language-ninja-0.2.0: A library for dealing with the Ninja build language.

CopyrightCopyright 2017 Awake Security
Safe HaskellNone







This library contains most of the utilities you would ever want for working with the Ninja build language.

In general, when using language-ninja, you'll want the following imports:

import qualified Language.Ninja.AST        as AST
import qualified Language.Ninja.IR         as IR
import qualified Language.Ninja.Errors     as Errors
import qualified Language.Ninja.Misc       as Misc
import qualified Language.Ninja.Mock       as Mock
import qualified Language.Ninja.Lexer      as Lexer
import qualified Language.Ninja.Parser     as Parser
import qualified Language.Ninja.Pretty     as Pretty
import qualified Language.Ninja.Compile    as Compile

For this tutorial, we will also use some other imports:

import           Control.Lens              (Iso', Lens', Prism')
import qualified Control.Lens              as Lens

import           Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError)

import           Data.Either               (either)

import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                 as Text

import           Data.HashSet              (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet              as HS

import           Data.HashMap.Strict       (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict       as HM

import           Data.Versions             (Version)


To lex a Ninja file, we use the Language.Ninja.Lexer module. This results in a list of _annotated_ lexemes:

lexFileIO "./" :: IO (Lexer.Lexeme Lexer.Ann)

For more specialized use cases, consult the module documentation.


To parse a Ninja file, we use the Language.Ninja.Parse module. In the simplest case, this amounts to parsing a file:

ast <- (Parser.parseFileIO "./") :: IO AST.Ninja

For more specialized use cases, consult the module documentation.

Abstract Syntax Tree

Now that we have parsed the Ninja file, we can take a look at the AST:

let look lens = Lens.view lens ast
look AST.ninjaRules     :: HashMap Text AST.Rule
look AST.ninjaSingles   :: HashMap Text AST.Build
look AST.ninjaMultiples :: HashMap (HashSet Text) AST.Build
look AST.ninjaPhonys    :: HashMap Text (HashSet Text)
look AST.ninjaDefaults  :: HashSet Text
look AST.ninjaPools     :: HashMap Text Int
look AST.ninjaSpecials  :: HashMap Text Text
This field corresponds to the rule declarations in the parsed Ninja file. Specifically, it is a map from rule names (as Text) to AST.Rules.
This field contains the set of all non-phony build declarations with exactly one output. Specifically, it is a map from the build output name to an AST.Build.
This field contains the set of all non-phony build declarations with two or more outputs. Specifically, it is a map from the set of outputs to the corresponding AST.Build.
This field contains the set of all phony build declarations, as a map from the output name to the set of dependencies. If a phony build has multiple outputs, it will naturally be expanded to multiple entries in this hash map.
This field contains the set of all targets referenced in default declarations.
This field contains the set of all pools defined in the Ninja file, represented as a mapping from the pool name to the pool depth.
This field contains the set of all "special" top-level variables defined in the Ninja file, as a mapping from the variable name to the variable value. As it stands, this map will only ever have at most two keys: ninja_required_version and builddir. For more on these variables, look at the manual here.


A value of type AST.Rule is essentially the set of variables that are bound in a rule body, represented as a map from the variable (Text) to its unevaluated definition (AST.Expr). The underlying HashMap can be extracted with AST.ruleBind.


A value of type AST.Build contains four pieces of information:

AST.buildRule :: Lens' AST.Build Text
The name of the rule associated with this build declaration.
AST.buildDeps :: Lens' AST.Build AST.Deps
The set of dependencies for this build declaration.
AST.buildEnv :: Lens' AST.Build (AST.Env Text Text)
The set of file-level variables in scope when the build declaration was parsed.
AST.buildBind :: Lens' AST.Build (HashMap Text Text)
The set of bindings (indented key = value pairs) for this build declaration.


A value of type AST.Deps contains three pieces of information:

AST.depsNormal :: Lens' AST.Deps (HashSet Text)
The set of "normal" (explicit) dependencies for a build declaration.
AST.depsImplicit :: Lens' AST.Deps (HashSet Text)
The set of "implicit" dependencies for a build declaration.
AST.depsOrderOnly :: Lens' AST.Deps (HashSet Text)
The set of "order-only" dependencies for a build declaration.

This section of the Ninja manual describes in detail the differences between explicit, implicit, and order-only dependencies.


To compile a Ninja AST (AST.Ninja) to the Ninja intermediate representation, we use compile from the Language.Ninja.Compile module. In the simplest case, this looks like:

let handleError :: Either Errors.CompileError a -> IO a
    handleError = either (fail . show) pure
ir <- handleError (Compile.compile ast)

Since Compile.compile returns in any monad with an instance of MonadError Errors.CompileError, it is quite flexible.

For simplicity in this case, however, we use Either Errors.CompileError AST.Ninja and convert to IO by calling fail when it fails.

Intermediate Representation

The language-ninja intermediate representation, as defined in the Language.Ninja.IR module, is a reduced form of the Ninja AST that handles as much of the static semantics of Ninja as possible.

The Ninja IR does not have any notion of variables/scoping, does not contain unrestricted hash maps or environments, and has the rule declarations inlined into the build nodes, thus eliminating the "polymorphism" associated with the $in and $out Ninja variables.

Since we have now compiled the Ninja AST, we can take a look at the IR:

let look lens = Lens.view lens ir
look IR.ninjaMeta     :: IR.Meta
look IR.ninjaBuilds   :: HashSet IR.Build
look IR.ninjaPhonys   :: HashMap IR.Target (HashSet IR.Target)
look IR.ninjaDefaults :: HashSet IR.Target
look IR.ninjaPools    :: HashSet IR.Pool

These fields correspond to more well-typed versions of their counterparts in the AST. The main differences to note are:

  1. AST.ninjaSpecials is used to compute IR.ninjaMeta.
  2. Text has mostly been replaced with IR.Target where relevant.
  3. AST.ninjaSingles and AST.ninjaMultiples have been merged into a single field: IR.ninjaBuilds.
  4. AST.ninjaRules is gone; the rules are now inlined into the builds that use them.


A value of type IR.Meta contains two pieces of information:

IR.metaReqVersion :: Lens' IR.Meta (Maybe Version)
The parsed Ninja version required to build this file. This corresponds to the ninja_required_version top-level variable.
IR.metaBuildDir :: Lens' IR.Meta (Maybe Misc.Path)
This corresponds to the builddir top-level variable.


A value of type IR.Build contains three pieces of information:

IR.buildRule :: Lens' IR.Build IR.Rule
The rule associated with this build declaration.
IR.buildOuts :: Lens' IR.Build (HashSet IR.Output)
The set of outputs for this build declaration.
IR.buildDeps :: Lens' IR.Build (HashSet IR.Dependency)
The set of dependencies for this build declaration.


A value of type IR.Rule contains a lot of information. For brevity, we will simply list the lens names and types; refer to the module documentation (Language.Ninja.IR.Rule) for more information.

IR.ruleName         :: Lens' IR.Rule Text
IR.ruleCommand      :: Lens' IR.Rule Misc.Command
IR.ruleDescription  :: Lens' IR.Rule (Maybe Text)
IR.rulePool         :: Lens' IR.Rule IR.PoolName
IR.ruleDepfile      :: Lens' IR.Rule (Maybe Misc.Path)
IR.ruleSpecialDeps  :: Lens' IR.Rule (Maybe IR.SpecialDeps)
IR.ruleGenerator    :: Lens' IR.Rule Bool
IR.ruleRestat       :: Lens' IR.Rule Bool
IR.ruleResponseFile :: Lens' IR.Rule (Maybe IR.ResponseFile)


A value of type IR.Pool has a name (IR.poolName) and a depth (IR.poolDepth). This type is correct-by-construction; it should not be possible to construct a Pool that does not correspond to a valid pool definition or reference.


Currently there is a rudimentary pretty-printer for the lexemes and the AST in the Language.Ninja.Pretty module. It simply returns Text such that if

let pretty = pure . Pretty.prettyNinja
let parse  = Parser.parseTextIO

then pretty >=> parse >=> pretty >=> parse should be the same as pure, modulo read-only side effects and annotations.

There are plans to write a pretty-printer for the IR. This would be very useful for generating Ninja.


In addition to the library described above, this package also ships with three executables: ninja-lex, ninja-parse, and ninja-compile. These expose the corresponding module by using the Aeson instances to render the lexed/parsed/compiled source.


The command-line interface for ninja-lex looks like this:

$ ninja-lex --help
ninja-lex version 0.2.0

Usage: ninja-lex (process | pretty)

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
$ ninja-lex process --help
Usage: ninja-lex process [--input FILEPATH] [--output FILEPATH]

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --input FILEPATH         Read the given FILEPATH as a Ninja file.
  --output FILEPATH        Output to the given FILEPATH instead of /dev/stdout.
  --machine-readable       Should the output be fully machine-readable?
$ ninja-lex pretty --help
Usage: ninja-lex pretty [--input FILEPATH] [--output FILEPATH] [--color]

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --input FILEPATH         Read the given FILEPATH as a Ninja file.
  --output FILEPATH        Output to the given FILEPATH instead of /dev/stdout.
  --color                  Should the output use ANSI color?


The command-line interface for ninja-parse looks like this:

$ ninja-parse --help
ninja-parse version 0.2.0

Usage: ninja-parse (process | pretty)

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
$ ninja-parse process --help
Usage: ninja-parse process [--input FILEPATH] [--output FILEPATH]

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --input FILEPATH         Read the given FILEPATH as a Ninja file.
  --output FILEPATH        Output to the given FILEPATH instead of /dev/stdout.
  --machine-readable       Should the output be fully machine-readable?
$ ninja-parse pretty --help
Usage: ninja-parse pretty [--input FILEPATH] [--output FILEPATH] [--color]

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --input FILEPATH         Read the given FILEPATH as a Ninja file.
  --output FILEPATH        Output to the given FILEPATH instead of /dev/stdout.
  --color                  Should the output use ANSI color?


The command-line interface for ninja-compile looks like this:

$ ninja-compile --help
ninja-compile version 0.2.0

Usage: ninja-compile [--input FILEPATH] [--output FILEPATH] [--machine-readable]

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --input FILEPATH         Read the given FILEPATH as a Ninja file.
  --output FILEPATH        Output to the given FILEPATH instead of /dev/stdout.
  --machine-readable       Should the output be fully machine-readable?


I hope these tools will be useful to you for whatever task you want to do with the Ninja language. Happy hacking!