{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty
    ( module LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty
    ) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))
import Debug.Trace

import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as P

import LambdaCube.Compiler.Utils

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixity

data Fixity
    = Infix  !Int
    | InfixL !Int
    | InfixR !Int
    deriving (Eq)

instance PShow Fixity where
    pShow = \case
        Infix  i -> "infix"  <+> pShow i
        InfixL i -> "infixl" <+> pShow i
        InfixR i -> "infixr" <+> pShow i

precedence, leftPrecedence, rightPrecedence :: Fixity -> Int

precedence = \case
    Infix i  -> i
    InfixR i -> i
    InfixL i -> i

leftPrecedence (InfixL i) = i
leftPrecedence f = precedence f + 1

rightPrecedence (InfixR i) = i
rightPrecedence f = precedence f + 1

defaultFixity :: Maybe Fixity -> Fixity
defaultFixity = fromMaybe (InfixL 9)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doc data type

data Doc
    = forall f . Traversable f => DDocOp (f P.Doc -> P.Doc) (f Doc)
    | DFormat (P.Doc -> P.Doc) Doc
    | DTypeNamespace Bool Doc

    | DAtom DocAtom
    | DInfix Fixity Doc DocAtom Doc
    | DPreOp Int DocAtom Doc

    | DFreshName (Maybe String){-used-} Doc
    | DVar Int
    | DUp Int Doc
    | DResetFreshNames Doc

    | DExpand Doc Doc

data DocAtom
    = SimpleAtom String
    | ComplexAtom String Int Doc DocAtom

mapDocAtom f (SimpleAtom s) = SimpleAtom s
mapDocAtom f (ComplexAtom s i d a) = ComplexAtom s i (f s i d) $ mapDocAtom f a

instance IsString Doc where
    fromString = text

text = DText
pattern DText s = DAtom (SimpleAtom s)

instance Monoid Doc where
    mempty = text ""
    mappend = dTwo mappend

instance Show Doc where
    show = ($ "") . P.displayS . P.renderPretty 0.4 200 . renderDoc

plainShow :: PShow a => a -> String
plainShow = ($ "") . P.displayS . P.renderPretty 0.6 150 . P.plain . renderDoc . pShow

simpleShow :: PShow a => a -> String
simpleShow = ($ "") . P.displayS . P.renderPretty 0.4 200 . P.plain . renderDoc . pShow

mkFreshName :: MonadState (Map.Map String Int, [String]) m => String -> m String
mkFreshName n = state $ addIndex n
    addIndex "" (m, (n:ns)) = add n (m, ns)
    addIndex n (m, ns) = add n (m, ns)

    add n (m, ns) = case Map.lookup n m of
        Just i -> (n ++ (toSubscript <$> show (i+1)), (Map.insert n (i+1) m, ns))
        Nothing -> (n, (Map.insert n 0 m, ns))

renderDoc :: Doc -> P.Doc
    = render
    . addPar (-10, -10)
    . namespace False
    . flip runReader freeNames
    . flip evalStateT freshNames
    . showVars
    . expand True
    freshNames = (mempty, cycle $ (:[]) <$> ['a'..'z'])
    freeNames = map ('_':) $ flip (:) <$> iterate ('\'':) "" <*> ['a'..'z']

    noexpand = expand False
    expand full = \case
        DExpand short long -> expand full $ if full then long else short
        DFormat c x -> DFormat c $ expand full x
        DTypeNamespace c x -> DTypeNamespace c $ expand full x
        DDocOp x d -> DDocOp x $ expand full <$> d
        DAtom s -> DAtom $ mapDocAtom (\_ _ -> noexpand) s
        DInfix pr x op y -> DInfix pr (noexpand x) (mapDocAtom (\_ _ -> noexpand) op) (noexpand y)
        DPreOp pr op y -> DPreOp pr (mapDocAtom (\_ _ -> noexpand) op) (noexpand y)
        DVar i -> DVar i
        DFreshName b x -> (if full then DResetFreshNames else id) $ DFreshName b $ noexpand x
        DResetFreshNames x -> DResetFreshNames $ expand full x
        DUp i x -> DUp i $ noexpand x

    showVars = \case
        DAtom s -> DAtom <$> showVarA s
        DFormat c x -> DFormat c <$> showVars x
        DTypeNamespace c x -> DTypeNamespace c <$> showVars x
        DDocOp x d -> DDocOp x <$> traverse showVars d
        DInfix pr x op y -> DInfix pr <$> showVars x <*> showVarA op <*> showVars y
        DPreOp pr op y -> DPreOp pr <$> showVarA op <*> showVars y
        DVar i -> asks $ text . (!! i)
        DFreshName (Just n) x -> mkFreshName n >>= \n -> local (n:) (showVars x)
        DFreshName Nothing x -> local ("_":) $ showVars x
        DResetFreshNames x -> do
            st <- get
            put freshNames
            local (const freeNames) (showVars x) <* put st
        DUp i x -> local (dropIndex i) $ showVars x
        showVarA (SimpleAtom s) = pure $ SimpleAtom s
        showVarA (ComplexAtom s i d a) = ComplexAtom s i <$> showVars d <*> showVarA a

    getTup (DText "HCons" `DApp` x `DApp` (getTup -> Just xs)) = Just $ x: xs
    getTup (DText "HNil") = Just []
    getTup _ = Nothing

    getList (DOp0 ":" _ `DApp` x `DApp` (getList -> Just xs)) = Just $ x: xs
    getList (DText "Nil") = Just []
    getList _ = Nothing

    shTick True = DPreOp 20 (SimpleAtom "'")
    shTick False = id

    namespace :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
    namespace tn x = case x of
        (getTup -> Just xs) -> shTick tn $ namespace tn $ shTuple xs
        (getList -> Just xs) -> shTick tn $ namespace tn $ shList xs
        DText "'HList" `DApp` (getList -> Just xs) -> shTick (not tn) $ namespace tn $ shTuple xs
        DAtom x -> DAtom $ namespaceA x
        DText "'List" `DApp` x -> namespace tn $ DBracket x
        DInfix pr' x op y -> DInfix pr' (namespace tn x) (namespaceA op) (namespace tn y)
        DPreOp pr' op y -> DPreOp pr' (namespaceA op) (namespace tn y)
        DFormat c x -> DFormat c $ namespace tn x
        DTypeNamespace c x -> namespace c x
        DDocOp x d -> DDocOp x $ namespace tn <$> d
        namespaceA (SimpleAtom s) = SimpleAtom $ switch tn s
        namespaceA (ComplexAtom s i d a) = ComplexAtom s i (namespace tn d) $ namespaceA a

        switch True ('`': '\'': cs@(c: _)) | isUpper c = '`': cs
        switch True ('\'': cs@(c: _)) | isUpper c {- && last cs /= '\'' -} = cs
        switch True "Type" = "Type"  -- TODO: remove
        switch True cs@(c:_) | isUpper c = '\'': cs
        switch _ x = x

    addPar :: (Int, Int) -> Doc -> Doc
    addPar pr@(prl, prr) x = case x of
        DAtom x -> DAtom $ addParA x
        DOp0 s f -> DParen $ DOp0 s f
        DOp0 s f `DApp` x `DApp` y -> addPar pr $ DOp (addBackquotes s) f x y
        DInfix pr' x op y
            | precedence pr' < prl || precedence pr' < prr
            -> DParen $ DInfix pr' (addPar (-20, leftPrecedence pr') x) (addParA op) (addPar (rightPrecedence pr', -20) y)
            | otherwise -> DInfix pr' (addPar (prl, leftPrecedence pr') x) (addParA op) (addPar (rightPrecedence pr', prr) y)
        DPreOp pr' op y
            | pr' < prr -> DParen $ DPreOp pr' (addParA op) (addPar (pr', -20) y)
            | otherwise -> DPreOp pr' (addParA op) (addPar (pr', prr) y)
        DFormat c x -> DFormat c $ addPar pr x
        DTypeNamespace c x -> DTypeNamespace c $ addPar pr x
        DDocOp x d -> DDocOp x $ addPar (-10, -10) <$> d
        addParA (SimpleAtom s) = SimpleAtom s
        addParA (ComplexAtom s i d a) = ComplexAtom s i (addPar (i, i) d) $ addParA a

        addBackquotes "EqCTt" = "~"
        addBackquotes s@(c:_) | isAlpha c || c == '_' || c == '\'' = '`': s ++ "`"
        addBackquotes s = s

    getApps (DApp (getApps -> (n, xs)) x) = (n, x: xs)
    getApps x = (x, [])

    getSemis (DSemi x (getSemis -> (xs, n))) = (x: xs, n)
    getSemis x = ([], x)

    getCommas (DComma x (getCommas -> xs)) = x: xs
    getCommas x = [x]

    render :: Doc -> P.Doc
    render = snd . render'
        render' = \case
            DAtom x -> renderA x
            DFormat c x -> second c $ render' x
            DDocOp f d -> (('\0', '\0'), f $ render <$> d)
            DPreOp _ op y -> renderA' op <++> render' y
            DSep (InfixR 11) a b -> gr $ render' a <+++> render' b
            x@DApp{} -> case getApps x of
                (n, reverse -> xs) -> ((\xs -> (fst $ head xs, snd $ last xs)) *** P.nest 2 . P.sep) (unzip $ render' n: (render' <$> xs))
            x@DComma{} -> case getCommas x of
                x: xs -> ((\xs -> (fst $ head xs, snd $ last xs)) *** P.cat) (unzip $ render' x: (second ("," P.<+>) . render' <$> xs))
            x@DSemi{} -> case getSemis x of
                (xs, n) -> ((\xs -> (fst $ head xs, snd $ last xs)) *** P.sep) (unzip $ (second (<> ";") . render' <$> xs) ++ [render' n])
            DInfix _ x op y -> gr $ render' x <+++> renderA op <++> render' y

        renderA' (SimpleAtom s) = rtext s
        renderA' x = gr $ renderA'' x

        renderA'' (SimpleAtom s) = rtext s
        renderA'' (ComplexAtom s _ d a) = rtext s <+++> render' d <+++> renderA'' a

        renderA (SimpleAtom s) = rtext s
        renderA (ComplexAtom s _ d a) = rtext s <++> render' d <++> renderA a

        gr = second (P.nest 2 . P.group)

        rtext "" = (('\0', '\0'), mempty)
        rtext s@(h:_) = ((h, last s), P.text s)

        ((lx, rx), x) <++> ((ly, ry), y) = ((lx, ry), z)
            z | sep rx ly = x P.<+> y
              | otherwise = x <> y

        ((lx, rx), x) <+++> ((ly, ry), y) = ((lx, ry), z)
            z | sep rx ly = x <> P.line <> y
              | otherwise = x <> y

        sep x y
            | x == '\0' || y == '\0' = False
            | isSpace x || isSpace y = False
            | y == ',' = False
            | x == ',' = True
--            | y == ':' && not (graphicChar x) = False
            | x == '\\' && (isOpen y || isAlph y) = False
            | isOpen x = False
            | isClose y = False
            | otherwise = True
            isAlph c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ("'_" :: String)
            isOpen c = c `elem` ("({[" :: String)
            isClose c = c `elem` (")}]" :: String)

isOpName (c:cs) | c `elem` ("#<>!.:^&@|-+*/\\~%=$" :: String) = True
isOpName _ = False

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- combinators

-- add wl-pprint combinators as necessary here
red         = DFormat P.dullred
green       = DFormat P.dullgreen
blue        = DFormat P.dullblue
white       = DFormat P.white
onred       = DFormat P.ondullred
ongreen     = DFormat P.ondullgreen
onblue      = DFormat P.ondullblue
underline   = DFormat P.underline

-- add wl-pprint combinators as necessary here
hardline = dZero P.hardline
(<+>)  = dTwo (P.<+>)
(</>)  = dTwo (P.</>)
(<$$>) = dTwo (P.<$$>)
nest n = dOne (P.nest n)
tupled = dList P.tupled
sep    = dList P.sep
hsep   = dList P.hsep
vcat   = dList P.vcat

dZero x    = DDocOp (const x) (Const ())
dOne f     = DDocOp (f . runIdentity) . Identity
dTwo f x y = DDocOp (\(Two x y) -> f x y) (Two x y)
dList f    = DDocOp f

data Two a = Two a a
    deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

bracketed [] = text "[]"
bracketed xs = DPar "[" (foldr1 DComma xs) "]"

shVar = DVar

shortForm d = DPar "" d ""
expand = DExpand

infixl 4 `DApp`

pattern DAt x       = DGlue     (InfixR   20) (DText "@") x
pattern DApp x y    = DSep      (InfixL   10)  x y
pattern DHApp x y   = DSep      (InfixL   10)  x (DAt y)
pattern DSemi x y   = DOp ";"   (InfixR (-19)) x y
pattern DArr_ s x y = DOp s     (InfixR  (-1)) x y      -- -> => .
pattern DCstr x y   = DOp "~"   (Infix   (-2)) x y
pattern DAnn x y    = DOp "::"  (Infix   (-3)) x (DTypeNamespace True y)
pattern DLet s x y  = DOp s     (Infix   (-4)) x y      -- := =
pattern DComma a b  = DOp ","   (InfixR (-20)) a b
pattern DPar l d r  = DAtom (ComplexAtom l (-20) d (SimpleAtom r))

pattern DParen x = DPar "(" x ")"
pattern DBrace x = DPar "{" x "}"
pattern DBracket x = DPar "[" x "]"
pattern DOp s f l r = DInfix f l (SimpleAtom s) r
pattern DOp0 s f = DOp s f (DText "") (DText "")
pattern DSep p a b = DOp " " p a b
pattern DGlue p a b = DOp "" p a b

pattern DArr x y = DArr_ "->" x y

braces = DBrace
parens = DParen

shCstr = DCstr

shTuple [] = "()"
shTuple [x] = DParen $ DParen x
shTuple xs = DParen $ foldr1 DComma xs

shList [] = "[]"
shList xs = DBracket $ foldr1 DComma xs

shAnn = DAnn

shArr = DArr

pattern DForall s vs e = DArr_ s (DPreOp 10 (SimpleAtom "forall") vs) e
pattern DContext' vs e = DArr_ "->" (DAt vs) e
pattern DContext vs e = DArr_ "=>" vs e
pattern DParContext vs e = DContext (DParen vs) e
pattern DLam vs e = DPreOp (-10) (ComplexAtom "\\" 11 vs (SimpleAtom "->")) e
pattern DLet' vs e = DPreOp (-10) (ComplexAtom "let" (-20) vs (SimpleAtom "in")) e


class PShow a where
    pShow :: a -> Doc

ppShow :: PShow a => a -> String
ppShow = show . pShow

tracePShow :: PShow a => a -> b -> b
tracePShow a b = trace (ppShow a) b

instance PShow Doc     where pShow = id
instance PShow Int     where pShow = fromString . show
instance PShow Integer where pShow = fromString . show
instance PShow Double  where pShow = fromString . show
instance PShow Char    where pShow = fromString . show
instance PShow ()      where pShow _ = "()"

instance PShow Bool where
    pShow b = if b then "True" else "False"

instance PShow Void where
    pShow = elimVoid

instance (PShow a, PShow b) => PShow (Either a b) where
   pShow = either (("Left" `DApp`) . pShow) (("Right" `DApp`) . pShow)

instance (PShow a, PShow b) => PShow (a, b) where
    pShow (a, b) = tupled [pShow a, pShow b]

instance (PShow a, PShow b, PShow c) => PShow (a, b, c) where
    pShow (a, b, c) = tupled [pShow a, pShow b, pShow c]

instance (PShow a, PShow b, PShow c, PShow d) => PShow (a, b, c, d) where
    pShow (a, b, c, d) = tupled [pShow a, pShow b, pShow c, pShow d]

instance (PShow a, PShow b, PShow c, PShow d, PShow e) => PShow (a, b, c, d, e) where
    pShow (a, b, c, d, e) = tupled [pShow a, pShow b, pShow c, pShow d, pShow e]

instance PShow a => PShow [a] where
    pShow = bracketed . map pShow

instance PShow a => PShow (Maybe a) where
    pShow = maybe "Nothing" (("Just" `DApp`) . pShow)

instance PShow a => PShow (Set.Set a) where
    pShow s = "fromList" `DApp` pShow (Set.toList s)

--instance (PShow s, PShow a) => PShow (Map s a) where
--    pShow = braces . vcat . map (\(k, t) -> pShow k <> P.colon <+> pShow t) . Map.toList


showNth n = show n ++ f (n `div` 10 `mod` 10) (n `mod` 10)
    f 1 _ = "th"
    f _ 1 = "st"
    f _ 2 = "nd"
    f _ 3 = "rd"
    f _ _ = "th"

toSubscript '0' = '₀'
toSubscript '1' = '₁'
toSubscript '2' = '₂'
toSubscript '3' = '₃'
toSubscript '4' = '₄'
toSubscript '5' = '₅'
toSubscript '6' = '₆'
toSubscript '7' = '₇'
toSubscript '8' = '₈'
toSubscript '9' = '₉'
toSubscript _ = error "toSubscript"