module LC_B_GLCompile where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Trie as T
import Foreign
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as SB
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core32
    ( GLboolean
    , GLenum
    , GLint
    , GLuint
    , glDisable
    , glEnable
    , gl_TRUE

    -- SHADER PROGRAM related *
    , glAttachShader
    , glBindFragDataLocation
    , glCreateProgram
    , glCreateShader
    , glDeleteProgram
    , glDeleteShader
    , glLinkProgram
    , glUseProgram
    , gl_LINK_STATUS

    -- blending
    , glBlendColor
    , glBlendEquationSeparate
    , glBlendFuncSeparate
    , gl_BLEND
    -- logic operation
    , glLogicOp
    -- framebuffer related
    , glClear
    , glClearColor
    , glClearDepth
    , glColorMask
    -- depth and stencil filter functions
    , glDepthFunc
    , glDepthMask
    , gl_DEPTH_TEST

    -- RASTER CONTEXT related *
    , glProvokingVertex
    -- point
    , glPointParameterf
    , glPointSize
    , gl_LOWER_LEFT
    , gl_UPPER_LEFT
    -- line
    , glLineWidth
    -- triangle
    , glCullFace
    , glFrontFace
    , glPolygonMode
    , glPolygonOffset
    , gl_BACK
    , gl_CCW
    , gl_CULL_FACE
    , gl_CW
    , gl_FILL
    , gl_FRONT
    , gl_LINE
    , gl_POINT

import LC_G_Type
import LC_G_APIType
import LC_U_APIType
import LC_U_DeBruijn

import LC_B_GLType
import LC_B_GLUtil
import LC_B_GLSLCodeGen
import LC_B_Traversals

data ShaderSource
    = VertexShaderSrc   !ByteString
    | GeometryShaderSrc !ByteString
    | FragmentShaderSrc !ByteString

setupRasterContext :: RasterContext -> IO ()
setupRasterContext = cvt
    cff :: FrontFace -> GLenum
    cff CCW = gl_CCW
    cff CW  = gl_CW

    setProvokingVertex :: ProvokingVertex -> IO ()
    setProvokingVertex pv = glProvokingVertex $ case pv of
        FirstVertex -> gl_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION
        LastVertex  -> gl_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION

    setPointSize :: PointSize -> IO ()
    setPointSize ps = case ps of
        ProgramPointSize    -> glEnable gl_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE
        PointSize s         -> do
            glDisable gl_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE
            glPointSize $ realToFrac s

    cvt :: RasterContext -> IO ()
    cvt (PointCtx ps fts sc) = do
        setPointSize ps
        glPointParameterf gl_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE (realToFrac fts)
        glPointParameterf gl_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN $ realToFrac $ case sc of
            LowerLeft   -> gl_LOWER_LEFT
            UpperLeft   -> gl_UPPER_LEFT

    cvt (LineCtx lw pv) = do
        glLineWidth (realToFrac lw)
        setProvokingVertex pv

    cvt (TriangleCtx cm pm po pv) = do
        -- cull mode
        case cm of
            CullNone    -> glDisable gl_CULL_FACE
            CullFront f -> do
                glEnable    gl_CULL_FACE
                glCullFace  gl_FRONT
                glFrontFace $ cff f
            CullBack f -> do
                glEnable    gl_CULL_FACE
                glCullFace  gl_BACK
                glFrontFace $ cff f

        -- polygon mode
        case pm of
            PolygonPoint ps -> do
                setPointSize ps
                glPolygonMode gl_FRONT_AND_BACK gl_POINT
            PolygonLine lw  -> do
                glLineWidth (realToFrac lw)
                glPolygonMode gl_FRONT_AND_BACK gl_LINE
            PolygonFill  -> glPolygonMode gl_FRONT_AND_BACK gl_FILL

        -- polygon offset
        glDisable gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT
        glDisable gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE
        glDisable gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL
        case po of
            NoOffset -> return ()
            Offset f u -> do
                glPolygonOffset (realToFrac f) (realToFrac u)
                glEnable $ case pm of
                    PolygonPoint _  -> gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT
                    PolygonLine  _  -> gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE
                    PolygonFill     -> gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL

        -- provoking vertex
        setProvokingVertex pv

setupAccumulationContext :: AccumulationContext -> IO ()
setupAccumulationContext (AccumulationContext n ops) = cvt ops
    cvt :: [FragmentOperation] -> IO ()
    cvt (StencilOp a b c : DepthOp f m : xs) = do
        -- TODO
        cvtC 0 xs
    cvt (StencilOp a b c : xs) = do
        -- TODO
        cvtC 0 xs
    cvt (DepthOp df dm : xs) = do
        -- TODO
        glDisable gl_STENCIL_TEST
        case df == Always && dm == False of
            True    -> glDisable gl_DEPTH_TEST
            False   -> do
                glEnable gl_DEPTH_TEST
                glDepthFunc $! comparisonFunctionToGLType df
                glDepthMask (cvtBool dm)
        cvtC 0 xs
    cvt xs = do 
        glDisable gl_DEPTH_TEST
        glDisable gl_STENCIL_TEST
        cvtC 0 xs

    cvtC :: Int -> [FragmentOperation] -> IO ()
    cvtC i (ColorOp b m : xs) = do
        -- TODO
        case b of
            NoBlending -> do
                -- FIXME: requires GL 3.1
                --glDisablei gl_BLEND $ fromIntegral gl_DRAW_BUFFER0 + fromIntegral i
                glDisable gl_BLEND -- workaround
                glDisable gl_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
            BlendLogicOp op -> do
                glDisable   gl_BLEND
                glEnable    gl_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
                glLogicOp $ logicOperationToGLType op
            Blend (cEq,aEq) ((scF,dcF),(saF,daF)) (V4 r g b a) -> do
                glDisable gl_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
                -- FIXME: requires GL 3.1
                --glEnablei gl_BLEND $ fromIntegral gl_DRAW_BUFFER0 + fromIntegral i
                glEnable gl_BLEND -- workaround
                glBlendEquationSeparate (blendEquationToGLType cEq) (blendEquationToGLType aEq)
                glBlendFuncSeparate (blendingFactorToGLType scF) (blendingFactorToGLType dcF)
                                    (blendingFactorToGLType saF) (blendingFactorToGLType daF)
                glBlendColor (realToFrac r) (realToFrac g) (realToFrac b) (realToFrac a)
        let cvt True    = 1
            cvt False   = 0
            (mr,mg,mb,ma) = case m of
                VBool r             -> (cvt r, 1, 1, 1)
                VV2B (V2 r g)       -> (cvt r, cvt g, 1, 1)
                VV3B (V3 r g b)     -> (cvt r, cvt g, cvt b, 1)
                VV4B (V4 r g b a)   -> (cvt r, cvt g, cvt b, cvt a)
                _           -> (1,1,1,1)
        glColorMask mr mg mb ma
        cvtC (i + 1) xs
    cvtC _ [] = return ()

    cvtBool :: Bool -> GLboolean
    cvtBool True  = 1
    cvtBool False = 0

  compile steps:
    - collect all render buffers and render textures and allocate the GL resources
    - create setup actions all FBO-s (including clear targets action)
        - compile Image setup function for each
        - compile FragmentOperation function for each
    - compile shader programs

  render stages:
    - draw pass:
        - bind FBO
        - clear FBO targets
        - bind program
        - execute draw actions
    - execute next draw pass
    - blit ScreenOut to Back buffer if necessary

    - we will have one GLProgram and one FBO per Accumulate
-- TODO:
--  according context create FBO attachments
--      we always use Textures (without mipmap, as a single image) as FBO attachments
--      RenderBuffer can be use if it not fed to a sampler and it has olny one layer
--  question:
--      what is needed to create a Texture:
--          size            - will be stored in FrameBuffer :: GP (FrameBuffer sh t)
--          internal format - for each component (float,int or word)
    glGenTextures(1, &color_tex);
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex);
    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, 256, 256, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);

    void glFramebufferTexture(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level);
    void glDrawBuffers( GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs );
        enable/disable: SCISSOR_TEST
        void Scissor( int left, int bottom, sizei width, sizei height );

        void SampleCoverage( clampf value, boolean invert );
        void SampleMaski( uint maskNumber, bitfield mask );

        enable/disable: STENCIL_TEST
        void StencilFunc( enum func, int ref, uint mask );
        void StencilFuncSeparate( enum face, enum func, int ref, uint mask );
        void StencilOp( enum sfail, enum dpfail, enum dppass );
        void StencilOpSeparate( enum face, enum sfail, enum dpfail, enum dppass );

        enable/disable: DEPTH_TEST
        void DepthFunc( enum func );

          target: BLEND
          index:  DRAW_BUFFERi
            void Enablei( enum target, uint index );
            void Disablei( enum target, uint index );
      Blend Equation:
        void BlendEquation( enum mode );
        void BlendEquationSeparate( enum modeRGB, enum modeAlpha );
        void BlendFuncSeparate( enum srcRGB, enum dstRGB, enum srcAlpha, enum dstAlpha );
        void BlendFunc( enum src, enum dst );
        void BlendColor( clampf red, clampf green, clampf blue, clampf alpha );

        enable/disable: DITHER

    logic operation:
        enable/disable: COLOR_LOGIC_OP
        void LogicOp( enum op );

    Selecting a Buffer for Writing:
        void DrawBuffer( enum buf );
        void DrawBuffers( sizei n, const enum *bufs );

    Fine Control of Buffer Updates:
        void ColorMask( boolean r, boolean g, boolean b, boolean a );
        void ColorMaski( uint buf, boolean r, boolean g, boolean b, boolean a );
        void DepthMask( boolean mask );
        void StencilMask( uint mask );
        void StencilMaskSeparate( enum face, uint mask );

    Clearing the Buffers:
        void Clear( bitfield buf );
        void ClearColor( clampf r, clampf g, clampf b, clampf a );
        void ClearDepth( clampd d );
        void ClearStencil( int s );
        void ClearBuffer{if ui}v( enum buffer, int drawbuffer, const T*value);
        void ClearBufferfi( enum buffer, int drawbuffer, float depth, int stencil );

    Reading and Copying Pixels:
        void ReadPixels( int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height, enum format, enum type, void *data );
        void ReadBuffer( enum src );
        void ClampColor( enum target, enum clamp );
        void BlitFramebuffer( int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, bitfield mask, enum filter );
    We have to validate context, because we can support only the same Blend and LogicOperation for all render targets,
        however blending or LogicOp can be disabled separatly to each render target.

compileClearFrameBuffer :: Exp -> IO ()
compileClearFrameBuffer (FrameBuffer fb) = cvt fb
    -- we have to handle depth and stencil specially, available configurations:
    --  depth
    --  stencil
    --  depth-stencil
    cvt :: [Image] -> IO ()
    cvt (StencilImage sh1 s : DepthImage sh2 d : xs) = do
        -- TODO
        cvtC 0 xs
    cvt (StencilImage sh s : xs) = do
        -- TODO
        cvtC 0 xs
    cvt (DepthImage sh d : xs) = do
        let --renderGL3   = with d $ \pd -> glClearBufferfv gl_DEPTH 0 $ castPtr pd
        glClearDepth $ realToFrac d
        glClear $ fromIntegral gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
        --print "     * glClear gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT"
        cvtC 0 xs
    cvt xs = cvtC 0 xs

    cvtC :: Int -> [Image] -> IO ()
    cvtC i (ColorImage sh c : xs) = do
        -- for GL3:
        --with c' $ \pc -> glClearBufferfv gl_COLOR (fromIntegral $ gl_DRAW_BUFFER0 + fromIntegral i) $ castPtr pc
        let (r,g,b,a) = case c of
                VFloat r            -> (realToFrac r, 0, 0, 1)
                VV2F (V2 r g)       -> (realToFrac r, realToFrac g, 0, 1)
                VV3F (V3 r g b)     -> (realToFrac r, realToFrac g, realToFrac b, 1)
                VV4F (V4 r g b a)   -> (realToFrac r, realToFrac g, realToFrac b, realToFrac a)
                _                   -> (0,0,0,1)
        glClearColor r g b a
        glClear $ fromIntegral gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT
    cvtC i [] = return ()

    sampler names are generated, only texture slots are named by user
    one texture can be attached to more samplers
    user feed textures not samplers to gfx network

  texturing support:
    collect all sampler and texture definitions
    create sampler <-> texture name map
    sort previous passes
    create sampler setup action
    add texture slots to uniform input trie

  resources to create
        sampler setup action
        hint: only if it is an output of a previous pass
    void GenSamplers( sizei count, uint *samplers );
    void BindSampler( uint unit, uint sampler );
    void DeleteSamplers( sizei count, const uint *samplers );
    void SamplerParameter{if}v( uint sampler, enum pname, T param );
    void SamplerParameterI{u ui}v( uint sampler, enum pname, T *params );
    void DeleteSamplers( sizei count, const uint *samplers );

    void ActiveTexture( enum texture );
        TEXTUREi = TEXTURE0 + i
    void BindTexture( enum target, uint texture );

-- FIXME: simple solution, does not support sharing
-- result: (RenderAction, DisposeAction, UniformLocation, StreamLocation)
compileRenderFrameBuffer :: DAG -> [(Exp,String)] -> [(Exp,String)] -> IORef ObjectSet -> Exp -> IO (IO (), IO (), Trie GLint, Trie GLuint, Int)
compileRenderFrameBuffer dag samplerNames slotSamplerNames objsIORef (Accumulate aCtx ffilter fsh rastExp fb) = do
    --rndr <- compileFrameBuffer fb rndr'
    po <- glCreateProgram
    let Rasterize rCtx primsExp     = toExp dag rastExp
        (vsh,gsh,fetchExp)          = case toExp dag primsExp of
            Transform vsh fetchExp  -> (vsh,Nothing,fetchExp)
            Reassemble gsh transExp -> case toExp dag transExp of
                Transform vsh fetchExp  -> (vsh,Just gsh,fetchExp)
                _ -> error "internal error: compileRenderFrameBuffer"
            _ -> error "internal error: compileRenderFrameBuffer"
        Fetch slotName slotPrim slotInput  = toExp dag fetchExp
        (shl,fragOuts,outColorCnt) = case gsh of
            Nothing -> ([VertexShaderSrc srcV, FragmentShaderSrc srcF], (map fst outF), outColorCnt)
                (srcF,outF,outColorCnt) = codeGenFragmentShader dag samplerNameMap outV (toExp dag ffilter) $ toExp dag fsh
            Just gs -> ([VertexShaderSrc srcV, GeometryShaderSrc srcG, FragmentShaderSrc srcF], (map fst outF), outColorCnt)
                (srcG,outG) = codeGenGeometryShader dag samplerNameMap slotPrim outV $ toExp dag gs
                (srcF,outF,outColorCnt) = codeGenFragmentShader dag samplerNameMap outG (toExp dag ffilter) $ toExp dag fsh
        (srcV,outV) = codeGenVertexShader dag samplerNameMap slotInput $ toExp dag vsh
        allSamplerNames = samplerNames ++ slotSamplerNames 
        samplerNameMap  = Map.fromList allSamplerNames
        printGLStatus = checkGL >>= print
        createAndAttach [] _ = return $! Nothing
        createAndAttach sl t = do
            mapM_ SB.putStrLn sl
            o <- glCreateShader t
            compileShader o sl
            glAttachShader po o
            putStr "    + compile shader source: " >> printGLStatus
            return $! Just o
    putStrLn $ "compileRenderFrameBuffer: compiling program for slot: " ++ show slotName
    putStrLn " + compile vertex shader"
    vsh <- createAndAttach [s | VertexShaderSrc s <- shl] gl_VERTEX_SHADER
    putStrLn " + compile geometry shader"
    gsh <- createAndAttach [s | GeometryShaderSrc s <- shl] gl_GEOMETRY_SHADER
    putStrLn " + compile fragment shader"
    fsh <- createAndAttach [s | FragmentShaderSrc s <- shl] gl_FRAGMENT_SHADER

    -- connect Fragment output to FBO
    forM_ (zip fragOuts [0..]) $ \(n,i) -> SB.useAsCString n $ \pn -> do
        putStrLn ("variable " ++ show n ++ " attached to color number #" ++ show i)
        glBindFragDataLocation po i $ castPtr pn
    putStr "    + setup shader output mapping: " >> printGLStatus
    glLinkProgram po
    printProgramLog po

    -- check link status
    status <- glGetProgramiv1 gl_LINK_STATUS po
    when (status /= fromIntegral gl_TRUE) $ fail "link program failed!"

    -- query active uniforms, attributes and samplers
    (uLoc,uType) <- queryUniforms po
    (sLoc,sType) <- queryStreams po

    putStrLn $ "shader program stream input: " ++ show sLoc
    putStrLn $ "shader program uniform input: " ++ show uLoc
    putStrLn $ "expected sampler input: " ++ show allSamplerNames

    -- set sampler mapping
    glUseProgram po
    forM_ (zip [0..] (map (SB.pack . snd) allSamplerNames)) $ \(tuIdx,n) -> case T.lookup n uLoc of
        Nothing -> putStrLn $ "WARNING - unxepected inactive sampler: " ++ show n
        Just i  -> (setSampler i tuIdx) >> putStr ("    + setup texture unit mapping (smp " ++ show i ++ " <-> TexUnit " ++ show tuIdx ++": ") >> printGLStatus

    -- HINT: we get the uniform location now, so we have to provide this info to the renderer
    let uLoc' = foldl' (\t (_,n) -> setSamplerLoc t (SB.pack n)) uLoc allSamplerNames
        renderSmpNamesS = Set.fromList $ map (SB.pack . snd) samplerNames
        renderSmpCount  = Set.size renderSmpNamesS
        slotSmpName     = map (SB.pack . snd) slotSamplerNames

        setSamplerLoc :: Trie GLint -> ByteString -> Trie GLint
        setSamplerLoc t n
            | Set.member n renderSmpNamesS  = T.delete n t
            | otherwise                     = T.adjust (\_ -> fromIntegral $ renderSmpCount + idx) n t
                Just idx = elemIndex n slotSmpName

        disposeFun = glDeleteProgram po >> mapM_ glDeleteShader (catMaybes [vsh,gsh,fsh])
        renderFun = do
            ObjectSet drawObjs objsMap <- readIORef objsIORef
            unless (Map.null objsMap) $ do
                --putStrLn $ "Slot: " ++ show slotName ++ "  object count: " ++ show (Map.size objsMap)
                setupRasterContext rCtx
                setupAccumulationContext aCtx
                glUseProgram po
    print slotName
    print uLoc'
    return $! (renderFun, disposeFun, uLoc', sLoc, outColorCnt)