module LC_B_GL where import Debug.Trace import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.IORef import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Trie as T import Foreign import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as SB import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Traversable as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core32 ( GLuint -- FRAMEBUFFER related * -- create , glBindFramebuffer , glDeleteFramebuffers , glGenFramebuffers -- content manipulation , glActiveTexture , glBindRenderbuffer , glBindTexture , glDeleteTextures , glDrawBuffer , glDrawBuffers , glFramebufferRenderbuffer , glFramebufferTexture , glFramebufferTexture2D , glGenRenderbuffers , glRenderbufferStorage , glViewport , gl_BACK_LEFT , gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 , gl_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 , gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , gl_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS , gl_NONE , gl_RENDERBUFFER , gl_TEXTURE0 , gl_TEXTURE_2D , gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE , glTexImage2D , gl_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY , glTexImage3D , gl_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL , glTexParameteri , gl_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL , gl_NEAREST , gl_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER , gl_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER , gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE , gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_S , gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_T , gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 , gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT , glGenTextures ) import LC_G_Type import LC_G_APIType import LC_U_APIType import LC_U_DeBruijn import LC_B_GLType import LC_B_GLUtil import LC_B_GLSLCodeGen import LC_B_Traversals import LC_B_GLCompile -- Renderer nubS :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] nubS = Set.toList . Set.fromList findFetch :: DAG -> Exp -> Maybe Exp findFetch dag f = listToMaybe [a | a@Fetch {} <- drawOperations dag f] -- odered according pass dependency (topology order) orderedFrameBuffersFromGP :: DAG -> Exp -> [Exp] orderedFrameBuffersFromGP dag orig = order deps where deps :: Map Exp (Set Exp) deps = add Map.empty $ findFrameBuffer dag orig add :: Map Exp (Set Exp) -> Exp -> Map Exp (Set Exp) add m fb = Map.unionsWith Set.union $ m' : map (add m') fbl where m' = Map.alter fun fb m fbl = concat [map (findFrameBuffer dag . toExp dag) l | Sampler _ _ tx <- concatMap (expUniverse' dag) (gpUniverse' dag fb), Texture _ _ _ l <- [toExp dag tx]] fbs = Set.fromList fbl fun Nothing = Just fbs fun (Just a) = Just (a `Set.union` fbs) order :: Map Exp (Set Exp) -> [Exp] order d | Map.null d = [] | otherwise = leaves ++ order ( (Set.\\ (Set.fromList leaves)) hasDeps) where leaves = Map.keys noDeps (noDeps,hasDeps) = Map.partition Set.null d printGLStatus = checkGL >>= print printFBOStatus = checkFBO >>= print mkSlotDescriptor :: Set Exp -> IO SlotDescriptor mkSlotDescriptor gps = SlotDescriptor gps <$> newIORef Set.empty mkRenderTextures :: DAG -> [Exp] -> IO (Map Exp String, Map Exp String, Map Exp GLuint, IO (), Exp -> [Exp]) mkRenderTextures dag allGPs = do let samplers = nubS [s | s@Sampler {} <- expUniverse' dag allGPs] samplersWithTexture = nubS [s | s@(Sampler _ _ tx) <- samplers, Texture {} <- [toExp dag tx]] -- collect all render textures refers to a FrameBuffer isReferred :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool isReferred f (Sampler _ _ tx) = findFrameBuffer dag (toExp dag f') == f where Texture _ _ _ [f'] = toExp dag tx isReferred _ _ = False dependentSamplers f = filter (isReferred f) samplersWithTexture -- texture attributes: GL texture target (1D,2D,etc), arity, float/word/int, size, mipmap -- sampler attributes: filter, edge mode -- TODO: also build sampler name map: Map (Exp :: Sampler) (ByteString, GLTexObj) -- question: how should we handle the Stencil and Depth textures at multipass rendering (renderTexNameList,renderTexGLObjList,disposeTex) <- fmap unzip3 $ forM (zip [0..] samplersWithTexture) $ \(sIdx,smp) -> do to <- createGLTextureObject dag smp putStr (" -- Render Texture " ++ show sIdx ++ ": ") >> printGLStatus return ((smp,"renderTex_" ++ show sIdx),(smp,to),with to $ \pto -> glDeleteTextures 1 pto) let renderTexName = Map.fromList renderTexNameList renderTexGLObj = Map.fromList renderTexGLObjList texSlotName = Map.fromList $ nubS [(s,SB.unpack n) | s@(Sampler _ _ txExp) <- samplers, TextureSlot n _ <- [toExp dag txExp]] return (texSlotName, renderTexName, renderTexGLObj, sequence_ disposeTex, dependentSamplers) mkRenderDescriptor :: DAG -> RenderState -> Map Exp String -> Map Exp String -> Map Exp GLuint -> Exp -> IO RenderDescriptor mkRenderDescriptor dag rendState texSlotName renderTexName renderTexGLObj f = case f of FrameBuffer imgs -> RenderDescriptor T.empty T.empty (compileClearFrameBuffer f) (return ()) <$> newIORef (ObjectSet (return ()) Map.empty) <*> pure (length [() | ColorImage {} <- imgs]) Accumulate {} -> do {- setup texture input, before each slot's render operation we should setup texture unit mapping - we have to create the TextureUnit layout - create TextureUnit setter action - the shader should be setup at the creation - we have to setup texture binding before each render action call -} let usedRenderSamplers = nubS [s | s@(Sampler _ _ te) <- expUniverse' dag f, Texture {} <- [toExp dag te]] usedSlotSamplers = nubS [s | s@(Sampler _ _ te) <- expUniverse' dag f, TextureSlot {} <- [toExp dag te]] usedRenderTexName = [(s,n) | s <- usedRenderSamplers, let Just n = Map.lookup s renderTexName] usedTexSlotName = [(s,n) | s <- usedSlotSamplers, let Just n = Map.lookup s texSlotName] renderTexObjs = [txObj | s <- usedRenderSamplers, let Just txObj = Map.lookup s renderTexGLObj] texUnitState = textureUnitState rendState textureSetup = forM_ (zip renderTexObjs [0.. MV.length texUnitState-1]) $ \(texObj,texUnitIdx) -> do let texObj' = fromIntegral texObj curTexObj <- texUnitState texUnitIdx when (curTexObj /= texObj') $ do MV.write texUnitState texUnitIdx texObj' glActiveTexture $ gl_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral texUnitIdx glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D texObj --putStr (" -- Texture bind (TexUnit " ++ show (texUnitIdx,texObj) ++ " TexObj): ") >> printGLStatus drawRef <- newIORef $ ObjectSet (return ()) Map.empty (rA,dA,uT,sT,outColorCnt) <- compileRenderFrameBuffer dag usedRenderTexName usedTexSlotName drawRef f return $ RenderDescriptor { uniformLocation = uT , streamLocation = sT , renderAction = textureSetup >> rA , disposeAction = dA , drawObjectsIORef = drawRef , fragmentOutCount = outColorCnt } _ -> error $ "GP node type error: should be FrameBuffer but got: " ++ (head $ words $ show f) -- FIXME: currently we expect ScreenOut to be the last operation mkPassSetup :: IORef (Word,Word) -> DAG -> Map Exp GLuint -> (Exp -> [Exp]) -> (Bool,Int,Int) -> Exp -> IO (IO (), IO ()) mkPassSetup screenSizeIORef dag renderTexGLObj dependentSamplers (isLast,outIdx,outCnt) fb = case isLast of True -> do putStrLn $ " -- last pass output count: " ++ show outCnt ++ " outIdx: " ++ show outIdx let setup = do (screenW,screenH) <- readIORef screenSizeIORef glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral screenW) (fromIntegral screenH) glBindFramebuffer gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER 0 let fboMapping = [if i == outIdx then gl_BACK_LEFT else gl_NONE | i <- [1..outCnt]] withArray fboMapping $ glDrawBuffers (fromIntegral $ length fboMapping) --putStr " -- default FB bind: " >> printGLStatus return (setup,return ()) False -> do -- setup each pass's FBO output, attach RenderTarget textures to source FBO putStrLn " -- FBO init: " glFBO <- alloca $! \pbo -> glGenFramebuffers 1 pbo >> peek pbo putStr " - alloc: " >> printGLStatus glBindFramebuffer gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER glFBO putStr " - bind: " >> printGLStatus let depSamplers = dependentSamplers fb hasDepthOp = case fb of Accumulate (AccumulationContext _ ops) _ _ _ _ -> not $ L.null [() | DepthOp {} <- ops] FrameBuffer imgs -> not $ L.null [() | DepthImage {} <- imgs] ---------- -- FIXME: samplers must contain the fragment value's output index! ---------- (layerCnts,texSizes,fboMapping) <- fmap unzip3 $ forM (zip [0..] depSamplers) $ \(i,smp) -> do let Sampler _ _ txExp = smp Texture txType ts NoMip [prjFBExp] = toExp dag txExp PrjFrameBuffer _ prjIdx _ = toExp dag prjFBExp Just txObj = Map.lookup smp renderTexGLObj colorNumber = outCnt - prjIdx - 1 attachSingleLayer = glFramebufferTexture2D gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER (gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + fromIntegral i) gl_TEXTURE_2D txObj 0 attachMultiLayer = glFramebufferTexture gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER (gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + fromIntegral i) txObj 0 lc <- case txType of Texture2D _ ln | ln <= 1 -> attachSingleLayer >> return ln | otherwise -> attachMultiLayer >> return ln TextureCube _ -> attachMultiLayer >> return 6 putStr (" - attach to color slot #" ++ show i ++ " texture object #" ++ show txObj ++ " with color number #" ++ show colorNumber ++ ": ") >> printGLStatus return (lc, ts, (colorNumber,gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + fromIntegral i)) -- FIXME: calculate FBO attachment index properly, index reffered from right let fboMappingMap = IntMap.fromList fboMapping fboMappingList = [IntMap.findWithDefault gl_NONE i fboMappingMap | i <- [0..outCnt-1]] withArray fboMappingList $ glDrawBuffers $ fromIntegral outCnt putStrLn $ " - FBO mapping: " ++ show [if i == gl_NONE then "gl_NONE" else ("gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT" ++ (show $ i - gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0)) | i <- fboMappingList] putStr " - mappig setup: " >> printGLStatus -- check all texture size maches unless (all (== head texSizes) texSizes) $ error ("Framebuffer attachment size mismatch! \n" ++ " - sizes: " ++ show texSizes) -- create and attach depth buffer let VV2U (V2 depthW depthH) = head texSizes when hasDepthOp $ do {- depthTex <- alloca $! \pto -> glGenRenderbuffers 1 pto >> peek pto putStr " - alloc depth texture: " >> printGLStatus glBindRenderbuffer gl_RENDERBUFFER depthTex putStr " - bind depth texture: " >> printGLStatus glRenderbufferStorage gl_RENDERBUFFER gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 (fromIntegral depthW) (fromIntegral depthH) putStr " - define depth texture: " >> printGLStatus glFramebufferRenderbuffer gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER gl_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT gl_RENDERBUFFER depthTex putStr " - attach depth texture: " >> printGLStatus -} depthTex <- alloca $! \pto -> glGenTextures 1 pto >> peek pto putStr " - alloc depth texture: " >> printGLStatus let layerCnt = head layerCnts txTarget = if layerCnt > 1 then gl_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY else gl_TEXTURE_2D internalFormat = fromIntegral gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 dataFormat = fromIntegral gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT glBindTexture txTarget depthTex putStr " - bind depth texture: " >> printGLStatus -- temp glTexParameteri txTarget gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_S $ fromIntegral gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE glTexParameteri txTarget gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_T $ fromIntegral gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE glTexParameteri txTarget gl_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER $ fromIntegral gl_NEAREST glTexParameteri txTarget gl_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER $ fromIntegral gl_NEAREST glTexParameteri txTarget gl_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL 0 glTexParameteri txTarget gl_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL 0 -- temp end case layerCnt > 1 of True -> glTexImage3D gl_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY 0 internalFormat (fromIntegral depthW) (fromIntegral depthH) (fromIntegral layerCnt) 0 dataFormat gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE nullPtr False -> glTexImage2D gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 internalFormat (fromIntegral depthW) (fromIntegral depthH) 0 dataFormat gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE nullPtr putStr " - define depth texture: " >> printGLStatus case layerCnt > 1 of True -> glFramebufferTexture gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER gl_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT depthTex 0 False -> glFramebufferTexture2D gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER gl_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT gl_TEXTURE_2D depthTex 0 putStr " - attach depth texture: " >> printGLStatus putStr " - check FBO completeness: " >> printFBOStatus let renderAct = do glBindFramebuffer gl_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER glFBO glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral depthW) (fromIntegral depthH) --putStr " -- FBO bind: " >> printGLStatus --putStr " -- FBO status: " >> printFBOStatus disposeAct = do with glFBO $ \pbo -> glDeleteFramebuffers 1 pbo --with depthTex $ \pto -> glDeleteTextures 1 pto return (renderAct,disposeAct) mkRenderState :: IO RenderState mkRenderState = do maxTextureUnits <- glGetIntegerv1 gl_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS texUnitState <- $ fromIntegral maxTextureUnits MV.set texUnitState (-1) return $ RenderState { textureUnitState = texUnitState } {- Note: Input mapping problem more programs use the same slot -> minimize vertex attribute mapping collisions (best case: use the same mapping) more programs use the same uniform -> minimize uniform mapping collisions (best case: use the same mapping) -} -- FIXME: implement properly compileRenderer :: DAG -> Exp -> IO Renderer compileRenderer dag (ScreenOut img) = do let PrjFrameBuffer n idx gpId = toExp dag img gp = toExp dag gpId unis :: Exp -> [(ByteString,InputType)] unis fb = nubS [(name,t) | u@(Uni name) <- expUniverse' dag fb, let [t] = codeGenType $ expType dag u] ++ nubS [(name,t) | s@(Sampler _ _ ts) <- expUniverse' dag fb , TextureSlot name _ <- [toExp dag ts] , let [t] = codeGenType $ expType dag s] ordFBs = orderedFrameBuffersFromGP dag gp allGPs = nubS $ concatMap (gpUniverse' dag) ordFBs -- collect slot info: name, primitive type, stream input, uniform input (slotStreamList, slotUniformList, slotGPList) = unzip3 [ (T.singleton name (primType,T.fromList inputs) ,T.singleton name (T.fromList $ unis fb) ,T.singleton name (Set.singleton fb)) | fb <- concatMap (renderChain dag) ordFBs , Fetch name primType inputs <- maybeToList $ findFetch dag fb ] slotStreamTrie = foldl' (T.mergeBy (\(a1,a2) (b1,b2) -> Just (a1, T.unionL a2 b2))) T.empty slotStreamList slotUniformTrie = foldl' (T.mergeBy (\a b -> Just (T.unionL a b))) T.empty slotUniformList (uniformNames,uniformTypes) = unzip $ nubS $ concatMap (T.toList . snd) $ T.toList slotUniformTrie putStrLn $ "GP universe size: " ++ show (length allGPs) putStrLn $ "Exp universe size: " ++ show (length (nubS $ expUniverse' dag gp)) -- create RenderState rendState <- mkRenderState (uSetup,uSetter) <- unzip <$> mapM (mkUniformSetter rendState) uniformTypes let uniformSetterTrie = T.fromList $! zip uniformNames uSetter mkUniformSetupTrie = T.fromList $! zip uniformNames uSetup slotGP :: Trie (Set Exp) slotGP = foldl' (T.mergeBy (\a b -> Just $ Set.union a b)) T.empty slotGPList -- create SlotDescriptors (input setup) slotDescriptors <- T.fromList <$> mapM (\(n,a) -> (n,) <$> mkSlotDescriptor a) (T.toList slotGP) -- allocate render textures (output resource initialization) (texSlotName,renderTexName,renderTexGLObj,renderTexDispose,dependentSamplers) <- mkRenderTextures dag allGPs -- create RenderDescriptors renderDescriptors <- Map.fromList <$> mapM (\a -> (a,) <$> mkRenderDescriptor dag rendState texSlotName renderTexName renderTexGLObj a) (nubS $ concatMap (renderChain dag) ordFBs) -- create IORef for ScreenOut Size screenSizeIORef <- newIORef (0,0) putStrLn ("number of passes: " ++ show (length ordFBs)) -- join compiled graphics network components (passRender,passDispose) <- fmap unzip $ forM (zip ordFBs [1..]) $ \(fb,passNo) -> do let (drawList, disposeList) = unzip [(renderAction rd, disposeAction rd) | f <- renderChain dag fb, let Just rd = Map.lookup f renderDescriptors] let Just rd = Map.lookup fb renderDescriptors putStrLn ("pass #" ++ show passNo) putStrLn (" - draw count: " ++ show (length drawList)) (passSetup,passDispose) <- mkPassSetup screenSizeIORef dag renderTexGLObj dependentSamplers (fb == gp,fragmentOutCount rd - idx, fragmentOutCount rd) fb return (passSetup >> sequence_ drawList, passDispose >> sequence_ disposeList) -- debug putStrLn $ "number of passes: " ++ show (length ordFBs) ++ " is output the last? " ++ show (findFrameBuffer dag gp == last ordFBs) -- TODO: validate -- all slot name should be unique -- all uniform with same name have the same type -- all stream input with same name have the same type objIDSeed <- newIORef 1 return $! Renderer -- public { slotUniform = slotUniformTrie , slotStream = slotStreamTrie , uniformSetter = uniformSetterTrie , render = do --print " * Frame Started" sequence_ passRender --print " * Frame Ended" , dispose = renderTexDispose >> sequence_ passDispose , setScreenSize = \w h -> writeIORef screenSizeIORef (w,h) -- internal , mkUniformSetup = mkUniformSetupTrie , slotDescriptor = slotDescriptors , renderDescriptor = renderDescriptors , renderState = rendState , objectIDSeed = objIDSeed }