DEFINITION MODULE RealIO; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Real I/O using windows. *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 10 October 1992 *) (* Status: Working *) (* *) (* NOTE: several procedures which used to be *) (* in this module have now been moved to *) (* module Conversions. *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM Windows IMPORT (* type *) Window; PROCEDURE WriteReal (w: Window; number: REAL; places: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteLongReal (w: Window; number: LONGREAL; places: CARDINAL); (* Writes the second argument as a decimal number, right-justified *) (* in a field of "places" places. *) PROCEDURE ReadReal (w: Window): REAL; PROCEDURE ReadLongReal (w: Window): LONGREAL; (* Reads and converts a numeric string from the keyboard. *) PROCEDURE ReadBufferedReal (w: Window; fieldsize: CARDINAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ReadBufferedLongReal (w: Window; fieldsize: CARDINAL): LONGREAL; (* Like ReadReal, but allows the user to edit within a field of *) (* the specified size. *) PROCEDURE EditReal (w: Window; VAR (*INOUT*) variable: REAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE EditLongReal (w: Window; VAR (*INOUT*) variable: LONGREAL; width: CARDINAL); (* Displays the current value of "variable" at the current cursor *) (* position in window w, using a field width of "width" characters, *) (* and gives the user the option of altering the value. *) END RealIO.