%- ; see https://twitter.com/fionalyric for a fleshed-out implementation of this idea (:def fiona (:oneof (| "You forgot the difference between equanimity and passivity.") (| "You're more likely to get cut with a dull tool than a sharp one.") (| "I've finally grown weary of waiting to be consumed by you.") (| "The child is gone.") (| "If you're right you'll agree.") (| "I just wanna feel everything") (| "What does she think of me?") (| "You raped me in the same bed your daughter was born in.") (| "I want to suffer for my sins") (| "I'm full as a tick") (| "I wanna make a mistake") (| "Scratch me out, free yourself.") (| "I watch you live to have my fun.") (| "Run, free yourself of me.") (| ''' Oh darling, it's so sweet You think you know how crazy, how crazy I am. ''') (| "I need to be redeemed to the one I've sinned against") (| ''' He said "It's all in your head," And I said "so's everything" but he didn't get it. ''') (| ''' My feel for you, boy Is decaying in front of me Like the carrion of a murdered prey ''') (| "I don't feel anything until I smash it up") (| "I may need a chaperone") (| ''' All that love must've been lacking something If I got bored trying to figure you out ''') (| ''' How can I ask anyone to love me When all I do is beg to be left alone? ''') (| ''' So I will keep a deliberate pace Let the damned breeze dry my face ''') (| "I think he let me down when he didn't disappoint me.") (| ''' If I let you get too close ''') (| "Hunger hurts but starving works.") (| ''' What's so impressive about a diamond Except the mining ''') (| "Now I only move to move.") (| ''' I would beg to disagree But begging disagrees with me ''') (| "Fetch the bolt cutters") (| "I ran out of white doves' feathers\nTo soak up the hot piss that comes from your mouth") (| "Just tolerate my little fist\nTugging on your forest chest"))) (:def main fiona)