{-| These are the function and data types that are used to define the Puppet
native types.
module Puppet.NativeTypes.Helpers where

import Puppet.Interpreter.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Control.Monad

type PuppetTypeName = String
-- |This is a function type than can be bound. It is the type of all subsequent
-- validators.
type PuppetTypeValidate = RResource -> Either String RResource
data PuppetTypeMethods = PuppetTypeMethods {
    puppetvalidate :: PuppetTypeValidate,
    puppetfields   :: Set.Set String

faketype :: PuppetTypeName -> (PuppetTypeName, PuppetTypeMethods)
faketype tname = (tname, PuppetTypeMethods Right Set.empty)

defaulttype :: PuppetTypeName -> (PuppetTypeName, PuppetTypeMethods)
defaulttype tname = (tname, PuppetTypeMethods (defaultValidate Set.empty) Set.empty)

{-| This helper will validate resources given a list of fields. It will run
'checkParameterList' and then 'addDefaults'. -}
defaultValidate :: Set.Set String -> PuppetTypeValidate
defaultValidate validparameters = checkParameterList validparameters >=> addDefaults

-- | This validator checks that no unknown parameters have been set (except metaparameters)
checkParameterList :: Set.Set String -> PuppetTypeValidate
checkParameterList validparameters res | Set.null validparameters = Right res
                                       | otherwise = if Set.null setdiff
                                            then Right res
                                            else Left $ "Unknown parameters " ++ show (Set.toList setdiff)
        keyset = Map.keysSet (rrparams res)
        setdiff = Set.difference keyset (Set.union metaparameters validparameters)

-- | This validator always accept the resources, but add the default parameters
-- (such as title and name).
addDefaults :: PuppetTypeValidate
addDefaults res = Right (res { rrparams = newparams } )
        newparams = Map.filter (/= ResolvedUndefined) $ Map.union (rrparams res) defaults
        defaults  = Map.fromList [("name", nm),("title", nm)]
        nm = ResolvedString $ rrname res

-- | Helper function that runs a validor on a ResolvedArray
runarray :: String -> (String -> ResolvedValue -> PuppetTypeValidate) -> PuppetTypeValidate
runarray param func res = case Map.lookup param (rrparams res) of
    Just (ResolvedArray x) -> foldM (\res' cu -> func param cu res') res x
    Just x                 -> Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " should be an array, not " ++ show x
    Nothing                -> Right res

{-| This checks that a given parameter is a string. If it is a 'ResolvedInt' or
'ResolvedBool' it will convert them to strings.
string :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
string param res = case Map.lookup param (rrparams res) of
    Just x  -> string' param x res
    Nothing -> Right res

strings :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
strings param = runarray param string'

string' :: String -> ResolvedValue -> PuppetTypeValidate
string' param re res = case re of
    ResolvedString _   -> Right res
    ResolvedInt n      -> Right (insertparam res param (ResolvedString $ show n))
    ResolvedBool True  -> Right (insertparam res param (ResolvedString "true"))
    ResolvedBool False -> Right (insertparam res param (ResolvedString "false"))
    x                  -> Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " should be a string, and not " ++ show x

-- | Makes sure that the parameter, if defined, has a value among this list.
values :: [String] -> String -> PuppetTypeValidate
values valuelist param res = case (Map.lookup param (rrparams res)) of
    Just (ResolvedString x) -> if elem x valuelist
        then Right res
        else Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " value should be one of " ++ show valuelist ++ " and not " ++ x
    Just x  -> Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " value should be one of " ++ show valuelist ++ " and not " ++ show x
    Nothing -> Right res

-- | This fills the default values of unset parameters.
defaultvalue :: String -> String -> PuppetTypeValidate
defaultvalue value param res = case (Map.lookup param (rrparams res)) of
    Just _  -> Right res
    Nothing -> Right $ insertparam res param (ResolvedString value)

insertparam :: RResource -> String -> ResolvedValue -> RResource
insertparam res param value = res { rrparams = Map.insert param value (rrparams res) }

-- | Checks that a given parameter, if set, is a 'ResolvedInt'. If it is a
-- 'ResolvedString' it will attempt to parse it.
integer :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
integer prm res = string prm res >>= integer' prm
        integer' pr rs = case (Map.lookup pr (rrparams rs)) of
            Just x  -> integer'' prm x res
            Nothing -> Right rs

integers :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
integers param = runarray param integer''

integer'' :: String -> ResolvedValue -> PuppetTypeValidate
integer'' param val res = case val of
    ResolvedString x -> if all isDigit x
        then Right $ insertparam res param (ResolvedInt $ read x)
        else Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " should be a number"
    ResolvedInt _ -> Right res
    _ -> Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " must be an integer"

-- | Copies the "name" value into this if this is not set.
nameval :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
nameval prm res = do
    nres <- string prm res
    case Map.lookup "name" (rrparams res) of
        Just (ResolvedString nm) -> defaultvalue nm prm nres
        Just x                   -> Left $ "Parameter name should be a string, and not " ++ show x
        Nothing                  -> Left "Parameter name not set."

-- | Checks that a given parameter is set.
mandatory :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
mandatory param res = case Map.lookup param (rrparams res) of
    Just _  -> Right res
    Nothing -> Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " should be set."

-- | Helper that takes a list of stuff and will generate a validator.
parameterFunctions :: [(String, [String -> PuppetTypeValidate])] -> PuppetTypeValidate
parameterFunctions argrules rs = foldM parameterFunctions' rs argrules
    parameterFunctions' :: RResource -> (String, [String -> PuppetTypeValidate]) -> Either String RResource
    parameterFunctions' r (param, validationfunctions) = foldM (parameterFunctions'' param) r validationfunctions
    parameterFunctions'' :: String -> RResource -> (String -> PuppetTypeValidate) -> Either String RResource
    parameterFunctions'' param r validationfunction = validationfunction param r

-- checks that a parameter is fully qualified
fullyQualified :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
fullyQualified param res = case Map.lookup param (rrparams res) of
    Just path -> fullyQualified' param path res
    Nothing -> Right res

fullyQualifieds :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
fullyQualifieds param = runarray param fullyQualified'

fullyQualified' :: String -> ResolvedValue -> PuppetTypeValidate
fullyQualified' param path res = case path of
    ResolvedString ("")    -> Left $ "Empty path for parameter " ++ param
    ResolvedString ('/':_) -> Right res
    ResolvedString p       -> Left $ "Path must be absolute, not " ++ p ++ " for parameter " ++ param
    x                      -> Left $ "SHOULD NOT HAPPEN: path is not a resolved string, but " ++ show x ++ " for parameter " ++ show x

rarray :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
rarray param res = case Map.lookup param (rrparams res) of
    Just (ResolvedArray _) -> Right res
    Just x                 -> Right $ insertparam res param (ResolvedArray [x])
    Nothing                -> Right res

ipaddr :: String -> PuppetTypeValidate
ipaddr param res = case Map.lookup param (rrparams res) of
    Nothing                  -> Right res
    Just (ResolvedString ip) ->
        if checkipv4 ip 0
            then Right res
            else Left $ "Invalid IP address for parameter " ++ param
    Just x -> Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " should be an IP address string, not " ++ show x

checkipv4 :: String -> Int -> Bool
checkipv4 _  4 = False -- means that there are more than 4 groups
checkipv4 "" _ = False -- should never get an empty string
checkipv4 ip v =
    let (cur, nxt) = break (=='.') ip
        nextfunc = if null nxt
            then v == 3
            else checkipv4 (tail nxt) (v+1)
        goodcur = not (null cur) && all isDigit cur && (let rcur = read cur :: Int in (rcur >= 0) && (rcur <= 255))
    in goodcur && nextfunc

inrange :: Integer -> Integer -> String -> PuppetTypeValidate
inrange mi ma param res = case Map.lookup param (rrparams res) of
    Nothing                 -> Right res
    Just (ResolvedInt v)    -> if (v>=mi) && (v<=ma)
                                then Right res
                                else Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ "'s value should be between " ++ show mi ++ " and " ++ show ma
    Just x                  -> Left $ "Parameter " ++ param ++ " should be an integer, and not " ++ show x