{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | Combinators to build AST
-- Example : 
-- >
-- >import Language.Css.Syntax
-- >import Language.Css.Build
-- >import Language.Css.Pretty
-- >import Language.Css.Build.Idents
-- >import Language.Css.Build.Tags hiding (center)
-- >
-- >res = ruleSets [
-- >         body [
-- >             margin <:> int 0,
-- >             border <:> int 0 ],
-- >            
-- >         h1 [ textAlign <:> center],
-- >
-- >         p [ 
-- >            backgroundColor <:> black, 
-- >            color <:> white,
-- >            padding <:> spaces [pct 5, pct 5, pct 10, pct 10]  ],
-- >
-- >         (star /. "warning") [ color <:> red ] 
-- >       ]
-- > 
-- >main = print $ pretty res
-- >
module Language.Css.Build (
       -- * Classes
       Idents(..), ToExpr(..),

       -- * StyleSheet
       styleSheet, rules, ruleSets, 
       addImports, addRules, charset,

       -- * AtRules
       media, page, fontFace,

       -- * RuleSets

       -- ** Selectors
       Sel', star, sels, 
       (/>), (/-), (/#), (/.), (/:),
       Attrs(..), (!), (.=), (~=), (|=),
       -- ** Declarations
       (<:>), important, 
       space, slash, comma,
       spaces, slashes, commas,

       -- * Primitive values
       fun, str, int, num,
       deg, rad, grad, cword, rgb, hz, khz,
       em, ex, px, in', cm, mm, pc, pt,
       pct, ms, s, url,

       -- * Colors
       aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, 
       lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, 
       red, silver, teal, white, yellow

import Language.Css.Syntax

import Control.Applicative

class Idents a where
    ident :: String -> a

instance Idents Ident where
    ident = Ident

instance Idents String where
    ident = id

class ToExpr a where
    expr :: a -> Expr

instance ToExpr Expr where
    expr = id

-- StyleSheet

styleSheet :: Maybe AtCharSet -> [AtImport] -> [StyleBody] -> StyleSheet
styleSheet = StyleSheet

-- | construct 'StyleSheet' from list of 'AtRule' 's or 'RuleSet' 's
rules :: [StyleBody] -> StyleSheet
rules = styleSheet Nothing []

-- | append imports
addImports :: [AtImport] -> StyleSheet -> StyleSheet
addImports is' (StyleSheet c is body) = StyleSheet c (is ++ is') body

-- | append rules
addRules :: [StyleBody] -> StyleSheet -> StyleSheet
addRules rs (StyleSheet c is body) = StyleSheet c is $ rs ++ body

-- | construct 'StyleSheet' from list of 'RuleSet' 's
ruleSets :: [RuleSet] -> StyleSheet
ruleSets = StyleSheet Nothing [] . map SRuleSet

-- | set \@charset
charset :: String -> StyleSheet -> StyleSheet
charset str (StyleSheet _ is body) = StyleSheet (Just $ AtCharSet str) is body

-- AtRules

-- | \@media
media :: [String] -> [RuleSet] -> StyleBody
media ms rs = SAtMedia $ AtMedia (map ident ms) rs

-- | \@page
page ::  Maybe String -> Maybe PseudoPage -> [Decl] -> StyleBody
page i p ds = SAtPage $ AtPage (ident <$> i) p ds

-- | import from string
importStr :: String -> [Ident] -> AtImport
importStr str = AtImport (IStr str)

-- | import from uri
importUri :: String -> [Ident] -> AtImport
importUri str = AtImport (IUri $ Uri str)

-- | \@font-face
fontFace :: [Decl] -> StyleBody
fontFace = SAtFontFace . AtFontFace

-- RuleSets

-- Selectors

infixl 5 /-, />, /+
infixl 6 /#, /., !, /:

infixr 0 <:>

-- | 'RuleSet' constructor
type Sel' = [Decl] -> RuleSet

-- | @*@ selector
star :: Sel'
star = RuleSet (return $ SSel $ UnivSel [])

instance Idents Sel' where
    ident x = RuleSet (return $ SSel $ TypeSel x [])

-- compose

-- | groups selectors
sels :: [Sel'] -> Sel'
sels xs d = joinRules [] $ map ($ d) xs
    where joinRules sels xs = 
                case xs of
                    []   -> RuleSet sels d
                    a:as -> joinRules (sels ++ getSels a) as

-- | Descendant
-- space in css
(/-) :: Sel' -> Sel' -> Sel'
(/-) = liftSel2 DescendSel

-- | Child
-- @>@ in css
(/>) :: Sel' -> Sel' -> Sel'
(/>) = liftSel2 ChildSel

-- | Sibling
-- @+@ in css
(/+) :: Sel' -> Sel' -> Sel'
(/+) = liftSel2 AdjSel

-- set attribs

-- | set id
(/#) :: Sel' -> String -> Sel'
(/#) s id = liftSel1 (appendSubSel $ IdSel id) s 

-- | set class
(/.) :: Sel' -> String -> Sel'
(/.) s cl = liftSel1 (appendSubSel $ ClassSel cl) s

-- | set attributes
(!) :: Sel' -> Attr -> Sel'
(!) s attr = liftSel1 (appendSubSel $ AttrSel attr) s 

-- | set pseudo classes/elements
(/:) :: Sel' -> PseudoVal -> Sel' 
(/:) s p = liftSel1 (appendSubSel $ PseudoSel p) s

liftSel1 :: (Sel -> Sel) -> (Sel' -> Sel')
liftSel1 f = liftA f'
    where f' a = RuleSet (liftA f $ getSels a) $ getDecls a

liftSel2 :: (Sel -> Sel -> Sel) -> (Sel' -> Sel' -> Sel')
liftSel2 f = liftA2 f' 
    where f' a b = RuleSet (liftA2 f (getSels a) (getSels b)) $ getDecls a

instance Idents Attr where
    ident = Attr

-- | attribute selector
class Attrs a where
    attr :: String -> a

instance Attrs Attr where
    attr = Attr

instance Attrs AttrIdent where
    attr = id

-- | element's attribute is
(.=) :: AttrIdent -> AttrVal -> Attr
(.=) = AttrIs 

-- | element's attribute includes
(~=) :: AttrIdent -> AttrVal -> Attr
(~=) = AttrIncl

-- | element's attribute begins with
(|=) :: AttrIdent -> AttrVal -> Attr
(|=) = AttrBegins

appendSubSel :: SubSel -> Sel -> Sel
appendSubSel s a = 
    case a of
        SSel x      -> case x of
                            UnivSel xs    -> SSel $ UnivSel $ xs ++ [s]
                            TypeSel el xs -> SSel $ TypeSel el $ xs ++ [s]
        DescendSel x y -> DescendSel (appendSubSel s x) (appendSubSel s y)
        ChildSel   x y -> ChildSel   (appendSubSel s x) (appendSubSel s y)
        AdjSel     x y -> AdjSel     (appendSubSel s x) (appendSubSel s y)                

getSels :: RuleSet -> [Sel] 
getSels (RuleSet xs _) = xs

getDecls :: RuleSet -> [Decl]
getDecls (RuleSet _ xs) = xs

instance Idents PseudoVal where
    ident = PIdent . ident

-- Declarations

-- | declaration constructor
(<:>) :: String -> Expr -> Decl
(<:>) a b = Decl Nothing (ident a) b

-- | set @!important@ 
important :: Decl -> Decl 
important (Decl _ a b) = Decl (Just Important) a b

-- | space separated values
space :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
space = SpaceSep

-- | 'space' on list of values
spaces :: [Expr] -> Expr
spaces = foldl1 space

-- | slash separated values
slash :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
slash = SlashSep

-- | 'slash' on list of values
slashes :: [Expr] -> Expr
slashes = foldl1 slash

-- | comma separated values
comma :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
comma = CommaSep

-- | 'comma' on lists of values
commas :: [Expr] -> Expr
commas = foldl1 comma

instance ToExpr a => ToExpr [a] where
    expr x = case x of
                [] -> ident ""
                _  -> foldl1 space $ map expr x

-- Values

instance Idents Expr where
    ident = EVal . ident

instance Idents Value where
    ident = VIdent . ident

instance ToExpr Value where 
    expr = EVal

-- primitive values
-- constructors

-- | 'Func' constructor
fun :: ToExpr a => Ident -> a -> Func
fun str = Func str . expr

-- | \<angle\> 
deg :: Double -> Expr
deg = expr . Deg

-- | \<angle\> 
rad :: Double -> Expr
rad = expr . Rad

-- | \<angle\> 
grad :: Double -> Expr
grad = expr . Grad

-- | \<color\> 
cword :: String -> Expr
cword = expr . Cword . checkWord

-- | \<color\> 
rgb :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Expr
rgb x0 x1 x2 = expr $ Crgb x0 x1 x2

-- | \<frequency\> 
hz :: Double -> Expr
hz = expr . Hz

-- | \<frequency\> 
khz :: Double -> Expr
khz = expr . KHz

-- | \<length\> 
em :: Double -> Expr
em = expr . Em

-- | \<length\> 
ex :: Double -> Expr
ex = expr . Ex

-- | \<length\> 
px :: Int -> Expr
px = expr . Px

-- | \<length\> 
in' :: Double -> Expr
in' = expr . In

-- | \<length\> 
cm :: Double -> Expr
cm = expr . Cm

-- | \<length\> 
mm :: Double -> Expr
mm = expr . Mm

-- | \<length\> 
pc :: Double -> Expr
pc = expr . Pc

-- | \<length\> 
pt :: Int -> Expr
pt = expr . Pt

-- | \<percentage\> 
pct :: Double -> Expr
pct = expr . Percentage

-- | \<time\> 
ms :: Double -> Expr
ms = expr . Ms

-- | \<time\> 
s :: Double -> Expr
s = expr . S

-- | \<uri\> 
url :: String -> Expr
url = expr . Uri

checkWord x 
    | checkLeng x && checkNums x && checkFirst x = x
    | otherwise                                  = errorMsg 
    where errorMsg = error "must be number in hexadecimal notation" 
          checkLeng x 
            | length x == 4 || length x == 7 = True
            | otherwise = error "string length must be 4 or 7"
          checkNums x
            | all (`elem` (['0' .. '9'] ++ ['a' .. 'f'] ++ ['A' .. 'F']))$ tail x = True
            | otherwise = errorMsg
          checkFirst x
            | '#' == head x = True
            | otherwise = error "first character must be #"        

str :: String -> Expr
str = expr . VString

int :: Int -> Expr
int = expr

num :: Double -> Expr 
num = expr

-- instances

-- ToExpr

instance ToExpr Deg where
    expr = expr . VDeg

instance ToExpr Rad where
    expr = expr . VRad

instance ToExpr Grad where
    expr = expr . VGrad

instance ToExpr Color where
    expr = expr . VColor

instance ToExpr Hz where
    expr = expr . VHz

instance ToExpr KHz where
    expr = expr . VKHz

instance ToExpr Func where
    expr = expr . VFunc

instance ToExpr Ident where
    expr = expr . VIdent

instance ToExpr Int where
    expr = expr . VInt

instance ToExpr Em where
    expr = expr . VEm

instance ToExpr Ex where
    expr = expr . VEx

instance ToExpr Px where
    expr = expr . VPx

instance ToExpr In where
    expr = expr . VIn

instance ToExpr Cm where
    expr = expr . VCm

instance ToExpr Mm where
    expr = expr . VMm

instance ToExpr Pc where
    expr = expr . VPc

instance ToExpr Pt where
    expr = expr . VPt

instance ToExpr Double where
    expr = expr . VDouble

instance ToExpr Percentage where
    expr = expr . VPercentage

instance ToExpr Ms where
    expr = expr . VMs

instance ToExpr S where
    expr = expr . VS

instance ToExpr Uri where
    expr = expr . VUri

-- colors
aqua    = cword "#00ffff" 
black   = cword "#000000"
blue    = cword "#0000ff" 
fuchsia = cword "#ff00ff" 
gray    = cword "#808080"  
green   = cword "#008000" 
lime    = cword "#00ff00"  
maroon  = cword "#800000"  
navy    = cword "#000080" 
olive   = cword "#808000" 
orange  = cword "#ffA500" 
purple  = cword "#800080" 
red     = cword "#ff0000"  
silver  = cword "#c0c0c0" 
teal    = cword "#008080" 
white   = cword "#ffffff" 
yellow  = cword "#ffff00"