{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Language.GLSL.Pretty where

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import Text.Printf

import Language.GLSL.Syntax

-- helpers (TODO clean)

type Assoc = (Rational -> Rational, Rational -> Rational)

assocLeft, assocRight, assocNone :: Assoc
assocLeft  = (id,bump)
assocRight = (bump,id)
assocNone  = (bump,bump)

bump :: Rational -> Rational
bump = (+ 0.5)

prettyBinary :: Pretty a =>
  PrettyLevel -> Rational -> Rational -> Assoc -> String -> a -> a -> Doc
prettyBinary l p op (lf,rf) o e1 e2 = prettyParen (p > op) $
  pPrintPrec l (lf op) e1 <+> text o <+> pPrintPrec l (rf op) e2

option :: Pretty a => Maybe a -> Doc
option Nothing = empty
option (Just x) = pPrint x

indexing :: Pretty a => Maybe (Maybe a) -> Doc
indexing Nothing = empty
indexing (Just Nothing) = brackets empty
indexing (Just (Just e)) = brackets $ pPrint e

indexing' :: Pretty a => Maybe (String, Maybe a) -> Doc
indexing' Nothing = empty
indexing' (Just (i, Nothing)) = text i
indexing' (Just (i, Just e)) = text i <> brackets (pPrint e)

initialize :: Pretty a => Maybe a -> Doc
initialize Nothing = empty
initialize (Just e) = char ' ' <> equals <+> pPrint e

ident :: Pretty a => Maybe (String, Maybe (Maybe a)) -> Doc
ident Nothing = empty
ident (Just (i, Nothing)) = text i
ident (Just (i, Just Nothing)) = text i <> brackets empty
ident (Just (i, Just (Just e))) = text i <> brackets (pPrint e)

initialize' :: Pretty a => Maybe (String, Maybe a) -> Doc
initialize' Nothing = empty
initialize' (Just (i, Nothing)) = text i
initialize' (Just (i, Just e)) = text i <+> char '=' <+> pPrint e

-- Pretty instances

instance Pretty TranslationUnit where
  pPrint (TranslationUnit ds) = vcat $ map pPrint ds
--  pPrint (Alternative p e) = text "(" <> nest 2 (vcat [pPrint p, pPrint e]) <> text ")"

instance Pretty ExternalDeclaration where
  pPrint (FunctionDeclaration p) = pPrint p <> semi
  pPrint (FunctionDefinition p s) = vcat [pPrint p, pPrint s]
  pPrint (Declaration d) = pPrint d

instance Pretty Declaration where
  pPrint (InitDeclaration it ds) = pPrint it <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map pPrint ds)) <> semi
  pPrint (Precision pq t) = text "precision" <+> pPrint pq <+> pPrint t <> semi
  pPrint (Block tq i ds n) = vcat [pPrint tq <+> text i, lbrace, nest 2 (vcat $ map pPrint ds), rbrace <+> ident n <> semi]
  pPrint (TQ tq) = pPrint tq <> semi

instance Pretty InitDeclarator where
  pPrint (InitDecl i a b) = text i <> indexing a <> initialize b

instance Pretty InvariantOrType where
  pPrint InvariantDeclarator = text "invariant"
  pPrint (TypeDeclarator ft) = pPrint ft

instance Pretty FullType where
  pPrint (FullType tq ts) = option tq <+> pPrint ts

instance Pretty TypeQualifier where
  pPrint (TypeQualSto sq) = pPrint sq
  pPrint (TypeQualLay lq sq) = pPrint lq <+> option sq
  pPrint (TypeQualInt iq sq) = pPrint iq <+> option sq
  pPrint (TypeQualInv iq sq) = pPrint iq <+> option sq
  pPrint (TypeQualInv3 iq iq' sq) = pPrint iq <+> pPrint iq' <+> pPrint sq

instance Pretty StorageQualifier where
  pPrint q = case q of
    Const -> text "const"
    Attribute -> text "attribute"
    Varying -> text "varying"
    CentroidVarying -> text "centroid varying"
    In -> text "in"
    Out -> text "out"
    CentroidIn -> text "centroid in"
    CentroidOut -> text "centroid out"
    Uniform -> text "uniform"

instance Pretty LayoutQualifier where
  pPrint (Layout is) = text "layout" <+> char '(' <>
    (hsep $ punctuate comma $ map pPrint is) <> char ')'

instance Pretty LayoutQualifierId where
  pPrint (LayoutQualId i Nothing) = text i
  pPrint (LayoutQualId i (Just e)) = text i <+> char '=' <+> pPrint e

instance Pretty InterpolationQualifier where
  pPrint q = case q of
    Smooth -> text "smooth"
    Flat -> text "flat"
    NoPerspective -> text "noperspective"

instance Pretty InvariantQualifier where
  pPrint Invariant = text "invariant"

instance Pretty TypeSpecifier where
  pPrint (TypeSpec (Just pq) t) = pPrint pq <+> pPrint t
  pPrint (TypeSpec Nothing t) = pPrint t

instance Pretty PrecisionQualifier where
  pPrint HighP = text "highp"
  pPrint MediumP = text "mediump"
  pPrint LowP = text "lowp"

instance Pretty TypeSpecifierNoPrecision where
  pPrint (TypeSpecNoPrecision t a) = pPrint t <+> indexing a

instance Pretty TypeSpecifierNonArray where
  pPrint t = case t of
    Void -> text "void"
    Float -> text "float"
    Int -> text "int"
    UInt -> text "uint"
    Bool -> text "bool"
    Vec2 -> text "vec2"
    Vec3 -> text "vec3"
    Vec4 -> text "vec4"
    BVec2 -> text "bvec2"
    BVec3 -> text "bvec3"
    BVec4 -> text "bvec4"
    IVec2 -> text "ivec2"
    IVec3 -> text "ivec3"
    IVec4 -> text "ivec4"
    UVec2 -> text "uvec2"
    UVec3 -> text "uvec3"
    UVec4 -> text "uvec4"
    Mat2 -> text "mat2"
    Mat3 -> text "mat3"
    Mat4 -> text "mat4"
    Mat2x2 -> text "mat2x2"
    Mat2x3 -> text "mat2x3"
    Mat2x4 -> text "mat2x4"
    Mat3x2 -> text "mat3x2"
    Mat3x3 -> text "mat3x3"
    Mat3x4 -> text "mat3x4"
    Mat4x2 -> text "mat4x2"
    Mat4x3 -> text "mat4x3"
    Mat4x4 -> text "mat4x4"
    Sampler1D -> text "sampler1D"
    Sampler2D -> text "sampler2D"
    Sampler3D -> text "sampler3D"
    SamplerCube -> text "samplerCube"
    Sampler1DShadow -> text "sampler1DShadow"
    Sampler2DShadow -> text "sampler2DShadow"
    SamplerCubeShadow -> text "samplerCubeShadow"
    Sampler1DArray -> text "sampler1DArray"
    Sampler2DArray -> text "sampler2DArray"
    Sampler1DArrayShadow -> text "sampler1DArrayShadow"
    Sampler2DArrayShadow -> text "sampler2DArrayShadow"
    ISampler1D -> text "isampler1D"
    ISampler2D -> text "isampler2D"
    ISampler3D -> text "isampler3D"
    ISamplerCube -> text "isamplerCube"
    ISampler1DArray -> text "isampler1DArray"
    ISampler2DArray -> text "isampler2DArray"
    USampler1D -> text "usampler1D"
    USampler2D -> text "usampler2D"
    USampler3D -> text "usampler3D"
    USamplerCube -> text "usamplerCube"
    USampler1DArray -> text "usampler1DArray"
    USampler2DArray -> text "usampler2DArray"
    Sampler2DRect -> text "sampler2DRect"
    Sampler2DRectShadow -> text "sampler2DRectShadow"
    ISampler2DRect -> text "isampler2DRect"
    USampler2DRect -> text "usampler2DRect"
    SamplerBuffer -> text "samplerBuffer"
    ISamplerBuffer -> text "isamplerBuffer"
    USamplerBuffer -> text "usamplerBuffer"
    Sampler2DMS -> text "sampler2DMS"
    ISampler2DMS -> text "isampler2DMS"
    USampler2DMS -> text "usampler2DMS"
    Sampler2DMSArray -> text "sampler2DMSArray"
    ISampler2DMSArray -> text "isampler2DMSArray"
    USampler2DMSArray -> text "usampler2DMSArray"
    StructSpecifier i ds ->
      vcat [text "struct" <+> i', lbrace, nest 2 (vcat $ map pPrint ds), rbrace]
      where i' = case i of { Nothing -> empty ; Just n -> text n }
    TypeName i -> text i

instance Pretty Field where
  pPrint (Field tq s ds) =
    option tq <+> pPrint s <+> hsep (punctuate comma $ map pPrint ds) <> semi

instance Pretty StructDeclarator where
  pPrint (StructDeclarator i e) = ident (Just (i, e))

instance Pretty Expr where
  pPrintPrec l p e = case e of
  -- primaryExpression
    Variable v -> text v
    IntConstant Decimal i -> text (show i)
    IntConstant Hexadecimal i -> text (printf "0x%x" i)
    IntConstant Octal i -> text (printf "0%o" i)
    FloatConstant f -> text (show f)
    BoolConstant True -> text "true"
    BoolConstant False -> text "false"
  -- postfixExpression
    Bracket e1 e2 -> prettyParen (p > 16) $
      pPrintPrec l 16 e1 <> brackets (pPrint e2)
    FieldSelection e1 f -> prettyParen (p > 16) $
      pPrintPrec l 16 e1 <> char '.' <> text f
    MethodCall e1 i ps -> prettyParen (p > 16) $
      pPrintPrec l 16 e1 <> char '.' <> pPrint i <+> parens (pPrint ps)
    FunctionCall i ps -> prettyParen (p > 16) $
      pPrint i <+> parens (pPrint ps)
    PostInc e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      pPrintPrec l 15 e1 <+> text "++"
    PostDec e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      pPrintPrec l 15 e1 <+> text "--"
    PreInc e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      text "++" <+> pPrintPrec l 15 e1
    PreDec e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      text "--" <+> pPrintPrec l 15 e1
  -- unary expression
    UnaryPlus e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      text "+" <> pPrintPrec l 15 e1
    UnaryNegate e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      text "-" <> pPrintPrec l 15 e1
    UnaryNot e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      text "!" <> pPrintPrec l 15 e1
    UnaryOneComplement e1 -> prettyParen (p > 15) $
      text "~" <> pPrintPrec l 15 e1
  -- binary expression
    Mul        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 14 assocLeft "*" e1 e2
    Div        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 14 assocLeft "/" e1 e2
    Mod        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 14 assocLeft "%" e1 e2
    Add        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 13 assocLeft "+" e1 e2
    Sub        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 13 assocLeft "-" e1 e2
    LeftShift  e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 12 assocLeft "<<" e1 e2
    RightShift e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 12 assocLeft ">>" e1 e2
    Lt         e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 11 assocLeft "<" e1 e2
    Gt         e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 11 assocLeft ">" e1 e2
    Lte        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 11 assocLeft "<=" e1 e2
    Gte        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 11 assocLeft ">=" e1 e2
    Equ        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 10 assocLeft "==" e1 e2
    Neq        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 10 assocLeft "!=" e1 e2
    BitAnd     e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 9 assocLeft "&" e1 e2
    BitXor     e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 8 assocLeft "^" e1 e2
    BitOr      e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 7 assocLeft "|" e1 e2
    And        e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 6 assocLeft "&&" e1 e2
-- TODO Xor 5 "^^"
    Or         e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 4 assocLeft "||" e1 e2
    Selection e1 e2 e3 -> prettyParen (p > 3) $
      pPrintPrec l 3 e1 <+> char '?' <+> pPrintPrec l 3 e2
      <+> char ':' <+> pPrintPrec l 3 e3
  -- assignment, the left Expr should be unary expression
    Equal       e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "=" e1 e2
    MulAssign   e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "*=" e1 e2
    DivAssign   e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "/=" e1 e2
    ModAssign   e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "%=" e1 e2
    AddAssign   e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "+=" e1 e2
    SubAssign   e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "-=" e1 e2
    LeftAssign  e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "<<=" e1 e2
    RightAssign e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight ">>=" e1 e2
    AndAssign   e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "&=" e1 e2
    XorAssign   e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "^=" e1 e2
    OrAssign    e1 e2 -> prettyBinary l p 2 assocRight "|=" e1 e2
  -- sequence
    Sequence e1 e2 -> prettyParen (p > 1) $
      pPrintPrec l 1 e1 <> char ',' <+> pPrintPrec l 1 e2

instance Pretty FunctionIdentifier where
  pPrint (FuncIdTypeSpec t) = pPrint t
  pPrint (FuncId i) = text i

instance Pretty Parameters where
  pPrint ParamVoid = empty
  pPrint (Params es) = hsep $ punctuate comma $ map pPrint es

instance Pretty FunctionPrototype where
  pPrint (FuncProt t i ps) = pPrint t <+> text i <+> char '(' <> hsep (punctuate comma $ map pPrint ps) <> text ")"

instance Pretty ParameterDeclaration where
  pPrint (ParameterDeclaration tq q s i) =
    option tq <+> option q <+> pPrint s <+> indexing' i

instance Pretty ParameterTypeQualifier  where
  pPrint ConstParameter = text "const"

instance Pretty ParameterQualifier where
  pPrint InParameter = text "in"
  pPrint OutParameter = text "out"
  pPrint InOutParameter = text "inout"

instance Pretty Statement where
  pPrint s = case s of
  -- declaration statement
    DeclarationStatement d -> pPrint d
  -- jump statement
    Continue -> text "continue" <> semi
    Break -> text "break" <> semi
    Return e -> text "return" <+> option e <> semi
    Discard -> text "discard" <> semi
  -- compound statement
    CompoundStatement c -> pPrint c
  -- expression statement
    ExpressionStatement e -> option e <> semi
  -- selection statement
    SelectionStatement e s1 s2 -> vcat [text "if" <+> parens (pPrint e), nest 2 $ pPrint s1, option s2]
  -- switch statement
    SwitchStatement e s1 -> vcat [text "switch" <+> parens (pPrint e), lbrace, nest 2 $ vcat $ map pPrint s1, rbrace]
    CaseLabel l -> pPrint l
  -- iteration statement
    While c s1 -> vcat [text "while" <+> parens (pPrint c), pPrint s1]
    DoWhile s1 e -> vcat [text "do", pPrint s1, text "while" <+> parens (pPrint e)]
    For (Left e1) c e2 s1 -> vcat [text "for", parens (option e1 <+> semi <+> option c <+> semi <+> option e2), pPrint s1]
    For (Right d) c e2 s1 -> vcat [text "for", parens (pPrint d <+> semi <+> option c <+> semi <+> option e2), pPrint s1]

instance Pretty Compound where
  pPrint (Compound s) = vcat [lbrace, nest 2 $ vcat $ map pPrint s, rbrace]

instance Pretty Condition where
  pPrint (Condition e) = pPrint e
  pPrint (InitializedCondition t i e) = pPrint t <+> pPrint i <+> pPrint e

instance Pretty CaseLabel where
  pPrint  (Case e) = text "case" <+> pPrint e <> colon
  pPrint Default = text "default:"