{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, FlexibleInstances, ExistentialQuantification,
             StandaloneDeriving, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Language.SQL.SQLite.Types (
                                  -- * Building blocks
                                  -- * Abstract syntax tree nodes
                                  -- | There are a great many types of nodes in the
                                  --   abstract syntax tree.  They are loosely divided
                                  --   into
                                  --   statements (commands to possibly be executed),
                                  --   expressions (algebraic expressions to possibly
                                  --   be evaluated),
                                  --   clauses (major portions of a statement or
                                  --   expression which have very complicated
                                  --   grammatical structure),
                                  --   subclauses (portions of clauses which still have
                                  --   some grammatical structure),
                                  --   qualifiers (things which have minimal grammatical
                                  --   structure of their own, but can be present and
                                  --   cause some change in semantics if they are),
                                  --   keywords (things which have minimal grammatical
                                  --   structure of their own, and no semantic meaning
                                  --   either, but can be present),
                                  --   heads (within a statement, groups of multiple
                                  --   clauses which include the verb of the
                                  --   statement),
                                  --   and
                                  --   bodies (within a statement, groups of multiple
                                  --   clauses which do not include the verb of the
                                  --   statement).
                                  --   The guiding principle behind the selection of
                                  --   which things to give their own node-types to is
                                  --   that it should be possible to parse SQL and
                                  --   print it back out identically except for
                                  --   whitespace.  This means for example that @!=@
                                  --   and @<>@ are distinct in the AST, as are
                                  --   @NOT NULL@ and @NOTNULL@, and is the rationale
                                  --   behind the inclusion of the "keywords" category
                                  --   which has no semantic meaning.  A likely use of
                                  --   this library is to implement a system which allows
                                  --   the same queries to be edited both as plaintext
                                  --   SQL and as some graphical form, and if a user
                                  --   edits as SQL, he expects these things to be
                                  --   preserved, as they can be important to
                                  --   readability.
                                  --   When a qualifier is omitted, it's prefixed with
                                  --   @No@ as in 'NoIfNotExists'.  When a keyword is
                                  --   omitted, it's prefixed with @Elided@ as in
                                  --   'ElidedTransaction'.  This is to remind you that
                                  --   an omitted qualifier has some sensible default
                                  --   semantic, whereas an omitted keyword has the
                                  --   same semantics as if it were present.
                                  --   There is a great deal of sharing of structure,
                                  --   so I have made no attempt in this documentation to
                                  --   organize the exports by category, except to give
                                  --   expressions and statements their own sections;
                                  --   instead, please enjoy this alphabetical index!
                                  -- * Abstract syntax tree nodes - Expressions
                                  -- * Abstract syntax tree nodes - Statements

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Char
import Data.Int
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Numeric
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Typeable

-- | A class implemented by every node of the AST; converts the node and its
--   children into a list of tokens which correspond to the SQL representation
--   of the node.
class ShowTokens a where
    showTokens :: a -> [Token]

-- | A class with hidden implementation so as to enforce the constraint that
--   it is a nonempty homogeneous list of items.
data OneOrMore a = MkOneOrMore [a]
                   deriving (Eq)

instance (Show a) => Show (OneOrMore a) where
    show (MkOneOrMore list) = "1" ++ show list

-- | The constructor for 'OneOrMore' @a@.  Returns 'Nothing' if the list it's given
--   is empty, or 'Just' 'OneOrMore' @a@ if it is not.
mkOneOrMore :: [a] -> Maybe (OneOrMore a)
mkOneOrMore [] = Nothing
mkOneOrMore list = Just $ MkOneOrMore list

mapOneOrMore :: (a -> b) -> (OneOrMore a) -> [b]
mapOneOrMore function (MkOneOrMore list) = map function list

-- | The accessor for 'OneOrMore' @a@.  Returns @[a]@.
fromOneOrMore :: (OneOrMore a) -> [a]
fromOneOrMore (MkOneOrMore list) = list

-- | A class with hidden implementation so as to enforce the constraint that
--   it is a nonnegative double.
data NonnegativeDouble = MkNonnegativeDouble Double
                         deriving (Eq)

instance Show NonnegativeDouble where
    show (MkNonnegativeDouble double) = "+" ++ show double

-- | The constructor for 'NonnegativeDouble'.  Returns 'Nothing' if the double it's
--   given is negative, or 'Just' 'NonnegativeDouble' if it is not.
mkNonnegativeDouble :: Double -> Maybe NonnegativeDouble
mkNonnegativeDouble double =
    if double < 0.0
       then Nothing
       else Just $ MkNonnegativeDouble double

-- | The accessor for 'NonnegativeDouble'.  Returns a double.
fromNonnegativeDouble :: NonnegativeDouble -> Double
fromNonnegativeDouble (MkNonnegativeDouble double) = double

-- | The AST node corresponding to a column or value type.  Used by 'MaybeType' which
--   is used by 'ColumnDefinition', and by 'ExpressionCast'.
data Type = Type UnqualifiedIdentifier
            deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens Type where
    showTokens (Type name maybeTypeSize)
        = showTokens name
          ++ showTokens maybeTypeSize

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional column type.  Used by 'ColumnDefinition'.
data MaybeType = NoType
               | JustType Type
                 deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeType where
    showTokens NoType = []
    showTokens (JustType type') = showTokens type'

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional size annotation on a column or value
--   type.  Used by 'Type'.
data MaybeTypeSize = NoTypeSize
                   | TypeMaximumSize TypeSizeField
                   | TypeSize TypeSizeField TypeSizeField
                     deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeTypeSize where
    showTokens NoTypeSize = []
    showTokens (TypeMaximumSize maximumSize)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens maximumSize
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (TypeSize minimumSize maximumSize)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens minimumSize
          ++ [PunctuationComma]
          ++ showTokens maximumSize
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]

-- | The AST node corresponding to one of zero to two fields annotating a column or
--   value type with size limits.  Used by 'MaybeTypeSize'.
data TypeSizeField = DoubleSize MaybeSign NonnegativeDouble
                   | IntegerSize MaybeSign Word64
                     deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens TypeSizeField where
    showTokens (DoubleSize maybeSign nonnegativeDouble)
        = showTokens maybeSign
          ++ [LiteralFloat nonnegativeDouble]
    showTokens (IntegerSize maybeSign word)
        = showTokens maybeSign
          ++ [LiteralInteger word]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a textual comparison operator in an expression.
--   Used by 'ExpressionLike'.
data LikeType = Like
              | NotLike
              | Glob
              | NotGlob
              | Regexp
              | NotRegexp
              | Match
              | NotMatch
                deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens LikeType where
    showTokens Like = [KeywordLike]
    showTokens NotLike = [KeywordNot, KeywordLike]
    showTokens Glob = [KeywordGlob]
    showTokens NotGlob = [KeywordNot, KeywordGlob]
    showTokens Regexp = [KeywordRegexp]
    showTokens NotRegexp = [KeywordNot, KeywordRegexp]
    showTokens Match = [KeywordMatch]
    showTokens NotMatch = [KeywordNot, KeywordMatch]

-- | The AST node corresponding to the @ESCAPE@ subclause of a textual comparison
--   expression.  Used by 'ExpressionLike'.
data Escape = NoEscape | Escape Expression
              deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens Escape where
    showTokens NoEscape = []
    showTokens (Escape expression)
        = [KeywordEscape]
          ++ showTokens expression

-- | The AST node corresponding to the optional first subexpression in a @CASE@
--   expression.  Used by 'ExpressionCase'.
data MaybeSwitchExpression = NoSwitch | Switch Expression
                             deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeSwitchExpression where
    showTokens NoSwitch = []
    showTokens (Switch expression) = showTokens expression

-- | The AST node corresponding to each @WHEN@-@THEN@ pair of subexpressions in a
--   @CASE@ expression.  Used by 'ExpressionCase'.
data CasePair = WhenThen Expression Expression
                deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens CasePair where
    showTokens (WhenThen condition result)
        = [KeywordWhen]
          ++ showTokens condition
          ++ [KeywordThen]
          ++ showTokens result

-- | The AST node corresponding to the optional @ELSE@ subclause in a @CASE@ expression.
--   Used by 'ExpressionCase'.
data Else = NoElse
          | Else Expression
            deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens Else where
    showTokens NoElse = []
    showTokens (Else expression) = [KeywordElse] ++ showTokens expression

-- | The AST node corresponding to an expression.  Used by 'DefaultValue',
--   'ColumnConstraint', 'TableConstraint', 'OrderingTerm', 'InsertBody',
--   'MaybeHaving', 'ResultColumn', 'JoinConstraint', 'WhereClause', 'WhenClause',
--   'Update', and 'UpdateLimited'.  Also useful at top level.
data Expression = ExpressionLiteralInteger Word64
                -- ^ Represents a literal integer expression.
                | ExpressionLiteralFloat NonnegativeDouble
                -- ^ Represents a literal floating-point expression.
                | ExpressionLiteralString String
                -- ^ Represents a literal string expression.
                | ExpressionLiteralBlob BS.ByteString
                -- ^ Represents a literal blob (binary large object) expression.
                | ExpressionLiteralNull
                -- ^ Represents a literal @NULL@ expression.
                | ExpressionLiteralCurrentTime
                -- ^ Represents a literal @current_time@ expression.
                | ExpressionLiteralCurrentDate
                -- ^ Represents a literal @current_date@ expression.
                | ExpressionLiteralCurrentTimestamp
                -- ^ Represents a literal @current_timestamp@ expression.
                | ExpressionVariable
                -- ^ Represents a positional-variable expression, written in SQL as @?@.
                | ExpressionVariableN Word64
                -- ^ Represents a numbered positional variable expression, written in
                --   SQL as @?nnn@.
                | ExpressionVariableNamed String
                -- ^ Represents a named positional variable expression, written in
                --   SQL as @:aaaa@.
                | ExpressionIdentifier DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
                -- ^ Represents a column-name expression, optionally qualified by a
                --   table name and further by a database name.
                | ExpressionUnaryNegative Expression
                -- ^ Represents a unary negation expression.
                | ExpressionUnaryPositive Expression
                -- ^ Represents a unary positive-sign expression.  Yes, this is an nop.
                | ExpressionUnaryBitwiseNot Expression
                -- ^ Represents a unary bitwise negation expression.
                | ExpressionUnaryLogicalNot Expression
                -- ^ Represents a unary logical negation expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryConcatenate Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary string-concatenation expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryMultiply Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary multiplication expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryDivide Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary division expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryModulus Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary modulus expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryAdd Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary addition expression.
                | ExpressionBinarySubtract Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary subtraction expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryLeftShift Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary left-shift expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryRightShift Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary right-shift expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryBitwiseAnd Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary bitwise-and expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryBitwiseOr Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary bitwise-or expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryLess Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary less-than comparison expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryLessEquals Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary less-than-or-equal-to comparison expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryGreater Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary greater-than comparison expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryGreaterEquals Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary greater-than-or-equal-to comparison expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryEquals Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary equal-to comparison expression, written in SQL
                --   as @=@.
                | ExpressionBinaryEqualsEquals Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary equal-to comparison expression, written in SQL
                --   as @==@.
                | ExpressionBinaryNotEquals Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary not-equal-to comparison expression, written in
                --   SQL as @!=@.
                | ExpressionBinaryLessGreater Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary not-equal-to comparison expression, written in
                --   SQL as @<>@.
                | ExpressionBinaryLogicalAnd Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary logical-and expression.
                | ExpressionBinaryLogicalOr Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a binary logical-or expression.
                | ExpressionFunctionCall UnqualifiedIdentifier [Expression]
                -- ^ Represents a call to a built-in function.
                | ExpressionFunctionCallDistinct UnqualifiedIdentifier
                                                 (OneOrMore Expression)
                -- ^ Represents a call to a built-in function, with the @DISTINCT@
                --   qualifier.
                | ExpressionFunctionCallStar UnqualifiedIdentifier
                -- ^ Represents a call to a built-in function, with @*@ as 
                --   parameter.
                | ExpressionCast Expression Type
                -- ^ Represents a type-cast expression.
                | ExpressionCollate Expression UnqualifiedIdentifier
                -- ^ Represents a @COLLATE@ expression.
                | ExpressionLike Expression LikeType Expression Escape
                -- ^ Represents a textual comparison expression.
                | ExpressionIsnull Expression
                -- ^ Represents an @ISNULL@ expression.  Not to be confused with an
                --   @IS@ expression with a literal @NULL@ as its right side; the
                --   meaning is the same but the parsing is different.
                | ExpressionNotnull Expression
                -- ^ Represents a @NOTNULL@ expression.  Not to be confused with a
                --   @NOT NULL@ expression; the meaning is the same but the parsing is
                --   different.
                | ExpressionNotNull Expression
                -- ^ Represents a @NOT NULL@ expression.  Not to be confused with a
                --   @NOTNULL@ expression; the meaning is the same but the parsing is
                --   different.
                | ExpressionIs Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents an @IS@ expression.
                | ExpressionIsNot Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents an @IS NOT@ expression.
                | ExpressionBetween Expression Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a @BETWEEN@ expression.
                | ExpressionNotBetween Expression Expression Expression
                -- ^ Represents a @NOT BETWEEN@ expression.
                | ExpressionInSelect Expression (Select)
                -- ^ Represents an @IN@ expression with the right-hand side being a
                --   @SELECT@ statement.
                | ExpressionNotInSelect Expression (Select)
                -- ^ Represents a @NOT IN@ expression with the right-hand side being a
                --   @SELECT@ statement.
                | ExpressionInList Expression [Expression]
                -- ^ Represents an @IN@ expression with the right-hand side being a
                --   list of subexpressions.
                | ExpressionNotInList Expression [Expression]
                -- ^ Represents a @NOT IN@ expression with the right-hand side being a
                --   list of subexpressions.
                | ExpressionInTable Expression SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
                -- ^ Represents an @IN@ expression with the right-hand side being a
                --   table name, optionally qualified by a database name.
                | ExpressionNotInTable Expression SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
                -- ^ Represents a @NOT IN@ expression with the right-hand side being a
                --   table name, optionally qualified by a database name.
                | ExpressionSubquery (Select)
                -- ^ Represents a subquery @SELECT@ expression.
                | ExpressionExistsSubquery (Select)
                -- ^ Represents a subquery @SELECT@ expression with the @EXISTS@
                --   qualifier.
                | ExpressionNotExistsSubquery (Select)
                -- ^ Represents a subquery @SELECT@ expression with the @NOT EXISTS@
                --   qualifier.
                | ExpressionCase MaybeSwitchExpression
                                 (OneOrMore CasePair)
                -- ^ Represents a @CASE@ expression.
                | ExpressionRaiseIgnore
                -- ^ Represents a @RAISE(IGNORE)@ expression.
                | ExpressionRaiseRollback String
                -- ^ Represents a @RAISE(ROLLBACK, string)@ expression.
                | ExpressionRaiseAbort String
                -- ^ Represents a @RAISE(ABORT, string)@ expression.
                | ExpressionRaiseFail String
                -- ^ Represents a @RAISE(FAIL, string)@ expression.
                | ExpressionParenthesized Expression
                -- ^ Represents a parenthesized subexpression.
                  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ShowTokens Expression where
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralInteger word)
        = [LiteralInteger word]
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralFloat nonnegativeDouble)
        = [LiteralFloat nonnegativeDouble]
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralString string)
        = [LiteralString string]
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralBlob bytestring)
        = [LiteralBlob bytestring]
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralNull)
        = [KeywordNull]
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralCurrentTime)
        = [KeywordCurrentTime]
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralCurrentDate)
        = [KeywordCurrentDate]
    showTokens (ExpressionLiteralCurrentTimestamp)
        = [KeywordCurrentTimestamp]
    showTokens (ExpressionVariable)
        = [Variable]
    showTokens (ExpressionVariableN integer)
        = [VariableN integer]
    showTokens (ExpressionVariableNamed string)
        = [VariableNamed string]
    showTokens (ExpressionIdentifier doublyQualifiedIdentifier)
        = showTokens doublyQualifiedIdentifier
    showTokens (ExpressionUnaryNegative expression)
        = [PunctuationMinus] ++ showTokens expression
    showTokens (ExpressionUnaryPositive expression)
        = [PunctuationPlus] ++ showTokens expression
    showTokens (ExpressionUnaryBitwiseNot expression)
        = [PunctuationTilde] ++ showTokens expression
    showTokens (ExpressionUnaryLogicalNot expression)
        = [KeywordNot] ++ showTokens expression
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryConcatenate a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationBarBar] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryMultiply a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationStar] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryDivide a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationSlash] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryModulus a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationPercent] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryAdd a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationPlus] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinarySubtract a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationMinus] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryLeftShift a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationLessLess] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryRightShift a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationGreaterGreater] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryBitwiseAnd a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationAmpersand] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryBitwiseOr a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationBar] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryLess a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationLess] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryLessEquals a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationLessEquals] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryGreater a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationGreater] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryGreaterEquals a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationGreaterEquals] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryEquals a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationEquals] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryEqualsEquals a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationEqualsEquals] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryNotEquals a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationBangEquals] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryLessGreater a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [PunctuationLessGreater] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryLogicalAnd a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [KeywordAnd] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBinaryLogicalOr a b)
        = showTokens a ++ [KeywordOr] ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionFunctionCall name parameters)
        = showTokens name
          ++ [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ intercalate [PunctuationComma] (map showTokens parameters)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionFunctionCallDistinct name parameters)
        = showTokens name
          ++ [PunctuationLeftParenthesis,
          ++ intercalate [PunctuationComma] (mapOneOrMore showTokens parameters)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionFunctionCallStar name)
        = showTokens name
          ++ [PunctuationLeftParenthesis,
    showTokens (ExpressionCast expression typeDescriptor)
        = [KeywordCast,
          ++ showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordAs]
          ++ showTokens typeDescriptor
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionCollate expression collation)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordCollate]
          ++ showTokens collation
    showTokens (ExpressionLike a likeType b escape)
        = showTokens a
          ++ showTokens likeType
          ++ showTokens b
          ++ showTokens escape
    showTokens (ExpressionIsnull expression)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordIsnull]
    showTokens (ExpressionNotnull expression)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordNotnull]
    showTokens (ExpressionNotNull expression)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordNot, KeywordNull]
    showTokens (ExpressionIs a b)
        = showTokens a
          ++ [KeywordIs]
          ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionIsNot a b)
        = showTokens a
          ++ [KeywordIs, KeywordNot]
          ++ showTokens b
    showTokens (ExpressionBetween a b c)
        = showTokens a
          ++ [KeywordBetween]
          ++ showTokens b
          ++ [KeywordAnd]
          ++ showTokens c
    showTokens (ExpressionNotBetween a b c)
        = showTokens a
          ++ [KeywordNot, KeywordBetween]
          ++ showTokens b
          ++ [KeywordAnd]
          ++ showTokens c
    showTokens (ExpressionInSelect expression statement)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordIn, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens statement
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionNotInSelect expression statement)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordNot, KeywordIn, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens statement
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionInList expression list)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordIn, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ intercalate [PunctuationComma] (map showTokens list)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionNotInList expression list)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordNot, KeywordIn, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ intercalate [PunctuationComma] (map showTokens list)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionInTable expression table)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordIn]
          ++ showTokens table
    showTokens (ExpressionNotInTable expression table)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ [KeywordNot, KeywordIn]
          ++ showTokens table
    showTokens (ExpressionSubquery statement)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens statement
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionExistsSubquery statement)
        = [KeywordExists, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens statement
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionNotExistsSubquery statement)
        = [KeywordNot, KeywordExists, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens statement
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ExpressionCase maybeSwitchExpression cases else')
        = [KeywordCase]
          ++ showTokens maybeSwitchExpression
          ++ (concat $ mapOneOrMore showTokens cases)
          ++ showTokens else'
          ++ [KeywordEnd]
    showTokens (ExpressionRaiseIgnore)
        = [KeywordRaise,
    showTokens (ExpressionRaiseRollback message)
        = [KeywordRaise,
           LiteralString message,
    showTokens (ExpressionRaiseAbort message)
        = [KeywordRaise,
           LiteralString message,
    showTokens (ExpressionRaiseFail message)
        = [KeywordRaise,
           LiteralString message,
    showTokens (ExpressionParenthesized subexpression)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens subexpression
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @UNIQUE@ qualifier.  Used by
--   'CreateIndex'.
data MaybeUnique = NoUnique | Unique
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeUnique where
    showTokens NoUnique = []
    showTokens Unique = [KeywordUnique]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @IF NOT EXISTS@ qualifier.  Used by
--   'CreateIndex', 'CreateTable', 'CreateTrigger', and 'CreateView'.
data MaybeIfNotExists = NoIfNotExists | IfNotExists
                        deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeIfNotExists where
    showTokens NoIfNotExists = []
    showTokens IfNotExists = [KeywordIf, KeywordNot, KeywordExists]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @IF EXISTS@ qualifier.  Used by
--   'DropIndex', 'DropTable', 'DropTrigger', and 'DropView'.
data MaybeIfExists = NoIfExists | IfExists
                     deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeIfExists where
    showTokens NoIfExists = []
    showTokens IfExists = [KeywordIf, KeywordExists]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @FOR EACH ROW@ qualifier.  Used by
--   'CreateTrigger'.
data MaybeForEachRow = NoForEachRow | ForEachRow
                       deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeForEachRow where
    showTokens NoForEachRow = []
    showTokens ForEachRow = [KeywordFor, KeywordEach, KeywordRow]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @TEMP@ or @TEMPORARY@ qualifier.  Used
--   by 'CreateTable', 'CreateTrigger', and 'CreateView'.
data MaybeTemporary = NoTemporary | Temp | Temporary
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeTemporary where
    showTokens NoTemporary = []
    showTokens Temp = [KeywordTemp]
    showTokens Temporary = [KeywordTemporary]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @COLLATE@ subclause.  Used by
--   'IndexedColumn' and 'OrderingTerm'.
data MaybeCollation = NoCollation | Collation UnqualifiedIdentifier
                      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeCollation where
    showTokens NoCollation = []
    showTokens (Collation name) = [KeywordCollate] ++ showTokens name

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @ASC@ or @DESC@ qualifier.  Used by
--   'IndexedColumn', 'ColumnConstraint', and 'OrderingTerm'.
data MaybeAscDesc = NoAscDesc | Asc | Desc
                    deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeAscDesc where
    showTokens NoAscDesc = []
    showTokens Asc = [KeywordAsc]
    showTokens Desc = [KeywordDesc]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @AUTOINCREMENT@ qualifier.  Used by
--   'ColumnConstraint'.
data MaybeAutoincrement = NoAutoincrement | Autoincrement
                          deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeAutoincrement where
    showTokens NoAutoincrement = []
    showTokens Autoincrement = [KeywordAutoincrement]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @+@ or @-@ sign.  Used by
--   'TypeSizeField', 'DefaultValue', and 'PragmaValue'.
data MaybeSign = NoSign | PositiveSign | NegativeSign
                 deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeSign where
    showTokens NoSign = []
    showTokens PositiveSign = [PunctuationPlus]
    showTokens NegativeSign = [PunctuationMinus]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @COLUMN@ keyword.
--   Used by 'AlterTableBody'.
data MaybeColumn = ElidedColumn | Column
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeColumn where
    showTokens ElidedColumn = []
    showTokens Column = [KeywordColumn]

-- | The AST node corresponding to the body of an 'AlterTable' statement.
--   Used by 'AlterTable'.
data AlterTableBody
    = RenameTo UnqualifiedIdentifier
    | AddColumn MaybeColumn ColumnDefinition
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens AlterTableBody where
    showTokens (RenameTo newTableName)
        = [KeywordRename, KeywordTo]
          ++ showTokens newTableName
    showTokens (AddColumn maybeColumn columnDefinition)
        = [KeywordAdd]
          ++ showTokens maybeColumn
          ++ showTokens columnDefinition

-- | The AST node corresponding to a column-definition subclause.  Used by
--   'AlterTableBody' and 'CreateTableBody'.
data ColumnDefinition
    = ColumnDefinition UnqualifiedIdentifier MaybeType [ColumnConstraint]
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ColumnDefinition where
    showTokens (ColumnDefinition name maybeType constraints)
        = showTokens name
          ++ showTokens maybeType
          ++ (concat $ map showTokens constraints)

-- | The AST node corresponding to a default-value subclause.  Used by
--   'ColumnConstraint'.
data DefaultValue
    = DefaultValueSignedInteger MaybeSign Word64
    | DefaultValueSignedFloat MaybeSign NonnegativeDouble
    | DefaultValueLiteralString String
    | DefaultValueLiteralBlob BS.ByteString
    | DefaultValueLiteralNull
    | DefaultValueLiteralCurrentTime
    | DefaultValueLiteralCurrentDate
    | DefaultValueLiteralCurrentTimestamp
    | DefaultValueExpression Expression
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens DefaultValue where
    showTokens (DefaultValueSignedInteger maybeSign word)
        = showTokens maybeSign
          ++ [LiteralInteger word]
    showTokens (DefaultValueSignedFloat maybeSign double)
        = showTokens maybeSign
          ++ [LiteralFloat double]
    showTokens (DefaultValueLiteralString string)
        = [LiteralString string]
    showTokens (DefaultValueLiteralBlob bytestring)
        = [LiteralBlob bytestring]
    showTokens DefaultValueLiteralNull
        = [KeywordNull]
    showTokens DefaultValueLiteralCurrentTime
        = [KeywordCurrentTime]
    showTokens DefaultValueLiteralCurrentDate
        = [KeywordCurrentDate]
    showTokens DefaultValueLiteralCurrentTimestamp
        = [KeywordCurrentTimestamp]
    showTokens (DefaultValueExpression expression)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens expression
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an indexed-column subclause.  Used by
--   'TableConstraint' and 'CreateIndex'.
data IndexedColumn
    = IndexedColumn UnqualifiedIdentifier MaybeCollation MaybeAscDesc
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens IndexedColumn where
    showTokens (IndexedColumn name maybeCollation maybeAscDesc)
        = showTokens name
          ++ showTokens maybeCollation
          ++ showTokens maybeAscDesc

-- | The AST node corresponding to a column constraint subclause.  Used by
--   'ColumnDefinition'.
data ColumnConstraint
    = ColumnPrimaryKey MaybeConstraintName
                       (Maybe ConflictClause)
    | ColumnNotNull MaybeConstraintName (Maybe ConflictClause)
    | ColumnUnique MaybeConstraintName (Maybe ConflictClause)
    | ColumnCheck MaybeConstraintName Expression
    | ColumnDefault MaybeConstraintName DefaultValue
    | ColumnCollate MaybeConstraintName UnqualifiedIdentifier
    | ColumnForeignKey MaybeConstraintName ForeignKeyClause
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ColumnConstraint where
    showTokens (ColumnPrimaryKey maybeConstraintName
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordPrimary, KeywordKey]
          ++ showTokens maybeAscDesc
          ++ (case maybeConflictClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just conflictClause -> showTokens conflictClause)
          ++ showTokens maybeAutoincrement
    showTokens (ColumnNotNull maybeConstraintName maybeConflictClause)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordNot, KeywordNull]
          ++ (case maybeConflictClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just conflictClause -> showTokens conflictClause)
    showTokens (ColumnUnique maybeConstraintName maybeConflictClause)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordUnique]
          ++ (case maybeConflictClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just conflictClause -> showTokens conflictClause)
    showTokens (ColumnCheck maybeConstraintName expression)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordCheck, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens expression
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (ColumnDefault maybeConstraintName defaultValue)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordDefault]
          ++ showTokens defaultValue
    showTokens (ColumnCollate maybeConstraintName collationName)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordCollate]
          ++ showTokens collationName
    showTokens (ColumnForeignKey maybeConstraintName foreignKeyClause)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ showTokens foreignKeyClause

-- | The AST node corresponding to a table-constraint subclause.  Used by
--   'CreateTableBody'.
data TableConstraint
    = TablePrimaryKey MaybeConstraintName
                      (OneOrMore IndexedColumn)
                      (Maybe ConflictClause)
    | TableUnique MaybeConstraintName
                  (OneOrMore IndexedColumn)
                  (Maybe ConflictClause)
    | TableCheck MaybeConstraintName
    | TableForeignKey MaybeConstraintName
                      (OneOrMore UnqualifiedIdentifier)
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens TableConstraint where
    showTokens (TablePrimaryKey maybeConstraintName indexedColumns maybeConflictClause)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordPrimary, KeywordKey, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens indexedColumns)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
          ++ (case maybeConflictClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just conflictClause -> showTokens conflictClause)
    showTokens (TableUnique maybeConstraintName indexedColumns maybeConflictClause)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordUnique, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens indexedColumns)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
          ++ (case maybeConflictClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just conflictClause -> showTokens conflictClause)
    showTokens (TableCheck maybeConstraintName expression)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordCheck, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens expression
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (TableForeignKey maybeConstraintName columns foreignKeyClause)
        = showTokens maybeConstraintName
          ++ [KeywordForeign, KeywordKey, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens columns)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens foreignKeyClause

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional constraint name subclause.  Used by
--   'ColumnConstraint' and 'Table Constraint'.
data MaybeConstraintName = NoConstraintName
                         | ConstraintName UnqualifiedIdentifier
                           deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeConstraintName where
    showTokens NoConstraintName = []
    showTokens (ConstraintName constraintName)
        = [KeywordConstraint]
          ++ showTokens constraintName

-- | The AST node corresponding to a trigger-time qualifier.  Used by 'CreateTrigger'.
data TriggerTime = Before | After | InsteadOf
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens TriggerTime where
    showTokens Before = [KeywordBefore]
    showTokens After = [KeywordAfter]
    showTokens InsteadOf = [KeywordInstead, KeywordOf]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a trigger-condition subclause.  Used by
--   'CreateTrigger'.
data TriggerCondition = DeleteOn | InsertOn | UpdateOn [UnqualifiedIdentifier]
                        deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens TriggerCondition where
    showTokens DeleteOn = [KeywordDelete, KeywordOn]
    showTokens InsertOn = [KeywordInsert, KeywordOn]
    showTokens (UpdateOn []) = [KeywordUpdate, KeywordOn]
    showTokens (UpdateOn columnNames) = [KeywordUpdate, KeywordOf]
                                        ++ intercalate [PunctuationComma]
                                                       (map showTokens columnNames)
                                        ++ [KeywordOn]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a module argument.  Used by 'CreateVirtualTable'.
data ModuleArgument = ModuleArgument String
                      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ModuleArgument where
    showTokens (ModuleArgument string) = [ModuleArgumentToken string]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a qualified table name subclause.  Used by
--   'Delete', 'DeleteLimited', 'Update', and 'UpdateLimited'.
data QualifiedTableName
    = TableNoIndexedBy SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
    | TableIndexedBy SinglyQualifiedIdentifier UnqualifiedIdentifier
    | TableNotIndexed SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens QualifiedTableName where
    showTokens (TableNoIndexedBy tableName) =
        showTokens tableName
    showTokens (TableIndexedBy tableName indexName) =
        showTokens tableName
        ++ [KeywordIndexed, KeywordBy]
        ++ showTokens indexName
    showTokens (TableNotIndexed tableName) =
        showTokens tableName
        ++ [KeywordNot, KeywordIndexed]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an ordering term subclause.  Used by
--   'GroupClause' and 'OrderClause'.
data OrderingTerm = OrderingTerm Expression MaybeCollation MaybeAscDesc
                    deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens OrderingTerm where
    showTokens (OrderingTerm expression maybeCollation maybeAscDesc) =
        showTokens expression
        ++ showTokens maybeCollation
        ++ showTokens maybeAscDesc

-- | The AST node corresponding to a pragma body.  Used by 'Pragma'.
data PragmaBody = EmptyPragmaBody
                | EqualsPragmaBody PragmaValue
                | CallPragmaBody PragmaValue
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens PragmaBody where
    showTokens EmptyPragmaBody = []
    showTokens (EqualsPragmaBody pragmaValue)
        = [PunctuationEquals]
          ++ showTokens pragmaValue
    showTokens (CallPragmaBody pragmaValue)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens pragmaValue
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a pragma value subclause.  Used by 'PragmaBody'.
data PragmaValue = SignedIntegerPragmaValue MaybeSign Word64
                 | SignedFloatPragmaValue MaybeSign NonnegativeDouble
                 | NamePragmaValue UnqualifiedIdentifier
                 | StringPragmaValue String
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens PragmaValue where
    showTokens (SignedIntegerPragmaValue maybeSign word)
        = showTokens maybeSign
          ++ [LiteralInteger word]
    showTokens (SignedFloatPragmaValue maybeSign double)
        = showTokens maybeSign
          ++ [LiteralFloat double]
    showTokens (NamePragmaValue name)
        = showTokens name
    showTokens (StringPragmaValue string)
        = [LiteralString string]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a create-table body.  Used by 'CreateTable'.
data CreateTableBody
    = ColumnsAndConstraints (OneOrMore ColumnDefinition) [TableConstraint]
    | AsSelect (Select)
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens CreateTableBody where
    showTokens (ColumnsAndConstraints columns constraints)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma]
                              $ concat [mapOneOrMore showTokens columns,
                                        map showTokens constraints])
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (AsSelect select)
        = [KeywordAs]
          ++ showTokens select

-- | The AST node corresponding to an insert head.  Used by 'Insert'.
data InsertHead = InsertNoAlternative
                | InsertOrRollback
                | InsertOrAbort
                | InsertOrReplace
                | InsertOrFail
                | InsertOrIgnore
                | Replace
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens InsertHead where
    showTokens InsertNoAlternative = [KeywordInsert]
    showTokens InsertOrRollback = [KeywordInsert, KeywordOr, KeywordRollback]
    showTokens InsertOrAbort = [KeywordInsert, KeywordOr, KeywordAbort]
    showTokens InsertOrReplace = [KeywordInsert, KeywordOr, KeywordReplace]
    showTokens InsertOrFail = [KeywordInsert, KeywordOr, KeywordFail]
    showTokens InsertOrIgnore = [KeywordInsert, KeywordOr, KeywordIgnore]
    showTokens Replace = [KeywordReplace]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an insert body.  Used by 'Insert'.
data InsertBody = InsertValues [UnqualifiedIdentifier] (OneOrMore Expression)
                | InsertSelect [UnqualifiedIdentifier] (Select)
                | InsertDefaultValues
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens InsertBody where
    showTokens (InsertValues columns expressions)
        = (case columns of
             [] -> []
             _ -> [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
                  ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ map showTokens columns)
                  ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis])
          ++ [KeywordValues, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens expressions)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (InsertSelect columns select)
        = (case columns of
             [] -> []
             _ -> [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
                  ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ map showTokens columns)
                  ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis])
          ++ showTokens select
    showTokens InsertDefaultValues
        = [KeywordDefault, KeywordValues]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an update head.  Used by 'Update' and
--   'UpdateLimited'.
data UpdateHead = UpdateNoAlternative
                | UpdateOrRollback
                | UpdateOrAbort
                | UpdateOrReplace
                | UpdateOrFail
                | UpdateOrIgnore
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens UpdateHead where
    showTokens UpdateNoAlternative = [KeywordUpdate]
    showTokens UpdateOrRollback = [KeywordUpdate, KeywordOr, KeywordRollback]
    showTokens UpdateOrAbort = [KeywordUpdate, KeywordOr, KeywordAbort]
    showTokens UpdateOrReplace = [KeywordUpdate, KeywordOr, KeywordReplace]
    showTokens UpdateOrFail = [KeywordUpdate, KeywordOr, KeywordFail]
    showTokens UpdateOrIgnore = [KeywordUpdate, KeywordOr, KeywordIgnore]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @DISTINCT@ or @ALL@ qualifier.
--   Used by 'SelectCore'.
data Distinctness = NoDistinctness | Distinct | All
                    deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens Distinctness where
    showTokens NoDistinctness = []
    showTokens Distinct = [KeywordDistinct]
    showTokens All = [KeywordAll]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @HAVING@ subclause.  Used by
--   'GroupClause'.
data MaybeHaving = NoHaving | Having Expression
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeHaving where
    showTokens NoHaving = []
    showTokens (Having expression) = [KeywordHaving] ++ showTokens expression

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @AS@ subclause, possibly with the
--   actual keyword elided.  Used by 'ResultColumn' and 'SingleSource'.
data MaybeAs = NoAs | As UnqualifiedIdentifier | ElidedAs UnqualifiedIdentifier
               deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeAs where
    showTokens NoAs = []
    showTokens (As thingAlias) = [KeywordAs] ++ showTokens thingAlias
    showTokens (ElidedAs thingAlias) = showTokens thingAlias

-- | The AST node corresponding to a compound operator in a @SELECT@ statement.
--   Used by 'Select'.
data CompoundOperator = Union | UnionAll | Intersect | Except
                        deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens CompoundOperator where
    showTokens Union = [KeywordUnion]
    showTokens UnionAll = [KeywordUnion, KeywordAll]
    showTokens Intersect = [KeywordIntersect]
    showTokens Except = [KeywordExcept]

-- | The AST node corresponding to the core part of a @SELECT@ statement, which may
--   be the head of the overall statement, or, in the case of a compound @SELECT@,
--   only part of it.  Used by 'Select'.
data SelectCore = SelectCore Distinctness
                             (OneOrMore ResultColumn)
                             (Maybe FromClause)
                             (Maybe WhereClause)
                             (Maybe GroupClause)
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens SelectCore where
    showTokens (SelectCore distinctness
        = [KeywordSelect]
          ++ showTokens distinctness
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens resultColumns)
          ++ (case maybeFromClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just fromClause -> showTokens fromClause)
          ++ (case maybeWhereClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just whereClause -> showTokens whereClause)
          ++ (case maybeGroupClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just groupClause -> showTokens groupClause)

-- | The AST node corresponding to a result column in a @SELECT@ statement.  Used by
--   'SelectCore'.
data ResultColumn = Star
                  | TableStar UnqualifiedIdentifier
                  | Result Expression MaybeAs
                    deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ResultColumn where
    showTokens Star
        = [PunctuationStar]
    showTokens (TableStar tableName)
        = showTokens tableName
          ++ [PunctuationDot, PunctuationStar]
    showTokens (Result expression maybeAs)
        = showTokens expression
          ++ showTokens maybeAs

-- | The AST node corresponding to a source from which to join columns in a @SELECT@
--   statement, which may be the head of the statement's @FROM@ clause, or, in the
--   case of a subjoin, only part of it.  Used by 'FromClause' and 'SingleSource'.
data JoinSource = JoinSource SingleSource
                             [(JoinOperation, SingleSource, JoinConstraint)]
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens JoinSource where
    showTokens (JoinSource firstSource additionalSources)
        = showTokens firstSource
          ++ (concat $ map (\(joinOperation, additionalSource, joinConstraint) ->
                             showTokens joinOperation
                             ++ showTokens additionalSource
                             ++ showTokens joinConstraint)

-- | The AST node corresponding to a primitive source from which to join columns in
--   a @SELECT@ statement, which is a body of the statement's @FROM@ clause.  Used by
--   'JoinSource'.
data SingleSource = TableSource SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
                  | SelectSource (Select)
                  | SubjoinSource JoinSource
                    deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens SingleSource where
    showTokens (TableSource tableName maybeAs maybeIndexedBy)
        = showTokens tableName
          ++ showTokens maybeAs
          ++ showTokens maybeIndexedBy
    showTokens (SelectSource select maybeAs)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens select
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens maybeAs
    showTokens (SubjoinSource joinSource)
        = [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ showTokens joinSource
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a join operation, a conjunction in the @FROM@
--   clause of a @SELECT@ statement.  Used by 'JoinSource'.
data JoinOperation = Comma
                   | Join
                   | OuterJoin
                   | LeftJoin
                   | LeftOuterJoin
                   | InnerJoin
                   | CrossJoin
                   | NaturalJoin
                   | NaturalOuterJoin
                   | NaturalLeftJoin
                   | NaturalLeftOuterJoin
                   | NaturalInnerJoin
                   | NaturalCrossJoin
                     deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens JoinOperation where
    showTokens Comma = [PunctuationComma]
    showTokens Join = [KeywordJoin]
    showTokens OuterJoin = [KeywordOuter, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens LeftJoin = [KeywordLeft, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens LeftOuterJoin = [KeywordLeft, KeywordOuter, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens InnerJoin = [KeywordInner, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens CrossJoin = [KeywordCross, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens NaturalJoin = [KeywordNatural, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens NaturalOuterJoin = [KeywordNatural, KeywordOuter, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens NaturalLeftJoin = [KeywordNatural, KeywordLeft, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens NaturalLeftOuterJoin
        = [KeywordNatural, KeywordLeft, KeywordOuter, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens NaturalInnerJoin = [KeywordNatural, KeywordInner, KeywordJoin]
    showTokens NaturalCrossJoin = [KeywordNatural, KeywordCross, KeywordJoin]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a join constraint, a qualifier in the @FROM@
--   clause of a @SELECT@ statement.  Used by 'JoinSource'.
data JoinConstraint = NoConstraint
                    | On Expression
                    | Using (OneOrMore UnqualifiedIdentifier)
                      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens JoinConstraint where
    showTokens NoConstraint = []
    showTokens (On expression) = [KeywordOn] ++ showTokens expression
    showTokens (Using columns)
        = [KeywordUsing, PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens columns)

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @INDEXED BY@ or @NOT INDEXED@ qualifier.
--   Used by 'SingleSource'.
data MaybeIndexedBy = NoIndexedBy
                    | IndexedBy UnqualifiedIdentifier
                    | NotIndexed
                      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeIndexedBy where
    showTokens NoIndexedBy = []
    showTokens (IndexedBy indexName)
        = [KeywordIndexed, KeywordBy] ++ showTokens indexName
    showTokens NotIndexed = [KeywordNot, KeywordIndexed]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a @FROM@ clause.  Used by 'SelectCore'.
data FromClause = From JoinSource
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens FromClause where
    showTokens (From joinSource) = [KeywordFrom] ++ showTokens joinSource

-- | The AST node corresponding to a @WHERE@ clause.  Used by 'SelectCore',
--   'Delete', 'DeleteLimited', 'Update', and 'UpdateLimited'.
data WhereClause = Where Expression
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens WhereClause where
    showTokens (Where expression) = [KeywordWhere] ++ showTokens expression

-- | The AST node corresponding to a @GROUP BY@ clause.  Used by 'SelectCore'.
data GroupClause = GroupBy (OneOrMore OrderingTerm) MaybeHaving
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens GroupClause where
    showTokens (GroupBy orderingTerms maybeHaving)
        = [KeywordGroup, KeywordBy]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens orderingTerms)
          ++ showTokens maybeHaving

-- | The AST node corresponding to an @ORDER BY@ clause.  Used by 'Select',
--   'DeleteLimited', and 'UpdateLimited'.
data OrderClause = OrderBy (OneOrMore OrderingTerm)
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens OrderClause where
    showTokens (OrderBy orderingTerms)
        = [KeywordOrder, KeywordBy]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens orderingTerms)

-- | The AST node corresponding to a @LIMIT@ clause.  Used by 'Select',
--   'DeleteLimited', and 'UpdateLimited'.
data LimitClause = Limit Word64
                 | LimitOffset Word64 Word64
                 | LimitComma Word64 Word64
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens LimitClause where
    showTokens (Limit count)
        = [KeywordLimit, LiteralInteger count]
    showTokens (LimitOffset count offset)
        = [KeywordLimit, LiteralInteger count, KeywordOffset, LiteralInteger offset]
    showTokens (LimitComma offset count)
        = [KeywordLimit, LiteralInteger offset, KeywordOffset, LiteralInteger count]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a @WHEN@ clause.  Used by 'CreateTrigger'.
data WhenClause = When Expression
                  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens WhenClause where
    showTokens (When expression) = [KeywordWhen] ++ showTokens expression

-- | The AST node corresponding to an @ON CONFLICT@ clause.  Used by
--   'ColumnConstraint' and 'TableConstraint'.
data ConflictClause
    = OnConflictRollback
    | OnConflictAbort
    | OnConflictFail
    | OnConflictIgnore
    | OnConflictReplace
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ConflictClause where
    showTokens OnConflictRollback = [KeywordOn, KeywordConflict, KeywordRollback]
    showTokens OnConflictAbort = [KeywordOn, KeywordConflict, KeywordAbort]
    showTokens OnConflictFail = [KeywordOn, KeywordConflict, KeywordFail]
    showTokens OnConflictIgnore = [KeywordOn, KeywordConflict, KeywordIgnore]
    showTokens OnConflictReplace = [KeywordOn, KeywordConflict, KeywordReplace]

-- | The AST node corresponding to a @FOREIGN KEY@ clause.  Used by
--   'ColumnConstraint' and 'TableConstraint'.
data ForeignKeyClause
    = References UnqualifiedIdentifier
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ForeignKeyClause where
    showTokens (References tableName
        = [KeywordReferences]
          ++ (case columnNames of
                [] -> []
                _ -> [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
                     ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ map showTokens columnNames)
                     ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis])
          ++ (concat $ map showTokens actionOrMatchParts)
          ++ showTokens maybeDeferrablePart

-- | The AST node corresponding to the first partial body of a @FOREIGN KEY@ clause.
--   Used by 'ForeignKeyClause'.
data ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart
    = OnDelete ForeignKeyClauseActionPart
    | OnUpdate ForeignKeyClauseActionPart
    | ReferencesMatch UnqualifiedIdentifier
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart where
    showTokens (OnDelete actionPart)
        = [KeywordOn, KeywordDelete]
          ++ showTokens actionPart
    showTokens (OnUpdate actionPart)
        = [KeywordOn, KeywordUpdate]
          ++ showTokens actionPart
    showTokens (ReferencesMatch name)
        = [KeywordMatch]
          ++ showTokens name

-- | The AST node corresponding to an action subclause in the first partial body of
--   a @FOREIGN KEY@ clause.  Used by 'ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart'.
data ForeignKeyClauseActionPart
    = SetNull
    | SetDefault
    | Cascade
    | Restrict
    | NoAction
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens ForeignKeyClauseActionPart where
    showTokens SetNull = [KeywordSet, KeywordNull]
    showTokens SetDefault = [KeywordSet, KeywordDefault]
    showTokens Cascade = [KeywordCascade]
    showTokens Restrict = [KeywordRestrict]
    showTokens NoAction = [KeywordNo, KeywordAction]

-- | The AST node corresponding to the second partial body of a @FOREIGN KEY@ clause.
--   Used by 'ForeignKeyClause'.
data MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart
    = NoDeferrablePart
    | Deferrable MaybeInitialDeferralStatus
    | NotDeferrable MaybeInitialDeferralStatus
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart where
    showTokens NoDeferrablePart = []
    showTokens (Deferrable maybeInitialDeferralStatus)
        = [KeywordDeferrable]
          ++ showTokens maybeInitialDeferralStatus
    showTokens (NotDeferrable maybeInitialDeferralStatus)
        = [KeywordNot, KeywordDeferrable]
          ++ showTokens maybeInitialDeferralStatus

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @INITIALLY DEFERRED@ or
--   @INITIALLY IMMEDIATE@ qualifier in a @FOREIGN KEY@ clause.  Used by
--   'MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart'.
data MaybeInitialDeferralStatus
    = NoInitialDeferralStatus
    | InitiallyDeferred
    | InitiallyImmediate
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeInitialDeferralStatus where
    showTokens NoInitialDeferralStatus = []
    showTokens InitiallyDeferred = [KeywordInitially, KeywordDeferred]
    showTokens InitiallyImmediate = [KeywordInitially, KeywordImmediate]

-- | The AST node corresponding to the head of a @COMMIT@ statement.  Used by
--   'Commit'.
data CommitHead
    = CommitCommit
    | CommitEnd
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens CommitHead where
    showTokens CommitCommit = [KeywordCommit]
    showTokens CommitEnd = [KeywordEnd]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @TRASACTION@ keyword.  Used by
--   'Begin', 'Commit', and 'Rollback'.
data MaybeTransaction = ElidedTransaction | Transaction
                        deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeTransaction where
    showTokens ElidedTransaction = []
    showTokens Transaction = [KeywordTransaction]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional transaction-type qualifier.  Used
--   by 'Begin'.
data MaybeTransactionType
    = NoTransactionType
    | Deferred
    | Immediate
    | Exclusive
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeTransactionType where
    showTokens NoTransactionType = []
    showTokens Deferred = [KeywordDeferred]
    showTokens Immediate = [KeywordImmediate]
    showTokens Exclusive = [KeywordExclusive]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @DATABASE@ keyword.  Used by
--   'Attach' and 'Detach'.
data MaybeDatabase = ElidedDatabase | Database
                     deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeDatabase where
    showTokens ElidedDatabase = []
    showTokens Database = [KeywordDatabase]

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @TO SAVEPOINT@ qualifier.  Used by
--   'Rollback'.
data MaybeSavepoint = NoSavepoint
                    | To UnqualifiedIdentifier
                    | ToSavepoint UnqualifiedIdentifier
                      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeSavepoint where
    showTokens NoSavepoint = []
    showTokens (To savepointName)
        = [KeywordTo]
          ++ showTokens savepointName
    showTokens (ToSavepoint savepointName)
        = [KeywordTo, KeywordSavepoint]
          ++ showTokens savepointName

-- | The AST node corresponding to an optional @RELEASE SAVEPOINT@ qualifier.
--   Used by 'Release'.
data MaybeReleaseSavepoint = ElidedReleaseSavepoint UnqualifiedIdentifier
                           | ReleaseSavepoint UnqualifiedIdentifier
                             deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens MaybeReleaseSavepoint where
    showTokens (ElidedReleaseSavepoint savepointName)
               = showTokens savepointName
    showTokens (ReleaseSavepoint savepointName)
               = [KeywordSavepoint]
                 ++ showTokens savepointName

-- | The AST node corresponding to a semicolon-separated list of statements.
--   Used at the top level of an SQL file.
data StatementList = StatementList [AnyStatement]
                     deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ShowTokens StatementList where
    showTokens (StatementList list) =
        intercalate [PunctuationSemicolon] $ map showTokens list

-- | The AST node corresponding to any statement.  Used by 'StatementList'.
--   Also useful at top level.
data AnyStatement = forall l t v w . Statement (Statement l t v w)
instance Eq AnyStatement where
    a@(Statement (Explain _))
         == b@(Statement (Explain _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (ExplainQueryPlan _))
         == b@(Statement (ExplainQueryPlan _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (AlterTable _ _))
         == b@(Statement (AlterTable _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Analyze _))
         == b@(Statement (Analyze _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Attach _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Attach _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Begin _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Begin _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Commit _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Commit _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (CreateIndex _ _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (CreateIndex _ _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (CreateTable _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (CreateTable _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (CreateTrigger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (CreateTrigger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (CreateView _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (CreateView _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (CreateVirtualTable _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (CreateVirtualTable _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Delete _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Delete _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (DeleteLimited _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (DeleteLimited _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Detach _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Detach _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (DropIndex _ _))
         == b@(Statement (DropIndex _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (DropTable _ _))
         == b@(Statement (DropTable _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (DropTrigger _ _))
         == b@(Statement (DropTrigger _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (DropView _ _))
         == b@(Statement (DropView _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Insert _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Insert _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Pragma _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Pragma _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Reindex _))
         == b@(Statement (Reindex _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Release _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Release _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Rollback _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Rollback _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Savepoint _))
         == b@(Statement (Savepoint _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Select _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Select _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Update _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (Update _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (UpdateLimited _ _ _ _ _ _))
         == b@(Statement (UpdateLimited _ _ _ _ _ _))
        = a == b
    a@(Statement (Vacuum))
         == b@(Statement (Vacuum))
        = a == b
    _ == _ = False
deriving instance Show AnyStatement
instance ShowTokens AnyStatement where
    showTokens (Statement statement) = showTokens statement

class StatementClass a where
    fromAnyStatement :: AnyStatement -> a
    fromExplainableStatement :: ExplainableStatement -> a
    fromTriggerStatement :: TriggerStatement -> a

instance StatementClass Explain where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Explain _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement _ = undefined
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass ExplainQueryPlan where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(ExplainQueryPlan _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement _ = undefined
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined
instance StatementClass AlterTable where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(AlterTable _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(AlterTable _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Analyze where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Analyze _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Analyze _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Attach where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Attach _ _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Attach _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Begin where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Begin _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Begin _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Commit where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Commit _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Commit _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass CreateIndex where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(CreateIndex _ _ _ _ _)) = result
      (ExplainableStatement result@(CreateIndex _ _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass CreateTable where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(CreateTable _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(CreateTable _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass CreateTrigger where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(CreateTrigger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) = result
      (ExplainableStatement result@(CreateTrigger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass CreateView where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(CreateView _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(CreateView _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass CreateVirtualTable where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(CreateVirtualTable _ _ _)) = result
      (ExplainableStatement result@(CreateVirtualTable _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass DeleteLimited where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(DeleteLimited _ _ _ _)) = result
      (ExplainableStatement result@(DeleteLimited _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Detach where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Detach _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Detach _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass DropIndex where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(DropIndex _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(DropIndex _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass DropTable where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(DropTable _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(DropTable _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass DropTrigger where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(DropTrigger _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(DropTrigger _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass DropView where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(DropView _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(DropView _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Pragma where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Pragma _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Pragma _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Reindex where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Reindex _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Reindex _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Rollback where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Rollback _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Rollback _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Savepoint where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Savepoint _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Savepoint _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass UpdateLimited where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(UpdateLimited _ _ _ _ _ _)) = result
      (ExplainableStatement result@(UpdateLimited _ _ _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined

instance StatementClass Vacuum where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Vacuum)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Vacuum)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement _ = undefined
instance StatementClass Delete where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Delete _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Delete _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement (TriggerStatement result@(Delete _ _)) = result

instance StatementClass Insert where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Insert _ _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Insert _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement (TriggerStatement result@(Insert _ _ _)) = result

instance StatementClass Update where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Update _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Update _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement (TriggerStatement result@(Update _ _ _ _)) = result
instance StatementClass Select where
    fromAnyStatement (Statement result@(Select _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromExplainableStatement (ExplainableStatement result@(Select _ _ _ _)) = result
    fromTriggerStatement (TriggerStatement result@(Select _ _ _ _)) = result

data ExplainableStatement = forall t v w . ExplainableStatement (Statement L0 t v w)
instance Eq ExplainableStatement where
    ExplainableStatement a == ExplainableStatement b = Statement a == Statement b
deriving instance Show ExplainableStatement
instance ShowTokens ExplainableStatement where
    showTokens (ExplainableStatement statement) = showTokens statement

data TriggerStatement = forall l v w . TriggerStatement (Statement l T v w)
instance Eq TriggerStatement where
    TriggerStatement a == TriggerStatement b = Statement a == Statement b
deriving instance Show TriggerStatement
instance ShowTokens TriggerStatement where
    showTokens (TriggerStatement statement) = showTokens statement

-- | Used as a GADT parameter to Statement to indicate a type which can be EXPLAINed.
data L0
-- | Used as a GADT parameter to Statement to indicate a type which can not be EXPLAINed.
data L1

-- | Used as a GADT parameter to Statement to indicate a type which does not represent
--   a DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, or SELECT statement.
data NT
-- | Used as a GADT parameter to Statement to indicate a type which represents
--   a DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, or SELECT statement.
data T

-- | Used as a GADT parameter to Statement to indicate a type which does not represent
--   a SELECT statement.
data NS
-- | Used as a GADT parameter to Statement to indicate a type which represents a
--   SELECT statement.
data S

data Explain'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @EXPLAIN@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Explain = Statement L1 NT NS Explain'
data ExplainQueryPlan'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type ExplainQueryPlan = Statement L1 NT NS ExplainQueryPlan'
data AlterTable'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @ALTER TABLE@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type AlterTable = Statement L0 NT NS AlterTable'
data Analyze'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @ANALYZE@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Analyze = Statement L0 NT NS Analyze'
data Attach'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @ATTACH@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Attach = Statement L0 NT NS Attach'
data Begin'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @BEGIN@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Begin = Statement L0 NT NS Begin'
data Commit'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @COMMIT@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Commit = Statement L0 NT NS Commit'
data CreateIndex'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @CREATE INDEX@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type CreateIndex = Statement L0 NT NS CreateIndex'
data CreateTable'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @CREATE TABLE@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type CreateTable = Statement L0 NT NS CreateTable'
data CreateTrigger'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @CREATE TRIGGER@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type CreateTrigger = Statement L0 NT NS CreateTrigger'
data CreateView'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @CREATE VIEW@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type CreateView = Statement L0 NT NS CreateView'
data CreateVirtualTable'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type CreateVirtualTable = Statement L0 NT NS CreateVirtualTable'
data Delete'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @DELETE@ statement without a @LIMIT@ clause.
--   Useful at top level.
type Delete = Statement L0 T NS Delete'
data DeleteLimited'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @DELETE@ statement with a @LIMIT@ clause.
--   Useful at top level.
type DeleteLimited = Statement L0 NT NS DeleteLimited'
data Detach'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @DETACH@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Detach = Statement L0 NT NS Detach'
data DropIndex'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @DROP INDEX@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type DropIndex = Statement L0 NT NS DropIndex'
data DropTable'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @DROP TABLE@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type DropTable = Statement L0 NT NS DropTable'
data DropTrigger'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @DROP TRIGGER@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type DropTrigger = Statement L0 NT NS DropTrigger'
data DropView'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @DROP VIEW@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type DropView = Statement L0 NT NS DropView'
data Insert'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @INSERT@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Insert = Statement L0 T NS Insert'
data Pragma'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @PRAGMA@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Pragma = Statement L0 NT NS Pragma'
data Reindex'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @REINDEX@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Reindex = Statement L0 NT NS Reindex'
data Release'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @RELEASE@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Release = Statement L0 NT NS Release'
data Rollback'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @ROLLBACK@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Rollback = Statement L0 NT NS Rollback'
data Savepoint'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @SAVEPOINT@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Savepoint = Statement L0 NT NS Savepoint'
data Select'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @SELECT@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Select = Statement L0 T S Select'
data Update'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @UPDATE@ statement without a @LIMIT@ clause.
--   Useful at top level.
type Update = Statement L0 T NS Update'
data UpdateLimited'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   an @UPDATE@ statement with a @LIMIT@ clause.
--   Useful at top level.
type UpdateLimited = Statement L0 NT NS UpdateLimited'
data Vacuum'
-- | A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
--   a @VACUUM@ statement.
--   Useful at top level.
type Vacuum = Statement L0 NT NS Vacuum'

-- | The AST node which corresponds to a statement.  Not directly useful at
--   top level because it is a generalized algebraic datatype the type parameters
--   to which are not exported; instead, see the existentially qualified
--   types 'AnyStatement', 'ExplainableStatement', and 'TriggerStatement', and the
--   type synonyms such as 'Select' which correspond to individual statement types.
--   I apologize for the lack of documentation on these individual entries, but
--   Haddock won't let me do it!  At any rate, each of them is an AST node corresponding
--   to an individual statement type.
--   Note the distinctions between
--   'Delete' and 'DeleteLimited' and 'Update' and 'UpdateLimited':  The @Limited@ ones
--   have @LIMIT@ clauses and the others do not.  Because SQL imposes stricter
--   restrictions on where the ones with @LIMIT@ clauses can occur, these are are
--   separate types.
data Statement level triggerable valueReturning which where
        :: ExplainableStatement
        -> Statement L1 NT NS Explain'
        :: ExplainableStatement
        -> Statement L1 NT NS ExplainQueryPlan'
        :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> AlterTableBody
        -> Statement L0 NT NS AlterTable'
        :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Analyze'
        :: MaybeDatabase
        -> String
        -> UnqualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Attach'
        :: MaybeTransactionType
        -> MaybeTransaction
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Begin'
        :: CommitHead
        -> MaybeTransaction
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Commit'
        :: MaybeUnique
        -> MaybeIfNotExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> UnqualifiedIdentifier
        -> (OneOrMore IndexedColumn)
        -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateIndex'
        :: MaybeTemporary
        -> MaybeIfNotExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> CreateTableBody
        -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateTable'
        :: MaybeTemporary
        -> MaybeIfNotExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> TriggerTime
        -> TriggerCondition
        -> UnqualifiedIdentifier
        -> MaybeForEachRow
        -> (Maybe WhenClause)
        -> (OneOrMore TriggerStatement)
        -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateTrigger'
        :: MaybeTemporary
        -> MaybeIfNotExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> (Statement L0 T S Select')
        -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateView'
        :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> UnqualifiedIdentifier
        -> [ModuleArgument]
        -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateVirtualTable'
        :: QualifiedTableName
        -> (Maybe WhereClause)
        -> Statement L0 T NS Delete'
        :: QualifiedTableName
        -> (Maybe WhereClause)
        -> (Maybe OrderClause)
        -> LimitClause
        -> Statement L0 NT NS DeleteLimited'
        :: MaybeDatabase
        -> UnqualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Detach'
        :: MaybeIfExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS DropIndex'
        :: MaybeIfExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS DropTable'
        :: MaybeIfExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS DropTrigger'
        :: MaybeIfExists
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS DropView'
        :: InsertHead
        -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> InsertBody
        -> Statement L0 T NS Insert'
        :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> PragmaBody
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Pragma'
        :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Reindex'
        :: MaybeReleaseSavepoint
        -> UnqualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Release'
        :: MaybeTransaction
        -> MaybeSavepoint
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Rollback'
        :: UnqualifiedIdentifier
        -> Statement L0 NT NS Savepoint'
        :: SelectCore
        -> [(CompoundOperator, SelectCore)]
        -> (Maybe OrderClause)
        -> (Maybe LimitClause)
        -> Statement L0 T S Select'
        :: UpdateHead
        -> QualifiedTableName
        -> (OneOrMore (UnqualifiedIdentifier, Expression))
        -> (Maybe WhereClause)
        -> Statement L0 T NS Update'
        :: UpdateHead
        -> QualifiedTableName
        -> (OneOrMore (UnqualifiedIdentifier, Expression))
        -> (Maybe WhereClause)
        -> (Maybe OrderClause)
        -> LimitClause
        -> Statement L0 NT NS UpdateLimited'
        :: Statement L0 NT NS Vacuum'
deriving instance Eq (Statement l t v w)
deriving instance Show (Statement l t v w)

instance ShowTokens (Statement l t v w) where
    showTokens (Explain statement)
        = [KeywordExplain]
          ++ showTokens statement
    showTokens (ExplainQueryPlan statement)
        = [KeywordExplain, KeywordQuery, KeywordPlan]
          ++ showTokens statement
    showTokens (AlterTable tableName alterTableBody)
        = [KeywordAlter, KeywordTable]
          ++ showTokens tableName
          ++ showTokens alterTableBody
    showTokens (Analyze analyzableThingName)
        = [KeywordAnalyze]
          ++ showTokens analyzableThingName
    showTokens (Attach maybeDatabase filename databaseName)
        = [KeywordAttach]
          ++ showTokens maybeDatabase
          ++ [LiteralString filename, KeywordAs]
          ++ showTokens databaseName
    showTokens (Begin maybeTransactionType maybeTransaction)
        = [KeywordBegin]
          ++ showTokens maybeTransactionType
          ++ showTokens maybeTransaction
    showTokens (Commit commitHead maybeTransaction)
        = showTokens commitHead
          ++ showTokens maybeTransaction
    showTokens (CreateIndex maybeUnique maybeIfNotExists indexName tableName
        = [KeywordCreate]
          ++ showTokens maybeUnique
          ++ [KeywordIndex]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfNotExists
          ++ showTokens indexName
          ++ showTokens tableName
          ++ [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens indexedColumns)
          ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis]
    showTokens (CreateTable permanence maybeIfNotExists name
        = [KeywordCreate]
          ++ showTokens permanence
          ++ [KeywordTable]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfNotExists
          ++ showTokens name
          ++ showTokens eitherColumnsAndConstraintsSelect
    showTokens (CreateTrigger permanence maybeIfNotExists name time condition
                              tableName maybeForEachRow maybeWhenClause
        = [KeywordCreate]
          ++ showTokens permanence
          ++ [KeywordTrigger]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfNotExists
          ++ showTokens name
          ++ showTokens time
          ++ showTokens condition
          ++ showTokens tableName
          ++ showTokens maybeForEachRow
          ++ (case maybeWhenClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just whenClause -> showTokens whenClause)
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationSemicolon] $ mapOneOrMore showTokens statements)
          ++ [PunctuationSemicolon, KeywordEnd]
    showTokens (CreateView permanence maybeIfNotExists viewName selectStatement)
        = [KeywordCreate]
          ++ showTokens permanence
          ++ [KeywordView]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfNotExists
          ++ showTokens viewName
          ++ [KeywordAs]
          ++ showTokens selectStatement
    showTokens (CreateVirtualTable tableName moduleName moduleArguments)
        = [KeywordCreate, KeywordVirtual, KeywordTable]
          ++ showTokens tableName
          ++ [KeywordUsing]
          ++ showTokens moduleName
          ++ (case moduleArguments of
                [] -> []
                _ -> [PunctuationLeftParenthesis]
                     ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma] $ map showTokens moduleArguments)
                     ++ [PunctuationRightParenthesis])
    showTokens (Delete qualifiedTableName maybeWhereClause)
        = [KeywordDelete, KeywordFrom]
          ++ showTokens qualifiedTableName
          ++ (case maybeWhereClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just whereClause -> showTokens whereClause)
    showTokens (DeleteLimited qualifiedTableName maybeWhereClause maybeOrderClause
        = [KeywordDelete, KeywordFrom]
          ++ showTokens qualifiedTableName
          ++ (case maybeWhereClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just whereClause -> showTokens whereClause)
          ++ (case maybeOrderClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just orderClause -> showTokens orderClause)
          ++ showTokens limitClause
    showTokens (Detach maybeDatabase databaseName)
        = [KeywordDetach]
          ++ showTokens maybeDatabase
          ++ showTokens databaseName
    showTokens (DropIndex maybeIfExists indexName)
        = [KeywordDrop, KeywordIndex]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfExists
          ++ showTokens indexName
    showTokens (DropTable maybeIfExists tableName)
        = [KeywordDrop, KeywordTable]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfExists
          ++ showTokens tableName
    showTokens (DropTrigger maybeIfExists triggerName)
        = [KeywordDrop, KeywordTrigger]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfExists
          ++ showTokens triggerName
    showTokens (DropView maybeIfExists viewName)
        = [KeywordDrop, KeywordView]
          ++ showTokens maybeIfExists
          ++ showTokens viewName
    showTokens (Insert insertHead tableName insertBody)
        = showTokens insertHead
          ++ [KeywordInto]
          ++ showTokens tableName
          ++ showTokens insertBody
    showTokens (Pragma pragmaName pragmaBody)
        = [KeywordPragma]
          ++ showTokens pragmaName
          ++ showTokens pragmaBody
    showTokens (Reindex thingName)
        = [KeywordReindex]
          ++ showTokens thingName
    showTokens (Release maybeReleaseSavepoint savepointName)
        = [KeywordRelease]
          ++ showTokens maybeReleaseSavepoint
    showTokens (Rollback maybeTransaction maybeSavepoint)
        = [KeywordRollback]
          ++ showTokens maybeTransaction
          ++ showTokens maybeSavepoint
    showTokens (Savepoint savepointName)
        = [KeywordSavepoint]
          ++ showTokens savepointName
    showTokens (Select firstCore compoundCores maybeOrderClause maybeLimitClause)
        = showTokens firstCore
          ++ (concat $ map (\(compoundOperator, additionalCore) -> 
                                concat [showTokens compoundOperator,
                                        showTokens additionalCore])
          ++ (case maybeOrderClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just orderClause -> showTokens orderClause)
          ++ (case maybeLimitClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just limitClause -> showTokens limitClause)
    showTokens (Update updateHead qualifiedTableName setOperations maybeWhereClause)
        = showTokens updateHead
          ++ showTokens qualifiedTableName
          ++ [KeywordSet]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma]
                          $ mapOneOrMore (\(columnName, expression) ->
                                           showTokens columnName
                                           ++ [PunctuationEquals]
                                           ++ showTokens expression)
          ++ (case maybeWhereClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just whereClause -> showTokens whereClause)
    showTokens (UpdateLimited updateHead qualifiedTableName setOperations
                    maybeWhereClause maybeOrderClause limitClause)
        = showTokens updateHead
          ++ showTokens qualifiedTableName
          ++ [KeywordSet]
          ++ (intercalate [PunctuationComma]
                          $ mapOneOrMore (\(columnName, expression) ->
                                           showTokens columnName
                                           ++ [PunctuationEquals]
                                           ++ showTokens expression)
          ++ (case maybeWhereClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just whereClause -> showTokens whereClause)
          ++ (case maybeOrderClause of
                Nothing -> []
                Just orderClause -> showTokens orderClause)
          ++ showTokens limitClause
    showTokens Vacuum
        = [KeywordVacuum]

-- | A class implemented by all identifiers regardless of how many levels of
--   qualification they allow.
class Identifier a where
    identifierProperName :: a -> String
    -- ^ Returns the final, "proper name" component of an identifier.  In an identifier
    --   which names a column, this is the column name.  In an identifier which names
    --   a table, this is the table name.  All identifiers
    --   have this component, so it is a 'String' and not a 'Maybe'.
    identifierParentName :: a -> Maybe String
    -- ^ Returns the "parent name" component of an identifier, if it exists.  In an
    --   identifier which names a column, this is the table name.  In an identifier
    --   which names a table or other database-level object, this is the database name.
    identifierGrandparentName :: a -> Maybe String
    -- ^ Returns the "grandparent name" component of an identifier, if it exists.  In
    --   an identifier which names a column, this is the database name.

-- | Converts an identifier to be doubly-qualified.  This does not actually synthesize
--   any missing components, merely provides 'Nothing' for them.
toDoublyQualifiedIdentifier :: (Identifier a) => a -> DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
toDoublyQualifiedIdentifier identifier =
    case (identifierGrandparentName identifier,
          identifierParentName identifier, 
          identifierProperName identifier) of
      (Nothing, Nothing, properName)
          -> DoublyQualifiedIdentifier Nothing properName
      (Nothing, Just parentName, properName)
          -> DoublyQualifiedIdentifier (Just (parentName, Nothing)) properName
      (Just grandparentName, Just parentName, properName)
          -> DoublyQualifiedIdentifier (Just (parentName, Just grandparentName))

-- | An identifier which does not allow any levels of qualification.  This is typically
--   a database name.
data UnqualifiedIdentifier = UnqualifiedIdentifier String
                             deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord UnqualifiedIdentifier where
    compare (UnqualifiedIdentifier aProper)
            (UnqualifiedIdentifier bProper)
        = compare aProper bProper
instance ShowTokens UnqualifiedIdentifier where
    showTokens (UnqualifiedIdentifier properName)
        = [Identifier properName]
instance Identifier UnqualifiedIdentifier where
    identifierProperName (UnqualifiedIdentifier properName) = properName
    identifierParentName _ = Nothing
    identifierGrandparentName _ = Nothing

-- | An identifier which allows a single level of qualification.  This is typically
--   the name of a table or other database-level object.
data SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
    = SinglyQualifiedIdentifier (Maybe String) String
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord SinglyQualifiedIdentifier where
    compare a b = let tupleForm (SinglyQualifiedIdentifier Nothing proper)
                          = (Nothing, Just proper)
                      tupleForm (SinglyQualifiedIdentifier (Just parent) proper)
                          = (Just parent, Just proper)
                  in compare (tupleForm a) (tupleForm b)
instance ShowTokens SinglyQualifiedIdentifier where
    showTokens (SinglyQualifiedIdentifier Nothing properName)
        = [Identifier properName]
    showTokens (SinglyQualifiedIdentifier (Just databaseName) properName)
        = [Identifier databaseName, PunctuationDot, Identifier properName]
instance Identifier SinglyQualifiedIdentifier where
    identifierProperName (SinglyQualifiedIdentifier _ properName) = properName
    identifierParentName (SinglyQualifiedIdentifier maybeParentName _) = maybeParentName
    identifierGrandparentName _ = Nothing

-- | An identifier which allows two levels of qualification.  This is typically a
--   column name.
data DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
    = DoublyQualifiedIdentifier (Maybe (String, (Maybe String))) String
      deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord DoublyQualifiedIdentifier where
    compare a b = let tupleForm (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier Nothing proper)
                          = (Nothing, Nothing, Just proper)
                      tupleForm (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
                                 (Just (parent, Nothing)) proper)
                          = (Nothing, Just parent, Just proper)
                      tupleForm (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
                                 (Just (parent, Just grandparent)) proper)
                          = (Just grandparent, Just parent, Just proper)
                  in compare (tupleForm a) (tupleForm b)
instance ShowTokens DoublyQualifiedIdentifier where
    showTokens (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier Nothing properName)
        = [Identifier properName]
    showTokens (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier (Just (tableName, Nothing)) properName)
        = [Identifier tableName,
           Identifier properName]
    showTokens (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
                (Just (tableName, Just databaseName)) properName)
        = [Identifier databaseName,
           Identifier tableName,
           Identifier properName]
instance Identifier DoublyQualifiedIdentifier where
    identifierProperName (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier _ properName) = properName
      (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier (Just (parentName, _)) _) = Just parentName
    identifierParentName _ = Nothing
      (DoublyQualifiedIdentifier (Just (_, maybeGrandparentName)) _)
          = maybeGrandparentName
    identifierGrandparentName _ = Nothing

-- | Not an AST node but a token which corresponds to a primitive of SQL syntax.
--   Has an instance of 'Show' which prints a list of them as syntactically-valid
--   SQL with no line wrapping.
data Token = EndOfInputToken
           | Identifier String
           | LiteralInteger Word64
           | LiteralFloat NonnegativeDouble
           | LiteralString String
           | LiteralBlob BS.ByteString
           | Variable
           | VariableN Word64
           | VariableNamed String
           | ModuleArgumentToken String
           | PunctuationBarBar
           | PunctuationStar
           | PunctuationSlash
           | PunctuationPercent
           | PunctuationPlus
           | PunctuationMinus
           | PunctuationLessLess
           | PunctuationGreaterGreater
           | PunctuationAmpersand
           | PunctuationBar
           | PunctuationLess
           | PunctuationLessEquals
           | PunctuationGreater
           | PunctuationGreaterEquals
           | PunctuationEquals
           | PunctuationEqualsEquals
           | PunctuationBangEquals
           | PunctuationLessGreater
           | PunctuationTilde
           | PunctuationLeftParenthesis
           | PunctuationRightParenthesis
           | PunctuationComma
           | PunctuationDot
           | PunctuationSemicolon
           | KeywordAbort
           | KeywordAction
           | KeywordAdd
           | KeywordAfter
           | KeywordAll
           | KeywordAlter
           | KeywordAnalyze
           | KeywordAnd
           | KeywordAs
           | KeywordAsc
           | KeywordAttach
           | KeywordAutoincrement
           | KeywordBefore
           | KeywordBegin
           | KeywordBetween
           | KeywordBy
           | KeywordCascade
           | KeywordCase
           | KeywordCast
           | KeywordCheck
           | KeywordCollate
           | KeywordColumn
           | KeywordCommit
           | KeywordConflict
           | KeywordConstraint
           | KeywordCreate
           | KeywordCross
           | KeywordCurrentDate
           | KeywordCurrentTime
           | KeywordCurrentTimestamp
           | KeywordDatabase
           | KeywordDefault
           | KeywordDeferrable
           | KeywordDeferred
           | KeywordDelete
           | KeywordDesc
           | KeywordDetach
           | KeywordDistinct
           | KeywordDrop
           | KeywordEach
           | KeywordElse
           | KeywordEnd
           | KeywordEscape
           | KeywordExcept
           | KeywordExclusive
           | KeywordExists
           | KeywordExplain
           | KeywordFail
           | KeywordFor
           | KeywordForeign
           | KeywordFrom
           | KeywordFull
           | KeywordGlob
           | KeywordGroup
           | KeywordHaving
           | KeywordIf
           | KeywordIgnore
           | KeywordImmediate
           | KeywordIn
           | KeywordIndex
           | KeywordIndexed
           | KeywordInitially
           | KeywordInner
           | KeywordInsert
           | KeywordInstead
           | KeywordIntersect
           | KeywordInto
           | KeywordIs
           | KeywordIsnull
           | KeywordJoin
           | KeywordKey
           | KeywordLeft
           | KeywordLike
           | KeywordLimit
           | KeywordMatch
           | KeywordNatural
           | KeywordNo
           | KeywordNot
           | KeywordNotnull
           | KeywordNull
           | KeywordOf
           | KeywordOffset
           | KeywordOn
           | KeywordOr
           | KeywordOrder
           | KeywordOuter
           | KeywordPlan
           | KeywordPragma
           | KeywordPrimary
           | KeywordQuery
           | KeywordRaise
           | KeywordReferences
           | KeywordRegexp
           | KeywordReindex
           | KeywordRelease
           | KeywordRename
           | KeywordReplace
           | KeywordRestrict
           | KeywordRight
           | KeywordRollback
           | KeywordRow
           | KeywordSavepoint
           | KeywordSelect
           | KeywordSet
           | KeywordTable
           | KeywordTemp
           | KeywordTemporary
           | KeywordThen
           | KeywordTo
           | KeywordTransaction
           | KeywordTrigger
           | KeywordUnion
           | KeywordUnique
           | KeywordUpdate
           | KeywordUsing
           | KeywordVacuum
           | KeywordValues
           | KeywordView
           | KeywordVirtual
           | KeywordWhen
           | KeywordWhere

instance Show Token where
    show EndOfInputToken = "<eof>"
    show (Identifier identifier) =
        let validCharacter c = if isAscii c
                                 then (isAlphaNum c) || (elem c "_$")
                                 else True
            escapeCharacter '"' = "\"\""
            escapeCharacter c = [c]
        in if (all validCharacter identifier) && (not $ elem identifier keywordList)
             then identifier
             else "\"" ++ (concat $ map escapeCharacter identifier) ++ "\""
    show (LiteralInteger integer) = show integer
    show (LiteralFloat nonnegativeDouble) = show $ fromNonnegativeDouble nonnegativeDouble
    show (LiteralString string) =
        let showChar char = case char of
                              '\'' -> "''"
                              _ -> [char]
            showString string = concat $ map showChar string
        in "'" ++ showString string ++ "'"
    show (LiteralBlob bytestring) =
        let showWord word = case showHex word "" of
                              [a] -> ['0', a]
                              a -> a
            showBytestring bytestring = concat $ map showWord $ BS.unpack bytestring
        in "x'" ++ showBytestring bytestring ++ "'"
    show Variable = "?"
    show (VariableN n) = "?" ++ (show n)
    show (VariableNamed name) = ":" ++ name
    show (ModuleArgumentToken string) = string
    show PunctuationBarBar = "||"
    show PunctuationStar = "*"
    show PunctuationSlash = "/"
    show PunctuationPercent = "%"
    show PunctuationPlus = "+" 
    show PunctuationMinus = "-"
    show PunctuationLessLess = "<<"
    show PunctuationGreaterGreater = ">>"
    show PunctuationAmpersand = "&"
    show PunctuationBar = "|"
    show PunctuationLess = "<"
    show PunctuationLessEquals = "<="
    show PunctuationGreater = ">"
    show PunctuationGreaterEquals = ">="
    show PunctuationEquals = "="
    show PunctuationEqualsEquals = "=="
    show PunctuationBangEquals = "!="
    show PunctuationLessGreater = "<>"
    show PunctuationTilde = "~"
    show PunctuationLeftParenthesis = "("
    show PunctuationRightParenthesis = ")"
    show PunctuationComma = ","
    show PunctuationDot = "."
    show PunctuationSemicolon = ";"
    show KeywordAbort = "ABORT"
    show KeywordAction = "ACTION"
    show KeywordAdd = "ADD"
    show KeywordAfter = "AFTER"
    show KeywordAll = "ALL"
    show KeywordAlter = "ALTER"
    show KeywordAnalyze = "ANALYZE"
    show KeywordAnd = "AND"
    show KeywordAs = "AS"
    show KeywordAsc = "ASC"
    show KeywordAttach = "ATTACH"
    show KeywordAutoincrement = "AUTOINCREMENT"
    show KeywordBefore = "BEFORE"
    show KeywordBegin = "BEGIN"
    show KeywordBetween = "BETWEEN"
    show KeywordBy = "BY"
    show KeywordCascade = "CASCADE"
    show KeywordCase = "CASE"
    show KeywordCast = "CAST"
    show KeywordCheck = "CHECK"
    show KeywordCollate = "COLLATE"
    show KeywordColumn = "COLUMN"
    show KeywordCommit = "COMMIT"
    show KeywordConflict = "CONFLICT"
    show KeywordConstraint = "CONSTRAINT"
    show KeywordCreate = "CREATE"
    show KeywordCross = "CROSS"
    show KeywordCurrentDate = "CURRENT_DATE"
    show KeywordCurrentTime = "CURRENT_TIME"
    show KeywordCurrentTimestamp = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
    show KeywordDatabase = "DATABASE"
    show KeywordDefault = "DEFAULT"
    show KeywordDeferrable = "DEFERRABLE"
    show KeywordDeferred = "DEFERRED"
    show KeywordDelete = "DELETE"
    show KeywordDesc = "DESC"
    show KeywordDetach = "DETACH"
    show KeywordDistinct = "DISTINCT"
    show KeywordDrop = "DROP"
    show KeywordEach = "EACH"
    show KeywordElse = "ELSE"
    show KeywordEnd = "END"
    show KeywordEscape = "ESCAPE"
    show KeywordExcept = "EXCEPT"
    show KeywordExclusive = "EXCLUSIVE"
    show KeywordExists = "EXISTS"
    show KeywordExplain = "EXPLAIN"
    show KeywordFail = "FAIL"
    show KeywordFor = "FOR"
    show KeywordForeign = "FOREIGN"
    show KeywordFrom = "FROM"
    show KeywordFull = "FULL"
    show KeywordGlob = "GLOB"
    show KeywordGroup = "GROUP"
    show KeywordHaving = "HAVING"
    show KeywordIf = "IF"
    show KeywordIgnore = "IGNORE"
    show KeywordImmediate = "IMMEDIATE"
    show KeywordIn = "IN"
    show KeywordIndex = "INDEX"
    show KeywordIndexed = "INDEXED"
    show KeywordInitially = "INITIALLY"
    show KeywordInner = "INNER"
    show KeywordInsert = "INSERT"
    show KeywordInstead = "INSTEAD"
    show KeywordIntersect = "INTERSECT"
    show KeywordInto = "INTO"
    show KeywordIs = "IS"
    show KeywordIsnull = "ISNULL"
    show KeywordJoin = "JOIN"
    show KeywordKey = "KEY"
    show KeywordLeft = "LEFT"
    show KeywordLike = "LIKE"
    show KeywordLimit = "LIMIT"
    show KeywordMatch = "MATCH"
    show KeywordNatural = "NATURAL"
    show KeywordNo = "NO"
    show KeywordNot = "NOT"
    show KeywordNotnull = "NOTNULL"
    show KeywordNull = "NULL"
    show KeywordOf = "OF"
    show KeywordOffset = "OFFSET"
    show KeywordOn = "ON"
    show KeywordOr = "OR"
    show KeywordOrder = "ORDER"
    show KeywordOuter = "OUTER"
    show KeywordPlan = "PLAN"
    show KeywordPragma = "PRAGMA"
    show KeywordPrimary = "PRIMARY"
    show KeywordQuery = "QUERY"
    show KeywordRaise = "RAISE"
    show KeywordReferences = "REFERENCES"
    show KeywordRegexp = "REGEXP"
    show KeywordReindex = "REINDEX"
    show KeywordRelease = "RELEASE"
    show KeywordRename = "RENAME"
    show KeywordReplace = "REPLACE"
    show KeywordRestrict = "RESTRICT"
    show KeywordRight = "RIGHT"
    show KeywordRollback = "ROLLBACK"
    show KeywordRow = "ROW"
    show KeywordSavepoint = "SAVEPOINT"
    show KeywordSelect = "SELECT"
    show KeywordSet = "SET"
    show KeywordTable = "TABLE"
    show KeywordTemp = "TEMP"
    show KeywordTemporary = "TEMPORARY"
    show KeywordThen = "THEN"
    show KeywordTo = "TO"
    show KeywordTransaction = "TRANSACTION"
    show KeywordTrigger = "TRIGGER"
    show KeywordUnion = "UNION"
    show KeywordUnique = "UNIQUE"
    show KeywordUpdate = "UPDATE"
    show KeywordUsing = "USING"
    show KeywordVacuum = "VACUUM"
    show KeywordValues = "VALUES"
    show KeywordView = "VIEW"
    show KeywordVirtual = "VIRTUAL"
    show KeywordWhen = "WHEN"
    show KeywordWhere = "WHERE"
    showList [] string = "" ++ string
    showList (onlyToken:[]) string
        = show onlyToken ++ string
    showList (firstToken:rest@(PunctuationComma:_)) string
        = show firstToken ++ show rest
    showList (firstToken:rest@(PunctuationSemicolon:_)) string
        = show firstToken ++ show rest
    showList (firstToken:rest@(PunctuationDot:_)) string
        = show firstToken ++ show rest
    showList (firstToken:rest@(PunctuationRightParenthesis:_)) string
        = show firstToken ++ show rest
    showList (PunctuationSemicolon:rest@(_:_)) string
        = show PunctuationSemicolon ++ "\n" ++ show rest
    showList (PunctuationDot:rest@(_:_)) string
        = show PunctuationDot ++ show rest
    showList (PunctuationLeftParenthesis:rest@(_:_)) string
        = show PunctuationLeftParenthesis ++ show rest
    showList (firstToken:rest) string
        = show firstToken ++ " " ++ show rest ++ string

keywordList :: [String]
    = ["ABORT", "ACTION", "ADD", "AFTER", "ALL", "ALTER", "ANALYZE", "AND", "AS",
       "KEY", "LEFT", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "MATCH", "NATURAL", "NO", "NOT", "NOTNULL",
       "NULL", "OF", "OFFSET", "ON", "OR", "ORDER", "OUTER", "PLAN", "PRAGMA",
       "VIRTUAL", "WHEN", "WHERE"]