-- |
-- TODO(kerckhove) big example here!
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX (
    -- * Building ΛTeX
      module Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX

    -- ** Selections
    , module Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Selection

    -- ** References
    , module Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Reference

    -- ** Packages dependencies
    , module Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Package

    -- ** Re-exports
    , module Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Types

    ) where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class                  (MonadIO (..))

import qualified Data.Set                                as S
import qualified Data.Text                               as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO                            as T

import           Text.LaTeX.Base                         (LaTeX, renderFile)

import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Package
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Package.Internal
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Reference
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Reference.Internal
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Reference.Types
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Selection
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Selection.Types
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Types
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Utils

-- | Build all the files for a LaTeX project given by a ΛTeXT generator
--   This either returns Left with an error or Right () to signify success.
--   This function takes care of some of the LaTeX tediousness:
--      * LaTeX file generation
--      * Automatic bibtex file generation
--      * All safety provided by 'execLambdaTeXT' (in the form of textual errors)
--      * TODO(kerckhove) Automatic asynchronic resolution of figure dependencies on graphviz or tikz figures
buildLaTeXProject :: MonadIO m => ΛTeXT m a -> ProjectConfig -> m (Either [ΛError] ())
buildLaTeXProject func conf = do
    (errs, (latex, refs)) <- execLambdaTeXT func $ projectGenerationConfig conf

    -- Render tex file
    let mainTexFile = projectTexFileName conf ++ ".tex"
    liftIO $ renderFile mainTexFile latex

    -- Render bib file
    let mainBibFile = projectBibFileName conf ++ ".bib"
    liftIO $ removeIfExists mainBibFile
    liftIO $ T.appendFile mainBibFile $ renderReferences refs

    return $ if null errs
        then Right ()
        else Left errs

-- | Execute a ΛTeXT generation
--   This either returns a tuple of the errors and a tuple of the resulting LaTeX value and a list of external references that need to be put into a bibtex file.
--   This function takes care of a lot of safety issues:
--      * Subset selection. This allows you to build large documents in parts.
--      * External dependency selection. No more '??' for external references in the output pdf.
--      * Internal dependency safety. No more '??' for external references in the internal pdf.
--      * Package dependency resolution, TODO(kerckhove) with packages in the right order
--      * Dependency selection of figure dependencies on graphviz or tikz figures
execLambdaTeXT :: Monad m => ΛTeXT m a -> GenerationConfig -> m ([ΛError], (LaTeX, [Reference]))
execLambdaTeXT func conf = do
    ((_,latex), _, output) <- runΛTeX func (ΛConfig $ generationSelection conf) initState
    let result = injectPackageDependencies (S.toList $ outputPackageDependencies output) latex
    let refs = S.toList $ outputExternalReferences output

    -- Check reference errors
    let made = outputLabelsMade output
        needed = outputLabelsNeeded output
        diff = S.difference needed made

    let referss = map ReferenceMissing $ S.toList diff

    return (referss, (result, refs))

    initState :: ΛState
    initState = ΛState { stateCurrentPart = emptyPart }

-- * Configuration

-- | Configuration of a ΛTeX project
data ProjectConfig = ProjectConfig {
      projectGenerationConfig :: GenerationConfig
    , projectBibFileName      :: String
    , projectTexFileName      :: String

-- | Default project configuration.
--  Modify this instead of building your own 'ProjectConfig'
defaultProjectConfig :: ProjectConfig
defaultProjectConfig = ProjectConfig {
      projectGenerationConfig = defaultGenerationConfig
    , projectBibFileName = "main"
    , projectTexFileName = "main"

-- | Configuration of ΛTeX generation
data GenerationConfig = GenerationConfig {
      generationSelection :: Selection

-- | Default generation config.
--  Modify this instead of building your own 'GenerationConfig'
defaultGenerationConfig :: GenerationConfig
defaultGenerationConfig = GenerationConfig {
      generationSelection = [All]