVars
                return (everywhere (mkT (\n -> fromMaybe n (lookup n replacements))) e)
              _ -> return e))

uncomb' :: Exp -> State (Name, [Name]) Exp

uncomb' (Paren (Paren e)) = return (Paren e)

-- expand plain combinators
uncomb' (Var qname) | isJust maybeDef = rename (fromJust maybeDef)
  where maybeDef = M.lookup qname combinators

-- eliminate sections
uncomb' (RightSection op' arg)
  = do a <- fresh
       return (Paren (Lambda unkLoc [PVar a] (InfixApp (Var (UnQual a)) op' arg)))
uncomb' (LeftSection arg op')
  = do a <- fresh
       return (Paren (Lambda unkLoc [PVar a] (InfixApp arg op' (Var (UnQual a)))))
-- infix to prefix for canonicality
uncomb' (InfixApp lf (QVarOp name') rf)
  = return (Paren (App (App (Var name') (Paren lf)) (Paren rf)))

-- Expand (>>=) when it is obviously the reader monad:

-- rewrite: (>>=) (\x -> e)
-- to:      (\ a b -> a ((\ x -> e) b) b)
uncomb' (App (Var (UnQual (Symbol ">>="))) (Paren lam@Lambda{}))
  = do a <- fresh
       b <- fresh
       return (Paren (Lambda unkLoc [PVar a, PVar b]
                 (App (App (Var (UnQual a)) (Paren (App lam (Var (UnQual b))))) (Var (UnQual b)))))
-- rewrite: ((>>=) e1) (\x y -> e2)
-- to:      (\a -> (\x y -> e2) (e1 a) a)
uncomb' (App (App (Var (UnQual (Symbol ">>="))) e1) (Paren lam@(Lambda _ (_:_:_) _)))
  = do a <- fresh
       return (Paren (Lambda unkLoc [PVar a]
                (App (App lam (App e1 (Var (UnQual a)))) (Var (UnQual a)))))

-- fail
uncomb' expr = return expr

---- Simple combinator definitions ---
combinators :: M.Map QName Exp
combinators = M.fromList $ map declToTuple defs
  where defs = case parseModule combinatorModule of
          ParseOk (Hs.Module _ _ _ _ _ _ d) -> d
          f@(ParseFailed _ _) -> error ("Combinator loading: " ++ show f)
        declToTuple (PatBind _ (PVar fname) (UnGuardedRhs body) (BDecls []))
          = (UnQual fname, Paren body)
        declToTuple _ = error "Pointful Plugin error: can't convert declaration to tuple"

-- the names we recognize as combinators, so we don't generate them as temporaries then substitute them.
-- TODO: more generally correct would be to not substitute any variable which is bound by a pattern
recognizedNames :: [Name]
recognizedNames = map (\(UnQual n) -> n) $ M.keys combinators

combinatorModule :: String
combinatorModule = unlines [
  "(.)    = \\f g x -> f (g x)                                          ",
  "($)    = \\f x   -> f x                                              ",
  "flip   = \\f x y -> f y x                                            ",
  "const  = \\x _ -> x                                                  ",
  "id     = \\x -> x                                                    ",
  "(=<<)  = flip (>>=)                                                  ",
  "liftM2 = \\f m1 m2 -> m1 >>= \\x1 -> m2 >>= \\x2 -> return (f x1 x2) ",
  "join   = (>>= id)                                                    ",
  "ap     = liftM2 id                                                   ",
  "(>=>)  = flip (<=<)                                                  ",
  "(<=<)  = \\f g x -> f >>= g x                                        ",
  "                                                                     ",
  "-- ASSUMED reader monad                                              ",
  "-- (>>=)  = (\\f k r -> k (f r) r)                                   ",
  "-- return = const                                                    ",

---- Top level ----

uncombOnce :: (Data a) => a -> a
uncombOnce x = evalState (everywhereM (mkM uncomb') x) (Ident "`", namesIn x ++ recognizedNames)
uncomb :: (Eq a, Data a) => a -> a
uncomb = stabilize uncombOnce

optimizeOnce :: (Data a) => a -> a
optimizeOnce x = everywhere (mkT optimizeD `extT'` optimizeRhs `extT'` optimizeE) x
optimize :: (Eq a, Data a) => a -> a
optimize = stabilize optimizeOnce

pointful :: String -> String
pointful = withParsed (stabilize (optimize . uncomb))

-- TODO: merge this into a proper test suite once one exists
-- test s = case parseModule s of
--   f@(ParseFailed _ _) -> fail (show f)
--   ParseOk (Hs.Module _ _ _ _ _ _ defs) ->
--     flip mapM_ defs $ \def -> do
--       putStrLn . prettyPrintInLine  $ def
--       putStrLn . prettyPrintInLine  . uncomb $ def
--       putStrLn . prettyPrintInLine  . optimize . uncomb $ def
--       putStrLn . prettyPrintInLine  . stabilize (optimize . uncomb) $ def
--       putStrLn ""
-- main = test "f = tail . head; g = head . tail; h = tail + tail; three = g . h . i; dontSub = (\\x -> x + x) 1; ofHead f = f . head; fm = flip mapM_ xs (\\x -> g x); po = (+1); op = (1+); g = (. f); stabilize = fix (ap . flip (ap . (flip =<< (if' .) . (==))) =<<)"