-- | This module allows you to automatically resolve LaTeX package dependencies in your document.
-- Note: If you want different arguments to a package, you have to specify this by making a 'manual' 'packageDep' declaration before your document.
module Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Package where

import           Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax

import qualified Data.Set                           as S

import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Package.Types
import           Text.LaTeX.LambdaTeX.Types

-- | Declare a dependency to a package, with given arguments
packageDep :: Monad m => [LaTeX] -- ^ Arguments
                      -> Text -- ^ Name of the LaTeX package
                      -> ΛTeXT m ()
packageDep args name = λtell $ mempty { outputPackageDependencies = S.singleton (PackageDep name args) }

-- | Declare a dependency to a package without any arguments
packageDep_ :: Monad m => Text -> ΛTeXT m ()
packageDep_ name = packageDep [] name