# language-pig # Parser and pretty printer for the Apache Pig scripting language (http://pig.apache.org/). The current version is implemented using Parsec parser combinators. # Install # Cabal project, now on hackage, so the usual ``` cabal install language-pig ``` Or from source ``` git clone ... cd language-pig cabal install ``` # Use # Parse an expression: ``` parseString :: [Char] -> Root ``` Returns an AST (type Root is the root node). Parse a file: ``` parseFile :: FilePath -> IO PigFile ``` PigFile contains the Root (of AST) and the file name. Pretty print the produced tree: ``` putStrLn $ prettyPrint tree ``` So to round it up, if you want to parse and pretty print the parsed AST of a Pig file (using Control.Applicative (<$>)) ``` prettyPrint <$> parseFile "example.pig" >>= putStrLn ```