IMPLEMENTATION MODULE BagSUUI; (*============================================================== Version : 1.00 02 May 1989 C. Lins Compiler : TopSpeed Modula-2 Component: Monolithic Structures - Bag Sequential Unbounded Unmanaged Iterator Code Size: R- bytes INTRODUCTION This module provides the Bag ADT for generic Items. Uses an ordered, linear list for the items. REVISION HISTORY v1.00 02 May 1989 C. Lins Initial implementation derived from BagSUMI module. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins ================================================================*) FROM JPIStorage IMPORT (*--Proc*) Allocate, Deallocate; FROM Items IMPORT (*--Type*) Item, CompareProc; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--Type*) HandlerProc, (*--Proc*) Raise, NullHandler, ExitOnError; FROM Relations IMPORT (*--Type*) Relation; FROM BagEnum IMPORT (*--Type*) Exceptions, Operations, ComponentID; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullType, (*--Type*) TypeID, (*--Proc*) CompareOf; (*--------------------*) TYPE Link = POINTER TO Node; TYPE Node = RECORD (*-- a bag item node *) item : Item; (*-- the item nodes' data *) count: CARDINAL; (*-- number of these items *) next : Link; (*-- link to next node in list *) END (*-- Node *); CONST NullLink = NIL; TYPE UnboundedBag = RECORD (*-- bag header *) dataID : TypeID; (*-- defined data type *) length : CARDINAL; (*-- current bag length, := 0 *) first : Link; (*-- link to first Item node *) END (*-- UnboundedBag *); TYPE Bag = POINTER TO UnboundedBag; (*---------------------------------*) (*-- EXCEPTIONS --*) VAR bagError : Exceptions; VAR handlers : ARRAY Exceptions OF HandlerProc; (*-----------------------*) PROCEDURE BagError () : Exceptions (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN bagError; END BagError; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE GetHandler ( ofError : Exceptions (*-- in *)) : HandlerProc (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN handlers[ofError]; END GetHandler; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE SetHandler ( ofError : Exceptions (*-- in *); toHandler : HandlerProc (*-- in *)); BEGIN handlers[ofError] := toHandler; END SetHandler; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE RaiseErrIn ( theRoutine : Operations (*-- in *); theError : Exceptions (*-- in *)); BEGIN bagError := theError; Raise(ComponentID + ModuleID, theRoutine, theError, handlers[theError]); END RaiseErrIn; (*--------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- LOCAL ROUTINES --*) VAR bagRoutine : Operations; (*-- Routine calling NewNode *) PROCEDURE NewNode ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); theCount: CARDINAL (*-- in *); theNext : Link (*-- in *)) : Link (*-- out *); VAR newLink : Link; BEGIN Allocate(newLink, SIZE(Node)); IF (newLink = NullLink) THEN RaiseErrIn(bagRoutine, overflow); ELSE WITH newLink^ DO item := theItem; count := theCount; next := theNext; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN newLink; END NewNode; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE TailInsert ( theNode : Link (*--in *); VAR first : Link (*--inout*); VAR last : Link (*--inout*)); BEGIN IF (first = NullLink) THEN first := theNode; ELSE last^.next := theNode; END (*--if*); last := theNode; END TailInsert; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE CopySubset ( fromIndex : Link (*-- in *); toIndex : Link (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR tempNode : Link; BEGIN LOOP IF (fromIndex = NullLink) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); ELSE WITH fromIndex^ DO tempNode := NewNode(item, count, NIL); END (*--with*); IF (tempNode = NullLink) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); INC(toBag^.length); TailInsert(tempNode, toBag^.first, toIndex); fromIndex := fromIndex^.next; END (*--if*); END (*--loop*); END CopySubset; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Recreate (VAR theBag : Bag (*--inout*); theType : TypeID (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theBag = NullBag) THEN theBag := Create(theType); ELSE Clear(theBag); theBag^.dataID := theType; END (*--if*); RETURN (bagError = noerr); END Recreate; (*--------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- CONSTRUCTORS --*) PROCEDURE Create ( theType : TypeID (*-- in *)) : Bag (*-- out *); VAR newBag : Bag; (*-- new bag variable being created *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; Allocate(newBag, SIZE(UnboundedBag)); IF (newBag = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(create, overflow); ELSE WITH newBag^ DO dataID := theType; length := 0; first := NullLink; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN newBag; END Create; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); BEGIN Clear(theBag); IF (bagError = noerr) THEN Deallocate(theBag, SIZE(UnboundedBag)); END (*--if*); END Destroy; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Clear (VAR theBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR theNode : Link; (*-- Bag node to be deallocated *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO WHILE (first # NullLink) DO theNode := first; first := first^.next; Deallocate(theNode, SIZE(theNode^)); END (*--while*); length := 0; END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(clear, undefined); END (*--if*); END Clear; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Assign ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR fromIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over source bag items *) toIndex : Link; (*-- new item node in target bag *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; bagRoutine := assign; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN IF Recreate(toBag, theBag^.dataID) THEN IF (theBag^.first = NullLink) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); WITH theBag^.first^ DO toBag^.first := NewNode(item, count, NullLink); END (*--with*); IF (bagError = overflow) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); toIndex := toBag^.first; fromIndex := theBag^.first; WHILE (fromIndex^.next # NIL) DO fromIndex := fromIndex^.next; WITH fromIndex^ DO toIndex^.next := NewNode(item, count, NullLink); END (*--with*); IF (bagError = overflow) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); toIndex := toIndex^.next; END (*--while*); toBag^.length := theBag^.length; END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(assign, undefined); END (*--if*); END Assign; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Include ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); VAR inBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR current : Link; (*-- Loop index in search of theItem *) previous : Link; (*-- Previous node examined *) newNode : Link; (*-- For new node to add *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) itemOrder : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (inBag # NullBag) THEN compareItem := CompareOf(inBag^.dataID); current := inBag^.first; previous := NullLink; LOOP IF (current = NullLink) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); (*-- theItem is not in the bag *) END (*--if*); itemOrder := compareItem(current^.item, theItem); IF (itemOrder = equal) THEN (*-- theItem is in the bag *) INC(current^.count); RETURN; ELSIF (itemOrder = greater) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); (*-- theItem is not in the bag *) END (*--if*); previous := current; (*-- Keep looking *) current := current^.next; END (*--loop*); (*-- Insert the new item *) Allocate(newNode, SIZE(Node)); IF (newNode = NullLink) THEN RaiseErrIn(include, overflow); ELSE WITH newNode^ DO item := theItem; count := 1; END (*--with*); IF (previous = NullLink) THEN newNode^.next := inBag^.first; inBag^.first := newNode; ELSE newNode^.next := current; previous^.next := newNode; END (*--if*); INC(inBag^.length); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(include, undefined); END (*--if*); END Include; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Exclude ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); VAR fromBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR current : Link; (*-- Loop index over items *) previous : Link; (*-- Previous node examined *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) itemOrder : Relation; (*-- Relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (fromBag # NullBag) THEN compareItem := CompareOf(fromBag^.dataID); current := fromBag^.first; previous := NullLink; LOOP IF (current = NullLink) THEN RETURN; (*-- theItem is not in the bag *) END (*--if*); itemOrder := compareItem(current^.item, theItem); IF (itemOrder = equal) THEN (*-- theItem is in the bag *) IF (current^.count > 1) THEN DEC(current^.count); RETURN; ELSE EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); ELSIF (itemOrder = greater) THEN RETURN; (*-- theItem is not in the bag *) END (*--if*); previous := current; (*-- Keep looking *) current := current^.next; END (*--loop*); (*-- â•¥currentâ•™ points to the node to be deleted. *) IF (previous = NullLink) THEN fromBag^.first := current^.next; ELSE previous^.next := current^.next; END (*--if*); Deallocate(current, SIZE(current^)); DEC(fromBag^.length); ELSE RaiseErrIn(exclude, undefined); END (*--if*); END Exclude; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Union ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR leftIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) toIndex : Link; (*-- List of target bag nodes *) tempNode : Link; (*-- Temporary node *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(union, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(union, typeerror); RETURN; ELSIF ~Recreate(toBag, left^.dataID) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); compareItem := CompareOf(toBag^.dataID); bagRoutine := union; leftIndex := left^.first; rightIndex := right^.first; WHILE (leftIndex # NullLink) & (rightIndex # NullLink) DO Allocate(tempNode, SIZE(Node)); IF (tempNode = NullLink) THEN RaiseErrIn(union, overflow); RETURN; END (*--if*); tempNode^.next := NullLink; order := compareItem(leftIndex^.item, rightIndex^.item); INC(toBag^.length); IF (order = less) THEN WITH tempNode^ DO item := leftIndex^.item; count := leftIndex^.count; END (*--with*); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; ELSIF (order = equal) THEN WITH tempNode^ DO item := leftIndex^.item; count := leftIndex^.count + rightIndex^.count; END (*--with*); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; ELSE WITH tempNode^ DO item := rightIndex^.item; count := rightIndex^.count; END (*--with*); rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; END (*--if*); TailInsert(tempNode, toBag^.first, toIndex); END (*--while*); (*-- Copy remaining items, if any, from either the left bag or -- the right bag to the destination bag. *) IF (leftIndex = NullLink) THEN CopySubset(rightIndex, toIndex, toBag); ELSIF (rightIndex = NullLink) THEN CopySubset(leftIndex, toIndex, toBag); END (*--if*); END Union; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Intersection ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR leftIndex : Link; (*-- Loop link over left bag *) rightIndex : Link; (*-- Loop link over right bag *) toIndex : Link; (*-- List of target bag nodes *) tempNode : Link; (*-- temporary for new node *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) newCount : CARDINAL; (*-- Smaller of left/right counts *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(intersection, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(intersection, typeerror); RETURN; ELSIF ~Recreate(toBag, left^.dataID) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); compareItem := CompareOf(toBag^.dataID); bagRoutine := intersection; leftIndex := left^.first; rightIndex := right^.first; WHILE (leftIndex # NullLink) & (rightIndex # NullLink) DO order := compareItem(leftIndex^.item, rightIndex^.item); IF (order = equal) THEN IF (leftIndex^.count < rightIndex^.count) THEN newCount := leftIndex^.count; ELSE newCount := rightIndex^.count; END (*--if*); tempNode := NewNode(leftIndex^.item, newCount, NullLink); IF (bagError = overflow) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); TailInsert(tempNode, toBag^.first, toIndex); INC(toBag^.length); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; ELSIF (order = less) THEN leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; ELSE rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; END (*--if*); END (*--while*); END Intersection; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Difference ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR leftIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) toIndex : Link; (*-- List of target bag nodes *) tempNode : Link; (*-- Temporary for new node *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(difference, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(difference, typeerror); RETURN; ELSIF ~Recreate(toBag, left^.dataID) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); compareItem := CompareOf(toBag^.dataID); bagRoutine := difference; leftIndex := left^.first; rightIndex := right^.first; WHILE (leftIndex # NullLink) & (rightIndex # NullLink) DO order := compareItem(leftIndex^.item, rightIndex^.item); IF (order = equal) THEN IF (leftIndex^.count > rightIndex^.count) THEN tempNode := NewNode(leftIndex^.item, leftIndex^.count - rightIndex^.count, NullLink); IF (bagError = overflow) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); TailInsert(tempNode, toBag^.first, toIndex); INC(toBag^.length); END (*--if*); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; ELSIF (order = less) THEN WITH leftIndex^ DO tempNode := NewNode(item, count, NullLink); END (*--with*); IF (bagError # noerr) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); TailInsert(tempNode, toBag^.first, toIndex); INC(toBag^.length); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; ELSE rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; END (*--if*); END (*--while*); (*-- Copy remaining items, if any, from the left bag to the -- destination bag. *) CopySubset(leftIndex, toIndex, toBag); END Difference; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE SymDifference ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR leftIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) toIndex : Link; (*-- List of target bag nodes *) tempNode : Link; (*-- Temporary node *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) newItem : Item; (*-- Either left/right item *) newCount : CARDINAL; (*-- Either left/right count *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(symdifference, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(symdifference, typeerror); RETURN; ELSIF ~Recreate(toBag, left^.dataID) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); compareItem := CompareOf(toBag^.dataID); bagRoutine := symdifference; leftIndex := left^.first; rightIndex := right^.first; WHILE (leftIndex # NullLink) & (rightIndex # NullLink) DO order := compareItem(leftIndex^.item, rightIndex^.item); IF (order = equal) THEN IF (leftIndex^.count > rightIndex^.count) THEN WITH leftIndex^ DO tempNode := NewNode(item, count - rightIndex^.count, NullLink); END (*--with*); IF (bagError = overflow) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); TailInsert(tempNode, toBag^.first, toIndex); INC(toBag^.length); END (*--if*); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; ELSE IF (order = less) THEN WITH leftIndex^ DO newItem := item; newCount := count; END (*--with*); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; ELSE WITH rightIndex^ DO newItem := item; newCount := count; END (*--with*); rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; END (*--if*); tempNode := NewNode(newItem, newCount, NullLink); IF (tempNode = NullLink) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); TailInsert(tempNode, toBag^.first, toIndex); INC(toBag^.length); END (*--if*); END (*--while*); (*-- Copy remaining items, if any, from either the left bag or -- the right bag to the destination bag. *) IF (leftIndex = NullLink) THEN CopySubset(rightIndex, toIndex, toBag); ELSIF (rightIndex = NullLink) THEN CopySubset(leftIndex, toIndex, toBag); END (*--if*); END SymDifference; (*--------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- SELECTORS --*) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN (theBag # NullBag); END IsDefined; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN RETURN (theBag^.length = 0); END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(isempty, undefined); RETURN TRUE; END IsEmpty; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE TypeOf ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : TypeID (*-- out *); BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN RETURN theBag^.dataID; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END TypeOf; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE IsEqual ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); VAR leftIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over left bag items *) rightIndex: Link; (*-- Loop index over right bag items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left # NullBag) & (right # NullBag) THEN IF (left^.dataID = right^.dataID) THEN IF (left^.length = right^.length) THEN (*-- Scan both Bags looking for the first mismatch (inequality) -- which indicates that the Bags are unequal. -- If the WHILE loop completes then the Bags must be equal. -- Because the lengths are equal, rightIndex will be NIL -- when leftIndex is NIL. *) leftIndex := left^.first; rightIndex:= right^.first; WHILE (leftIndex # NullLink) DO IF (leftIndex^.item # rightIndex^.item) THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; rightIndex:= rightIndex^.next; END (*--while*); RETURN TRUE; END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(isequal, typeerror); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(isequal, undefined); END (*--if*); (*-- the Bags must be unequal, either by having different -- lengths, mismatched types, or an undefined Bag exception. *) RETURN FALSE; END IsEqual; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE NumMembers ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); VAR current : Link; totalCount : CARDINAL; BEGIN bagError := noerr; totalCount := 0; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN current := theBag^.first; WHILE (current # NullLink) DO INC(totalCount, current^.count); current := current^.next; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(nummembers, undefined); RETURN totalCount; END NumMembers; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE UniqueMembers ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN RETURN theBag^.length; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(uniquemembers, undefined); RETURN 0; END UniqueMembers; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsAMember ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); VAR index : Link; (*-- Loop index over items *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); index := first; END (*--with*); WHILE (index # NullLink) DO IF (theItem = index^.item) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE order := compareItem(index^.item, theItem); IF (order = greater) THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); index := index^.next; END (*--while*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(ismember, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; END IsAMember; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE NumberOf ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); VAR index : Link; (*-- Loop index over items *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); index := first; END (*--with*); WHILE (index # NullLink) DO IF (theItem = index^.item) THEN RETURN index^.count; ELSE order := compareItem(index^.item, theItem); IF (order = greater) THEN RETURN 0; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); index := index^.next; END (*--while*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(numberof, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN 0; END NumberOf; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsSubset ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); VAR leftIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : Link; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(issubset, undefined); RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(issubset, typeerror); RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); compareItem:= CompareOf(left^.dataID); leftIndex := left^.first; rightIndex := right^.first; WHILE (leftIndex # NullLink) & (rightIndex # NullLink) DO order := compareItem(leftIndex^.item, rightIndex^.item); IF (order = equal) THEN leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; ELSIF (order = less) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE rightIndex := rightIndex^.next; END (*--if*); END (*--while*); RETURN (leftIndex = NullLink); END IsSubset; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsProperSubset( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN IsSubset(left, right) & (left^.length < right^.length); END IsProperSubset; (*----------------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- ITERATORS --*) PROCEDURE LoopOver ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *); process : LoopAccessProc (*-- in *)); VAR theNode : Link; (*-- Loop index over items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN theNode := theBag^.first; WHILE (theNode # NullLink) DO WITH theNode^ DO IF ~process(item, count) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); theNode := theNode^.next; END (*--while*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(loopover, undefined); END (*--if*); END LoopOver; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Traverse ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *); process : AccessProc (*-- in *)); VAR theNode : Link; (*-- Loop index over items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN theNode := theBag^.first; WHILE (theNode # NullLink) DO WITH theNode^ DO process(item, count); END (*--with*); theNode := theNode^.next; END (*--while*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(traverse, undefined); END (*--if*); END Traverse; (*----------------------------*) (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*) (*~~ MODULE INITIALIZATION ~~*) BEGIN FOR bagError := MIN(Exceptions) TO MAX(Exceptions) DO handlers[bagError] := ExitOnError; END (*--for*); handlers[noerr] := NullHandler; bagError := noerr; END BagSUUI.