lambdacms-media =============== This is an extension for [LambdaCms]( which allows admins to manage media files. **NOTE:** At this point the functionality provided by this extension is very basic. Pull request adding features are most welcome. ### Installing LambdaCms extensions come as plain Haskell packages and need to be added to the project's `.cabal` file like any other package dependency. The following guide expects a newly initialized LambdaCms base application. When you have an existing base app this guide show still be easy to follow. In the `library` section of your base application's `.cabal` file append the following line to `build-depends`: ``` , lambdacms-media >= 0.2.0 && < 0.3 ``` The media extension's admin section needs to be mounted in the base app's router, therefor add the following line to your `config/routes` file: ``` /admin/media MediaAdminSubR MediaAdmin getLambdaCmsMedia ``` To `Application.hs` add `import LambdaCms.Media` and the following line: ```haskell ... let getLambdaCms = CoreAdmin getLambdaCmsMedia = MediaAdmin -- add this line mkFoundation appConnPool = App {..} ... ``` The procede by including the `migrateLambdaCmsMedia` function to `Application.hs` as shown in this snippet: ```haskell ... runLoggingT (runSqlPool (mapM_ runMigration [migrateAll, migrateLambdaCmsCore, migrateLambdaCmsMedia]) pool) (messageLoggerSource theFoundation appLogger) ... ``` To `Foundation.hs` also add `import LambdaCms.Media` and the following two lines: ```haskell ... , getLambdaCms :: CoreAdmin , getLambdaCmsMedia :: MediaAdmin -- add this line } ... adminMenu = (defaultCoreAdminMenu CoreAdminR) ++ (defaultMediaAdminMenu MediaAdminR) -- add this line renderLanguages _ = ["en", "nl"] ... ``` The last line hooks the media admin section into the admin menu. Finally the following instance needs to be defined in `Foundation.hs`: ```haskell instance LambdaCmsMedia App where mediaR = MediaAdminSubR staticDir y = appStaticDir $ appSettings y staticRoot _ = "/static" ``` That's it! You can now `cabal install` the new dependency and run `yesod devel` to test drive the freshly installed extension. ### Using media in another LambdaCms extension A common usecase would be to use the "media" that are managed using the `lambdacms-media` extension in other extensions. For example: to add an image to a blog post. First off all the `lambdacms-media` package needs to become a package dependency of that particular extension's package. Then we can add an `imageId` to the `Post` model. ``` Post title Text body Text imageId MediaId Maybe ``` To make it all work we need to put a constraint on the type class defined in the `Foundation.hs`: ```haskell ... class LambdaCmsMedia master => MysitePostSub master where ... ``` After this the `attachedMaybeMedia` function may be used in the handler functions of the blog post extension. ### License All code in this repository is released under the MIT license, as specified in the [LICENSE file](