-- | Label-set analysis which annotates all the statements in the script
-- with their label sets according to ECMAScript specification,
-- section 12.12. The result of this analysis are useful for building
-- control-flow graphs.

module Language.ECMAScript3.Analysis.LabelSet (annotateLabelSets 
                                              ,Label(..)) where

import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax.Annotations
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Data.Data (Data)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

-- | Labels are either strings (identifiers) or /empty/ (see 12.12 of
-- the spec)
data Label = Label String
           | EmptyLabel
             deriving (Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)

instance Show Label where
  show (Label s) = s
  show EmptyLabel = ""

-- | Annotates statements with their label sets. Assuming you've also imported
-- 'Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax.Annotations', 'Control.Arrow' and
-- 'Data.Set', the example use would be:
-- @
-- lsAnalysis :: 'JavaScript' a -> 'JavaScript' (a, 'Set' 'Label')  
-- lsAnalysis = annotateLabelSets snd (\\labs -> second $ union labs) . reannotate (\a -> (a, empty))
-- @
annotateLabelSets :: Data a =>
                     (a -> Set Label) -- ^ annotation read function
                  -> (Set Label -> a -> a) -- ^ annotation write function
                  -> JavaScript a  -- ^ the script to annotate
                  -> JavaScript a
annotateLabelSets r w = transformBi (annotateFuncStmtBodies r w)
                      . transformBi (annotateFuncExprBodies r w)
                      . descendBi   (annotateStatement r w)

annotateFuncStmtBodies :: Data a => 
                          (a -> Set Label)
                       -> (Set Label -> a -> a) 
                       -> Statement a
                       -> Statement a
annotateFuncStmtBodies r w s = case s of
  FunctionStmt a name params body -> 
    let newbody = map (descend (annotateStatement r w)) body
    in  FunctionStmt a name params newbody
  _ -> s
annotateFuncExprBodies :: Data a => 
                          (a -> Set Label)
                       -> (Set Label -> a -> a) 
                       -> Expression a 
                       -> Expression a
annotateFuncExprBodies r w e = case e of
  FuncExpr a mname params body -> 
    let newbody = map (descend (annotateStatement r w)) body
    in  FuncExpr a mname params newbody
  _ -> e

-- | 12.12 ECMA262: the production /Identifier/ : /Statement/ is
-- evaluated by adding /Identifier/ to the label ser of /Statement/
-- and then evluating /Statement/. If the /LabelledStatement/ itsef
-- has a non-empty label set, these labels are also added to the label
-- set of /Statement/ before evaluating it. ... Prior to evaluation of
-- a /LabelledStatement/, the contained /Statement/ is regarded as
-- possessing an empty label set, unless it is an /IterationStatement/
-- or a /SwitchStatement/, in which case it is regarded as possessing
-- a label set consisting of the single element, @empty@.
annotateStatement :: Data a => 
                     (a -> Set Label)
                  -> (Set Label -> a -> a)
                  -> Statement a   
                  -> Statement a
annotateStatement r w s = case s of
  LabelledStmt ann lab stmt -> 
    let labelset = Set.insert (id2Label lab) (r ann) 
        newstmt  = annotateStatement r w $ withAnnotation (w labelset) stmt
    in  LabelledStmt ann lab newstmt
  SwitchStmt {} -> 
    let labelset = Set.insert EmptyLabel (r $ getAnnotation s)
    in  descend (annotateStatement r w) $ withAnnotation (w labelset) s
  _ | isIterationStmt s ->
    let labelset = Set.insert EmptyLabel (r $ getAnnotation s)
    in  descend (annotateStatement r w) (withAnnotation (w labelset) s)
  _                     -> descend (annotateStatement r w) s

id2Label :: Id a -> Label
id2Label = Label . unId