module Language.GLSL.Syntax where -- TODO: -- - add support for 'array of strings' ? -- - add support for macro preprocessing -- - add support for optional macro #include -- - applicative style (see -- - type checking -- - check for constant expression where expected -- - error reporting -- - pretty-printing -- - basic queries (inputs and outputs of the shader) -- - support GLSL 1.40? -- - proper testing (HUnit and QuickCheck) -- - use hpc with the tests -- - scoping -- - clean module import/export -- - order of Syntax data types and Pretty instances should be the same -- - build with no warning -- - use hlint -- - push to github -- - push to hackage -- - use parsec 3 -- - handle all possible newlines (\n, \r, \r\n, \n\r) -- - 80-columns clean -- - lot of restriction of Samplers use (section 4.1.7), -- well in fact, for plenty of things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Abstract syntax tree ---------------------------------------------------------------------- data TranslationUnit = TranslationUnit [ExternalDeclaration] -- at least one deriving (Show, Eq) data ExternalDeclaration = -- function declarations should be at top level (page 28) FunctionDeclaration FunctionPrototype | FunctionDefinition FunctionPrototype Compound | Declaration Declaration deriving (Show, Eq) -- TODO clean data Declaration = -- e.g. layout (origin_upper_left) in vec4 gl_FragCoord; -- struct name { ... }; -- struct name { ... } name; InitDeclaration InvariantOrType [InitDeclarator] | Precision PrecisionQualifier TypeSpecifierNoPrecision | Block TypeQualifier String [Field] (Maybe (String, Maybe (Maybe Expr))) -- constant expression -- e.g. layout (origin_upper_left) in; TODO check if it is only used for default layout. | TQ TypeQualifier deriving (Show, Eq) -- TODO regroup String (Maybe (Maybe Expr)) as Declarator and use it for -- StructDeclarator. data InitDeclarator = InitDecl String (Maybe (Maybe Expr)) (Maybe Expr) -- constant expression; assignment expression deriving (Show, Eq) data InvariantOrType = InvariantDeclarator | TypeDeclarator FullType deriving (Show, Eq) data FunctionPrototype = FuncProt FullType String [ParameterDeclaration] deriving (Show, Eq) data ParameterDeclaration = ParameterDeclaration (Maybe ParameterTypeQualifier) (Maybe ParameterQualifier) TypeSpecifier (Maybe (String, Maybe Expr)) -- constant expression deriving (Show, Eq) data FullType = FullType (Maybe TypeQualifier) TypeSpecifier deriving (Show, Eq) -- sto -- lay [sto] -- int [sto] -- inv [sto] -- inv int sto data TypeQualifier = TypeQualSto StorageQualifier | TypeQualLay LayoutQualifier (Maybe StorageQualifier) | TypeQualInt InterpolationQualifier (Maybe StorageQualifier) | TypeQualInv InvariantQualifier (Maybe StorageQualifier) | TypeQualInv3 InvariantQualifier InterpolationQualifier StorageQualifier deriving (Show, Eq) data TypeSpecifier = TypeSpec (Maybe PrecisionQualifier) TypeSpecifierNoPrecision deriving (Show, Eq) data InvariantQualifier = Invariant deriving (Show, Eq) data InterpolationQualifier = Smooth | Flat | NoPerspective deriving (Show, Eq) data LayoutQualifier = Layout [LayoutQualifierId] deriving (Show, Eq) data LayoutQualifierId = LayoutQualId String (Maybe Expr) -- TODO Expr should be IntConstant deriving (Show, Eq) data Statement = -- declaration statement DeclarationStatement Declaration -- jump statement | Continue | Break | Return (Maybe Expr) | Discard -- fragment shader only -- compound statement | CompoundStatement Compound -- expression statement | ExpressionStatement (Maybe Expr) -- selection statement | SelectionStatement Expr Statement (Maybe Statement) -- switch statement | SwitchStatement Expr [Statement] | CaseLabel CaseLabel -- iteration statement | While Condition Statement -- no new scope | DoWhile Statement Expr | For (Either (Maybe Expr) Declaration) (Maybe Condition) (Maybe Expr) Statement -- 1st stmt: expression or declaration, 2nd: no new scope deriving (Show, Eq) data Compound = Compound [Statement] deriving (Show, Eq) data Condition = Condition Expr | InitializedCondition FullType String Expr -- assignment expression deriving (Show, Eq) data CaseLabel = Case Expr | Default deriving (Show, Eq) data StorageQualifier = Const | Attribute -- vertex only | Varying | CentroidVarying | In | Out | CentroidIn | CentroidOut | Uniform deriving (Show, Eq) data TypeSpecifierNoPrecision = TypeSpecNoPrecision TypeSpecifierNonArray (Maybe (Maybe Expr)) -- constant expression deriving (Show, Eq) data TypeSpecifierNonArray = Void | Float | Int | UInt | Bool | Vec2 | Vec3 | Vec4 | BVec2 | BVec3 | BVec4 | IVec2 | IVec3 | IVec4 | UVec2 | UVec3 | UVec4 | Mat2 | Mat3 | Mat4 | Mat2x2 | Mat2x3 | Mat2x4 | Mat3x2 | Mat3x3 | Mat3x4 | Mat4x2 | Mat4x3 | Mat4x4 | Sampler1D | Sampler2D | Sampler3D | SamplerCube | Sampler1DShadow | Sampler2DShadow | SamplerCubeShadow | Sampler1DArray | Sampler2DArray | Sampler1DArrayShadow | Sampler2DArrayShadow | ISampler1D | ISampler2D | ISampler3D | ISamplerCube | ISampler1DArray | ISampler2DArray | USampler1D | USampler2D | USampler3D | USamplerCube | USampler1DArray | USampler2DArray | Sampler2DRect | Sampler2DRectShadow | ISampler2DRect | USampler2DRect | SamplerBuffer | ISamplerBuffer | USamplerBuffer | Sampler2DMS | ISampler2DMS | USampler2DMS | Sampler2DMSArray | ISampler2DMSArray | USampler2DMSArray | StructSpecifier (Maybe String) [Field] | TypeName String -- TODO user-defined type, should verify if it is declared deriving (Show, Eq) data PrecisionQualifier = HighP | MediumP | LowP deriving (Show, Eq) -- TODO The type qualifier can be present only when there is one or more declarators. -- There other restrictions, see 4.1.8. data Field = Field (Maybe TypeQualifier) TypeSpecifier [StructDeclarator] deriving (Show, Eq) data StructDeclarator = StructDeclarator String (Maybe (Maybe Expr)) -- constant expression deriving (Show, Eq) data Expr = -- primaryExpression Variable String | IntConstant IntConstantKind Integer | FloatConstant Float | BoolConstant Bool -- postfixExpression | Bracket Expr Expr | FieldSelection Expr String | MethodCall Expr FunctionIdentifier Parameters | FunctionCall FunctionIdentifier Parameters | PostInc Expr | PostDec Expr | PreInc Expr | PreDec Expr -- unary expression | UnaryPlus Expr | UnaryNegate Expr | UnaryNot Expr | UnaryOneComplement Expr -- binary expression | Mul Expr Expr | Div Expr Expr | Mod Expr Expr | Add Expr Expr | Sub Expr Expr | LeftShift Expr Expr | RightShift Expr Expr | Lt Expr Expr | Gt Expr Expr | Lte Expr Expr | Gte Expr Expr | Equ Expr Expr | Neq Expr Expr | BitAnd Expr Expr | BitXor Expr Expr | BitOr Expr Expr | And Expr Expr | Or Expr Expr | Selection Expr Expr Expr -- ternary _ ? _ : _ operator -- assignment, the left Expr should be unary expression | Equal Expr Expr | MulAssign Expr Expr | DivAssign Expr Expr | ModAssign Expr Expr | AddAssign Expr Expr | SubAssign Expr Expr | LeftAssign Expr Expr | RightAssign Expr Expr | AndAssign Expr Expr | XorAssign Expr Expr | OrAssign Expr Expr -- sequence | Sequence Expr Expr deriving (Show, Eq) data IntConstantKind = Hexadecimal | Octal | Decimal deriving (Show, Eq) data Parameters = ParamVoid | Params [Expr] deriving (Show, Eq) data ParameterQualifier = InParameter | OutParameter | InOutParameter deriving (Show, Eq) data ParameterTypeQualifier = ConstParameter deriving (Show, Eq) data FunctionIdentifier = -- TODO could be refine (I think a precision qualifier is not permitted, -- nor a complete struct definition) FuncIdTypeSpec TypeSpecifier | FuncId String deriving (Show, Eq)